It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 0225 Two Living Treasures

Now Xiaoling is very annoyed. Why was Yang Yuxin seen the only embarrassment she had? And still with Yang Xuan - it will be misunderstood.

Although Yang Yuxin said whether she described it wrongly, Xiaoling is still very embarrassed now. After all, Yang Yuxin's first reaction was to think of 'go to bed', which is also a place that makes Xiaoling feel ashamed.

Although it is not terrible to be a medium-like, it is a little scary to be caught - although Yang Xuan and Xiaoling did not do it, they are already a little suspicious in Yang Yuxin's subconscious.

And Yang Xuan also said how you know that this is Xiaoling's depression. Yang Yuxin is puzzled. If there was no ghost in his heart, he would not have said such a thing at all, but Yang Xuan said it.

If Yang Xuan now knows what Yang Yuxin and Xiao Ling are thinking, he will be crazy. He made a slip of the tongue, was also excited, and had a ghost in his heart, but Yang Xuan was not afraid that Yang Yuxin would misunderstand that there was a ghost in his heart. After he got Xiaoling's 20 million yuan, he felt a little sorry for Xiaoling, so there was a ghost in his heart.

"You describe it, cough, it's not wrong." Yang Xuan coughed twice and continued, "I'm a little tired, so I want to take a break in **. Xiao Ling wants to say something to me, so I sat in ** - don't get me wrong."

Yang Xuan and Xiaoling did have something to say, but it was Yang Xuan who forced Xiaoling to intimidate Xiaoling, and then asked Xiaoling to hand over the bank card. Only Yang Xuan could do such a way of intimidation.

"Let's not talk about this." Yang Yuxin smiled and said, "Aren't you going to drink? I brought you the wine. Tell me if you need anything else."

After Yang Yuxin put a bottle of Xifeng on the table for 15 years, and put the fruit plate and some snacks in the plate on the table, she squeezed her lips and smiled. The amorous feelings made Xiaoling on one side a little stunned.

"Well, how does Sister Xiaoyu know that I like to eat these?" Yang Xuan glanced at some snacks on the table and said excitedly, "It's really someone who knows me. Sister Xiaoyu is also."

It's also strange to say that the snacks on the table are all Yang Xuan likes to eat, such as strange-flavored beans and Kebik potato chips, which are Yang Xuan's favorite things to eat when he is leisure. However, Yang Yuxin brought these up and did not know that Yang Xuan likes to eat them, but ordinary guests like to eat them in bars. Naturally, she took some of these snacks for Yang Xuan.

"Don't make fun of me." Yang Yuxin blushed and took Yang Xuan's previous words as a joke and said, "I don't know what you like to eat. These are all things that some guests like to eat. I thought maybe you also like these, so I brought them up."

Xiaoling on one side became more 'demented' after seeing Yang Yuxin's face blushing, but he woke up after being coughed by Yang Xuan. If Yang Yuxin saw Xiaoling like this, she might also have some bored psychology - beautiful girls are all capital.

"Xiao Ling, come and drink with me." Yang Xuan smiled and said, "Don't stare hard at others. Sister Xiaoyu will also be shy."

Yang Xuan got up, sat on the sofa eating Hu Dou, and then said to Xiao Ling, who was still sitting **. Yang Yuxin on one side also looked at Yang Xuan with a little embarrassed - in fact, Yang Yuxin had found that Xiao Ling was looking at her, but she did not It's just that Yang Xuan said it, and he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Can I accompany you?" Xiaoling also looked at Yang Yuxin apologetically and said, "Didn't I tell you that I don't drink? Maybe there will be something else later. You're tempting me to commit a crime."

surprisingly, Xiaoling did not say Yang Xuan, but smiled, and then got up and walked to the sofa.

Yang Xuan knew that this was Yang Yuxin by their side. Xiaoling was embarrassed to talk about Yang Xuan. Xiaoling still wanted to maintain his image as a gentleman. If Yang Xuan was mentioned, it would destroy Xiaoling's image.

