burgled coffin

Chapter 22 Ghost Coffin · Trembling at the Bottom of the Heart Finale

Tick, tick.

There is a sound of water falling to the ground, which is a little ethereal in the surrounding environment.

"There is no way ahead." Yang Shaohua said.

Looking at the dark wall in front of him, Beckham didn't know what he was thinking. Let's change the road." After pondering, Beckham muttered. When the fantasy disappears, it becomes an ordinary underground corridor, like an air-raid shelter, crisscrossed. Next, they chose another way.

Suddenly, Yang Shaohua stopped, and he seemed to have kicked something.

Looking down, Beckham was struck by lightning in an instant.

It was a corpse. It seemed that it had been dead for several days. They didn't stay much and left immediately after simple burial.

Suddenly there was a light in front of me.

"Why are you?" Du Qi asked, but when he saw that only Xiao Bei was there, he asked again, "Where's the leader?"

"I don't know. I'm separated. We were about to find her, but I didn't expect to meet you." Beckham shrugged helplessly and then asked, "What about the others? And how did you know we were here and how did you get down? In fact, he wants to ask more if there is an exit in front of him.

Along the way, Beckham simply said the matter, and Du Qi was silent.

"It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Find someone quickly and get out of here."

"No need to look for it. I'm afraid she's at what we were looking for, and none of us can leave without solving this problem." Yang Shaohua suddenly looked up again and glanced upward.

Before the voice fell, there was a muffled sound behind him, as if something fell to the ground.

Three people walked over and found that it was a person. Du Qi pulled the rope, but the rope fell down with obvious cuts on it. He smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that it's true. The rope is broken. I don't think it's that easy for us to go out."

And when they turned over the fallen person, they were stunned. It's the dead Wang Chao.

In a word, except for the problem, I'm afraid what's worse is that there is no one alive left. They have been completely destroyed.

The most important question now is how to find the truth.

At this time, Yang Shaohua pointed to the top and said, "I think we should go to the top."

Du Qi took an unknown look, but Beckham knew something, motioned them to dodge, and then fired a shot upward.

No response.

"What the hell is going on?" Du Qi asked. Are you still hiding something?!"

"You will understand when you wait." Beckham did not answer directly, and then the wall above began to collapse. A huge plant fell down and the dust dispersed to see that it was actually a huge wooden coffin.

And above the coffin lies a woman.

It is the missing Chen Siwei. She seemed to fall asleep, like a princess waiting to wake up, surrounded by bright flowers. However, although the flower is beautiful, all three of them know that the flowers growing from the coffin must not be a good thing.

The surrounding scenery suddenly changed again.

Xiaobei suddenly turned her head and said to Du Qi, "Didn't you find that I haven't asked why you are the only one coming down?"

Speaking of this, Du Qi is also confused. He thinks that Beckham must have his own plan. Silence.

"That's because I know they won't come, don't you think? My good brother?" Beckham smiled bitterly, as if he were talking to himself. And the other two also understood that he didn't seem to be talking to themselves. I know you so well, just as I know you. If it hadn't been for this point, I wouldn't have believed the result.

pa pa——

With a burst of applause, a figure came out of the dark.

"It seems that you are planning to break with me at this time." Beckham closed his eyes and knew who came.

That's right, it's Yang Yu.

Xiaobei's good brother, Yang Yu!

"Why do you seem to be very confident? You don't seem to have any chance of winning now." Yang Yu said with a smile.

"Or, you are no longer you now." Beckham ignored him and still said to himself. Should I call you Yang or God?

"No, there is no God in this world." Yang Yu is still smiling.

"If you even deny it yourself, why did you do all this?"

Now Du Qi and Yang Shaohua are stunned. They seem to have become outsiders. Xiaobei said to Yang Shaohua, "Go and take the people down and give me the rest."

Although he didn't know what was going on, Yang Shaohua also vaguely guessed that he bypassed Yang Qian, who was facing Beckham, and climbed up the huge strange coffin that had turned into a plant. Yang Yu did not move and looked at Beckham. I really want to know when you suspected me."

"It won't be long, just after the trip." Beck took out his mobile phone and threw it to the ground, and then said, "Brother Tian, our greatest combat power, is gone. Just ask me if you have anything else. I don't think I'll be stingy."

"Hahaha." Yang Yu suddenly laughed. It seems that you accidentally saw it."

