burgled coffin

Chapter 19 Blood Pool

Yang Shaohua smiled and waved to Beckham.

Xiaobei walked over and looked in the direction of Yang Shaohua's finger, but the coffin was still the same. Still hasn't changed? Don't play riddles. I feel cold all over." Beckham really can't guess. Is it in the big box? When he thought so, he pushed open the lid of the box again. There should be no more organs in it, because such organs are generally disposable.

After pushing it away, it is still empty. Yang Shaohua put his hand in, then bent his fingers and tapped gently twice. Two muffled sounds immediately sounded. With a click, a small piece suddenly protrude into the inside of the coffin, and it turned out that there was a mezzanine inside!

When I opened the notebook, there was nothing on the first page above, blank, and there was no way to start. On the second page, a photo fell out of an old man in cloth, smiling brightly and shining white teeth. Is this person the owner of this diary? Beckham soon got the answer.

"This is my grandfather. He disappeared when I was only three years old." Yang Shaohua's expression was a little excited, and it seemed that they were getting closer and closer to the truth. However, the content recorded above is stunning. What the eyes see may not be true, as the first sentence above is written.

We have always believed in something, but one day when you find that these are just forged by people, the fog will all fade away. As I said, don't believe your eyes. Beckham guessed that the so-called "something" should be the body of the fisherman, right? The things behind him shocked him even more. Because of Yang Shaohua's grandfather's record, it doesn't exist here at all!

Does the ancient tomb not exist? What do you mean? How come? Beckham would rather believe that this is a joke, but they are really standing here! Moreover, everything here is true, and such a sentence makes them confused.

"What a magical world. I found a surprising thing. There is nothing here. It's all fake. It's all fake. I'm a little crazy. When I calmed down, I decided to tell everyone the news. All this is simply a fantasy! The secret buried here is an invisible bomb that will be destroyed sooner or later. That's it, and it's still blank.

What does this mean? What everyone sees are illusions? Have they been brought into the environment unconsciously? When? But the clever structure outside is absolutely real. Beckham thought, if this is the case, then they should be blinded by the illusion when they enter the second basement. What's the interference? No, no, what's wrong with these two corpses? The pain will not be so real, how can it be untied?

Suddenly, all three of them realized a problem. Beckham looked up at Yang Shaohua. Yang Shaohua's face darkened in an instant, and then he came over decadently and became more old in a trance. He excitedly bypassed Beckham and walked to the back of the coffin, where he had not looked there since the dumplings jumped out. Now it was obviously not in danger, and Beckham did not stop him and looked at him swaying. Walk over.

Guess what's behind? Yang Shaohua bent down and pinched a pendant in his hand, which seemed to be made of jade, a gourd-shaped jade pendant. Beckham felt that he was about to die. Fortunately, this was just an illusion. In short, he was not very comfortable. Yang Shaohua slowly took out something from his collar. Chen Siwei's eyes widened and the answer was ready to come out.

"Why is this notebook here, but the news hasn't come out?" Beckham vaguely grabbed something, a little unbelievable, and then muttered to himself. Yes, Yang Shaohua's grandfather disappeared and will not return when he was three years old, but it said that he wanted to bring back this shocking news, but Yang Shaohua knew nothing about it. What does it mean?

Chen Siwei covered her mouth and whispered, "Because he couldn't get out of here at all."

Yang Shaohua held another jade pendant in his hand, which has been on his neck, exactly the same as his other hand! Xiaobei didn't know what to say. She watched him pick up the unidentical head next to the coffin, then drag the body, gently put it all into the coffin, and then pushed the coffin lid with difficulty. This is a token. One was worn on my grandfather and the other was given to my grandmother and later passed on to me. Now everything understands that this mummified body whose head was cut off by them is his grandfather!

After restraining the body, Yang Shaohua went out silently. Xiaobei and Chen Siwei also followed him and unconsciously walked back to the fork in the road. The door opened on the wall still stood there so abruptly.

Beckham doesn't know what to say. All this came so suddenly that I'm afraid it would be difficult for anyone to accept for a while. They don't have any other thoughts now. Let's go back as soon as possible and find the team to find the mysterious coffin by boat. Just as Beckham lowered her head and walked forward, suddenly a cloudy wind blew behind her, as if someone had run over. He suddenly turned around and found that at some point, a dark shadow quickly penetrated into the door.

Xiaobei stopped and shouted Yang Shaohua and Chen Siwei walking in front of him. I seem to see someone running over, and there are still living people here?!"

