It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 0274

If Yang Xuan is given a chance now, then Yang Xuan will definitely drive a car out of the base. After dark, the feeling in the suburbs is really not so good - it can be collectively referred to as reaching out and missing fingers. There is no road. What kind of street lights come from? Now Yang Xuan and Xiao Ling are lighting with their own mobile phones. If there is no small flashlight on the mobile phone, then Yang Xuan and Xiaoling are really a little difficult to walk now.

Yang Xuan is now a little afraid of looking at him with the resentful eyes of Xiao Ling around him. This incident was originally caused by him. If Xiao Ling said something, then he really can't say anything. So Yang Xuan is now deliberately avoiding Xiaoling's sight - after all, the time delayed now is Xiaoling's time to fight for Yang Yuxin. It's strange that Xiaoling is not complaining.

"I don't know what to say about you." Xiaoling saw Yang Xuan deliberately avoiding his sight through the faint light, and then continued helplessly, "I know that you came out tonight and didn't drive - you don't have a car, won't you remind me? Now, the two of us can only walk slowly here in the dark.

Yang Xuan was also a little embarrassed after hearing Xiao Ling's words. After all, he knew that the outside of the base was dark after dark. Now that Xiao Ling is involved, Yang Xuan is also a little speechless.

"I don't want to do this either. Isn't it a little abrupt just now? Anyway, we should have a car after walking for a while." Yang Xuan continued with a hard mouth, "I admit that it was a little abrupt just now, but you should also think about it. Isn't it also exercise for us to walk a little more - well, exercise our eyes to see more clearly at night.

The small flashlight on the small spare mobile phone shone on his face, as if it were a lonely ghost. This is also the reason why Yang Xuan was forced to change his words - originally Yang Xuan wanted to say that he would walk for exercise, but after seeing Xiao Ling's appearance, he could only say a practical point.

"Okay, you're awesome." Xiaoling shook his head helplessly and said, "If it delays my time later, I will hate you!"

"..." Yang Xuan opened his mouth, but he didn't say a word for a long time. As for this? Isn't it just a little delaying you and hating Yang Xuan? If Yang Xuan makes a bigger mistake, then Xiao Ling won't kill Yang Xuan.


When Yang Xuan and Xiaoling met the fourth car, they finally got rid of the fate of continuing. In fact, Yang Xuan and Xiaoling are still a little angry - the three cars they met in front of them saw Yang Xuan and Xiaoling, and neither of them stopped. This also causes Yang Xuan and Xiao Ling to have a little shadow in their hearts now - it seems that there are not many good people in the world.

If the drivers of the first three cars know what Yang Xuan and Xiaoling are thinking now, they will definitely scold their mothers angrily - the two of you are shining on your faces with a flashlight, which is no different from ghosts. It would be strange if you dare to stop the car and let you come up.

"Xiao Ling, I doubt whether the two of us scared the driver in front of us." Yang Xuan said solemnly, "I have nothing, but you are really a little like a ghost today."

Xiao Ling glanced at Yang Xuan helplessly, and then cut it disdainfully. He didn't say anything - so he didn't care about such a villain.

In fact, Yang Xuan is also a little helpless now. Just now, Xiaoling still pretended to be a ghost to scare him. Now I don't know what the drivers of the previous cars think, so they can only attribute this matter to Xiaoling.

"Cut, the dog can't spit ivory in its mouth. Why didn't you say that you scared the drivers in front of you? Why am I the only one who scared them? Xiaoling took a look at Yang Xuan's contemptuous eyes and couldn't help saying, "I know you are embarrassed to say it now, but what is our relationship? Tell me, and I won't tell anyone else."

Yang Xuan was joking Xiaoling just now, and now the roles have been exchanged.

"If the dog can spit out ivory in its mouth, then I will raise a dog." Yang Xuan smiled and then continued to say to Xiaoling, "In your state today, you won't be found by her when you see Yang Yuxin, will you?"

Xiao Ling's state is really a little bad today, but I don't know if he can recover when he sees Yang Yuxin later. If it slows down, there will be nothing, but if it doesn't slow down, then Yang Yuxin will definitely ask, what will Xiaoling say then?

