burgled coffin

Chapter 14 Weird Portrait

Beckham tightened her collar, then adjusted her state, opened the door and strode out.

In front of you is the Xihuan villa area. What is very different from the ancient city style is that it has a unique antique fragrance and incomparable luxury. It feels like poetry, including rhythm and full of active modern atmosphere.

"Finally arrived." Beckham sighed.

"Yes, yes." Liu Xin touched his coat pocket. Maybe he would only feel safe if he touched his weapon, Xiaobei thought so.

Xiaobei is different from Yang Yu and Liu Xin. He can't carry a gun. The dagger given to him by Xing Mantian is like a treasure he has treasured for many years, carefully caring for him, so he will not use weapons other than it.

The dagger was pinned to his waist, and now he finally understands why both the fat man and the stars like to put the dagger in this position. Because this position is the fastest position, and it feels particularly easy, although it is also the first time that he has not tied the dagger to his leg.

The cold touch on the blade makes people sober, and.

He looked around. Although it was gorgeous and unparalleled, it was surprisingly quiet. Yes, it's really strange that you can't even see a car in such a large villa area.

All the houses are quietly dormant there, like skilled hunters in the night, waiting for their prey to be delivered to their mouths.

After touching the dagger, Beckham felt that the suppressed atmosphere gradually dissipated.

Is it the smell of killing to drive away this strange feeling?

Xiaobei squeezed his dry lips, moved his hand away from his waist, and looked at Liu Xin and Yang Yu.

The three looked at each other, nodded, and then walked in.

"Welcome, boss, you and your partner for a long time, distinguished guest." A middle-aged man stood not far from the gate, wearing a black suit, made a Western bow and looked at Beckham walking in the center.

"Please lead the way." Beckham responded lukewarmly.

"Please." The man flattened his right hand and turned sideways.

Behind him, there was a straight road, and both sides were full of carefully trimmed plants, as if they were bowing down to welcome the guests.

At the end of the road, there is a building that is much larger than other houses. The thick solid wood gate is decorated with gold edges, which makes people look up.

"Please come in, the boss is inside."

The man pushed open the door and stood still at the door.

A red carpet extends softly on the ground. The interior of the room is large and open. Both sides of the carpet are supported by gorgeously carved stone pillars, giving people the feeling of a medieval castle.

Beckham stepped on the carpet and walked in with his head held high. There was a faint sound of music, and the man outside the door showed a strange smile.

"It's really luxurious here." Yang Yu sighed in a low voice.

"Yes, but it's also full of danger." Liu Xin echoed it.

Xiaobei lowered her head and recalled what she had just seen. He saw a statue of a god in the middle of the villa area. He had never seen it. He had never seen it. The statue wore a helmet on his head, put his hands on his chest, holding a weapon like hook, knife, sword and sword. Such a statue was simply unheard of.

The statue stands in the middle of a fountain, and the carving is vivid, especially the eyes.

Yes, Beckham's heart trembled, which was the kind of look.

A pair of eyes emerged from the armed helmet, which brought the whole statue to life.

But why do you feel familiar?

Xiaobei feels puzzled. He has never heard of such a statue at all. There is no reason to feel familiar! But the feeling was as if he had seen it somewhere, and even made him unable to move, and his whole body was covered with sweat of fear. In any case, he can't remember this familiar scene.

"Why is it so empty here? Don't you even have a waiter?" Liu Xin muttered doubtfully.

Beckham woke up from meditation and found another gate in front of him.

After Brother Liu said just now, Xiaobei remembered why there was no waiter here? I didn't even see anyone except that man along the way. Is it all inside?

"Squeak--" He pushed the door open.

Suddenly, the music inside sounded in my ears, and the light became bright in an instant, giving people a sudden and cheerful feeling.

In the center of the dance floor, countless figures in dresses swayed gracefully.

The waiter shuttles flexibly next to the long dining table.

A completely different scene. Compared with the bleakness outside, this is simply a paradise for those who are unwilling to be lonely, simply heaven. This contrast shocks people indescpeakably, which he would not have thought if Beckham hadn't personally experienced it.

Is this also the man's arrangement?

The people inside are still walking happily. The musician is addicted to the melodious violin sound, and no one pays attention to the three visitors.