"Will it be the disappeared villagers?" Chen Siwei turned her head, looked at Beckham doubtfully, and then said with her chin. Beckham shook her head and denied her idea. It is estimated that even if there is, it will become a rice dumplings.

With curiosity, Xiaobei gritted her teeth and decided to wait. No matter what was in him, he went to see first. He was so bold and starved to death. You made him see through it. It's nothing more than playing with his life. Even if he went to sea this time, he would die. It's better to satisfy yourself now.

Inside, the smell of blood became stronger and stronger, and when he turned the corner, the whole world suddenly changed!

It is a dead end, but there is a huge pool in it, in other words, a huge pool of blood! It is full of blood, and the top has dried up and condensed into lumps, and some are still **, calm like a lake, which is really creepy. Is this also an illusion? And in the pool, there were countless tree stumps hanging on which were corpses, as if the wind blew away, one after another, dense, like hanging sausages, being worn on the rope. This scene made Yang Shaohua suddenly wake up from his trance.

"Where is this place!?" Chen Siwei took a step back and exclaimed in a low voice.

Yang Shaohua stepped forward, touched it with his hand, and was stained with blood. It was scarlet, not like it was fake at all. It was shocking and made Xiaobei feel weak all over. Why hasn't the blood completely dried up? Where did it come from? Is this written on the mummified body? Who can kill so many people at once?!

"This is the disappeared villager." With that, Yang Shaohua looked at the other side. There was a pile of large wooden boxes. After opening it, it was full of books and files. It seemed that the things in the secret room under the ancestral hall were placed here. And who made these villagers suffer from this poison? So ferocious?

Chen Siwei couldn't help vomiting. Will there be any relatives of Yang Shaohua in it? No one knows. Looking at his expression, he doesn't seem to care about anything anymore. Beckham picked up a stone and threw it in. Suddenly, a wave of blood splashed on a corpse, and the inside of the corpse began to throb, as if something wanted to break free from it. Is it the devil?

A small head poked out, and even Beckham couldn't help vomiting. There were some unknown insects in it, which were awakened inside the body or gushing out one by one. That scene may be unforgettable for everyone present.

Beckham, who was the first to react, quickly pulled up Chen Siwei and ran back with Yang Shaohua on his feet. Damn, these things have been awakened. Let's go quickly. These things are not aggressive. I'm afraid we will stay here a little slower!"

At this time, Beckham suddenly found that the wall behind had been closed and became completely sealed, and the door was not known when it would be closed. They had no way back! Damn, why is there no movement? Is that the shadow? Is it a ghost?! Beckham was watered by a basin of cold water for a new moment, which was half cold. But he can't give up so easily. He must find a way out and can't sit here and wait to die.

Looking at a pile of small insects coming out of the shell, the sweat on Xiaobei's forehead flowed down his face. Yang Shaohua was still expressionless. He said, "Maybe we are really going to finish it now."

No, Beck felt that he could not be so negative. He looked around and suddenly stared at the pile of files. Before these bugs came out, he hurried to look through them and tried to find a way out. I don't believe it. Since this is artificially built, even if it is a fantasy, people who have come in before don't know. Maybe there will be any records in it. Maybe there will be another way?

Unfortunately, the idea was good, but when he roughly read a few books, his heart was completely cool. There was nothing on it, just remembering some trivialities of the clan, and now there are still three or four large wooden boxes here. It's too late to read all the bits and pieces. What can I do if I look for a needle in a haystack?

"Huh? When did an extra box come out here? Chen Siwei was not idle to help Xiaobei find a way out together. They have not encountered this kind of thing once or twice. If there is really no hope, she touches a knife in her pocket, then there is really no way. It's better to break it by herself, and there is less pain.

But now, just as she was slapping around the wall, she suddenly found a larger box under the corner of the wall not far away, and she remembered not seeing it when she came in. Only the wooden box containing the volume, but suddenly there was one more box when she turned around, which was inevitably surprising. .

It's weird, too weird.

Xiaobei raised his head and looked there. Yes, he clearly remembered that the box did not exist, just like the door, which suddenly closed silently, like a ghost. Damn, they seem to have entered a big net, and the hunters lurking in the dark are playing with them in the palms of their hands.

"Don't worry about that, let's see! I don't believe it. There are still ghosts in this place!" In fact, when Xiaobei said this, he had no confidence, and all this was difficult to explain.

He walked over with Yang Shaohua to find out what was inside and how it appeared. He needs a reasonable explanation, although all this is so unreasonable.