burgled coffin

Chapter 35 Silent Death

In mid-air, there is a translucent silky object, which is a fishing line!

But everyone who has caught fish knows that the fishing line is difficult to find without paying attention, and it is even worse in the dark place. When Beckham found the fishing line, he knew that this was what he was looking for, so he smiled.

He gently dragged the fishing line and heard a crisp sound from the wall behind him.

Then, a huge roar began.

"No wonder we can't find the mechanism. It's here!" Liu Xin sighed and looked at the overturned wall. He was speechless for a long time.

Beckham couldn't help nodding: "Yes, it's so hidden."

At the end behind the wall, there is a small thing similar to a pin. When the fishing line is gently pulled, it falls out of a groove, triggering the mechanism and opening the secret door.

The three walked through the passage, which was an extremely twisted passage. After turning seven or eight corners, they saw the other door.

"It seems that this is it." Liu Xin opened the door and found that it was next to the stone pillar in the central part of the hall. The stone pillar was hollow and turned out to be a door! No one would have thought that the gate of the passage would be set in such a place. They made a big circle.

When I was about to enter a tomb, there was suddenly a slap in a tomb room not far away.

"Shh--" Beckham put his index finger on his lips and listened. There is a sound inside."

At first, he thought it was an illusion, but after listening carefully, the sound did come from there.

Yang Yu trembled slightly.

"Isn't this... a zongzi running out of it? ......”

"No way, I think you are the crow's mouth." Beckham retorted, and then walked over cautiously without any obstacles along the way. He put his ear close to the wall, and there was a bang in his ear.

After a while, Beckham turned around and said, "Let's go in and have a look."

Yang Yu changed his color and said in shock, "Damn it, is there any mistake? Now there is no black donkey's hoof, not even a donkey's hair. Didn't you go in to find death!"

Liu Xin took out his gun and waved his hand to signal Beck to open the tomb door.

"Brother Liu, you also..."

Yang Yu couldn't stop him, so he had to step aside and muttered, "It's really bad luck, but don't have any accidents. God, drop the donkey so that I can cut off a donkey's hoof to defend myself, Amitabha.

Xiao Bei smiled secretly and responded to him: "You beg God to return Amitabha. Your brain won't be kicked by a donkey, will you? Do you think a donkey's hoof can ward off evil spirits?

"Isn't it?" Yang Yu asked in surprise.

"Of course not." Liu Xin smiled and leaned against the tomb door, facing Beckham, just forming a triangle with Yang. This black donkey's hoof is made of the hooves of a naturally old donkey. Of course, it must be a black donkey and die of natural death. In addition, it can't be used directly by cutting it down. First, soak it in the evil charm water for a period of time, soak the green charm water completely clear, then bury it in the big incense burner in the temple, put it for seven or 49 days, and wait for the incense ash to absorb the water of the black donkey's hoof. Only in this way can we truly ward off evil spirits.

Yang Yu covered his mouth, but his face was still extremely depressed: "What about these details? Isn't that useless? I think we'd better not go in.

After he finished speaking, Beckham had opened the door of the tomb.

However, the scene inside is completely different from what they imagined, and the scene is extremely strange.

A total of seven or eight people wore silver masks and fell to the ground horizontally. Some of them stared wide, but they were already light gray, cutting off their vitality. There was still a breath of looking at Xiaobei and the three people.

Suddenly, one of them suddenly stood up and fell to his knees again.

He covered his throat and squeaked to say something, but a note could not come out of his voice. In Beckham's eyes, it was like being possessed by a ghost and desperately trying to strangle himself, which was particularly frighten.

His eyes were full of panic and eager.

Yang Yu was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He stood still and didn't notice that there was still a person beside him. At the moment he lost his mind, the man grabbed his calf and pleaded with difficulty: "Please... please kill me... kill me... kill me... ah..."

Yang Yu was scared by this sudden change, kicked the man away and retreated.

Beckham also stood in the middle and was at a loss, watching those people fall to the ground one by one, constantly rolling and wailing.

"Wow-hoo-hoo-" The man gasped heavily.

"What the hell is going on here?" Liu Xin grabbed a man and questioned him loudly, but the man couldn't say anything. On the wall opposite the door of the tomb, there is a big Buddha, with a kind smile and staring at everyone in the field.

In front of the Buddha statue, there is a bronze four-legged tripod, but the incense has been cut off and lying there alone. In addition, there is a dead bone, nothing else.

The empty room is like a demon that can devouring other people's souls, opening his blood basin and smiling gutterly.

The strange and silent scene, coupled with the mysterious Buddha, looks a little sad.

Liu Xin picked up a man again to question, but as soon as he put the man in his hand, the man died with a crooked neck.

Beckham's heart was pounding, his eyebrows were entangled, and his temples were a little cold.

"They all seem to be in pain and have no ability to move. It seems that they just accidentally bumped into here and were poisoned. There is no information we are looking for. Be careful of the things in this tomb and don't act rashly. I'll see if there are any alive and take off their equipment by the way. Liu Xin said and walked in, kicking a corpse at his feet.

There was no sound in the whole tomb. The silent death made Beckham feel particularly depressed and suffocated, as if someone had grabbed his neck.

Suddenly, he remembered the secret room where he and others had just escaped.

The same weirdness, the same suffocation, the same silence. The two seemed to be connected into an invisible line in his mind, affecting his mind.

Yang Yu was weak, but he still resisted not escaping and squatted there and vomited.

Liu Xin has collected things, but unfortunately there is no living here, and it has completely become a dead silence. Now he is checking the dead bones next to the four-legged tripod.

This dead bone is very strange. It seems to be holding the tripod, with two arms ringing on it, with his head tilted to the other side, and his godless eyes look at Beckham. It seems that he has been dead for a long time, but what is the cause of death? Same as these people? What's the reason for that?

Killing invisibly is the most terrible thing.

"Tick." Yang Yu's sweat dripped to the ground and made a crisp echo. He gasped and said, "Let's get out of here. It's too depressing."

But there is one thing that Beckham hasn't figured out. How these people got here. There are many fork roads along the way, but it is inevitable that they follow the footprints and ignore them, but these people are different. If they were radioactively searched because they were pursuing themselves, do they still have a fixed route after losing their goals?