"Yo, you don't drink." Yang Xuan smiled and said, "Then what are you still doing here? Go and go. I'll just drink it myself. Isn't it a little strange?"

Xiao Ling really doesn't know what to say about Yang Xuan now. He can't wait to put Yang Xuan on the ground and kick him, but he can't do it now, and he can't quarrel with Yang Xuan now, otherwise he will let Yang Yuxin on one side laugh.

"I'm a little sorry to see you drink alone, so I'll just come and eat with you. You drink your wine and I'll eat my food." Xiaoling looked at Yang Xuan helplessly and said, "But it was agreed that I would only eat. Yang Yuxin was watching. If Yang Xuan asked me to drink, then he would be a puppy."

Xiao Ling's move is really poisonous, and it can kill two birds with one stone.

First: If Yang Xuan lets him drink, then he doesn't need to drink at all, because there is also Yang Yuxin around him who supervises them. If Yang Xuan lets Xiaoling drink, then Yang Xuan will be a puppy. Second: At least during the period when Yang Xuan did not finish drinking, Yang Yuxin could stay with Xiaoling.

But this also made Yang Xuan suffer. Originally, he was drunk quickly when he drank alone. Now it's okay. There is a man and a woman around him watching him drink. Yang Xuan is very embarrassed now, but when he thinks about it carefully, he still buys time for his brother. If he gets drunk, he will get drunk.

"It's okay if you don't drink, but you are not allowed to eat. These are what I want to drink." Yang Xuan grabbed a bag of strange beans picked up by Xiaoling and said, "You can play on your plane now. Don't look at me. It's not that I won't give you face, but I want to eat these when I drink spicy. If you eat it, what should I take to drink?"

Although Yang Xuan has decided to create opportunities for Xiaoling, after seeing Xiaoling grabbing his favorite strange Hudou, he suddenly became playful - okay, I'll create time for you, then you can leave these food for me to drink, and you can go and play.

"Okay, you eat it." Xiaoling looked at Yang Xuan with hatred and muttered, "I'm going to eat you to death. I want your pig if you are fat."

"..." What can Yang Xuan say? What can he say even if he hears Xiao Ling's words? But even if you get fat, the big pig will ask Yang Xuan, right?

Yang Xuan is now very confused about whether to eat or not. If he eats a big pig, he doesn't want it. If he doesn't eat it, who should he give it to? As I just said, these things are going to be left for him to drink. He doesn't eat it and is a little uncomfortable.

"All right." Yang Yuxin smiled and said, "Can you two live treasures stop tossing around?"

Although Yang Yuxin knows the identity of Yang Xuan and Xiaoling, she has no intention of harm. At first glance, she is familiar with each other, but only Yang Xuan knows that Yang Yuxin is a very shy person, but now after hearing his conversation with Xiaoling, she can't help it.

"Yang Xuan, I hate you. If you can't finish it, can't you leave me a little?" Xiaoling couldn't stand Yang Xuan's absolute ** and said greedyly, "Since you want to eat, how about I eat with you?"

Xiao Ling is now risking himself, because he now understands one thing. If Yang Xuan continues to say it like this, it is impossible not to make a fool of Yang Yuxin. In this case, why not 'break the boat' once?

"Haha." Yang Xuan laughed and said, "Can't help it? Then come and eat."

Yang Xuan naturally asked Xiaoling to eat with him now. He is also a little afraid that if he eats more and gains weight, the big pig will not want him. If so, then Yang Xuan will be a little sad. Since Xiaoling has softened, it's better to give Xiaoling a step down.

"I don't know what to say about you two babies." Yang Yuxin covered her mouth and said with a smile, "Do you mind if I join?"

Xiao Ling was shocked. Yang Xuan also looked at Yang Yuxin with a little surprise, and then nodded...
