Tomb robbery

Chapter 008 Ghost in the Night

Lao Lu then said to the village head, "Village head Lin, is there an old gentleman surnamed Wang in your village who has a son who is going to college in Shenyang?"

The village head thought for a moment and said, "There are several people surnamed Wang, but I have never heard of a college student. If you want to work in Shenyang, it may be over, but I can't know such a big thing as college there. Are you always wrong?"

The old road looked back at us a few times, and maybe he didn't understand it. Then he carefully described the appearance of the old man to the village head. The village head still shook his head and said, "It's impossible. You must have made a mistake. The person you mentioned is like a mountain man, but our village is almost like this. There is definitely not The existence of this person."

I heard this get up and ask, "Uncle village head, is there any village near here called Hou Weizi or Qian Weizi?"

"Our village is far away from the town, and we have lived so quietly for so many years. We must be the only one named Weizi in these ten miles and eight villages." The village head replied without hesitation.

I thought it was strange that we couldn't find anyone when we came to this place? But it was not easy to continue to ask about the village head's absolute affirmation, so several people chatted for a while, and the woman shouted and brought the dinner.

All of them are fried wild vegetables with pork, but everyone also eats very deliciously. During this period, Liang Zi asked the village head if there has been any flood in the village recently?

The village head smiled when he heard his question and took a sip of wine and said, "Our bankers have suffered a bad harvest every year. Not to mention the heavy rain, his mother's rain is like the Spring Festival. Who did you hear?"

Liang Zi vaguely said that he was just asking casually. In fact, several people now are very strange in their hearts. The old man who sold the ashtray said it clearly, but after he really arrived at Houweizi Village, what he said was completely different from what he said.

I thought about it and asked the village head if there were any strange legends in this area?

The village head may be very happy to see the guests today. He said to me with the power of wine, "You young man seems to love to listen to stories! Well, today I'll tell you a strange thing that has been passed down here for many years. It happened more than 30 years ago.

It is said that this Hou Weizi Village was first established by several people who put mountains. The so-called mountain release is a group of people who go into the big forest to dig wild ginseng. This is a very unusual profession. Everyone who releases mountains has unique skills and has quite high survival experience in deep mountains and old forests.

There is a mountain called 'Sting Ma Ling' about 20 miles away from Houweizi Village. The origin of the name is that there is a special plant called 'Sting Mazi Grass' on the mountain. This grass looks no different from ordinary mountain weeds, but if your skin is touched by this grass when you walk on the mountain If so, it will be itchy and unbearable. If you scratch it with your hand, you will feel the pain of drilling your heart. There is a layer of poison thorn on the leaves of the grass that can't be seen by the naked eye, which is very harmful to the human body, so few people will go there.

It was not until those who released the mountain settled down in the current Houweizi Village, and I don't know how many years have passed. A man in the village heard that there were more prey on Ma Ling, so he went hunting in the mountains together. A total of five people went there that time.

But two of the five people who went hunting came back a week later, one of whom had become crazy, and their clothes were broken, and their faces were full of horror like being attacked by a wasp.

The villager asked what had happened to the sober person, but the man was also vague.

This person's name is Wang De. What he described was probably that they saw some beautiful women without clothes, so everyone was attracted into a cave, which was a magnificent space, and gold, silver and jewelry everywhere made these people very happy.

But after a while they were happy to see a man in black, twice as big as a normal person, sitting on a stone chair with a snow-white little fox in his arms.

Everyone was completely puzzled by the treasure and thought that the man in black should be the owner here, so they went forward to ask and began to pick up those jewelry and put them in their pockets crazily. Wang De was the oldest of these people. He vaguely felt something was wrong, but he still couldn't face so many treasures. Controlling his emotions, just as he was about to pick up something in front of him, he turned around and saw one of them kneeling down in front of the man in black.

Wang De shouted and asked what the man was doing, but he didn't respond after shouting several times in a row. The next horrible scene made Wang De so scared that he almost peed his trousers. He saw that after the kneeling man kowtowed several times to the man in black, he actually pulled out the firewood knife he was carrying and began to cut the meat. Every time he cut a piece, he sent it to the white fox with both hands.

The white fox raised the corners of his mouth slightly, as if he took a few bites of the meat and ate it all, and the kneeling man did not feel pain at all. He just cut his own meat piece by piece to feed the white fox.

