rice flower ten miles of fragrance

Chapter 165: Is it really you?

Because the grocery store is full of daily necessities and a place where you can rest and chat, there are few free time during the day. There are always three or three women who come to pick something out, and then sit and do needlework together.

Or some old men, by drinking, brag and vernacular here. Anyway, when farmers are free, there is no work at home. Everyone happens to have a good place. Learning to have children, they bury a potato in a hot stove. After a while, the fragrance will come out, and then drink a sip of soy sauce and a little wine. This day is beautiful.

In this shop, there are either children accompanying a group of pure men, or children accompanied by a group of old women, and sometimes it is a little peach girl, accompanied by a group of big girls and small daughters-in-law. Xue saw it and laughed, which is called: either the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind. Everyone didn't understand what it meant. Xue Jian just smiled and didn't explain.

A calm village, a peaceful life, a calm mood.

Today's calm was interrupted by a chaotic sound of horseshoes. The horse's hoof stopped at the door, and it was Wang Conghan who jumped off the horse and walked hurriedly. The two little ones held the horse at the door. He was the only one who came in and stood in front of the son with a chill.

"This man... Well, aren't you the official in the morning? What, did you eat the gluten cake in the small shop and come back to buy it again? The child's eyes shined, as if he saw the half of the two pieces of silver flying again.

This is Shen Shi, and the old women chatting in the store are also rushing home to cook dinner. Because there is a porridge gift activity today, the business is better than usual, and I have been busy giving birth for a child for a long time. Although I don't know how to get tired, I haven't touched my feet for a long time, and now I want to sit down and have a rest.

Wang Conghan did not reply, but swept around the shop first. There are only four tables surrounded by a stove in the middle, which looks warm and simple. There are also some simple white garlic braids, red peppers and golden rice sticks on the wall. If you look carefully, it turns out that it is not true, but it is very similar. I really didn't notice these in the morning.

This is a layout model that rarely appears in Dashun. Although it is a little simple and rustic, it is comfortably and happy, so that everyone who comes in can't help but put a satisfied smile on his face, as if he feels the strong hospitality of the host family and the joy of the rich harvest of the countryside.

Although the overall feeling is not comparable to that of the big hotel in the county, it is neither elegant nor high-end, and it is 108,000 miles away from exquisiteness and luxury, but from every detail, it gives people a feeling of being a farmhouse and relaxes for no reason.

But now, Wang Conghan didn't relax, "Is it tendon cake?" He sneered: "After eating your tendons, half of my bodyguard has a stomachache. How do you explain it?"


I haven't seen such a scene when giving birth to a child. I couldn't help but stutter, "Master, this... No way, it's impossible..."

"You mean, Mr. Guan, I'm talking nonsense? I ran all the way back and came here looking for nothing to do? Do you think I'm such a idle person?" Wang Conghan patted the table, "Ter your owner to come out to see me!"

The birth of a child was shocked and became more nervous. He stammed more and more: "Master, you...you...don't worry, wait a moment..."

This is really a disaster from the sky. How can such a thing happen? How old is it to have a child? I have never seen this before.

After a few steps back, he turned around and pushed the corner door open and hurried to the backyard. Madam, Madam, it's not good, something's wrong!" He shouted as he ran.

Wang Conghan did not stop him, but looked coldly at the small door that was not closed in front of him.

The cry of having a child spread in the courtyard. Everyone stopped their work, came out of each room, and asked urgently, "What's wrong? What happened to the birth of a child?

Xiaomei also opened the curtain, frowned, gave birth to a child, and said, "How can I make my wife scared by shouting so loudly?"

"It's not like something big happened!" "Those gluten cakes we sold in the morning, eat... and eat bad people!"

"Impossible!" Xiaotao immediately rushed and said, "Don't you know yet? Our things are made with the best ingredients and sold on the first time. It's impossible to eat bad people!" Xiaotao's voice is crisp, like pouring beans in a bamboo tube.

Among several girl, Xiaomei is naturally the most prespering, but Xiaotao is the most picky, and her eyes are also extremely bright. Now staring at the baby makes people feel like they are staring at them.

"However, the official in the morning has been found! He...he said that he had to find a wife." The sweat on the baby's forehead came down.

Several little girls looked at each other, and Xiaoli also pouted and said, "Others don't know our own things, but don't the baby brother know yet? There can't be any problem!"

