Single Soldier Alliance

Chapter 108 Seduction

To the left of this big man is walking a slightly lean Lan Feng with a wolf's skin on his shoulder. There is a spiritual light in his eagle-like eyes, staring around warily...

To the right of the big man is a slightly fat man in a gray shirt, also carrying the skin of a wolf on his shoulder. The three are coming towards Lanfeng...

This scene fell into Lanfeng's eyes, but it made Lanfeng's face particularly ugly. Without the slightest hesitation, the dagger in his hand continuously waved and took away the valuable things from the silver moon wolf. With the fur of the silver moon wolf, Lanfeng ran directly to the uphill...

At the moment Lanfeng's body climbed to the hill, the slightly thin Lanfeng's eyes flashed with a flash of greed. His fingers suddenly pointed out to the uphill, and the hoarse voice came from his mouth: " boss, look, silver moon wolf!"

Hearing this, the scar man looked solemn, and Lan Feng, who climbed to the hillside with the wolf's skin, clearly appeared in the eyes of the scar man: "Stupid, that's a man! The silver moon wolf was killed by him! Chasing me!"

As the scar's words fell, his body suddenly ran away in front of him, like a fast-running cheetah. The other two were not weak at all, followed closely, but the greed in his eyes was clearly visible...

"Worry!" The voice of the big man fell into Lanfeng's ears, making Lanfeng's face change slightly, and his heart was not good. Without any hesitation, Lanfeng's body was like a wild wolf fleeing for life, galloping towards the distance at a very fast speed...

For these three big men, Lanfeng is quite afraid. Since the beginning of his practice, Lanfeng has never really dealt with the scholars, and he does not know much about the methods of the scholars, and one is three, which makes Lan Feng not sure of winning...

"It's quite fast!" The scar man's body flashed up the hillside, looked at Lan Feng running ahead, and looked at the blood flowing on the ground. The scar man's face showed a sneer: "It's a pity that I can't escape the old man's palm! Keep up with you two useless things!"

When the words fell, the scar man's feet suddenly kicked on the ground, and his body chased Lan Feng directly like a python that rushed forward. The two big men behind him followed him: "Damn it, it's very fast. Wait to catch up and see if I don't break his leg..."

In the blink of an eye, Lan Feng got closer and closer to the jungle, and his body was like a flexible gray beaver. At the same time, Lan Feng's head rumbling: "It's not a way to go on like this... My speed is not as fast as them. Sooner or later I will be caught up by them!"

"If it goes on like this, once I am caught up, I will face three enemies, so that there will be no chance of winning... I must find a way to separate them..." Lan Feng is thoughtful...

At this moment, a young civet cat suddenly galloped past Lanfeng's side. Lanfeng's mind flashed, and he grabbed the young civet cat with a palm. The young civet cat had no lethality for Lan Feng. Lan Feng's hand did not stop, and he carried it on his shoulder. The silver moon wolf animal skin was put on the body of the civet cat and gently patted the palm of the hand on the civet cat. The civet cat became galloping along the skin in a different direction from Lanfeng, and the skin rubbed a blood stain on the ground...

After doing all this, Lan Feng's eyes showed a cold light and galloped towards the jungle again...

not far away, the three followed closely. After a moment, they came to the place where Lan Feng stopped for a while and looked at the two blood stains in different directions. There was a sneer in the eyes of the scarred man. What Lan Feng had done before, he looked into his eyes: "The boy tied the animal skin to a civet cat and let the civet cat go this way. Escape! And the wild boy fled that way!"

"The silver moon wolf's animal skin is so valuable that you can't give up like this! Monkey, you go and chase the civet cat to take back the animal skin. After taking it back, chase us again. I will leave a mark on the road... Lao Hei and I will go after the wild boy!" After a moment of silence, the scar man ordered!

"Good!" Without any hesitation, the monkey agreed and went straight to the direction of the civet cat's escape...

The scar man and Lao Hei chased Lanfeng again...

In the distance, Lan Feng turned around and looked at this scene. There was a sneer on his face and galloped towards the jungle again without any hesitation. This was a difficult guerrilla battle...

Lanfeng's speed was as fast as lightning. He looked around warily while walking in the jungle. He was looking for a small beast, a small beast like a civet cat. A moment later, a moon rabbit appeared quietly by the grass...

