It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 075 It's terrible!

"You are so hooligan that I can't talk to you, otherwise you may be infected." I pointed to Yang Xuan's nose and said annoy.

Thanks to Yang Xuan being able to say such a hooligan thing - it seems that I was a little overestimated by Yang Xuan before. What if it can't be stuffed in? You can do it by yourself. It's none of my business.

"Hey, aren't I also forced by you?" Yang Xuan said to me with a smile.

I felt a little comfort inexplicably after hearing this sentence...

"Come on, girl, kiss your master." I waved my hand to Yang Xuan as an extremely hooligan.

"Sir, Niunyu's mouth hurts a little today. Next time." Yang Xuan didn't come over, just a side explanation.

"..." Isn't this child usually not a hooligan? Today, I also had a hard time being a hooligan - Yang Xuan's young man dropped the chain for me again?

I looked at Yang Xuan's face, which still owes a lot. A light smile. I feel like I drank a little too much. Now I finally know what the spicy wine is just now.

is actually nothing, but the product of the combination of foreign wine and white wine.

At the beginning, I was not in the mood to taste the wine, but because of Yang Xuan, I also felt a little regretted after I improved - I thought that Yang Xuan also gave me the whole Third Plenary Session at most [three kinds of liquor together.], but I didn't expect it to become hybrid rice [foreign wine and white wine together] Question mark

"Yang Xuan, I suddenly found that you are an egg, duck, egg, quail egg mixed together. You are an asshole! What's wrong with girls? Why don't you care? What's good about me? You have to waste your time on me, an old woman. Of course, I lowered my voice and said the last sentence, but Yang Xuan didn't hear it.

"Actually, I'm as desperate as you, haven't you found it?" Yang Xuan said to me drunk.

I found that it is a mistake to believe that Yang Xuan was drunk now, because after Yang Xuan and Xiao Ling lied to me yesterday, my first reaction to see Yang Xuan drunk was that this second child was pretended.

"Yes! We are all so desperate that we can't see it clearly. I don't know if Yang Xuan is really drunk - anyway, I'm really drunk.


I don't know when my clothes no longer feel sweaty but dry.

I felt that there was a person holding me, and I naturally reacted to snuggle in that embrace.


The next morning, I saw Yang Xuan sleeping beside me - this young man is really a little more advanced now. Yesterday was a quarter of the territory. Today, he lived up to the high expectations of the masses and finally increased the territory to two-eighths.

Since I promised to pick him up early, I was no longer lazy. After calling Yang Xuan, I didn't do anything.

It just took a little time to wash up.

Well, I admit that I just said this to cover up that Yang Xuan and I got up late again. This foal will definitely coax him with cannons in the future!

"Hurry up, it's almost noon, and he said he would pick up Jane early. You see, Jane is going to complain again." I said helplessly to Yang Xuan, who was brushing his teeth.

Yang Xuan's little boy is not good. He likes to be lazy in bed when he gets up in the morning, and then he flies when he cleans up - I suspect that he will be late for school every morning.

"Okay, okay, give me another five minutes. You go out and start the car first. I'll go out right away." Yang Xuan saw that I was about to lose his temper and hurriedly drove me out.

I don't have any choice. Let him hurry up. He won't get up soon. I'd better go out and start the car. It's better to save some time as much as possible - now time is money, a few cents a minute.


When Yang Xuan and I appeared in the hospital, it was almost noon.

Because of Comrade Yang Xuan's grinding, I didn't even eat breakfast in my mouth - I'm hungry.

"My eldest sister, you are finally here, do you know? I got up after five o'clock this morning and waited for you to pick me up. Look at what time it is now. It's almost twelve o'clock. Alas!" Jane couldn't help complaining when she saw Yang Xuan and I coming.

I don't know if Jane really got up at five o'clock in the morning, but it won't be late - because if you let me stay in the hospital, I can't stay.

"Well, isn't this coming? Stop complaining. Have you packed up yet? After packing up, I retreated." I asked helplessly to Jane.

If Jane told me that he hadn't packed up yet, then I wouldn't be furious at all - didn't you say you got up after five o'clock in the morning? So what did you do in the middle of the time?

"Well, it's all right. I'll wait for your east wind." Jane lowered her bed and brought out his clothes and so on.

But how do I feel that this he doesn't have to change his clothes in the hospital? So what does he do with his clothes? Death? Cut.

"Let's go, there is no time for ink." I was the first to step out of the door, but I didn't know that when I walked out of this door was when there was a real war between me and the prince...


It was time for a lunch break when Yang Xuanjian and I appeared at the base. People with flowers used to take a nap, so few people saw Jane come back.

"Hey! You still know how to come back." Xiaoling couldn't help but joke when she saw Jane.

The relationship between Jane and Xiaoling is just like his relationship with Yang Xuan - terrible!

"Oh, is someone not very happy when I'm back?" Jane smiled and fought back against Xiao Ling.

Xiaoling smiled and said nothing, but in my heart, I suspect that she has blossomed - because Jane will be beaten by the crowd of flowers tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

"Okay, don't pinch it as soon as you come back, okay? Xiao Ling, go and help me and Yang Xuan buy some food. The ink of this son's morning has made me not eat yet. I ordered to Xiaoling.

Xiao Ling will definitely go, because we are good friends, right? Yang Xuanjian and I are both masters who have come a long journey. It's a little hard to say if your host doesn't give us a little food, right?

"Please read it and buy me three meals. Thank you."

"..." I have to say that Xiao Ling is really good at using the resources around him - even if I ask him to buy some food, he will let others buy it. When will he not be lazy?

I nodded to Nian and signaled me to be back. Then Nian ran to buy food.

"You really know how to use the resources around you. It's good. I'm a little thirsty. Can you help me buy a bottle of water?" I said pitifully to Xiaoling. But a trace of purity flashed in his eyes.

Hum! There is no one around you who can move, right? Then why don't you go and buy me water?

"This will be brought back later." Xiao Lingyi said in a bene.

Oh, I really don't know if you and Nian have the function of sending sound for thousands of miles. Then I'll sit here and wait for you to read it back, if you don't take me out of your temper.

"Jen, take a good rest today, and the flower people will challenge you tomorrow. I'm optimistic about you." I said with a mischievous wink at Jane.

Tomorrow is the day to test the results of flower training. Of course, I don't want Jane to fall off the chain at that time, so I still gave Jane a preventive shot.

"I know." I didn't expect that Jane just agreed. I thought Jane had to complain, but she didn't at all - isn't it a little strange? It's really a little strange.

Yang Xuan closed his eyes to take care of himself. According to what he said, because he got up late this morning, he still decided not to go to school in the morning and then to school in the afternoon. How do I feel that Yang Xuan is doing this too much? Why do you think? I'm going to tutor you this afternoon...

"What about Xiaoling?" I asked Yang Xuan.

"He said he would answer a phone call and come back right away." Yang Xuan answered me.

I'm waiting to read it back now - if there is no water, I will lose my temper, which is inevitable.

But I was really stunned when I saw Nian running with water in his hand...
