burgled coffin

Chapter 18 Diary [What's the strength of comrades?]

He killed the sleepy guard on duty, and several others were bitten unprepared, but there was no life crisis. The dead leader was finally completely burned by us, but his last ferocious smile kept wandering in my head. He laughed and said, 'Cursed people will take your lives!' I believe this sentence is definitely not a joke. I suggest that you return the jade pendant immediately and find the original location. So we returned to the tomb, but it was completely disinable, like a wheat field with locusts, and things were in a mess.

Now we have entered the bottom of the altar, and there are also the culprits that make the tomb messy. They are more patient and difficult to deal with than Zongzi. They are flexible like monkeys, with corpse poison on their teeth and claws. Once they are tricked, they will be paralyzed and unable to move. The bad thing is that we have gone a lot wrong in the panic. The night cat is already scared. He may be afraid of dying here and is in a trance.

I checked the personnel. From the 100-person team at the beginning, there are only 20 survivors now, and two people have been seriously injured. We can't treat them in time. The way out is blocked, and I'm sure it won't be so easy to avoid that curse if you can get out in time. And I found a secret that I didn't dare to tell, that is, all the senior personnel died, and the insiders who planned the event died. I can't cause panic. I don't know what they originally launched this activity for. Now I have to find out the reason in order to survive. Since there is no way out, let's go ahead.

The more Beckham looked at it, the more he sweated and trembled. Although it is not his own experience, it can be seen from the rush between the lines that this senior is very dangerous this time, and he is also likely to encounter what happened to him. The poisonous monkey-like creatures on their claws are the mutant monsters they have encountered before.

So what did they encounter after being included in the altar? Why is he the only one trapped here? What on earth is the thing outside that makes the fat man so panic? The answer will be revealed immediately.

"It was the fourth day trapped, but there was no way out, and panic began to spread in the crowd. The two seriously injured eventually died because of the conditions here, which increased their fear. Several people even began to hallucinate and clamored to find their own way to die. The supply is not enough. We can last for another three days at most! For three days, I never felt that such a short time would be our last survival time, and I was unwilling. I'm really unwilling. Zongzi can't kill me, and countless organs can't trap me. How can I be defeated by this little difficulty? There is a pool here. I don't know what kind of potential danger there will be. In the end, I don't want to take risks and I believe no one will explore it now. The little night cat had a high fever. My only regret was to bring him with me. I thought it could increase his experience, but I didn't expect that this time it might ruin his life. How can I be worthy of his father? Even if I go down there, I don't have the face to see him! No, I have to find a way, a way, a way! My brain is a mess. If it really doesn't work, I will kill a bloody way out!

It suddenly occurred to me that if I sacrificed some people, I might really be able to escape. I admit that I am selfish. Even if I sacrifice myself, I will let the night cat go out. He still has a good time. As for other people who are not close to me, why should I care? So I began to implement my plan.


Another day passed, and they became more and more unbearable to wait for death. In order to survive, I saw how ugly people's hearts are. People began to fight, just to seize the opportunity to survive. If there is not enough food, they can kill a few more people for a few more days. Maybe in the end, they can even eat human flesh raw. I don't have any danger, because I am their spiritual pillar now. Only I have a glimmer of hope to lead the living people out. They dare not touch me. I am more firm in my mind, but I need to wait for an opportunity, a suitable opportunity, but not now.


I ended their lives with my own hands today. They didn't dare to touch me, but I dared to hit the night owl! Blood stimulated everyone's nerves, and chaos began to arise. The creatures in the range of people's desperate attack were full of aggression, like stimulants. I took the night cat with me and circled a small area. As long as someone comes, I will kill it!

This situation lasted for a short time, and everyone's physical strength was seriously exhausted. I know it's an opportunity!

'Are you so interesting?' I asked, they didn't say anything. I sneered in my heart, but said, 'Now there is nothing here except this pool, and you know that supplies are not enough to maintain, so our only hope is to find a breakthrough to clean up the monsters outside. I know you all care about life, but we need unity.' I looked around and no one refuted it. It was good. That's exactly what I expected. No, it's even more perfect than I expected.

Under my leadership, everyone threw away all unnecessary things, and the cans that increased the load were thrown into the pool. The splash was something that everyone robbed as life a while ago. I hinted to them from the side that if they can't break through successfully, there is only one way to die. Driven by the desire for life, everyone's eyes are red and the way back is sealed, which reminds me of an idiom - breaking the boat.

I carried the night cat on my back, and the group of people quietly walked into the corridor and went to the altar, but there was a strange silence around me. I knew that this was the peace before the storm came. Sure enough, before this lasted for a minute, the monsters found the smell of a living person, like a cat that smelled fishy, and oozed out from all corners like a ghost. They climbed flexibly, and there was a dense 'rustling' sound on the walls, which made their claws sliding from the wall, and it was extremely fast.

The gunshot sounded in an instant, covering all the noises. The scene was really spectacular. Then someone threw out the explosives used to blow through the mountain, and the sound made my ears buzz and briefly deaf. I found a person on the edge, quietly walked to him and suddenly pushed him out. In an instant, a monster rushed up. He fought desperately in order to survive and attracted most of the attention. I immediately ordered him to abandon him and escape while the attack strength of the monsters here weakened. So, in the man's angry and desperate eyes, we tore open a road, like the devil's mouth, smiling ferociously in the dark.

I pushed the night cat out first, gave him a pistol, and told him to keep running forward, don't look back, and it's better not to touch this industry in the future. Then I took out a small part of the private explosives, and the only exit was sealed by me in the roar. I smiled unscrupulously. I knew that there was no danger outside, and the night owl could escape from the magic cave safely.

The eyes of this group of people were desperate. They wanted to kill me, but the monster covered me like a tide and flooded several people in a blink of an eye. I don't know who shouted in a panic and asked everyone to go back and run to the pool. Maybe there is a way out below. No one has gone down, just to find an excuse and give yourself hope. I think this may be my only chance, and I will rush back at all costs.

No one can compare with me for adaptability. I was the first person to rush back. The pool under the altar was so calm. I gritted my teeth and was about to jump in, but I didn't expect something extremely unexpected to happen..."