Alan Feng's eyes flashed with a cold light, and his body suddenly changed direction. He instantly appeared beside Yue Meng Rabbit and raised his ears with his right hand. Lan Feng looked as usual, but the movements of his hands were extremely sharp. He wanted to separate the remaining scar man from the old black in the same way...

The hands moved quickly, and the precious claws and beast elixir of the silver moon wolf were decisively taken out of Lan Feng's arms and tied to Yue Meng Rabbit. When the body of the big man loomed, Lan Feng's right hand loosened, and Yue Meng Rabbit was scared before and walked to the other direction of the jungle at a super fast speed...

Looking back at the pain on the scar man's face, Lanfeng's face was even stronger with a stronger sneer. He knew that his plan had succeeded and went straight to his stone cave without any hesitation. The mysterious pool appeared in Lanfeng's mind...

After a while, the scar man and Lao Hei stayed in front of Lan Feng. There was a strong anger on his ferocious face, and the deep and murderous voice came from the mouth of the scar man: "Lao Hei, that boy is playing us! He put all the valuable things on the silver moon wolf on a rabbit to separate us..."

"The things on the silver moon wolf are valuable. We can't give up so easily. Go after the rabbit, catch up with it as soon as possible and come back... Leave it to me! If you dare to fool me, I will dismember him!" The scar man gritted his teeth!

The old black nodded and went straight to the direction of the rabbit's escape...

The scar man looked ferocious and went straight in the direction of Lanfeng...

He galloped all the way and was familiar with the road. Soon, Lan Feng walked out of the jungle and appeared under the cliff where he lived. He was not in a hurry to enter the cave, but threw the remaining things of the silver moon wolf directly into the cave. He slowly climbed up and deliberately left one on the stone wall. Blood stains...

Climb into the cave, Lan Feng did not hesitate. The wooden sticks piled up in the cave were sharpened by him with a dagger at a very fast speed and tied them together with animal skin as a thread and made a small trap...

After all this, Lan Feng looked around the cave, jumped out of the cave with a sneer at the corners of his mouth, found a pool of grass to hide, and quietly waited for the arrival of the scarred man. Here, Lan Feng outlined a counterattack...

In a short time, the scar man rushed out of the jungle and appeared under the cliff. He looked down at the blood stains on the ground and looked along the blood stains. He found a relatively hidden cave on the cliff. A faint smile appeared on his face: "What a stupid man... He even valued his own blood. I don't know the trace, and I still hide in the cave... If it hadn't been for the blood stain, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to find the cave..."

"Bad boy, get out of here! I know you are hiding in the cave!" The scar man sneered at the corners of his mouth and shouted...

However, no one answered, and his echoes sounded around...

"Since you don't come out... then your grandfather will come up to play with you... Hey hey... Grandpa is going to dismember your grandson!" The scar man threw the skin on his shoulder on the ground, pulled out the wide knife around his waist, and suddenly kicked the ground on the soles of his feet and went straight to the cliff...

The soles of his feet kept pedaling on the stone wall, and the scar man's body rose from the air. In a blink of an eye, he appeared on the side of the cave and went straight into the cave without any hesitation...

However, at the moment when the scar man put his palm in the cave, he touched the mechanism under Lanfeng. Without the awareness of the man, dozens of sharp wooden sticks that were cut by ropes in the cave quietly flew out and went straight to the scar man...

Not long, the scar man climbed into the cave. The darkness in the cave made his eyes a little uncomfortable. The sound of shouting came from the scar man's mouth: "Kid, your grandfather is coming, why don't you come out to greet him?"

However, the answer to the scar man is "Woth!" The sound, dozens of wooden sticks went directly to the scar man who had just stood on his body with terrible force, as fast as lightning...

Because the hole is dark, the scar man's eyes adapt to the bright light outside. When he comes to the cave, he has to adapt to the dark environment in the cave. The eyes have about 1-3 seconds to adapt to the time, and the eyes will not be seen during this adaptation time, and Lan Feng calculates this time, which can't be seen in the scar man. In this case, dozens of sharp sticks have become a deadly crisis...