"It doesn't look bad. I thought it would be a terrible scene, but why didn't I see the host here to welcome us?" Yang Yu smiled and picked up the goblet on the table. The gorgeous wine shook in it, reflecting a touch of red.

"This is the most terrible." Liu Xin looked around warily. It's too normal here, so it's terrible. Because danger is often hidden, and then give us a painful head-on blow when we are most relaxed!"

Xiaobei thinks that what Brother Liu said is very reasonable, but it is the most terrible thing, and the enemy lurking in the dark is the most dangerous.

However, he believes that the man will show his true face sooner or later, without any basis, just his inner voice. Beckham was unexplained and convinced that the other party would formally face him soon.

Hmm, my layout has been expanded, let's see if your trick is smart. Beckham sneered in his heart.

"Please come this way." A waiter in a gray dress noticed the three of Beckham and walked over quickly. The host has specially told him, but when he waits for you, he will be inside.

With that, the waiter gave way and pointed to the end of the red carpet and another door. It should be a box with glass on the door, but unfortunately you can't see anything except the big chandelier on the ceiling.

Beckham noticed a detail that the waiter and the man who had previously received him called him except for the different color of his clothes.

The man said "boss" before, and since he entered here, the name of the waiter has become "master".

It shouldn't be like this. The man seems to be a housekeeper, but he won't be different from other waiters. Now, this situation has occurred.

Xiao Bei faintly felt uneasy, and the feeling of being targeted appeared again!

"Go, go in." Liu Xin opened the door, and Xiaobei and Yang Yu also followed closely.

At the moment of opening the door, the sound of the violin turned into the sound of the piano. It's not a piano, but a stringed piano. This sound is soft and soothing, which makes people involuntarily relax. Beck looked up, and a woman lowered her head with a silver harp in her hand.

The beautiful music comes from this harp.

"My guests, it's a great honor for me to come. Please feel free to take your seats." A slightly hoarse voice inserted, just at the other end of the dining table, sat a man with pale skin and an elegant smile on his face. The strange contrast tightened Beckham's heart.

This man looks very young, but the gorgeous hair and wrinkles at the corners of his eyes have deeply betrayed him. It seems that he should be 40 or 50 years old, but the maintenance is really good. Beckham thought in his heart.

Suddenly, Beckham was shocked by the mural on the wall behind the man.

On the wall, there is a man wearing a golden crown, wearing a bright red cloak on his shoulders, sitting on the throne, lowering his head, holding a scepter set with a large light blue gemstone in his fist. He is gorgeous and graceful, but his face can't see clearly. On both sides are two warriors in gold armor, majestic, but the two sides can only set off the nobility of the people in the middle.

But it was the two warriors that really attracted Beckham.

Because in their hands, holding a strange weapon exactly like the fountain statue, even the action is the same! But the difference is that the two golden warriors have color, not the godless blue and white marble, but the charm is clearer!

"You are really luxurious, but I think you are already a little perverted." Beckham said lightly.

"Oh? I think so too, hehe, if you like it, I'll give it to you, okay?" The man smiled and pushed a bottle of wine firmly in front of Beckham. There are also three crystal goblet on the table, and there is no one around except the bowed woman playing the harp, not even a waiter.

"I'm not used to it. I just want to know your purpose and what you are sitting for. I don't believe that the person who can plan such a huge hand is just to meet his perverted needs, although there are many strange people in the world." Beckham was not afraid that her words would provoke the other party, and her eyes still stayed on the wall.

Sure enough, the other party was not angry, but still smiled and shook his head.

"Everything here can be given to you, but this painting can't." He seemed to find that Beckham had a special preference for the murals behind him. This is the only souvenir I brought back from a legendary place.

"I just want your answer, that's all." Beckham's eyes moved down and looked at each other. I just think this painting is very familiar.

After adding this sentence, Beckham stopped talking.

"You'd better sit down, or I will feel unhospitally." He pointed to the chair next to Beckham.

The three sat down and waited for his next words.

"This time it's much more comfortable and can get to the point. Don't you just want to know why I tried my best to calculate you? Or it's you, Beckham. The man poured wine by himself, took a sip, and looked particularly enjoying it. Of course you are familiar with it, but this is what I want to tell you later. You will be surprised. Before that, I want to tell you a story, no, or a legend is more appropriate.