burgled coffin

Chapter 13 Ingenuity

"Did you hear anything?" Beckham suddenly stopped and looked around.

"Sound?" Chen Siwei also stopped and listened carefully.

Another cold wind blew, and the three of them shivered together, and the low sound in the distance seemed to be silent at this moment. But Beckham can be sure that something did come just now.

Yang Shaohua continued to take two steps and said, "Maybe it's the wind in the forest. This is often the case here. This sound will be produced when the wind passes through the woods and causes the amplitude of the air to increase and change the airflow from the cracks."

"No." Beckham denied that this must be another sound.

"Maybe it's the howling of the beast. Let's keep going, and we should be almost there." Chen Siwei said something and also followed Yang Shaohua's footsteps.

Xiaobei shook his head and continued to walk helplessly, thinking about what the sound was just now. Maybe Chen Siwei was right, but that was definitely not a storm.

"It's here." Yang Shaohua stopped, and there was an open space in front of him, which was very strange.

"Why are there no weeds or trees here? Is it too obvious?" Chen Siwei asked in a low voice.

Yes, it's so strange here why there are no weeds. It seems that you can't even feel the breath of life within this range, forming a clear boundary with the woods behind you. It is the dividing point between the desert and the oasis.

Yang Shaohua squatted on the ground to look for traces. By the way, he turned his head and said, "It's always been like this here. I don't know. Anyway, there is no grass, and no one has studied it. Because it is a forbidden place, and no one will come here to plant trees, and there are few people who pass by here."

"I found it, it's here!" Yang Shaohua swept away a piece of dust with his hand, and a big hole suddenly appeared on the ground.

"Is this it?" Beckham looked in with a torch, but unfortunately it was dark and she didn't see anything.

"No, this is just the entrance on the first floor. There is also a door inside, which was built by the elders of the village before. Since the construction was completed, no one has entered here, except that I have followed those people once." Yang Shaohua took the lead in finding a rope tied to the tree and jumped down along the rope. Beckham and Chen Siwei followed closely.

There is a smell of wet soil and the smell of plant corruption. It should have been some years.

But the problem also arises here. Some years either mean that it is old, but the architectural style here is somewhat similar to that of the Republic of China. Isn't it long before you and others? This tomb should not be of much value to tomb robbers, and even the archaeological team will not choose to dig.

Yang Shaohua seemed to see Xiaobei's question and answered, "These are disguises for protection."

Beckham was puzzled and asked, "Disguise?"

Yang Shaohua nodded and said slowly, "Yes, it's just a disguise. In fact, this tomb has existed for too long. Even my grandfather's grandfather's generation doesn't know how it came from. Anyway, the residents here have been protecting this tomb from being violated, and some people say that it is to prevent curses and other things from leaking. When they came out, some people said that there were important items stored here, which was related to the prosperity of the nearby ethnic group, so it would not be easily touched, let alone let people come in.

"Originally, I didn't believe it, but since that happened, I began to waver. I don't know if there is really any legendary thing here, and I haven't come in again." He removed a big stone, reached for a brick on the wall, and then touched it to the right. Counted several numbers in a row, touched it down twice, and pushed down a stone brick with a force.

Looking at the sunken bricks, Beckham was surprised and said, "Is this a mechanism?"

"Well, it's a mechanism. I didn't know how to open it until I saw those people looking for it for a long time, otherwise I'm afraid I wouldn't have found such a secret organ." A stone wall slowly opened a gap, and Beckham saw layers of steps going straight down.

Yang Shaohua held the torch and walked inside and continued, "The place we just entered is not the entrance, but the thief hole made by those people. I have studied this position, which is simply a magic work. I think only these four words can describe. Because the design inside is too complicated, you can look at the empty inside. In fact, pay attention to that side.

Following the position of Yang Shaohua's fingers, Xiaobei and Chen Siwei turned their heads together and saw that the wall over there seemed a little awkward. What's the awkwardness? Beckham opened his eyes wide and found that the color of the bricks there was slightly different.

Yang Shaohua knocked on the wall next to him and said, "See? Some of these walls are hollow, in other words, a clever trap.

There was a muffled sound on the wall next to it, but when Beckham went to knock on the wall beside him, it made a "bang" sound.