In an instant, dozens of wooden sticks were less than two meters away from the scar man. The scar man could not see anything, but the sound from his ear told him that something was approaching...

Without any hesitation, the wide knife in the scar man's hand suddenly waved out, and the huge force directly cut off the three wooden sticks in front of him, but the wooden sticks set by Lanfeng were more than three?

The rest of the wooden sticks hit again, and the scar man's look remained unchanged. The wide knife in his hand waved out again, and the three wooden sticks were cut off again, but the remaining wooden sticks rushed from the left and right sides of the scar faster. At this time, the scar man's eyes could already see...

At this moment, it is impossible to dodge in this narrow cave. The scar man looked solemn, and five wooden sticks were cut off in an instant when the wide knife in his hand was waved continuously, but this is already the limit of the speed of the scar man. At this moment, it is too late to wave the knife to dodge. It has stepped back a few steps. At this moment, it is the narrowest place in the cave. Even it is impossible to swing a knife, because it is too narrow...

The remaining two wooden sticks came, one left and one right and shot at the left and right shoulders of the scar man. If the two shoulders are hit, the scar man will completely lose their combat effectiveness...

"That's tough enough!" Forced into this Jedi, the scar man looked up to the sky and roared without any hesitation. Under his teeth, the scar man's left hand became a fist and wrapped in the energy in his body suddenly turned around, and his left arm suddenly shook a sweep and hit the wooden stick...

"Touch!" The huge sound of collision sounded in the cave. Under the powerful left arm of the big man, two wooden sticks were shaken into two ends, but the scar big man's left arm was also left with blood, constantly trembling...

He gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. The anger in the man's eyes had reached the limit. His eyes swept through the cave in turn, but he did not find Lan Feng's figure, which slightly changed the man's look and became more and more ferocious...

Without too much stay, the scar man jumped directly from the cave and appeared in Lanfeng's sight...

Lanfeng, who was hiding in the grass of the pool, looked at the scar man whose whole left arm was constantly flowing with blood, and there was a trace of regret on his face: "Only one of his left arm was injured..."

Standing under the cliff, the scar man looked ferocious without any hesitation. The pressure in his body spread crazily and spread around, feeling the changes around him. The scar man's angry shouts spread all over the world: "Little kid, you'd better get out! If you let me find you, I will definitely make your life worse than death!"

Seeing that there was no movement around, the scar man looked as usual. Under Lan Feng's puzzled eyes, he quietly closed his eyes. An extremely subtle source of meaning spread out of the scar man's body. A moment later, the scar man opened his eyes, the cold light flashed in his eyes, and the ferocious color floated on his face. Now: "Kid, don't hide..."

The scar man said while thinking about the hidden direction of Lanfeng...

"Has it been found?" Lan Feng looked solemn and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Looking at the scar man who walked in step by step, Lan Feng's heartbeat became faster and faster. This was the first time he felt the danger of life so clearly, because in front of Lanfeng in white, Lanfeng didn't even have time to feel the life of death...

"Calm down! Calm down! You must calm down!" Looking at the scar man with a ferocious smile on his face, Lan Feng kept warning herself to calm down...

The more it comes to this time of survival, the more the potential of human life can be stimulated. Lan Feng forcibly calmed down and analyzed the gap between him and the scar man...

A moment later, a flash of inspiration flashed in Lanfeng's mind, and a road of life emerged: "This big man is extremely strong, and I am just a weak ant in his eyes. He will definitely despise me and in addition to my previous battle with the silver moon wolf, he will definitely think that I have been hit hard, so that I will be more The contempt made him angry and made him lose some reason. He will only despise me more and more... And I can use his contempt to fight back... This pool is always full of danger in my eyes. If there is a chance, I will definitely give him a try..."

With this plan, seeing the approaching man, Lan Feng sorted out his mood, looked at himself covered with blood, and slowly climbed out of the grass. The miserable appearance was better than that on the street. A hoarse voice came from Lan Feng's mouth: " Please...please...don't kill me..."

"Sure enough, I was seriously injured... Tut, the blood along the way is not in vain... So weak... I can't bear to see the uncle..." Seeing the Lan Feng crawling out, the scarred man's heart is very happy...

