Single Soldier Alliance

Chapter 110

"Kill him!" Yu Mu shouted angrily in the teahouse, but saw the other three men of the Liuguang Sword School, together with Yu Mu, waved their long swords and chopped at Lanfeng...

The speed of the four people is as fast as lightning, and the sharp sword shines with cold light in mid-air, just like four sickles of death are about to harvest a life. The four swords wrap the retreat of Lan Feng and Xia Yan from four different directions, so that there is no place to avoid...< /P>

There is no way to avoid it, there is no need to avoid it!

Lan Feng looked as usual, but he did not panic at all. He turned his head and looked at Xia Yan's white and beautiful face. He smiled faintly!!

At the moment when the four long swords were cut, Xia Yan held Xia Yan's soft and sexy water snake waist in one hand, and turned her body slightly to protect Xia Yan behind her. At the moment when Lanfeng finished this action, four long swords suddenly cut Lan Feng's head, and the sense of life and death crisis suddenly appeared in Xia Yan's heart. ......

She was under Lanfeng's protection, and the sense of crisis came so strongly. What's more, Lanfeng stood in front of him. Unconsciously, she looked at the bronze face with her touching eyes, but saw that there was no panic on the face, but a shallow smile...< /P>

"Boom!" The huge sound suddenly exploded in the teahouse, but I saw the four sharp swords with a destructive power and fiercely cut Lan Feng's arm stretched out in front of him, and there was the sound of metal handover...

This scene shocked everyone, resisting the attack of the four people without being injured with one arm, which is extremely admirable...

"Get out!" Lanfeng's face was slightly dark, but an angry shout broke out of his mouth...

As the shout fell, he saw Lanfeng's arm that blocked the attack of the four people suddenly expanded at this moment, and the majestic anti-shock force poured out of his arm, directly breaking the three long swords. Only the remaining wooden sword still existed, but it was still shaken away...

"Sneer!" The sword was broken, and the red blood suddenly sprayed away from the gates of the three Liuguang Sword School. The soldiers were connected to the soldiers. If the soldiers were injured, the soldiers would also be injured...

"Ding Ding!" The sound of broken weapons falling to the ground sounded crisply in the teahouse...

"Barbarian?" After all, Yumu is knowledgeable and can resist the attackers of soldiers' blades with one arm. Under the world, only barbarians known for brute force can do it...

Barbarian, the barbarian is also a scholar. He takes the body as his cultivation and enters the spirit into the body. He is good at close combat. His physique is extremely strong, and his moves and skills are extremely domineering. He is the most domineering cultivation between heaven and earth...

"Barbarian?" Xia Yan looked at Lan Feng doubtfully. Although he was tall and strong enough, he was too different from the real barbarian. No matter how he looked at it, he could not be associated with the barbarian giant...

"Barbarian?" Lan Feng was slightly stunned and then shook his head, but there was a trace of bitter smile hidden on his face. Is the method of his practice decisive? How could the old man associate himself with the barbarian?

However, Yu Mu is also a little confused at this time. It's not that he has never seen or killed the barbarians. In the battle with the Overlord Hall, he killed hundreds of barbarians, but the means used by Lan Feng in front of him are somewhat different from those used by the barbarians, which is difficult to see...

However, at present, Yumu has not thought too much. Everything before has made him lose face. Now what he has to do is to kill the little ghost in front of him as soon as possible and find the scene: "Do you dare to be presumptuous in front of me? Looking for death! The solution of soldiers - the first solution! The dragon's funeral!"

As Yu Mu's words fell, the magnificent energy suddenly erupted from his body, and a crisp dragon roar suddenly came from the sword clenched in his hand. The magnificent energy formed an energy whirlwind that wrapped his old body, and the violent breath raged wildly in the teahouse. ......

Lanfeng's original light expression suddenly became solemn at this moment. If he hadn't learned that punch, he wouldn't have been so arrogant. He knew how difficult the battle he faced next was. This was the first time he had seen a soldier in this world...

Soldiers, the king of all soldiers, take soldiers as cultivation, and take meaning as Qi. The extreme cultivation of soldiers is the solution of soldiers. People usually refer to it as the solution of soldiers!

The liberation of soldiers is the glory of soldiers and a symbol of strength! Only after practicing weapons to the extreme can you understand the solution.

Each kind of solution can improve the combat effectiveness of soldiers and change their shape. There are ancient clouds, and the��jie zhe will be invincible...

"Oh!" The arrogant dragon chant echoed in the teahouse for a long time, and the energy storm that originally wrapped the remnant wood slowly dissipated with this dragon chant, revealing the figure of the remnant wood...

At this time, Yu Mu had already lost the old dragon bell before, but exuded a strong atmosphere. His originally thin body had become extremely strong at this moment. His whole body was wrapped in blue armor. On the long blue sword, a cold light suddenly appeared, and a green dragon pattern suddenly appeared on the sword body, faintly. Now, it shows the extraordinary of the sword at this moment, and what makes Yumu more eye-catching is not that his armor is not his sword, but a cyan energy circle has formed around his body, which people call it the first cover...

The first cover has a strong defensive power. Only some special first solutions can be formed. It is deeply loved by soldiers. If you want to hurt soldiers, you must first break its first...

"Little boy, I'm asking you three tricks!" The flashing blue eyes stared at Lan Feng tightly, and the faint voice came from Yu Mu's mouth...

Lanfeng frowned slightly, tightened his fist, turned around and looked at the beautiful face, slowly opened his mouth, and a firm voice came from his mouth: "Sit here and wait for me!"

After saying that, Lanfeng did not look back and walked straight to Yumu, but his heart beat. It was the first time he felt that he was strong and dared to face a woman with such an attitude...

