It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 022 Test? Meet Yang Xuan and Su Ge!

"Ha ha, I don't know how Coin Death responds." The prince looked at Suge and said.

Su Ge smiled and met the prince's eyes.

"Have you resolved the conflict between you and your child?" The prince pointed to the bruises on Suger's face and said to Suger in a gloating tone. Why did the prince call Yang Xuan's child...

"No, he just beat me up, hehe... he still cares." Su Ge said stubbornly.

The prince looked at Su Ge with a smile and joked. Then you have to work hard to make him forgive you. He is stubborn, but if he is really used for us, his potential is boundless.

Sugar is entangled, yes! He has always been a trouble. The biggest stumbling block in his task is Yang Xuan, because he not only has to deal with the prince now, but also Yang Xuan...

Su Ge looked at the prince and said, "I'm tired. You should also rest early and listen to their news tomorrow."

I never looked at the prince again, and the prince was used to it - these guys didn't respect themselves very much.

But why are these guys willing to follow the prince? The prince knows human nature very well.


"I said you weren't, right? Just fell down with one stick? And let me deal with them." Xiaoling said in a resentful tone - as if she were a little daughter-in-law who had been spoiled.

Complaining is complaining, but the body has already rushed into the crowd - at least 30 people in this group. I couldn't take out my coin and threw it at the crowd. But it's not enough - they are all poor, you can also understand.

He retreated and pulled out the soft sword on Yang Xuan's waist - and then rushed into more than half of the crowd.

I have to say that the small soft sword is really - not good. I almost injured myself several times.

After Xiaoling put down a group of people, he was already out of breath - his physical strength was not good!

Of course, Xiao Ling is not unharmed, and his back is blackened twice. The funniest thing is that the clothes on his chest have been scratched by a soft sword. I don't know how he learned from his master - cutting corners. If his master is there, his master will give Xiao Ling a foot without hesitation, right?

When those people escaped.

"Can you get up? When will you pretend to be dead? I don't understand. Do you care so much about the prince's people? Xiaoling threw the soft sword to Yang Xuan's side and complained.

Yang Xuan got up, looked at Xiao Ling's complaining look, and then jumped up: "That's great! Put down so many people at once. I admire it so much. Wow, you are my idol!"

Little Zero: "________"

install! Just pretend to be your two! I don't believe that you will not have contact with the prince in the future.

"Thank you, I owe you today. Take off your clothes and go upstairs with me. I'll give you a new dress. Yang Xuan didn't even look at Xiao Ling and walked upstairs alone.

"Mom, my brother just tore up his clothes. I'll bring him a dress."

"Is this the legendary muscle man?" Yang Xuan's mother is about to jump up.

Yang Xuan was ignored.

Xiaoling looked at Yang Xuan's mother helplessly. How could he say so - Xiaoling is very slim no matter what.

"Okay, don't be crazy." Yang Xuan threw the clothes to Xiao Ling.

Xiao Ling quickly put on his clothes - there was nothing he could do. The aunt's eyes were so hot.

"Auntie, I'll go first. You're busy." What are you busy with? What time is it?

Little Zero can't escape.

"Go and send your classmates away." Yang Xuan's mother said.

Yang Xuan didn't say anything, just slowly opened the door and went out.

"I didn't expect my aunt to be really good." Xiaoling said to Yang Xuan with a good heart when he got downstairs.

"Oh.. I'm used to it. What do you think of the prince's intention of doing this? Yang Xuan said.

Little Zero shrugged his shoulders and said, "Am I right? You still don't believe that he is just testing. If he really wants to kill me, then he can send eight wars to kill me in the future?

"Oh... you're awesome, aren't you? What are you going to do now?" Yang Xuan couldn't help laughing when he saw Xiaoling wearing his small clothes.

Xiaoling seemed to know what Yang Xuan was laughing at and began to talk again. You can't help just now. As long as you can say something, you will bomb Yang Xuan with a carpet for a while.

"Go back early, don't send it." There is really nothing wrong with this guy. Yang Xuan turned around and left.

What kind of person is this!


"Get up in the morning and have good weather. Let's see the handsome man blow the wind." If Xu Song knew that I sang his song like this - would he come to me desperately?

I got back together with my parents yesterday - as the saying goes, I'm in a good mood. Anyway, he is also my family...

"What's wrong with you? This child." Oh, my God, I thought I was the only one at home. I suspect that if I sing again, I will admit my mistake.

After breakfast and telling my parents that I won't come back today, I can't listen to my mother's nagging - what should I do to protect myself and don't let others take advantage of it. As a woman, you should be subtle - can you eat implicitly?

So go downstairs and ask Piggy to go shopping!

I'm not implicit, woman! They all prefer to throw their heads and leak their faces, don't they? - Don't say no, you are so beautiful that you don't go out to let those perverts see? Then I'm sorry for the public. [: Turn around and say you're beautiful.]

But I don't know that a lot of things happened last night... I really haven't thought about this problem. Who thinks about those things when they sleep?


"Little pig, why are you in such a good mood today? Can you explain it to your family? Ah! Didn't Wang Chen come today? Haha”

"What's wrong with you? You are also the one who has recovered the scar and forgot the pain." The little pig didn't even look at me and walked forward alone - what about her, isn't it that sad family is in a good mood?

When a person is in a good mood, he is more crazy - I am a real evidence collection, but there is nothing good about him. He stepped on the stool five times and four times along the way - what kind of weather is it still eating watermelon? Can't you live with me? That's all I can think.

I don't know if our laundry cabinets are full. I have to buy a lot of beautiful clothes every time, but given that I am relatively weak today. So--I'll treat you to eliminate the disaster.--So I'm sorry for the piggy's three red-colored grandfathers.

What did I say when we sat in KFC - angry? Sad? Stupid!

I was dumbfounded, because Yang Xuan and Su Ge were together. But I don't know what they are talking about. Maybe I'm too naive? Maybe I'm too stupid? Why do you think so? - What does it have to do with me when Yang Xuan and Su Ge are together? Are they lilies? No, it's glass.

I have to deceive myself like this, although tears have flowed down.

The little pig put his arms around my shoulder and said nothing.

But they seem to break up unhappily, and I have to say that I am still a little happy.

When Suger went far away.

Looking at Yang Xuan eating with his head down, I couldn't laugh. This guy really never forgot to eat - and the way he ate was really like who was going to rob him. If someone robs you, why don't you just spit it up and see who wants to rob you?

Touched a handful of tears and snot, sat on the chair next to Yang Xuan, and patted him on the shoulder - but the guy didn't even look at me: "Didn't you say that? Don't bother me anymore. Er! Choked. Water! Water!"

"Is it bothering you? Am I really annoyed with you? When did I bother you? What time did I bother you?" I was angry, and this guy said that without looking at who it was. If it's Comrade Hu Jingtao, would you still say that? This child made me angry again.

"Uh! It's you. Why did you come?" Yang Xuan looked at me calmly - if he went to act, he could really win the prize.

"What did that man come to you just now?" I asked.