Sitting casually on a rock, looking at Lanfeng who climbed out of the grass with difficulty, the scar smiled and said, "Tut... Is it so funny? I can't bear to do it... Come on, tell me your name?"

"The boy called Ergouzi... stole other people's biography... heirloom... Bao was hunted down here..." Lanfeng's hoarse and powerless voice came out again...

"What to pass on?" The scars shine in their eyes...

"It is said that... heirloom... According to... It is worth hundreds of thousands of stone coins... so... I went to steal..." Lan Feng spoke more powerless and stammered!

"Hundreds of stone coins? What is that? Where is it?" Scared man's eyes shine...

"Well... I don't know what it is... I... I only know... its name seems to be Zhen... Soul Tower"

"What are you talking about? Soul Tower? Scared man's eyes shine...

Seeing the appearance of the big man, Lanfeng's heart was full of joy. The people here actually knew the Soul Repression Tower, which was a good thing for him, so that he could find the Soul Repression Tower...

"Where is it?" The big man looked a little excited...

" long as... the old man agrees... promises not to kill me... I'll tell you... where I hide it?" Lan Feng's voice is more weak and faintly reveals a sense of weakness...

Scar looked down at his left arm, looked at Lanfeng, who seemed to have almost nothing to kill on the ground, and his mind moved: "The revenge of his left arm has to be revenge... Well, promise him first, and it's not too late to kill him after getting the Soul Tower..."

"Good! I promise you! Tell me where you hid him?" The scar man said cheerfully!

"Thank you... thank you very much... I... I hid it in a mysterious place... drew a map..." Lan Feng's voice was even weaker...

"Where is the map?" The scar man seemed to see that Lan Feng was unsupported and stood up and walked to him...

" my... arms..." Lan Feng said with difficulty, and his voice was even weaker. Finally, he closed his eyes and there was no more sound...

"Hello? Where is the map? In your arms?" The scar man walked to Lanfeng and bent down and shook Lanfeng's clothes...

However, Lanfeng still has no sound...

"Dead?" Scar muttered, "Well... I wanted to kill you and dismember you after getting the Soul Tower... Now I'm dead... I don't embarrass you... People are kind before they die... This time I believe it!"

Scar put down the wide knife in his hand, completely relaxed his vigilance, and began to search for Lan Feng's clothes with both hands...

Lanfeng sneered from the bottom of her heart. When the scar was searching for her clothes, Lanfeng moved, as fast as lightning...

The long-hidden dagger in his blood-filled hand suddenly pierced his neck without any precautions...

"Uh..." The scar man's body suddenly paused, and his hands covered his neck tightly...

Lanfeng did not hesitate. He jumped up, picked up the wide knife beside him, and cut it fiercely on the big man's body. The red blood slowly dripped down the long knife...

After searching for the body of the scar, Lan Feng found a stone ring and storage bag, and then the soles of his feet suddenly kicked on the body of the scar, and the terrible force kicked it directly into the pool...

At the moment when the body of the scar man fell into the pool, countless small red lines rushed out of the pool and surrounded the scar body under Lan Feng's shocked eyes. After a while, there was no residue left on the body of the scar, and the pool returned to tranquility again...

This scene fell into Lanfeng's eyes, which made her hair stand on end...

Opening the storage bag, various small bottles appeared in the storage bag. One bottle was written with antidote and the other bottle was written with poison. After carefully looking at these two different drugs, Lan Feng silently remembered it in the bottom of his heart. At this time, the sound of painting came from the jungle...

Looking up and looking into the depths of the jungle, there was an extremely subtle energy fluctuation. Lan Feng muttered as usual, "Is there another one?"

cleaned up the surroundings and looked at the mark left by the scar man in the distance. Lan Feng's mind moved, leaving the same mark next to the pool, and then rubbed the mark with stone. Then Lan Feng lay on the ground stained with blood that had been cut to death before the big man and looked at the solution in his hand. The bottle of medicine and poison, Lan Feng left the bottle of poison aside, showing the pitiful and powerless look, and there was a trace of foam in his mouth, quietly waiting for the arrival of the prey...

Not long, under the gaze of Lan Feng's eyes, the old goat in gray clothes carrying wolf skin on his shoulders also carried a rather sad white goat on his shoulders. The dark old black skin came out of the jungle...

