It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 0347 Wanshou Guanyin

Now Jane wants to die, why did she poke a hornet's nest? Although there are four people, it is more sweaty than a group of people. The stone is still in Jane's hand. Originally, she wanted to throw it out, but if she throws it, even if one person is put down, the other three will definitely rush up, and then it will be finished.

If Jane is given a chance to make a new choice now, Jane will definitely not bow her head to pick up the stone. In order to pick up this stone, the distance between him and the four flowers has been reduced a lot.

The four flowers chase Jane like tigers, but Jane's speed is not vegetarian. Just when the distance between the four flowers and Jane is less than one meter, Jane will accelerate every time, and then leave the four flowers far behind. This is to get rid of the danger many times - if Jane is chased by the four flowers now, the consequences will be really a little tragic.

"Can the four of you stop chasing me!" Jane couldn't hold on any longer and hurriedly said, "How about I admit defeat? You won! Shit! Why are you still chasing!"

To be honest, Jane is really a little helpless now. What kind of people are these! They have already admitted defeat and have to keep chasing one behind -- Jane swears that as long as she has time to deal with these four people, she will definitely clean up one by one without mercy. It's so annoying!

"..." The four flowers did not answer. They all followed Jane with red eyes and did not give Jane a chance to recover.

Seeing this, Jane shook her head helplessly. Throw out the only stone in his hand.

The stone flew in a straight line in the air to the top of the head of one of the four flowers. But the main attacker did not slow down at all, but became faster.

Dong! The stone fell on the head of the main man of the flower. The body of the hit immediately tilted and fell on the cement floor with a plop.

The impact of the stone was very large, and the person who was hit saw the stone flying towards him. Instead of slowing down, he accelerated the speed, and the strength that fell on top of his head became greater.

In fact, there is also a burst of grievance in the hearts of the people who have been hit now! Because he saw that the stone had no possibility of force at all, he wanted to bounce the stone away with his body. But I didn't expect it to end up like this.

"You'd better lift him down first. The strength I used before only made him lose his ability to move--but who knows that this guy knows that I have to speed up when I hit him. Now it's sad. Jane said very innocently.

Now Jane's heart is so cool! I didn't expect to put down a big enemy like this. Two of the four flowers are very headaches for Jane. But I didn't expect to abolish one face-to-face, which is not a big result.

"What did you do to him?" Another main attacker of the flower asked with red eyes.

Its realization in this main attack that has not fallen, I really want to put Jane down, but I can't help it when I think of the four people together. I also put up with it--after all, it is the most important thing to protect the power of life. Otherwise, how can I fight against Jane later?

"Doctor!" Jane shouted. I didn't pay attention to the red-eyed flower attack at all.

In fact, Jane knows that if it continues like this, he will really lose a rare talent in the base. And Jane doesn't think he is a decent man--after all, he put him down by means that is not 'glorious'. In the final analysis, there will still be a little embarrassed in my heart.

"It's coming!" The doctor appeared on the stage and diagnosed the person lying on the ground. Immediately waved his hand and attracted four people and a stretcher.

Now it seems that there are only three people left in the four flowers, and there is no way to simplify it. Now I may really lose.

Originally, Jane would not have called a doctor to diagnose the person lying on the ground by him. There were still three strong enemies in front of her. If one of them sneaks, then Jane thinks he can't stick to it.

"Let's continue to start." He said lightly.

It's really a magic pen that can be used to the extent that Jane can be used. It angered the four flowers, and now after putting down one person, let's continue to start - anyway, since then, the four flowers and the only three people are really much more likely to lose.

"Hmm!" Another main attacker snorted and did not refuse Jane's suggestion.

At present, Jane seems to have the upper hand. After all, Jane has defeated one. But Jane is not so relaxed now, and the remaining three people will definitely be more careful now. Although it angered the three people in front of us, we should really continue to start. Then Jane will still fall into the wind.

