It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 083 It's really hard to find!

Now I paranoidly think that forbearance is unique to men. And I just want Yang Xuan to coax me for the rest of my life. Now my heart is only so small that you can think I'm a little stupid, but now I really don't want to be separated from Yang Xuan.

What does it mean that Jane was abused by the flower? Can you speak!" I patted Yang Xuan's pig's paw and said, "It must be Jane who abused the representative of the flower, because I have confidence in Jane!"

I raised my chest - I believe in Jane's strength, otherwise Jane would not have brought flowers to me today. Although Jane is a little strong, she is very kind to her brothers - it's not that I don't believe in Xiao Ling. After all, the training time is a little too short. Even if it can really be done, I don't believe that people with flowers catch up with Jane in such a short time. Moreover, Jane's strength is comparable to that of the deceased eight war generals. If the children of flowers want to catch up with Jane's footsteps, it is equivalent to catching up with the footsteps of the eight war generals. I don't blame you for not believing it.

"You don't believe in Xiaoling." Yang Xuan said to me with a little angry tooth itching.

"It's not that I don't believe Xiao Ling."

"You are!"

"I don't want to argue with you."

"If you don't believe it, just say you don't believe it."

"I just don't believe that Xiao Ling can bring out the members of the flowers in such a short time."

"You just don't believe it!"

"..." Well, I won't talk, okay? I found that Yang Xuan is a little unreasonable to me now. As long as I say something, he will definitely stand opposite me - I really want to kick him away. Have you done this to me? Bullying me, isn't it?

"What's good about him if he cares about Jane so much?" Yang Xuan muttered alone.

But I overheard Yang Xuan's murmur - this young man was jealous of my belief in Jane. I don't know what to say. Do you have to be jealous of such a little thing? But my heart is happy. There is no anger towards Yang Xuan.

"Say, what's the intention of warming my bed in a hurry today?" I have got the answer in my heart, so I won't be entangled in this question. I don't know if Yang Xuan will go crazy again because of this topic.

Yang Xuan realized that what he had just said had been heard by me, and his face blushed slightly and said, "It's not to please you. Uh-huh~!"

"..." Oh, my God, Yang Xuan's last voice really made me want to dig a hole and bury him - usually the sound from girls came out in Yang Xuan's mouth, which made me really be a little focused by the thunder.

"Say, what's the intention?" My eyes stared and didn't give Yang Xuan another chance to coquettish.

I'm not embarrass Yang Xuan, but Yang Xuan is really a soft but not hard man. If I don't force him, he will treat me as Snoopy. By the way, I have long been a little suspicious of Yang Xuan's reaction today - before, Yang Xuan would definitely not warm my bed.

Yang Xuan thought I really knew something, and his face changed and said, "Oh, it's really nothing. Is he coming?"

"..." I knew that Yang Xuan was hiding something from me - this young man really stared at me and showed the fox's tail.

He? I don't know who he refers to in Yang Xuan's mouth, but he must not be an ordinary person - otherwise Yang Xuan would not tell others the address of the base.

"Who's here?" I shouted, "Don't you know that our address can't be told to others?" What if others know about it? Our safety is no more guaranteed."

Although the address of the base is known to Prince and Su Ge, I still said to Yang Xuan. After all, the base is not in the light now - although there is nothing valuable, what if it is not ordinary people? After all, there are many cruel people other than the prince. I don't want to beheaded by others when I was sleeping that day, so I won't lose it.

The prince's firearm was robbed by me. The people who knew the news really went to the sea. I also have to worry about this.

"Oh, are you tired?" Yang Xuan scratched his ears and said, "You and I both know this person."

Do Yang Xuan and I know each other? Who? I'm a little short-circuited by Yang Xuan now - I don't remember who it is for a while...

"Don't sell it, okay?" I looked at Yang Xuan helplessly.

I believe what Yang Xuan said - but I'm more forgetful. Even if I see this person we all know, I can't remember who it is. I don't believe myself when I say this.

"You will know when he comes." Yang Xuan got up and said, "I still want to be a good man in front of him." Yang Xuan turned around and continued, "I'm going to warm your bed. You can pick it up."

"..." Can the three good men only be reflected by - warming my bed?

I'm really speechless to Yang Xuan. Looking at Yang Xuan's back - still thinking about who the person we all know is...


"Xiao Ling, go to the gate of the base with me." I still can't remember who that person is - but didn't Yang Xuan say that he knew it when he saw me?

So I decided to pick up that person. Do you have to pick them up if you don't know them? Or is it a little out of words?

"What are you doing, Yang Xuan? Why doesn't he go with you?" Xiaoling was pulled down from me from the computer, and there was a little resentment in my eyes - do I have the capital to make you men so resentful? Why do Xiaoling and Yang Xuan like to look at me with this look? It's not a good agreement, is it? It must be!

"What do you care about him? He warmed my bed. Hurry up and pick up someone with me. I pulled Xiao Ling's cuff and said.

Xiao Ling is really getting more and more lazy now - he knows how to be lazy day by day. Is there anything wrong with walking a little way?

"Who to pick up?" Xiaoling asked me as soon as he heard that he was picking up someone.

I doubt - doesn't Xiao Ling have a little old-fashioned spirit? A guest, no! A newcomer can make him raise his interest. I don't know how to say Xiaoling.

"I don't know, it's Yang Xuan's friend. Hurry up!" I was impatient, so I pulled Xiao Ling and ran to the door of the base.


Autumn nights are indeed a little cold - so the current scenery is that Xiaoling and I are wearing short sleeves that are shivering with cold.

I don't doubt that if someone passes by, he will definitely leave two words - idiot!

"I said, why haven't you come yet?" Xiao Ling hugged his arms and complained to me helplessly.

How do I know? How could I know? I'm so cold that I want to go back to sleep with Yang Xuan in my arms - Yang Xuan's friend is also a little too bad, right?

"Wait a minute, it should be coming soon." I really want to beat Yang Xuan now. It's so annoying.

Yang Xuan didn't tell me when his friend would come - let me and Xiaoling wait here. How can I feel that Xiaoling and I are so like door gods?

"Ache! I said, why don't I go back first?" Xiao Ling said to me pitifully.

"..." Don't you have any dedication - don't you think you just sneezed. Shit! It's so cold!

"Get out, what if I get back and get rude? Why can't you think about me? I'm a weak woman!" I directly gave Xiao Ling a chestnut - no explanation!

After Xiaoling was told by me, he didn't complain anymore.

Sometimes I feel that violence is easier to solve things - pure bitch! Sorry, I mean...

The moon shines high at night, adding a little desolate feeling to me and Xiaoling. The slight sound of cicadas made me less and less impatient with Xiaoling.

When Xiaoling was about to leave, a big run approached me and Xiaoling - Yang Xuan's friend really had some money. The cars were all big runs.

"Oh, this place is really hard to find." The people who got off the car really surprised me...
