It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 0113 Do you understand the implicit?

I don't know what's going on. Seeing Taotao so happy, my mood got better without any impurities. Now I just want to go crazy with this child once - although this is a hospital, it can't prevent us from making a fuss. The relationship between the two women is also extremely heated. After all, I still have a good impression of this girl.

and Tao Tao were crazy and played, but I forgot the situation of the four men - or Tao told me that the four men were fine before I could rest assured.

After all, the four men were injured and bleeding for me. But I forgot the four of them while playing with Taotao, which is also embarrassing. If Yang Xuan knew, he would definitely jump up.

Taotao didn't have to go to work tonight, but because Jane and her brother are in the hospital, they have no choice but to stay in the hospital. After all, now Taotao can't wait to stay with Jane.

Taotao was so noisy that she wanted to ask me about Jane, but she was over by using your pretext for cheating. After all, if Taotao knows that Jane likes me, it will be a little embarrassing. After all, a little girl's heart can't be hurt.

Because Taotao also felt a little tired, we didn't continue to stay in the hospital. The two women decided to go out to the restaurant. As for the four men - wait for the rest of the meal between Taotao and me.

In my words: You can say that I am a miser, but you can't say that I don't give you food, because all of your food now are mine.

You can say that I am heartless, but you can't say that I'm not good to you. You are all dressed in mine.


Taotao and I went to eat seafood. In fact, it's not far away. The last time I had no money, I asked Yang Xuan and Wangchen and the pig to rob the place to eat. After eating, Yang Xuan also gave me 3,000 yuan. So far, I haven't been willing to spend it - not because it was given to me by Yang Xuan, but Because half of the money he gave me was fake. I don't know how Yang Xuan went to the bank to withdraw money. Anyway, there are few real money in it.

"Taotao, is it delicious?" I looked at Tao Tao with a crab leg in my hand and asked.

In fact, I already knew whether it was delicious or not, otherwise I wouldn't have brought Taotao to this place, because the last time I was slaughtered, I was still lonely - I'm really afraid of what should I do if Yang Xuan asked me to bring him here that day. The way he eats gives people the feeling of fighting. Let's not talk about it if you don't eat well. How much do you think you can eat? It seems that you have just returned from Africa - who seems to have starved you for months.

"Uh-huh, it's delicious." Taotao wiped the oil stains on his mouth with his hand and said, "Sister, can you bring me here a few more times in the future? Otherwise, I wouldn't know there was such a delicious food in the world.

Looking at Taotao's childish appearance, I still thought of Yang Xuan.

Taotao's childishness is external, but Yang Xuan's childishness is indeed restrained. The two are attributed together - they are both children who are a little childish, but I really dare not say that he is childish in front of Yang Xuan, otherwise I really can't stand him being childish.

"Then Taotao will eat more, and I'll ask for some more." I patted the back of Taotao's head, and then got up to ask for food - what should I do? Did the four men in the hospital go to eat the northwest wind?



"Come in." Yang Xuan lay elegantly on his sick ** face smoking clouds and eating oranges.

Yang Xuan took a look at the people who came in, and it was not surprising that he continued to smoke and the oranges that he hadn't finished.

"Master Yang." The person who came in respectfully called Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan put down the extinguishing orange and 50 cents of cigarettes and looked at the person under the bed.

"Wang Chen asked you to come?" Yang Xuan patted the bedside and motioned him to sit down.

Actually, when Jia retreated today, Yang Xuan didn't say anything because he was thinking about this problem...

"I'm sorry, Master Yang. In fact, the leader asked me to protect your safety a long time ago. The man who called Master Yang Xuan lowered his head and said, "But there is a little personal matter in my family, so it has been delayed for a while. Today, after my little sister called me and said that he was bullied, I came over and didn't expect to meet you.

The person who entered Yang Xuan's house is none other than the one who forced Jia and Su Ge away today - that is, Taotao's brother.

"It doesn't matter. If you don't come early today, I will really take it seriously. It's not good if she sees it." Yang Xuan said to Taotao's brother with a smile, "Am I very ashamed? Are you afraid of the people you like?"

Yang Xuan was almost forced to use his last strength today, but he also decided today - even if he died with Yang Xiaoyun, he would not reveal his strength in front of her.

"This is not a shame. This is your respect for her. Taotao's brother twisted Yang Xuan's unextinguished smoke in the ashtray a few times before throwing the cigarette butt into the ashtray and saying, "Since you are all injured, don't smoke more."

Yang Xuan smiled and did not blame him for his offense and said, "I still don't know your name. What's wrong? Don't want to tell me?"

Indeed, Yang Xuan still doesn't know the name of the person Wang Chen gave him. It would be a little dramatic if he said it - he didn't even know the name of his subordinates.

"My name is Taoyao, and my sister's name is Taotao. This surname is rare. But it's easy to remember, because Taotao is a very naughty girl. Taoyao mentioned his sister with a trace of pride in his face.

After all, if there is a pistachio in your family, everyone will like it.

"Okay, I know. Go and see how they are doing. Let me smoke another cigarette before she comes back. The housekeeper was about to explode when she saw me smoking. Yang Xuan thought of Yang Xiaoyun, but he was more proud than Tao Yao.

As for what happened to the two proud men in the end - I don't know. Anyway, I saw a guy who was proud of his sister go to Xiaoling's room and came out in less than a minute. It took ten minutes to go to Jane's room.

In fact, as long as you pay attention, you can see that Taotao has feelings for Jane. As for why Taoyao stayed in Jane's room for ten minutes, no one knows. Maybe Jane got up and there was something to say between them, or maybe Jane hasn't got up yet. Taoyao may have murdered Jane because he was afraid that his sister would be robbed by Jane.


"Coin Death has nothing to do. He is lying ** just like you." Taoyao returned to Yang Xuan's room and reported to Yang Xuan the task given to him: "Mr. Jane seems to be in poor condition today and is sleeping now."

After Yang Xuan heard that his two partners were all in trouble, he naturally felt much happier. Although they always like to fight with each other, if these big problems are involved, they are more worried one by one.

"Where's your sister?" Yang Xuan was pulled by Taoyao's sister to eliminate the poison, and then he never saw Taotao again. That's why I said I care about it.

The most important thing is that he hasn't seen Yang Xiaoyun for a long time, so he is worried now. As for the wheres he asked Taotao, it was just to pave the way for the next question about Yang Xiaoyun. Yang Xuan is also a face-threate person. He can't be laughed at in front of his friends, can he?

"My sister and Miss Yang went out to buy us supper. Please wait a little longer." Taoyao replied.

But Yang Xuan has been very transparent by Taoyao, and he can't help but feel a little embarrassed. Because who knows that Taoyao is such a real person? Can't you say it implicitly? How about our Yang Xuan just miss his pig? But it should be implicit. Do you understand it?
