It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 0282 At least it is as thick as the corner of the city wall

One day, a person went to buy cigarettes and took out ten yuan, but found that there was no fire in his pocket. I hope the store can give him the cheapest box of matches, but the store owner didn't give it to him.

The second time I went there, it was exactly the same as the first time - only ten yuan, no fire. But the man had an idea and hoped that the store owner would say that cigarettes are a dime cheaper. The owner of the store agreed and gave the man a dime in the end. The man bought a box of matches with this dime.

Yang Xuan remembered such a thing he had seen from the Internet before, but he was also secretly surprised by the wisdom of that person. Although today's taxi driver is different from the man who buys cigarettes, he has a very smart mind.

In fact, Yang Xuan doesn't feel that the taxi driver is one or two cent cheaper. But if you put yourself in other's shoes, 73 yuan and 20 cents, if you are an ordinary person, then you will definitely save all the fractions after 70. But the taxi driver's words made Yang Xuan and Xiao Ling embarrassed to let him get the three yuan cheaper. After that, the money in hand is 73 yuan - but if you don't say that, it means that the money in hand may be 70 yuan.

Originally, Yang Xuan did not want the taxi driver to erase the three yuan, but the taxi driver's words made Yang Xuan and Xiao Ling interested in him. In fact, it's also because Yang Xuan and Xiaoling are too young. In fact, such things often happen in the world, but Yang Xuan has never seen them. But what's wrong with the temperament of ordinary people? Yang Xuan will not feel wrong.

"You are also interested in him." Yang Xuan smiled and said, "Actually, I don't know what to say. Anyway, I just feel that he is not such a simple person. At least I have never seen such a temperament among people I have met.

But why do people with high temperament drive taxis? That temperament should not exist in a taxi driver at all. At least Yang Xuan has thought so so so far.

"I've really been living a ghost these days. There are many capable people in the world, but they have been touched by us one after another, which makes me feel a little if I should let Mr. Ge train me well again. Xiaoling said helplessly, "No matter what, in short, he will not be our enemy. We should still do our own business now."

After Xiao Ling finished speaking, the pace under his feet increased a lot. Yang Xuan had no choice but to follow - it can be said that the bodies of the two are about to stick together. If Yang Xuan doesn't keep up, he may fall down in a moment.

After keeping up with Xiao Ling's pace, Yang Xuan also secretly calculated in his heart - although it can't be an enemy, why can't he pull this person into his camp now that there is such a powerful person in the base?

"Can you stop holding me?" Yang Xuan said helplessly, "I will leave by myself, and I almost trip."

"..." Xiaoling is speechless. He didn't have hugged you in the first place, okay? It's just to put my arm on you, not to put my arms around you. You lean on me like a little daughter-in-law - of course, Xiaoling dared not say it.


The lights in the bar are very dim, but you can still see whether there are obstacles on the road ahead - nonsense, if you can't even see the obstacles, what if you trip the guests? Medical expenses are a small matter, but no one can guarantee whether the tripped customer will come to the bar next time. As the saying goes, customers are God, of course.

"Have you seen Yang Yuxin?" Yang Xuan took an interesting look at Xiaoling, who was looking for something carefully, and said, "If you don't see it, shall we sit down first?"

"..." Xiao Ling looked at Yang Xuan confusedly and didn't know what Yang Xuan was talking about.

Yang Xuan patted his forehead - why did he forget that it was the peak of the bar? The song in the bar was very loud, and it was inevitable that Xiao Ling could not hear what Yang Xuan was saying.

Roared, Yang Xuan roared and repeated the sentence just now to Xiao Ling. Seeing Xiao Ling's sudden realization, he was relieved - Yang Xuan's throat now hurts, which is enough to prove how loud the sound in the bar is.

Pray silently in my heart. Yang Xuan prayed that there would be no problem with the ears of the staff in the bar. In fact, Yang Xuan is a little want to cry now - is his #mother's voice a little too loud?

"I haven't found her yet." Xiaoling also shouted to Yang Xuan and said, "Let's find a place to sit down."

After hearing Xiaoling's words very hard, Yang Xuan led the way and sat on a double table. I was a little confused - the sound of the bar was not so loud when I came yesterday, was it? What's wrong with this today?

"Don't you want to drink? Now I allow you to drink a bottle of beer. Xiao Ling smiled and said, "You also said that it's better to be careful these days. But I saw you feel uncomfortable today, so I allowed it!"

Yang Xuan took a very unhappy look at Xiao Ling, but he was a little helpless - a bottle of beer is not enough, is it? If you give me a bottle of Xifeng for 15 years, oh no, I will thank God if you give me a bottle of Xifeng for six years.

"Let's go, I don't like to drink it." Yang Xuan said angrily, "Of course, if you can't help it, I can ask you for a little wine now."

Who said Xiao Ling didn't drink anymore? In fact, Xiaoling drinks a lot. Of course, Xiaoling saw Yang Xuan and Big Pig drinking desperately, so he didn't dare to drink with Yang Xuan Big Pig. Yang Xuan knows this, so he also knows that Xiaoling is very good at drinking.

"Cut, I don't drink." Xiaoling shook his head and said, "I definitely don't drink in front of Yang Yuxin in my house. Yesterday, I said that I wouldn't drink. If you hadn't let me drink with you, then I really wouldn't drink."

If it's not in public now, then Yang Xuan really doesn't mind drinking a bottle of white wine for Xiaoling--it's too annoying. Yang Xuan thought that his skin was thick enough, and it was the kind of city wall. But now it seems that Xiaoling's skin is thicker than him--at least as thick as the corner of the city wall...
