burgled coffin

Chapter 07 Egg

Damn it! This thing is not taken out of the mouth of any dead person, is it?! Beckham thought angrily. It is said that many corpses will put some of this kind of thing in their mouths. It's disgusting!

Thinking that Beckham finally couldn't stand it, he raised his hand and wanted to throw the beads out.


Xiaobei's hand hanging in the air suddenly stopped, this, this! Beckham didn't know what to say, because he really couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

He tried to move his wrist and sat up. He turned his wrist up and down and kept looking at it.

My body can actually move!

This has to be said to be exciting news, which also greatly increases his chances of survival. Beckham even has the illusion that as long as he can move freely, he believes that nothing can be done.

How can you suddenly regain control of your body?! Moreover, there are still a lot of ecze in this tomb, which is too abnormal. Isn't it?

Beckham has an unspeakable premonition.

He subconsciously glanced at the bead spit out of the cat's mouth.

"Meow, meow, meow" the cat screamed slowly, as if to express something, but Beckham didn't understand at all. He could only watch the black cat jump on a wooden box and chirp at himself.

After shouting more than a dozen times, the black cat stopped screaming and tilted its head to look at Beckham, which was indescribably strange.

A exhausted man, a magical bead, and a mysterious black cat presented an exaggerated picture in the tomb. The sound of hunger from Beckham's belly couldn't help breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"Hear!" Beckham opened the chocolate on his body. He needed energy and must replenish his strength as soon as possible. But now is undoubtedly the most alarming moment.

Now he found that his food was in an extremely scarce situation. He had no feeling just now, but when he was hungry, he had to face this serious problem.

"Ye." Beckham hesitated for a moment, broke a piece from the chocolate and handed it to the black cat. He doesn't know whether his choice is right, but his heart is extremely firm.

Although he is a person who loves to take advantage of small things, which can be seen from his various behaviors, he is also an extremely particular person. This makes him a contradiction. It is a principle that he has always believed in. After picking up the bead, he has fully confirmed his guess. The closer to this bead, the more it can remove toxins from his body and be immune to toxins and ecthetics. That's why he considered whether the black cat had eaten anything in such a situation.

Unexpectedly, the black cat stared at him for a long time, and Beckham's eyes would never be forgotten. What kind of look is that? Curious? Doubt? Funny? All kinds of eyes that should not have appeared on the animal appeared in the eyes of the black cat.

It was not until Beckham's back was cold that he turned his head, jumped off the box, and went straight into a gap under the wall on the right side of Beckham.

Before leaving, he took a very meaningful look at Beckham.

Beckham doesn't know what it means. It seems that he has been so reduced by this black cat, but it saved itself at a critical moment. What secret is there in the tomb covered by this dust? What does it have to do with yourself?

Beckham is confused.

He stuffed the beads into the pocket of his coat, did not look at the gold and silver, followed the footsteps of the black cat and walked to the wall.

Only then can I see that there is a very small gap in the wall, winding from top to bottom, because it was covered with a layer of dust that I didn't see it clearly just now. Who would have noticed that the walls of this small tomb still have such hidden crevices?

His body is rested. Although his feet are still a little heavy, it is much better than the dangerous situation just now. At least he has the ability to protect himself, doesn't he?

As for those gold and silver? Beckham sneered, and he would not be so stupid that he would be blinded by money. The skeleton next to him is undoubtedly a lesson from the front car to remind him that he is not doing anything safe, and he needs to try his best to survive!

The dust in the gap was wiped away by Beckham's hand. It seemed that there was a secret door here before.

What will be in it? The black cat seems to want to go with it. Is there any hope of taking itself out of this damn place?

He gritted his teeth and slowly pushed open the heavy stone door.

The scene in front of him stunned him.

The whole field of vision increased more than ten times in an instant, and a tomb that had been chiseled hundreds of meters wide was displayed in front of Beckham. The walls were full of shiny beads, which made the tomb brightly lit up.

But this is not what surprised him the most.

What scared Beckham was that there was a downward step next to his feet, which made the bottom of the whole tomb sink about three or four meters. The bottom was densely covered with monkey-like monsters he had just met! Bai Sensen's sharp teeth were dripping with saliva, which made him shudder.

There is a translucent spherical membrane in the center below, which is mounted on a bronze tripod, and there seem to be many black spots squirming, like a giant insect egg, which makes Beckham almost spit out bile.

"Puff!" It seemed to be the sound of bubbles breaking, and then there was a dense grinding of teeth below, like countless mice stealing the banker in the ground.

A small hole was broken in the membrane of the ball, and a shrimp-like object rolled out of it, which looked like a curled baby and fell into the group of monsters. In an eye, dozens of recent monsters swarmed up and competed in a low voice.

"Hm!" Beckham wanted to exclaim, but after thinking of the scene where he was dismembered, he quickly covered his mouth with his hand and slowly retreated, but accidentally kicked off a stone at his feet and rolled down into the herd, causing countless monsters to look up together and roar deafeningly.

God! Damn it! After cursing twice, Beckham immediately turned around and ran away. A group of monsters behind him grinned and jumped from the wall and went straight to the steps.

This can be regarded as a hornet's nest, and even the ground seemed to begin to shake uneasily. The dust flew in the tomb, and large pieces of stone debris fell from the sky.

As soon as he slipped, Beckham fell to the ground with his head up and rolled and crawled out.

As long as you run out and close the stone gate, it will be safe! Beckham thought to himself, but God always seemed to be against him. The one he just fell seemed to have sprained his foot, and the pain made his cold sweat flow down his forehead.

This is really a race against death, racing against time to escape from this dangerous place.

"Sy!!!" Beckham took a deep breath of cold air, and his back was in hot pain. Then a dark shadow flashed in front of him and was thrown to the ground by a monster.

The monster's saliva dripped on Beckham's face, and he didn't have time to wipe it. He quickly grabbed the monster's neck with his hand to prevent the cold teeth from piercing into his skin.

There is a large group of monsters behind it. It seems that it is really going to be used as dinner this time. Suddenly, Beckham desperately remembered the black cat. Where did it go? Why did it disappear after coming in? Have you been eaten by those monsters? What a broom star, always putting himself in crisis.