It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 0136 Who do you want to linger with?

"How's it going?" The dean looked at a young man who was sick and asked the doctor beside him.

The serum asked for the big pig has been injected into the young man's body. It is strange that other serums are not good, but after using the serum developed by the dean himself, the toxins in the young man's body began to resolve.

"It's nothing serious. I guess I'll wake up tomorrow." The doctor said to the dean beside him.

The doctor is now admiring the old man around him, because many toxins that can't be solved by doctors have nothing to be afraid of when they come to the dean. A serum solves the toxins in the patient's body, which is the first time since he has admired a person since he studied medicine.

"That's good. The patient has nothing to do." The dean also breathed a sigh of relief and continued, "How do I feel that the people who sent him to the hospital are all soldiers?"

In fact, if the dean hadn't seen the partner who sent the patient, he didn't know that they were a group of soldiers. After all, the murderous spirit of soldiers is exposed. As long as they have seen soldiers, they can definitely see it.

"I don't know. Maybe it's really a soldier." The doctor shook his head and said to the dean.

However, if you are a real soldier, there is no need to come to this hospital for treatment. After all, the medical benefits in the army are also very good.

"Let's not speculate. They are here to see a doctor, not to make us suspect." The dean waved his hand and said to the doctor.

If you really anger this group of soldiers, then this small hospital will have nothing to eat and leave. After all, what kind of people are soldiers? What if they really anger them? This hospital may or may not exist.

"Okay, let's go out." The doctor said.

The dean nodded and walked out in the doctor's footsteps, but they never saw an officer's certificate on the table...



"Is it delicious?" Yang Xuan looked at me eating bird's nest and asked me.

Why don't I want to pay attention to Yang Xuan? Now there is no one in the ward. If you pay attention to Yang Xuan, you will find something for yourself. Yang Xuan's young son will not ignore him, and he will not ignore you boringly.

"..." I still ate the bird's nest and didn't pay any attention to Yang Xuan's intention at all. It was also my bet. Yang Xuan saw that I didn't say anything, so he sat beside me knowingly.

"Where's Taoyao?" I wiped my mouth and said to Yang Xuan.

There was no sound in the ward just now, which was a mysterious state, so I still broke this silence.

"I don't know. Wasn't he still there just now?" Yang Xuan saw that I paid attention to him and immediately said to me with a happy face,

I know that if I continue to say it, I will fall into Yang Xuan's trap, so I just look at him faintly, with a trace of abuse in his eyes, but it's just a little bit. Yang Xuan should not be able to see it.

"If you want to speak, just say it. I won't be unreasonable." Yang Xuan seemed to see a little abuse in my eyes and said to me.

If I really speak, then I will really fall into his trap, so I'd better keep my silence.

Now the feeling is a little subtle. Yang Xuan and I don't talk, but both of them must be thinking about how to deal with each other. In fact, I don't want to deal with Yang Xuan - believe it or not? Anyway, I don't believe it.

"Croach!" Yang Xuan suddenly shouted.

Finally, I can't help it. How can there be cockroaches in the hospital? Yang Xuan's mental skills are really not good. Cockroaches all appear in the kitchen. How can there be cockroaches in such a clean place as the hospital? If there is, then there should be no patients in this hospital.

"Xiaoqiang!" I also shouted, and my hand pointed to Yang Xuan's clothes.

I just want Yang Xuan's attention to shift to him. If I really divert his attention, he can't see what I do. I didn't think about what to do, I just wanted to punch him.

But the idea is always good, and the facts are always cruel. Yang Xuan just smiled at me, and his body did not move at all.

"Grey machine!" I shouted again and pointed my hand outside the window.

Seeing Yang Xuan's head turn around, I knew it was time.

Bang! My hand was caught in Yang Xuan's hand.

Yang Xuan's little insidious. His head turned around, but he turned around in an instant. His speed was so fast that even his hair did not fall on his head, and then grabbed my fist that I was going to attack him.

"You are so sinister." Yang Xuan said to me with a smile.

How do I feel that this sentence should be what I said? Am I sinister? When did I become sinister?

But I can't reveal my current psychology, otherwise it will be really out of control - Yang Xuan will ridicul me to death.

"General." I smiled faintly and said to Yang Xuan.

is very indifferent and has no emotional color in it at all. I doubt that Yang Xuan will think that I have changed my nature after listening to my words.

"Okay, don't make trouble. It's not good for others to see it." Yang Xuan let go of my fist and said to my favorite.

Why do I feel like I'm a child? Spoiled? Thanks to Yang Xuan's ability to make such an expression. However, Yang Xuan held my fist and didn't have any strength. If I wanted to break free, I would have been out of Yang Xuan's claws. This is also Yang Xuan's tenderness towards me.

However, I feel that Yang Xuan and I are flirting now. If they are really seen by others, they will definitely think that Yang Xuan and I have an affair, but now there are only me and Yang Xuan in the ward. How can outsiders see it? So what if you see it? If you don't do anything wrong, so what if you just knock on the door?

Bang! The door of the ward was knocked.

There was a false alarm - it turned out that I would feel guilty when I knocked on the door. I shrugged my shoulders and seemed to be very cold. I really don't know that Yang Xuan and I will feel guilty when we are knocked on the door together.

"What are you two doing?" Xiaoling appeared in front of me and Yang Xuan with a hippie smile.

I didn't expect that the person who came in was Xiao Ling, because I asked him to monitor Liu Tao. How could he come back? Is there any other sudden ** situation?

"What didn't you do? Why did you come back?" Yang Xuan looked at Xiaoling in surprise and said.

This is also what I want to ask, so I keep my silence and see how Xiao Ling answers.

Xiao Ling should not appear in the hospital now, because the time to go back and forth is enough for Xiao Ling to walk all afternoon.

"I haven't left yet. I'm only going now." Xiaoling shrugged his shoulders and said to Yang Xuan.

Is Xiaoling't set out yet? He hasn't gone to the task I gave him at noon today? Is it really that the skin is itchy and wants me to relax him?

"What did you do?" I asked Xiaoling lightly, and I don't know where the tension in my heart has gone.

In fact, it's nothing. After all, I'm not in a hurry now. It's the same to go early and late. I'm just afraid that Xiaoling won't find anyone.

"Oh, I'm going to say goodbye to my twelve wives." Xiaoling said to me shyly.

Why don't I know when Xiaoling has a wife? So - he lied.

"Get out of here and go!" I laughed and scolded and said to Xiao Ling.

I know he is making fun of me, because he said goodbye to his wife. Why did he come to me? It's obvious that I have an affair with him.

"Haha, let's go." Xiaoling laughed and continued, "I can't appear beside you in the near future. Yang Xuan, you have to protect your pig.

Yang Xuan looked at Xiao Ling with great interest and laughed and scolded, "That's for sure, but how do I feel that you are talking about your last words? So talkative? Hurry up and leave. I still have to linger with my pig.

Xiao Ling looked at Yang Xuan helplessly, and then walked out of the ward.

"What did you just say?" I sneered and continued to Yang Xuan, "Who are you going to be with--?"