His expression showed a trace of fatigue, his clothes were slightly messy, and even the belt around his waist was a little loose. His face was a little pale, but there was a trace of excitement in his eyes. Light, as if it had been done before, this look had to make people fantasize...

In addition to the scattered hair of the little goat on his shoulder and the slightly bloated limb, this scene fell into Lanfeng's eyes, which was really a little uncomfortable: "Is this guy addicted to it? What did he do to the little white sheep?"

This evil idea lingered in Lan Feng's mind, which made his eyes look at the old black a little change...

Lao Hei finally walked out of the jungle and came to the place next to the pool. He looked at Lanfeng, who was unable to moan on the ground and was covered with blood. Lao Hei casually threw the things on his shoulders and the little white sheep on the ground, and gasped: "I'm exhausted..."

After a little practice, Lao Hei turned his eyes to Lan Feng, who still had a trace of breath and closed his eyes slightly: "Hey, boy, where's our boss?"

Lanfeng opened his eyes with difficulty, and a hoarse and weak voice came from his mouth: "He... he went down the mountain..."

"downhill? Humph!" The old black hummed softly and pulled out the long sword at his waist and inserted it fiercely on the ground beside Lanfeng's mind: "I want to hear the truth... No... Don't blame me for being rude!"

"He...he really went down the mountain... Tell you to go to Fengbo Pavilion to find him!" Lanfeng stammered! This storm pavilion was fabricated by him...

"Kid, are you playing the old black? Humph! If you don't tell the truth, be careful that I will never be able to speak! Don't you want your tongue?" The old black voice is heavy but does not hide the murderous intention in the words...

"I... said the really the truth..." Lan Feng continued to stammow...

Lao Hei was silent and hesitated in his heart. At this time, his eyes fell on the poison bottle beside him: "Did the boss poison this guy? But what does this mean?"

Lan Feng saw Lao Hei's eyes falling on the poison bottle in the distance and sneered at the bottom of her heart...

"Have you been poisoned by the boss?" The old black is calm!

"Um..." Lan Feng nodded repeatedly, with white foam in his mouth, and a trace of dawn and unconcealed excitement appeared on his face: "Brother Black, do you have an antidote?"

Seeing the excitement on Lanfeng's face, Lao Hei was unmoved and asked quietly, "Why did he poison you?"

" reason..." Lan Feng's eyes dodged a little, and her voice was a little submissive!

Lao Hei's eyes flashed: "Is there a trick?"

"say! Why did he poison you? And it's still seven steps?" The murderous intention in the old black eyes!

"This...really...really...really...why...maybe he wants to toss me to death?" Lanfeng looks depressed.

"I have an antidote?" Lao Hei smiled, and it was really tricky!

"The antidote? Brother, is there an antidote? Do you really have an antidote? Lan Feng is even more excited...

"There is! But... you have to tell the truth if you want! If you answer well, I will give you the antidote!" The old black look changed slightly...

"Why did he poison you? Where the hell did he go?"

"Brother, did you really give me the antidote? Can you show me the antidote first? Lanfeng stared at the old black...

Lao Hei nodded and took out a small black bottle from his arms: "This is the antidote! Answer my question just now!"

"He... The reason why he poisoned me and didn't kill me is to let me cheat you away... Then..." Lan Feng's words showed sincerity and looked more miserable...

"Then what?" The old black eyes flashed...

"Then he went alone... went... to search for treasure..." Lan Feng stuttered!

"Treasure hunt? Looking for treasure?" Old Black's eyes became sharp...

"This... I'm not very...very clear about this... It seems that he said that there was a soul tower where he hid here a long time ago..." Lan Feng's words became blurred...

"Soul Tower?" Lao Hei stood up and his eyes flashed. "Where is it? Where did he go?"

Lanfeng sneered from the bottom of her heart, but the expression on her face was more sincere: "He had left a mark before, but he also said that there was only one soul tower, so you can't let you know... That's why I left me to lead you away and rub off the mark..."

"Hmm! Good thing, who doesn't want to be monopolized alone!" Lao Hei snorted coldly, "Where is he going?"

Lanfeng turned his head and stared at the pool next to him...

"In this?" Lao Hei followed Lanfeng's eyes!

