Single Soldier Alliance

Chapter 131 Rush

There are dozens of figures standing on a huge square above the towering Lingtian Mountains, and a breath that is several times stronger than ordinary people spread out of their bodies!

At this moment, these dozens of figures are standing upright on the huge square, and there is a trace of relaxation on their faces. Only when they stand here, the powerful pressure when they climb the mountain will slowly dissipate, and the feeling of panicking will gradually disappear. After all, it is just the mountain climbing. The test made them frightened, although they didn't want to lose at this first level...

In front of the square, two figures wrapped in purple flames stood proudly, and a fairy spirit floated out of the bodies of the three people. The three eyes swept over the huge square below, and then looked up at the sky. After a moment, the three people frowned slightly: "Brother , night has come, but now there is still one person left!"

"Ye! The time is almost here! Let's wait for a while!" The other man was silent for a moment and spoke slowly!

This is talking about Zhang Ling and Zhang Gu in the teahouse at the foot of the mountain during the day!

The looming stars appeared, Zhang Ling looked up at the sky, and then a loud voice came from his mouth: "It's time to come, everyone who has not reached the top of the mountain, please come back!!"

As Zhang Ling's words fell, the whole huge Lingtian Mountains suddenly burst into an extremely old atmosphere at this moment. A circle of lavender light curtain began to spread in all directions from the center of the peak of the Lingtian Mountains. The purple aperture spread quickly, just for a moment. It is to wrap the main peak of the whole Lingtian Mountains and spread towards the mountainside...

From afar, it looks like a purple aperture covering the whole Lingtian Mountains, forming a protective cover...

At the moment when the purple aperture spread, there was a strong wind spreading. As the light curtain continued to spread towards the mountainside, just for a moment, the whole mountainside seemed to set off a gust of wind. The people who had insisted on climbing were directly swept away by the wind. When their bodies stabilized again, it was It has appeared at the foot of the mountain, which surprised everyone and looked at each other...

"Wait for me!" However, in the endless strong wind, there was a shout. A figure wrapped in purple flames rushed to the top of the mountain like a flat boat in the sea. Under the wind blowing, the figure wrapped in purple flames seemed to be shaky...

Looking carefully, the figure wrapped in purple flames was Lan Feng, who shot at the top of the mountain with a flying charm. At this moment, a trace of determination appeared on his face. Looking at the purple aperture not far ahead, Lan Feng suddenly hit the aperture directly... ...

The sudden sound on the top of the mountain shocked everyone who had stood up on the square, and then looked back at Lanfeng, who was desperate to hit the purple aperture in the distance. A trace of contempt appeared on everyone's faces: "This boy is obviously looking for death!"

Zhang Ling and the three people standing in front of the square looked at the roaring Lan Feng, and a sneer also appeared on their faces. In their opinion, Lan Feng could not pass the purple light curtain that even the spirit fairy could not break with one blow!

Then Zhang Ling and the other three turned around and didn't look at the impact Lan Feng, but said, "Everyone, please go up the mountain with me!"

As Zhang Ling's words fell, his palms suddenly waved, and then there was a touch in the space of nothingness. In front of his body, a huge nihilistic channel emitting strong spiritual power suddenly appeared, and Zhang Ling walked towards the nihilistic passage not far ahead, in which There was a faint voice in his mouth: "This is the channel to my Jianzong. Friends should follow closely!"

Listening to Zhang Ling's words and looking at the nihilistic passage in front of him, everyone couldn't help exclaiming and walking closely to the nihilistic passage in front of them, noting the Lanfeng who hit the purple aperture behind them...

"I'm coming!" Less than 20 meters from the purple aperture outside the square, it hit the purple aperture at a rapid speed, and there was a shout in his mouth...

"Hmm! I don't know how to live!" Hearing the shout behind him, Zhang Ling couldn't help frowning slightly, and the cold humming sound came from his mouth. At the same time, his right foot raised and stepped towards the nihilless passage in front of him at this moment...

However, at the moment when the soles of Zhang Ling's feet were about to fall, an eager cry fell into everyone's ears, which was countless times clearer than just now: "Make way! Get out of the way!"

At the moment when the words sounded, Lanfeng's body penetrated directly through the purple aperture, and its speed continued unabated, and his body hit the people in front of him with terrible strength who were about to face the nihilistic passage...

"Boom!" The extremely clear sound behind them made everyone present stop, and then looked back, but they almost lost their souls at this time. Lanfeng's body hit the most backward man. Driven by the huge force, Lanfeng's body directly blocked him. The crowd in front of him crashed, and suddenly there was a sound of collision on the whole huge square...

"This...this is impossible..." Looking at this scene with the greatest change, Zhang Ling and his feet standing in the front have stepped into the nihilistic passage. Why didn't they expect that Lan Feng could break through their mountain gate shield and rush in, and your purple aperture began to gradually collapse at this moment. Collapse, it looks particularly spectacular...

This scene was too shocking for them to believe: "This...this is impossible...absolutely impossible..."

"Bum!" However, when Zhang Ling and the two were stunned, Lan Feng's body with horrible strength came suddenly and hit the bodies of the three people. Under the huge force, Zhang Ling and the two were directly hit into the tunnel of nothingness. Lan Feng's body also rushed in with residual force and disappeared, leaving The people who were knocked over by him...