Wang De was stunned when he saw this. He had never seen such a horrible thing in his life. As soon as he was about to run out, he heard heartbreaking screams around him. Now when he looked at the sound, he found that all the undressed beauties had turned into foxes of various colors and were biting the rest. The three people who picked up the treasures were immediately torn apart and fell all over the ground with blood and broken flesh. He didn't dare to see the scene at all.

Wang De guessed that this must be a fox demon, so he ran to help the kneeling man and prepare to run quickly. Inadvertently looked up at the man in black sitting there, he felt that the sky was spinning in front of him and vaguely felt that he began to touch the knife on his body.

He was indeed a person with strong willpower. He closed his eyes and put the knife in his hand into his mouth with all his strength, cut his tongue, and then sprayed blood at the man in black. After that, he felt that the light in front of him suddenly darkened and turned dark. Wang De was confused. The feeling also disappeared immediately.

After he lit the torch, he saw where there were any gold, silver and jewelry. The cave was full of dead bones. In front of him, a man knelt under a huge black sarcophagus and kept kowtoying. The other three people had long been scattered everywhere, and even the whole body could not be collected. Get up.

When the village head heard this, he stopped talking. He laughed and began to drink with the old road. I couldn't help asking him what happened later? What happened to Wang De later?

After drinking, the village head looked at us and said with a smile, "Wang De also went crazy soon after he came back. He is an old bachelor with no children. The village raises him like this. Up to now, Wang De is still living well, but he doesn't know anyone. Later, it was over. In fact, this is a legend. No one knows exactly what happened. I think they must have been scared by the attack of beasts.

In fact, I only listen to this kind of folklore. Generally, such stories are used to scare children, but after listening to the village head's story, several of us sweated coldly, because the man in black and the snow-white fox in the story met us in the 'Jiming Village' before. It's so similar that the picture that shed tears is still beside me.

After dinner, the village head took us to a room and said that this was where his son used to live, and now his son has been vacant since he has gone out to work.

The rural areas in the northeast are all sleeping on fire. It seems that this room has not slept for a long time. Fortunately, it won't feel cold without fire in summer.

After politely sent away the village head, we lay down. Although this story made each of us afraid, it was really tired to die without closing our eyes in the past two days. Everyone chatted casually and fell asleep in a daze.

I had a bunch of messy dreams. It was a fox, a dead man and a mask. I don't know why a thrill woke up and looked at the room around me. There was some moonlight shining through the window, and I didn't know what time it might be midnight.

I heard Liang Zi snoring desperately. The old road grinded his teeth and farted, which made me upset. I couldn't sleep after counting the sheep for a long time with my eyes closed. Fortunately, I simply didn't sleep and climbed up next to the side of the kang and took out a cigarette, smoking while thinking about what had happened in the past few days.

As soon as I finished smoking and threw it away, I faintly heard a 'squeak' sound. Although the sound was very light, I still heard it clearly in such a quiet space, so I looked up and looked forward. At this time, I found that the door had opened a crack and opened bigger and bigger. A dark ghost entered the room. Li.

I was completely awake at that time, thinking that I wouldn't! Did the village recruit thieves when they heard that we came from the city? Who wants to steal when we are asleep?

I didn't dare to make a sound when I lay on the kang, so I stared at the ghost to see what he wanted to do? I found that the ghost came in and took a look at our sleeping place, and then walked to a wooden box next to it. The box was used by rural people to pack clothes. I thought that our money was on us, and everyone was much relieved without taking off their clothes.

Then my head was excited again. Shit, my 'Xianshan Fuhu Tu' was put on the wooden box at this time. Is this thief coming for this picture? How did he know that we had such a treasure in our hands?

Then I saw the shadow come close to the box, reached out and took the painting in his hand and untied the line tied to the painting. Then when he slowly opened the painting halfway, I felt that his whole body suddenly trembled, and then quickly put the painting in his arms and walked out without looking back.

I couldn't lie down at that time. I thought that this thing could not be stolen. This was saved by Liangzi's life, so I went to push the beam beside me and pushed him a few times until his voice was low, but I didn't mean to wake up at all. I jumped to the ground and stood on the edge of the kang to push Liubao's head. Liubao was pushed by me. After a few strokes, I woke up. As soon as I was about to speak, I covered his mouth and made a silent gesture, and then waved my hand to signal him to come with me.