"Hmm!" Lan Feng nodded and then stared at the antidote in Lao Hei's hand: "Brother, should I give me the antidote?"

"Are you sure it's here? Didn't you lie to me?" Lao Hei ignored Lanfeng's words and looked at the pool!

"Hmm!" Lanfeng nodded vibly!

Lao Hei looked around by the pool. When he saw the rubbed mark beside him, his eyes were firm. He turned to look at Lan Feng's eyes, and his murderousness flashed slightly: "Okay! You dare not lie to me! I believe in you! Here you are! This is your antidote!"

With that, Lao Hei threw the black bottle in front of Lan Feng and jumped into the pool!

"Ah!" The sad scream echoed around, and the old black who jumped into the pool was surrounded by a thin red line, and finally dissipated strangely, and the pool once again regained tranquility...

Lanfeng slowly stood up and picked up the black bottle on the ground. Lanfeng's face showed a sneer. If he expected it well, it should be a poison!

Opening the bottle and looking at the white balls inside, Lanfeng's sneer on his face was even stronger, which was completely different from the antidote he saw: "It's really poison!"

After carefully cleaning up the surroundings and setting several traps, Lan Feng quietly waited for the arrival of the next prey...

Time passed slowly, and the night came unconsciously. However, Lan Feng's prey, which had been waiting for a long time, never came. Lan Feng's eyes flashed and vaguely guessed: "It seems that that guy went down the mountain with the skin of the silver moon wolf beast!"

He, who has been independent since he was a child, has a more thorough understanding of the relationship and feelings between people...

Without any hesitation, Lan Feng climbed into his cave and raised a fire...

Sitting in front of the fire and recalling the scene that happened today, Lan Feng's desire for strength became more and more firm. He wanted to become stronger, wanted to control his fate, wanted to revenge, and wanted to figure out his dream...

He lowered his head and looked at the silver bracelet in his hand. Lanfeng's eyes hesitated. After a moment, his hesitation turned into firmness. Tonight he is going to verify a guess about the chain...

The night is deeper!

Lanfeng sat cross-legged on the stone bed and hid all the consciousness of his whole body. After a moment, Lanfeng only felt dizzy and the light flashed in front of his eyes...

When he opened his eyes, Lanfeng appeared in the gray space, on the cyan stone slab...

"Sure enough!" Lanfeng is secretly happy!

He knew the precious time of coming here without any hesitation. He came to the stone gate and looked at the murals on it again. The murals were still constantly changing, but in Lan Feng's eyes, only the first painting was changing, still doing the strange action and swinging the powerful punch!

"Do you have to learn this trick before the murals change?" Lan Feng was hesitant in her eyes!

Thinking of the past scene, Lan Feng firmed her guess and sat on the blue stone slab and began to practice. Lan Feng believed that the speed of practicing here may be greatly improved...

Time passed little by little, but Lanfeng didn't realize it. He found that there was a continuous stream of energy flowing into his body when practicing here...

When Lanfeng opened his eyes, the pale green beads in the round hole on the stone door were about to dissipate. When they completely dissipated, Lanfeng's body disappeared in this gray space!

Lanfeng returned to the stone bed without rest. He continued to meditate and refine the energy in his body. He planned to learn the powerful punch on the mural as soon as possible, and then left here...

Time passed quickly in Lanfeng's day-and-night practice. In a blink of an eye, ten days passed quietly, but Lanfeng, who was sitting on the stone bed, still did not open his eyes. In these ten days of practice, Lan Feng did not even feel hunger and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the energy of refining his body...

The night came again, and there was a bright moonlight in the cave. Lan Feng once again put on the posture of half lying on his chin and allowing the energy in his body to flow...

At one moment, a strange feeling flashed at the bottom of Lanfeng's heart. He suddenly opened his eyes, and his body climbed up in the air under the energy flow in his whole body. His right fist was clenched, and a gray stone appeared in his palm, and his right fist hit the stone wall fiercely with horror...

"Boom!" A loud voice sounded in the cave...

Lanfeng slowly opened his eyes. When he looked at the place where his fist was, his expression changed, but he saw a one-meter deep fist seal emerge in the hard stone wall, but Lan Feng did not notice it, but there was a deep gully emerging behind the one-meter punch print...