Chen Siwei suddenly said, "It's really clever. I don't know who can design such a magical structure. With this trap, you can completely bury all the people who enter a layer of passage under it, and no one will find it here and will completely collapse."

Xiaobei was confused and still didn't understand the meaning of the two. There were still too few ancient tombs he came into contact with.

"Those bricks of different colors are actually easy to collapse. The reason why they can support the roof here is that there are some auxiliary solid bricks next to remove the force. Their arrangement seems to be in a stable order. Once someone digs a hole elsewhere, there is a more than 90% chance of causing a wall. The lack of a foot destroys this stable structure. Chen Siwei crossed her hands together and drew.

"I seem to understand that this place is actually equivalent to a table, and once someone removes a table leg, it will cause a tilt, resulting in a complete collapse of the entrance to the first floor of the whole tomb and bury people in it?" Beckham scratched his head and sighed that it was dangerous here.

Yang Shaohua took over and continued, "Yes, that's what it means. I don't know what that group of people do. How can they know that there is an ancient tomb here. The location of their burglar hole will not destroy this stable structure, so they successfully preserved this first channel and saved them. My own life."

"Everywhere here moves the whole body with one hair?" Beckham asked.

"It's true, at least all I know." Yang Shaohua answered, nodded and shook his head again.

Chen Siwei couldn't help smiling when she saw Beckham's fear, and her smile was still so dazzling in the dark. Don't worry, as long as we don't mess around here, there will be no problem. Such a layout is already a clever big organ, and it is meaningless to put other organs. I think we will have a good journey."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Beckham whispered that his intuition told him that it was not the same as imagined. That feeling was like the future, uncontrollable, unpredictable, and everything was variable.

The front seemed to have come to an end. The three stopped. Yang Shaohua walked to the long bright lamp by the wall and pushed a candlestick.

"Squeak, squeak."

There was a sound inside the wall on the right side of Beckham. He took a step back and watched the wall gradually turn over. He knows this kind of organ. He has seen it in Luoyang underground palace. Brother Liu said that there will be this kind of thing in many tombs, as if it is called a cabinet?

After entering, there is a separate room with nothing empty inside.

"What should I do next?" Beckham asked.

Yang Shaohua didn't say anything, and then silently walked to the corner of the wall. There seemed to be a small hole there. He took out a thin wire from his pocket and stuffed it in. After squatting there and playing for a while, he looked happy. Beckham knew that another organ here was about to start.

"Be careful, we are ready to officially enter the tomb!" Before he finished speaking, the wire in his hand was twisted hard by his thumb and forefinger, and the whole ground suddenly sank.

This is a movable ground, and the bottom is empty. At the moment when Yang Shaohua turned the wire, a big hole suddenly opened on the ground, and the three of them fell into it together. The things in here are really strange, but at the same time, Beckham feels that the things in it are by no means simple, otherwise he would not have made a lot of tricks and complicated the whole route.

"Ah~ah~~" Not long after the vertical fall, before Chen Siwei recovered from surprise, Beckham began to shout. Before he finished the disturbing noise, the three fell heavily to the ground, and the cold slates under them made them sore all over.

Xiaobei covered her shoulder and fell to the ground and hummed: "Damn it, what the hell is this? It's still brought down?"

Yang Shaohua smiled helplessly and said, "There's nothing I can do about this. Maybe this used to be a trap. I followed those people and saw them enter the pavilion and didn't see the way out. The group of people groped inside for more than an hour before they knew who found the small hole and tried to stuffed it into a chopsticks. As a result, the ground was opened. It's good that it's not Daoshan below. What else do you expect?"

It's right to think about it. This is an ancient tomb, not a playground. It's impossible to put an atmospheric cushion below waiting for people to fall down.

Chen Siwei's physical fitness was once again reflected, which opened Beckham's eyes, and even Yang Shaohua couldn't help opening his eyes wide. Chen Siwei stood up and patted the thick layer of dust on her body, which was like nothing else, which made Beckham feel extremely ashamed.

"This really seems to have been a trap." Chen Siwei squatted on the ground and pointed to two small grooves and said, "Here, here, and here, all of them have been filled, but they may have been volatilised over time. More than 80% is **, which is initially estimated to be an eastern corrosive such as sulfuric acid, or something that can burn quickly on people. Material."