His speed was as fast as a ghost, leaving a remnant of Taoist in the already empty teahouse. In an instant, he appeared in front of the remaining wood without any hesitation. He clenched his fist and poured into his whole body. There was no fancy, and he bombarded the wood as far as he was...

Seeing this, Yu Mu dodged and shook his head. In his eyes, Lanfeng's attack did have a trace of power, but it could not shake his initial mask at all...

"Boom!" The huge fist was firmly imprinted on the initial mask outside the wood's body with horrible force, bursting out horrible energy, but then, Lanfeng's face suddenly changed dramatically, and a crisp dragon roar suddenly exploded in his ear, and the magnificent energy suddenly rebounded from the initial mask and came to him. It's too late to shoot on his chest with any action...

The terrible force suddenly broke out. Under the huge force, Lanfeng's body was directly shaken out, smashed several tables and chairs along the way, and retreated dozens of meters. Lan Feng stabilized her body, and a drop of bright red blood dripped out from the corners of her mouth...

"Kakaka!" Behind Lan Feng, a table and chair that had stood quietly suddenly turned into powder...

"What an amazing defense!" Lanfeng's heart sank slightly, and the previous blow had exhausted his strength, but the result did not hurt the rest...

"What should I do?" Lan Feng stood still and did not continue to take action, but fell into a short-term thinking. In his opinion, the strength of Yumu was beyond his prediction, several times stronger than the scar man...

"What? Boy? Are you afraid? You still have two more tricks!" Yu Mu's faint laughter echoed in the teahouse...

Lanfeng did not answer, did not make any action, and still stood still and fell into thinking...

With Yu Mu's words, everyone's eyes stopped on Lan Feng for a moment, thinking about how this man could be so arrogant...

Take a deep breath and suppress the uneasiness in her heart. Lanfeng's face once again showed her previous faint smile, but she made up her mind, and the sound of mutter came from her mouth: "The strength of this ling is really strong. If I want to get out, I just need to enter the gray space, but in this way, Xia Yan Waiting for others to leave them makes them in a desperate situation. This practice is really impossible... It seems that we can only use it!"

With Lanfeng's murmur falling, without anyone's awareness, the energy in Lanfeng's body ran crazily and gathered on his right fist, but I don't know when an inconspicuous gray stone appeared in Lanfeng's hand and was clenched by Lanfeng's hand...

"It's on!" Finally, Lan Feng roared and clenched the gray stone with his right fist and smashed the remaining wood wrapped in the first cover...

"Kid, do you only know this trick?" Looking at Lanfeng who rushed again, Yu Mu's face showed a sarcastic smile, and other people's eyes also showed disappointment and puzzlement...

Irrelying Yu Mu's words and everyone's disappointed eyes, Lan Feng's body appeared in front of Yu Mu in an instant, and his right fist with horrible strength was imprinted on the first cover without any fancy...

The horrible energy broke out like a flood, but it could not invade the initial mask at all, making Yu Mu's face show a strong sarcastic smile: "Kid, can you... change... sneer..."

However, before Yu Mu's words were finished, it was suddenly sprayed with red blood, and bright red blood sprayed on the first cover, shining strange light...

Lanfeng stood straight, but a strong pale color appeared on his broad face, and the gray stone in his hand was also included in his body. He stood there and looked at the first cover intact, but his mouth was sprayed with red blood, light and full. Domineering words came from his mouth: "That's the strength of deacon Yu Mu!"

Lan Feng is particularly satisfied with his blow!

Such a strange scene fell into the eyes of everyone, which made everyone unbelievable, but the fact was in front of everyone, which had to be convincing but difficult to convince!

In people's common sense, if you want to hurt soldiers, you must first break the mask outside their body. Only after breaking their mask can you hurt the soldiers. The previous scene subverted everyone's cognition. The first mask of Yumu is really intact!

In a dark corner of the teahouse, two figures were shrouded in black. At this time, they also witnessed the previous scene. The two looked at each other and their eyes were shocked. One of them took the lead in saying, "What do you think of the previous scene?"

"I don't understand!" Another person shook his head and answered!

Hearing this, the man opposite fell into a brief silence and then said, "Do you think he can win Yumu?"

"I don't know... His ability is really a little strange, I'm afraid it's a lot! However, I hope he can hurt Yu Mu. Hey hey, then we will reap the benefits of the fisherman! This task is much easier! Tut, the belt of the deacon of the Liuguang Sword School is fat and oily!"

"Haha, brother, what you said is wrong. How can a single tree get into the eyes of our two brothers... If there is a chance, I really want to go to Liuguang Mountain and fight with that old guy, which is very enjoyable..."

"You're not the old guy's opponent..."

At this time, Yumu's appearance was slightly embarrassed, and a fist print appeared faintly on the cyan armor. The bright red blood dripping from his mouth fell on the cyan armor, reflecting the harsh blood light. His old face faintly revealed anger and madness. In the past ten years, he has never suffered since he served as a light sword faction. Any injury is now suffothed in a boy's hand. How can it make him not be angry and crazy? His eyes burst out dazzlingly like an eagle, staring at Lan Feng, as if he had found a prey, full of greed: "It is difficult to hurt me without breaking the initial cover. Even the leader can do it. There must be treasure, otherwise this person's practice is so ingenious that if I can get it... Won't it fall into my hand that day?"

It's not bad that Lao Jiang has been able to change so many thoughts in a short time...

Seeing Yu Mu, who was on the edge of the rampage, Lan Feng's face changed slightly, the energy under his feet appeared, and his body retreated five meters away. The sound of shouting came from his mouth: "Isn't deacon Yu Mu trying to repent in front of the world's heroes?"