Lingtian Mountains, the peak is the location of the sect of Jianzong!

At the top of the peak, on a huge square, although it is night, you can still see that the huge square is already full of dense people. The scene is even spectacular, and a sense of majesty permeates the square!

This square is extremely large and is built by countless luminous stones, emitting bursts of light! There are too many people standing on this huge square, which is hard to count! It is the elite of Jianzong who can stand here!

In addition to tens of thousands of sword-cut sects, there are ten huge jade stone platforms hovering strangely on the square, emitting bursts of green light!

At this moment, everyone's eyes are on a jade stone platform, with strong expectations. The mysterious elder in their hearts is about to appear at this moment!

Under the gaze of countless people, ten figures suddenly appeared strangely on the originally empty jade stone platform. There was no sign of the appearance of these ten figures. No one present saw when and how these ten people appeared!

At this moment, everyone is looking at the jade stone platform floating strangely on the square with shocked eyes!

On these ten jade stone platforms, there is an old man sitting cross-legged. Their faces look extremely old and ordinary, but without the aura of mortals, some are a magnificent vitality. Behind them, there is a different illusory sword, or a huge one. Domineering or frightening killing came from the illusory sword behind them, adding a different breath to his posture!

The eyes of all the people present looked at the old man sitting cross-legged on the jade stone platform. The shock in their eyes dissipated in an instant, and was replaced by a great fanaticism and reverence - this is the top ten elders of the Jiejian Sect!

This is the top ten elders of the Jiejian Sect that countless people in the Jiejian Sect dream of seeing! This is the top ten elders of Jianzong worshipped by countless people! This is the top ten elders of the Jiejian Sect who annihilated the puppet gate in one fell swoop 300 years ago!

Three hundred years ago, the reputation of the top ten elders of the Jianzong was particularly loud throughout the thunder star, but since the ten of them annihilated the puppet gate, they have been strangely closed and began to heal their wounds, and they have never appeared outside! It was not until a few months ago that the ten elders of the Jiejian Sect announced that they would recruit disciples, which reminded people of the famous ten elders of the Jiejian Sect. Until today, they appeared in front of countless Jiejian Sect!

A middle-aged man in gray standing at the head of many gates on the huge square. The man has long hair, his eyes under his sword eyebrows, is tall, ** with two strong arms, and on his strong arms, there is a tattoo full of domineering sword, a domineering It emanates from its body!

He looked at the ten figures suddenly emerging on the jade stone platform, and the shock in his eyes flashed away, and then an extremely respectful voice came from his mouth: "Disciple Long Xing has seen the top ten elders! Welcome the elders out of the customs!"

The man's voice was particularly loud. At the moment when his words fell, the countless sword-cutting disciples behind him waved to the ten elders on the ten jade stone platform, and said with one voice: "Welcome the elders out of the customs!"

"Welcome the elders out of the customs!!" The sound fluctuated with each other for a moment and resounded endlessly in Lingtian Peak!

"Haha! I haven't seen him for hundreds of years. I didn't expect that Long Xing, the little child, had grown so big! Haha! Get up!" His eyes swept over the square one by one. An old man in a cyan robe on the jade stone platform with an illusory sword with a strong evil spirit on his back stroked his beard, laughed, and then waved his sleeve robe in front of him!

As his words fell, under the wave of the sleeve robe, everyone only felt that their bodies were light, and their bodies stood up, and the spiritual power in their bodies expanded at this moment, making them feel as if their whole bodies were full of power and refreshed!

The old man's casual hand shocked everyone present, and the respect for the elder in his eyes was even more crazy!

"Haha! Longer, have you done everything I told you?" On the jade stone platform, the old man in purple clothes who had closed his eyes slowly opened his eyes at this moment. At the moment he opened his eyes, the dark night sky suddenly turned white as if he had been traction, as if the previous night was just spraying some ink on the white sky, which made him It's dyed black!

This scene shocked everyone present. Even when Long Xing saw this scene at this moment, his eyelids couldn't help jumping: "I didn't expect that the Star Elder had such strength in 300 years. His sword spirit of swallowing the sky had been cultivated to such an extent that he inhaled the dark power of the whole night. In his swallowing sword!"

"Ha, Elder Xing, don't worry, Long Er has taken a walk out the news at the moment she received your message. Now Zhang Ling's two brothers have gone to take the people who participated in the way of immortality to the mountain! Just wait to be tested by the elders!" Long Xing said with a smile!

"That's good! This time, the way to step on immortals is particularly important to my Jianzong. Don't be careless!" The Star Elder opened his mouth again!

"Longer knows! They should be there soon!" Long Xing was silent for a moment and slowly opened his mouth!

As his words fell, in the middle of the square, at this moment, there was an invisible fluctuation. In the sky of the square, under the gaze of countless people, a dark gate suddenly appeared, and then under the stunned eyes of countless people, there were awkward figures from the gate. It rolled out and finally hit the floor of the square heavily, making a sound!

"Bum!" The sound stopped slowly after dozens of continuous sounds. More than 50 figures hit the floor heavily, and there was a sound of pain in some people, but Fortunately, the people who can enter here have some skills and have not been traumatized!