"Attention." Jane said in her heart.

Well, Jane is comforting her young heart. After all, the three people in front of us are really not so easy to deal with.

At this time, the only remaining main attacker of the flower communicated with the other two defenders with his eyes, and then nodded.


I don't know how many times this is to roar. It turns out that a roar will improve your morale, so that your teammates can burst out the best attack power.

A hand knife was cut down and went straight to Jane's body.

See briefly, the legs are separated. He made a Tai Chi move, and then grabbed the knife of the main attack of the flower in his hand.

However, when Jane was about to throw out the only main attack left of the flower, a knife suddenly appeared behind her!

Shocked, Jane immediately removed the power of the flower's main attack knife, and then shifted her body to the right.

I don't know whether Jane's feet are unstable or simple deliberately. Jane's body suddenly became unstable when she shifted to the right, and she almost fell on the cement floor.

Drink! Jane's body itself is about to fall down. But I heard a loud shout, and it turned out that the third hand knife had arrived in front of him.

Can all three flowers attack with all their strength? Jane almost sweated in her heart. If this had been changed just now, it would have been lost. After all, the attack of two people is really not as good as that of four people!

Jane made a decision and ran without any hesitation--well, in fact, Jane just pretended to fall to the ground.

"You three are all attack types!" Jane withdrew from the danger, sweating and said, "I underestimate the four of you."

Originally, Jane would not speak in the battle, but after seeing the attack of the three flowers, she suddenly felt dangerous. I can't help but be in danger.

"We chose the wrong way to attack from the beginning!" One of the flowers said with regret.

If the four people attacked Jane with all their strength at the beginning, they must be able to block all four sides of Jane. Even if the god comes, the four flowers are confident that Jane can be hurt a little. But now it's too late to regret---- Jane just got a gap for the flowers and escaped.

"..." I was speechless. In fact, Jane has only found out that it was so dangerous from the beginning! Instead, I was playing with four flowers before, and I was almost defeated, and I actually had the psychology of playing.

Thinking of this, Jane got angry. He ran to the three flowers without any hesitation.

Drink! Jane's speed is very fast, which is close to the peak speed just now. Just in an instant, it came to the three flowers.

Block the way out of the three flowers. Jane punched three times, and there was an exclamation. There is no way. Jane's three punches actually have remnants. What a speed and strength it takes!

When the three flowers saw this situation, they were much more vigilant. Even the anger in my heart has dissipated a lot, and there is only one goal in my heart - to break Jane's attack!

The boxing style is about to be close to the bodies of the three flowers. The three flowers are in danger. They look at each other and punch each other! Unexpectedly, he was ready to resist Jian's attack.

Bum! Bang! Bang! All three punches were blowd. The three flowers all took nearly ten steps back. Jane's shadow only took less than a step back.

"What's the name of this move?" The three flowers asked in one voice.

In fact, Jane is very depressed now--Ge Lao taught Jane a lot of moves, but he didn't tell Jane the name of the moves. Now it has been used, but everyone wants to know the name of the move.

"I made a name myself." He said lightly.

Now Jane is a little pretentious! Otherwise, how could it be indifferent and expressionless? It should be shocking how the moves taught to him by Mr. Ge can be so powerful.

"Tell us. We appreciate this move." The man who attacked the flowers said.

Jian nodded and said, "I named this move: Wanshou Guanyin."

If Jane is suspected of being pretentious just now, then she must be pretentious now. Isn't it just three punches? How can it be called 'Wanhou Guanyin'? Ten times more than Qianshou Guanyin. What is Jane doing? Is the name of this trick really so awesome?

"Wanhou Guanyin?" The three flowers looked at Jane confusedly, but their eyes immediately became firm.

Jane took a look at the current situation--how do you feel that the three flowers are about to kneel down to worship the teacher? Otherwise, how could he show such a firm look?

"Even if it is 'Wansu Guanyin', we will beat you." The three flowers said firmly...