"Did you finally succeed?" Lanfeng muttered!

In the morning, when a ray of sunshine sprinkled on the cave, Lan Feng opened his eyes. The night's practice did not make him feel tired at all. Instead, he was full of spirit. The night's continuous practice and perception made him familiar with that move...

Eyes swept through the cave, Lan Feng pondered slightly and continued to meditate...

When it gradually darkened that day, Lan Feng wore a coat made of black animal skin and left here to start his other adventure. This jungle life changed Lan Feng's temperament, as if there was a sense of domineering and self-confidence...

Leaving the jungle and walking out of the mountain, Lanfeng looked at the map taken out of the scar stone ring. A slightly white mountain appeared in his eyes. After the mountain, it was Lanfenggang...

Without hesitation, Lanfeng looked up at the distance and walked forward with resolute steps...

The mountain is a green mountain, but there are white bones on the mountain, which makes this place particularly desolate...

Although it is extremely desolate, there are many people coming and going!

At the foot of the mountain, a simple building is faintly visible. Around this small building, countless people come and go. On the side of the small building, the bloody word 'tea' supported by a bamboo pole once again shows the difference here!

I don't know how long it took, the crisp and beautiful sound of the piano came out of the teahouse...

"A bitter wine, the personnel is long..."

"In a foreign country, no one can solve their worries..."

"Everything is wrong, full of sadness..."

The leisurely sound of the piano, floating in the teahouse, gently listening, makes people sad, surrounding the top of the mountain, and people are extremely sad...

In the teahouse, people come and go very lively. The whole building is divided into three floors. The first floor has been surrounded by people, but the second floor is sparse. As for the third floor, it is also full of countless people. Only the second floor is so unique...

There is a huge barrier hanging in the middle of the second floor. Through the screen, people can faintly see a vague and sad figure, but the sound of the piano comes from the screen...

In the northeast of the second floor, there is a group of people dressed in gray armor with bright weapons drinking and clapping loudly. Around these people, there are empty seats and people dare not dare to approach. These people can't easily offend the landlord. They are people of the light swords...

The Liuguang Sword School is the largest faction within thousands of miles, and its strength is extraordinary! They majored in the blade, and there were a large number of soldiers in the faction!

Originally, the first faction is an open-minded bully hall. There are not many members of the bully hall, but every person in the bully hall is undoubtedly not extremely powerful. They major in barbarians, that is, physique, and they are all barbarians! Even if they are quite famous within thousands of miles, they have won the respect of countless people because of the open-mindedness and enlightenment of the hegemony hall!

With the passage of time, the Liuguang Sword faction did not know who secretly helped that its strength greatly increased. In the end, the hegemony was overthrown by the second-ranked Liuguang Sword faction. The two faction broke out a ten-long war. The bones were all over the wild and the blood flowed into a river. Finally, the overlord hall was destroyed. From then on, the Liuguang Sword School became a thousand miles away. At that time, Lan Feng was separated from the little madman in that war!

The streamer sword faction has always acted domineeringly, and their leader is extremely tyrannical. They often catch the beautiful women among the ordinary residents around them to worship and become a furnace tripod for cultivation, secretly causing the dissatisfaction of countless small sects. However, due to the strength of the streamer sword faction, no one dares to provoke and no one dares to stop it. Since then, the Liuguang Sword School has Tyranny became famous in the world!!!!

The crisp and gentle sound of the piano echoed leisurely in the small building and passed to the ears of the doormen of the Liuguang Sword School, which stunned several people who had been drinking and clapped their palms. Then, the leading old man, who was about 50 years old with slightly gray hair, let out a soft hum: "Huh?"

Then, the old man stroked the teacup, and a lazy and arrogant voice came from the old man's mouth: "Xiao Er, who is playing the piano?"

Hearing the old man's question, Xiao Er, wearing a gray gown and a white thick cloth towel on his shoulder, quickly replied, "Go back... My lord... It's the little girl who sells art in this store..."

"Oh? You play well and sing well! Call out to show me... Just play a few more songs for the uncle..." The old man didn't raise his head, holding the teacup in one hand, stroking the tea lid in the other, and opening his mouth leisurely...