Beckham took out a necklace with a beautiful pendant on it. That's what Yang Qi often carries with him. I found this in his hand, which is enough to prove my guess. Xing Mantian didn't answer the phone. There must be something wrong. I just didn't expect him to die here." It turned out that the body kicked by Yang Shaohua before he met Du Qi just now was full of stars!

"Then I'll give you an explanation now." Beckham stood there like a sculpture. From the beginning, I was surprised why I was involved. I'm afraid it's not just a curse. First of all, I think of black cats, so why do black cats always appear around me? Not to mention this, and when I met the black cat, it was the day you returned to Harbin.

"This is the first and second, Uncle Ka said, be careful of the people around him. I didn't expect him to say it back to you, but I think he found something. At first, you didn't pay so much attention to it, and then when he was ready to expose it, he was poisoned by you. However, you still cleverly used a knife to kill people. Here, the unlucky person you used as a gun is now. Beckham is talking about Yang Shaohua.

"Although it's perfect, have you ever thought about why you happened to appear in the village with Qiu Yu and others in the ancient tomb in Lijiang? There is only one possibility. Qiu Yu actually has nothing to do with Yang Shaohua at all, but Yang Shaohua doesn't know. She is your undercover agent!"

"Ha ha, let's talk about Luoyang underground palace. The housekeeper is also your man." Seeing that Yang Yu did not deny it, Xiaobei continued to say, "I noticed a detail. He seems to attach great importance to you. Every time I ask him, he will look at you intentionally or unintentionally. Of course, this detail can be ignored. In fact, the most important thing is that I have always known that there is a person who helps me secretly, and who is that person? We are in the hotel. When you go out to order takeaway, you should have given the housekeeper an instruction and then cooperated with Yang Shaohua before taking action, right? At that time, your look was very unnatural, especially when I messed up your layout and was caught off guard. Then after careful consideration, I contacted others and sent the invitation accurately. At the same time, we didn't have time to think too much about it. I thought that the other party had been monitoring us, hehe, but I didn't expect it to We are so close to us."

"Let's talk about the black cat. This is the main clue. Every time it appears, something special happens. In other words, every time a black cat appears, it contacts a person. It is inevitable that someone controls it, but didn't I tell you that you also mentioned me how it has been following me at such a long distance. The only explanation is that someone hid him, but I looked for a long time before I found that there were no doubts around me, so the problem must be in the team.

"When it comes to the team, we started from Brother Liu. That photo was taken. Won't you forget? The black cat appeared first, and you came back to Harbin to find me. We went to Lijiang, and the black cat also went to Lijiang. I fell into the tomb, and the black cat appeared in the tomb again. Almost followed step by step. This has been unexplainable in the early stage. I remember after seeing the photo, I said it was this cat, and then said that it was really evil. This cat won't come back with you, will it? Your look was also shocked. After reacting, I remembered what I said at dinner this morning that I was scared by a cat last night. Then there was the fat man's experience (the curse chapter),' the police said: "He's dead. He died at home and was almost dry when he was found by his neighbors. The doors and windows were locked back and died strangely. We found in his mobile phone that the last call record was your mobile phone number. Why can a person still be active after death? At first, I thought of ghost grass, but later I found that there was a big departure. Then I found a virus, which is generally contagious and can make the dead be no different from ordinary people within a week. This is what Uncle Ka once told me, and I just remembered it recently.

"Then you said that when all the spearheads are pointed at one person, that person will come out. Yes, it's you, my good brother."

Yang Yu smiled, but this time he smiled particularly ferociously. It's worthy of my brother. Such a thoughtful plan has been discovered by you.

"No, you know, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and paper can't keep fire. That's why you are standing in front of the stage now. Beckham is very calm, but there is a very uncomfortable feeling in his heart, as if his heart is dead at this moment. Although I know you are not a real person, and I know that you are controlled by this damn coffin, why can't I still resist wanting to beat you hard?!" With that, Xiaobei suddenly made trouble, knocked over Yang Yu in front of him, and made another punch on his face fiercely.

At this moment, the anger in his heart burned completely.

"Why the fuck did you come back? Why don't you die here! Is it interesting to make up an Atlantis as a cover? Look at the fucking sky. Brother Liu, they were all killed by you. What about your conscience? Beckham's eyes blurred and scolded each other. I didn't notice that Yang Yu's calm face suddenly loosened, and then the pain passed out. I hit this punch for Brother Liu! Haven't you forgotten what he said before he died?