Xue saw that she could hear it in the house, shook her head with a bitter smile, and sighed and secretly said, is this a collision? Why is there still a master who comes to such a rural place to touch porcelain? He got up and said to the son, "Don't worry, it's not a big deal. Xiaomei, I invited him to the front for me..."

"No need to invite."

The small door was gently pushed open with a creak. Wang Conghan appeared at the door by coincidence, then walked into the courtyard and said softly to Xue.

"Xuejian, is it really you? What's wrong with you? How do you..."

He looked at Xue and saw that there seemed to be something pressing on his chest to make him breathless. His eyes were shocked, and a trace of heartache flashed by.

Bethed him, Nangubo smiled and flashed out, "What on earth is it that makes Brother Wang so eager to return? Is it... Zixin!" The prince, who had always been as gentle as jade, suddenly turned pale at the moment he looked up, and even directly bumped into Wang Conghan. He quickly walked to Xuejian, took her hand and said eagerly, "Zi Xin! Why are you here?

"Master, you have recognized the wrong person." Xue saw a layer of intoxicating blush on her beautiful jade face. She calmly pulled out her hand and said gently.

"Your voice?"

"Your voice?"

Nangubo's eyes are good and his eyes are fixed on Xue Jian's face. Such a delicate face, such a small nose, such a cherry-like mouth, such a smooth forehead, now there are two faint red clouds flying on both cheeks, like a blooming plum blossom, which makes people feel pity, and it is as touching as a wateryrus. Yes, it's Zixin! His purple heart!

Nan Gubo remembered in a trance that when she first saw Zixin four years ago, she was just a twelve-three child. At that time, she suddenly flashed a pair of innocent beautiful big eyes. Although she was young, she had a beautiful posture, otherwise she would not... Now, the once little girl has fallen out, and she is more charming and more charming.

In this way, she looked at Xuejian with ecstasy, and then slowly moved from Xuejian's face to her slightly bulging lower abdomen. Nan Gubo's eyes stagnated, and then suddenly turned around and glared at Wang Conghan: "You! Good things you have done!" With this roar, he punched away.

In the same way, Wang Conghan had not recovered from the shock, so he was hit firmly by this punch. He was already in a bad mood and couldn't help but be annoyed. No matter how you don't care about your status, you will still fight right.

Xuejian's eyes widened, okay, well, at the rare martial arts scene, fists and legs, moving and jumping, is really wonderful. If you don't appreciate it well, it's really a waste of these two people's skills. He held Xiaomei's hand, commanded Xiaotao to get a chair, and then found a shelter from the wind, sat down carefully and looked up.

Xiaomei saw that although these two were both angry, they also knew how to behave and had no weapons to use. Then she was secretly relieved and gave Xiaotao a wink, but Xiaotao was watching it with relish. She only waved the flag and shouted. Suddenly, she was twisted by Xiaomei from behind, and then secretly spit out her tongue and knew Interestingly, he went to the room and took out a blanket and covered it between his chest and legs.

This live version of Dongsheng's boxing was a long time.

I'm watching it interestingly. I haven't watched a TV drama for a long time. It's hard to find some feelings. Why did these two stop? Xue looked at the two people in surprise and raised his voice, "Why don't you fight? It's healthier to play in this winter.

Wang Conhan and Nangubo closed their momentum and gasped. Obviously, they heard her sarcastic words, but neither of them said anything.

Xiaomei said uneasily beside her, "Madam, just say less."

"It doesn't matter. They play well, so we can watch it happily!"

Before Wang Conhan opened his mouth, Nan Gubo had turned around and hurried to the front of him, "Zi Xin, you are so... but this Guy...?"

Xue saw that he called Zixin again, and her heart moved slightly. She said that the twins were not exactly the same. This man doesn't seem to be a reckless person. Could it be... The man in front of him seems to be the second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people. What's wrong with this original body?

Thinking of this, the blood of the beast boiled, and a small face became rosy and delicate as if it were blooming stamens. If you could dig out the gossip of "self", it would be an interesting thing. He shook his head with a smile and said, "I'm not Zixin. I have nothing to do with this Mr. Wang."

Wang Conghan nodded with a wry smile. Xue saw that this was true. She really had nothing to do with herself. She is Zhou Bo's wife and the young grandmother of the Zhou family. But why did she appear in such a small place? No Zhou Bo, only a few girl?

He tightened his heart and couldn't help clenching his fist.

After saying that, she motioned Xiaomei to help her up, and then invited them to the small hall. On this cold day, the two of them were in the mood to practice boxing, and she had to be willing to be frozen.