"I will be fine when I see her." Xiaoling took a look at Yang Xuan and said, "You all said that I have changed today. What on earth have I become? How can I not feel anything about myself?"

After hearing Xiao Ling's words, Yang Xuan shook his head. It seems that Caier can still affect Xiaoling's mentality, which indirectly proves that Xiaoling is still very concerned about Caier and his matter. Otherwise, it would not be like this at all now.

"It would be strange if you had feelings." Yang Xuan despised Xiao Ling and continued, "You have become much calmer. If I hadn't pinched my own people, I really didn't believe that you were Xiao Ling."

Although Yang Xuan said something exaggerated, Yang Xuan still feels that Xiao Ling has changed a lot, and it is not ordinary. If Xiaoling had gone to see Yang Yuxin before, he should have jumped up happily now, but now Xiaoling doesn't care - as if Yang Yuxin is not important to him. Of course, Yang Xuan knows that Xiaoling may be happy now.

"How can it be? You also know me, saying that I have become more stupid, but if you say that I have become more stable, then I really can't believe it." Xiaoling looked surprised, and then turned into a decadent and said, "Don't tease me. Anyway, I may be the poorest child now - needless to say, you must get the big pig, and Jane also has Taotao. You said that I am a big man. Although I am not better than you, I am better than Jane anyway, right? Look at Jane again. Beautiful girls are sticking to him. Look at me again. I'm still a bachelor - do you have the heart to make fun of such a 'miserable' man?

After listening to Xiao Ling's words, Yang Xuan couldn't help shaking his head. He really didn't know how to say Xiao Ling. If someone says that he is pitiful, then maybe Yang Xuan will still believe it. But now Xiaoling says that he is pitiful---in the whole world, as long as Xiaoling becomes pitiful, there will be no happy people in the world. Xiaoling is blessed. Although Caier didn't say anything, Yang Xuan guessed that Caier still hoped that Xiaoling would go back to be with her.

Since there is already a beautiful woman waiting for Xiao Ling, is Xiao Ling still called pitiful? Although Yang Xuan has never seen Cai'er, he can still infer that Cai'er is a beautiful woman - Xiaoling has high vision.

"Go aside, are you still a miserable man? I think you don't know happiness in happiness. Yang Xuan laughed and scolded, "If I were you, then I would definitely not say useless words here now, but let the driver drive faster."

Yang Xuan is really helpless and doesn't know what to say. We can only change the topic---but yes, the driver is really a little slow driving. Usually, it is almost time to get to the bar, but now there is still less than half of the journey to refuel the car.

"Mr. Driver, can you drive faster?" Xiao Ling looked innocently at the driver in front of the car and said, "My classmates and I are in a hurry."

If Yang Xuan knew this driver, he would definitely say that I don't know him. But Yang Xuan doesn't know this driver. In this case, let Xiao Ling talk nonsense casually.

"Yes, it's just that I just saw you two talking, and I'm afraid that you can't get used to it." The taxi driver smiled and said, "The place where you two just came out is really cool. I almost dare not park the two of you."

Well, Yang Xuan admitted that the car he and Xiaoling are taking now is a taxi. At that time, the first three cars were all drivers. When they saw Yang Xuan and Xiao Ling, they seemed to be too scared to stop. But the fourth car was a taxi, which is the car taken by Yang Xuan and Xiaoling now. But it also proves that there is still true feelings in the world.

"Ha ha, the two of us went there to play in the afternoon, but we didn't expect that there were no lights on the road when it was dark, so we had to walk out slowly." Yang Xuan smiled and said, "But I still want to thank you. If it weren't for you, then he and I might have slept in the wilderness today."

Yang Xuan really wants to say thank you to the driver this time. After all, if it weren't for the driver, then maybe Yang Xuan and Xiaoling are still wandering around the outskirts of the base. Since it is about to arrive now, there are not so many complaints.

"Well, although there are a lot fewer bad people at night now, you can still go back early now, otherwise it is not safe to meet some bad people." The driver said seriously, "I have been driving for more than ten years, and every time I get up in the morning, I see some people killed by bad people in the newspaper."

There is a trace of warmth in Yang Xuan's heart--there are not many people who really care about Yang Xuan. Today, Yang Xuan has been cared for a long time except for big pigs...
