burgled coffin

Chapter 15 Ghost Signal [!]

The surroundings seemed to be silent.

Beckham gasped and asked, "Has he gone down?"

The fat man knew that he was asking the stars and nodded. Beckham's eyes dimmed.

"It's dangerous down there."

"What did the mural say?"

"This tomb is not a Tusi mausoleum at all, but is used to suppress evil spirits!"

The fat man took a breath of cold air and asked, "What do you say?"

"Is that piece of jade still there?" Beckham asked.

"Where is it? Do you know why it has a curse?" The fat man couldn't see a trace of surprise, but asked plainly.

"I saw in the mural that there was originally a bronze mirror here, which should have been inlaid on the coffin, and the jade is the pendant on the mirror..." Beckham coughed violently and continued, "Do you remember the dry blood stains below? Large-scale sacrifices have been held here in order to curse. I think it may be a person who made a great mistake and was cursed after his death, and in order to prevent the curse from leaking out, the person at that time applied a secret technique on the bronze mirror and put it on the coffin to suppress..."

The two looked at each other and were silent.

"The monsters below dare not go to the altar. Let's go down first." The fat man took the lead and slid down the rope full of stars.

Beckham knows that at present, the monsters below are staring at it, and it is impossible to return the same way again, so the only hope is all under the altar.

In this way of sacrifice, all construction workers and slaves will be sealed alive below to avoid bringing evil to it, but in order to survive, they are likely to open a passage to go out. This is also Beckham's opportunity.

As for why these monsters dare not go to the altar, it may be the reason for the coffin and the surrounding scriptures. Without considering these for the time being, Beckham silently packed up the scattered things, put on his backpack and followed the fat man down from the altar.

I don't know how long it took to slide down. It was dark around. The cold fireworks in the fat man's hand lit up a trace of cold light, which not only did not bring comfort to Beckham, but was a little strange.

The lower channel is very deep and extends downward in an "S" shape. At present, the two are stuck at the last corner.

"Is this?" Beckham picked up a button on the ground.

The fat man turned his head and took a look. This is the mark left by the stars. It seems that he has not been in danger yet. Let's be careful.

Beckham nodded solemnly. The two walked deeper. Although the surroundings were gloomy and horrible, there was no life-threatening, which made Beckham even more confused.

Because the information on the mural is that only by suppressing the bronze mirror on the coffin can the curse inside be locked, and the jade pendant on the bronze mirror has fallen and spread to the fat man's hands, indicating that the bronze mirror is no longer on the coffin.

Is Chengdu fake? Will this curse have no effect at all? But how to explain the series of bizarre deaths? Now the black cat has no trace, and only by constantly groping forward can the clue be found.

"Is there really such a thing as a curse in ancient times?" Beckham suddenly made a sound, and the cold fireworks in the fat man's hand suddenly dimmed.

"There are many things that are difficult to explain, and I don't know, but I believe they exist. Don't talk so much. Excessive noise will cause unnecessary trouble." The fat man said coldly. Although the tone was cold, it still answered Beckham's question from the side. The magical things in the ancient tomb did exist.

In fact, Beckham also saw that Fatty and Xing Mantian belong to the cold and hot inside. On the surface, they pretend to care. In fact, they care more than anyone else, even if they are such an irrelevant person.

There was a sudden sound around, not the footsteps of two people or the sound of the wind.

"Tick, tick."

As the two went deeper and deeper, the sound became clearer and clearer, as if it were in their ears. Beckham conscientiously held the dagger in his hand, which was given by Xing Mantian after saving him. Even in the dangerous situation just now, Beckham did not lose it, which has to show that Beckham and the fat man Xing Mantian have fallen in love.

This dagger is surprisingly sharp, and I don't know what material it is made of, and it won't be rolled when it is cut on a stone. Beckham's hands were full of sweat.

The fat man pulled away the safety of the pistol and was ready to shoot at any time.

"Shh." The fat man made a stop gesture to Beck and leaned along the wall alone.

"Wrath, th"

is the sound of running water, but how can there be water under here? Is it groundwater? Although Beckham was puzzled, she still obeyed the fat man's command and waited nervously in place.


The fat man turned around neatly and pointed his gun inside. Several pieces of gravel under his feet were splashed around by his heavy foot, and the crisp sound was particularly clear in this quiet environment.

Beckham felt that her nerves were about to break, and she wanted to rush over immediately, and even wanted to throw a dagger into it. People's hearts always appear so vulnerable in the face of the unknown.

Fortunately, the fat man immediately put down the gun and let Beckham keep up. Beckham finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Wow, this is such a strong view!" Beckham stepped forward and was stunned by the scene in front of her.

The staggered stalactites cover the sky and the sun, and there are continuous drops of water falling from above, hitting the pool below. The sound just now was made from here.

A altar secretly said that there was a hole in it, which made Beckham feel that it was a scene that could only appear in the movie.

The pool is not very big. There are things scattered around the things in the backpack full of stars. The secret road has come to an end here. Is the stars all over the sky down to the bottom of the pool? Where did the mysterious coffin go?

mis were placed in front of him one by one, making him overwhelmed.

Beckham and the fat man looked at each other and immediately took off their coat. They have no choice but to know the result! At present, there is only one way, that is to go in! Go deep into the bottom of the pool to find the answer!

"Hest, hiss."

The fat man bent down and turned around, immediately picked up the engineering shovel and pistol on the ground quickly, and asked with a wary face, "What's ringing?" Did you hear that?"

"Sound?" Beckham didn't hear it, but stopped the movement in her hand and pricked up her ears to listen carefully.

He had to believe the fat man's words, because he had no experience and everything had to be carried out under the direction of the fat man. Moreover, the most important reason is that he would rather believe whether he is trustworthy or not. In this dangerous place, safety is just an illusion, and he should always be vigilant.

" hiss." The sound sounded again, very weak. It's like a messy radio wave in the night, which makes people feel creepy and the cold wind blows directly.

"I heard it, a little... a little seeping..." Beckham shivered.

"What do you think it is?" The fat man asked.

"Like... like my broken antique radio..." Beckham curled her lips helplessly, but couldn't laugh. The sound was indeed like this, but it was also a little horrible. Where will that thing appear here? What the hell.