"At that time, he had already guessed who it was?" Yang Yu was stunned. Then he was relieved and smiled bitterly.

Yes, Yang Yu has died and died here many years ago. Now sitting on the ground is just a monster in human skin, treating himself as a god-like monster. He was controlled. Consciousness is dead.

"The game is over." Yang Yu suddenly took out a dagger and stabbed Beckham fiercely. Although his face is very painful.

Just as the tip of the knife was about to touch Beckham, Du Qi suddenly stopped him and threw Yang out fiercely. However, a rattan suddenly stabbed him from the ground and stabbed him through.

Yang Yu roared: "No, you don't understand at all. I'm not a demon. I'm alone!"

"Well, what do you think? It's just self-righteous." Beckham wiped the scratches on his face, and then shot the rattan that was about to entangle Yang Shaohua and asked him to bring Chen Siwei down. Because you don't understand emotions, a thing without emotion will not be called a person. Remember what I said? Whether he is a good person or a bad person, we can't give him a complete definition. As long as he still has human nature, he is a human being, and what is really disgraceful is that even human nature disappears!"

The ground suddenly trembled.

Beckham shot.

Yang Yu suddenly fell down, and then blood overflowed from his chest.

"I'm sorry." Beck said. Then I cried. Even if you still have a heartbeat now, even if your blood is still hot. But I can't stand the skin of this ghost coffin, a puppet controlled by a coffin that doesn't know why it generates consciousness independently.

Beckham has seen in the Record of Wind Anecdotes that some things will generate consciousness on their own, but these are regarded as rumors with notes, but now he knows that these things exist.

And the evolution of this coffin is obviously much more advanced. He knew that as long as it was destroyed, it would be over. This is also the reason why he attracted the other party.

"I just want to know what a person is!" Yang Yu finally fell down, and his words were still echoing in the air. Perhaps this was the last communication of this ghost coffin that could make people lost and hallucinate.

Without the medium, it can't speak.

"Then I'll tell you. Bring the antidote of Uncle Ka and Chen Siwei and let him go first. Beckham said with a smile while looking at tears. I know you can't speak now, but I know you can hear it.

The petals on the coffin cracked and scattered in the air. They fell into Yang Shaohua's hand and Xiaobei's hand.

It seems that this is the antidote.

"Bring her away and forget about what happened here." Beckham said to Yang Shaohua. Thank you."

"Do you want to stay? This place is about to collapse! There is a vibration under my feet. I think it is connected to the ocean, and the sea will pour in from the other side of the ancient well and break through the wall to flood here!" Yang Shaohua's face was full of disbelief.

"Don't worry about me and do what I said." Xiaobei's face turned cold and pushed Yang Shaohua away. I saw that there was another entrance and the way left by the craftsmen to escape. He also came in from there after killing everyone.

Yang Shaohua gritted his teeth, turned around and ran out with Chen Siwei in his arms.

"Now let me tell you, this is human nature." Beckham sat on top of the coffin, and the entangled plants did not resist and swayed slowly. Although you have done a lot of things that make me feel good, I..."

A drop of hot tears fell on the coffin.

"Do you feel it? Although you don't know what can be called a human being, I suddenly hesitated when I knew my brother died early, and I lived with you indirectly for a long time, right? Well, I think I can't stop looking at you as a brother. Haha, I still have feelings for you. So, I'm tired, let's stay here together."

The rattan around it twisted wildly, and it felt uneasy.

"No one is wrong, yes, I think so. You are just fulfilling your dreams. For you, these are not wrong. Unfortunately, you still don't understand now. How can I not help feeling uncomfortable? That word is called sadness. If there is an afterlife, I really want to be a brother with you, even if you are not a human but a ghost.

The ground collapsed and the sea poured in. Running and rolling, trying to swallow this place.

Beckham closed his eyes.

Suddenly, he felt that he began to tremble under his body, and then the salty sea water spread over the bridge of his nose and flew up by himself.

Open your eyes and see nothing.

I'm afraid I can't accept it.

I thought I knew everything, but in the end I still knew nothing.

It turns out that I'm just an ordinary person. Although it is not ordinary now.



A column of water drilled out of the ground like a wild dragon, and then flew far, very high, and finally scattered splashes built a perfect rainbow bridge in the air. Where is it connected? No one knows.

The earthquake is over and the story is over.

At that moment, Yang Shaohua, who escaped from death, put Chen Siwei on the ground and raised his head. He smiled.

Tomorrow is a new beginning.