Tomb robbery

Chapter 016 Group of Corpses

I was always stared and taught a lesson by this woman, and I felt very unhappy, but now I have to rely on their strength to go out, so it is not easy to attack. I angrily picked up a piece of explosive and walked to another sarcophagus and reached out and patted it fiercely.

It seems that the force was too hard or for some other reason. The sarcophagus was actually moved by me, which scared me a few steps to the back of my legs. Is there something going to come out? After waiting for a while, nothing happened. It seemed that I was too suspicious. I took a look at Zhou Huan. She took out a bundle of fuses from the bottom of the bag and was connecting the explosives on the two coffins together.

I still wanted to know the truth and then asked, "Beauty Zhou, do you dare to tell me what's in this coffin? I don't even know if I can get out alive. Do you want me to be a fool?

Zhou Huan glanced at me and began to look very annoyed. Then he sighed, walked to the next coffin and said to me, "It's not impossible for you to know, but if I tell you, we will become a group in the future, otherwise, you really can't get out."

"Ok, no problem. Aren't we all together? Tell me, I'll listen." As I followed her words, I also found it from the bag and connected it according to her previous appearance.

The coffins in such a large space were next to each other. While we installed explosives, Zhou Huan told me what happened.

She said that although they all look Chinese, they are actually American nationals and are members of an international investigation company. They are said to be an investigation company. In fact, they are a tomb robbery organization with strong funds and strength. The two professors themselves really belong to the national archaeological team, but they were later organized by them. After digging, all the remaining people, including her, have been trained in a base since childhood and belong to the executive team cultivated within the organization.

Zhou Huan said that this ancient tomb is a project that they have organized and followed for a long time. They have sent teams many times before but failed to succeed. They just brought out some relevant information. This time, they also folded a lot of talents and successfully arrived here.

I was stunned by this paragraph. What I thought was like a '** agent', which was a little too mysterious. Has the current tomb robbery organization developed into such a powerful state? It seems that Liangzi and I are not even the lowest level.

I then asked her what kind of tomb is here and how it can be so huge. Which king of the past dynasties is it?

Zhou Huan's answer surprised me very much. She said that there used to be a nation in this area that was not recorded in history, called the 'Fox Kingdom'. It is said that the king has a very powerful national teacher who was changed by a female fox. The fox girl helped the king rule the land. She has a special ability to let any The people or animals she saw lost their souls, obeyed her and the king, did not hesitate to die, and had absolute loyalty.

This nation has been ruled by the fox girl and the king for about hundreds of years. It is said that it is because the female fox refined an elixir for the king, which can be used for a long time to live forever. Therefore, the fox girl and the king always look quite young until a very powerful Maoshan Taoist priest appeared here, using a The special bow and arrow shot the fox girl. Without the protection of the fox girl, the king slowly lost the ability to rule. Finally, his regime was overthrown by his people for many years. This mysterious country that lasted for hundreds of years came to an end.

Legend has it that people hung the king on a tree in the forest and let the sun bite him. When the king died, he almost turned into a skeleton, which was quite horrible. After people burned the king, they could not find the body of the fox girl in any way. The Maoshan Taoist was no longer It has appeared.

After telling the story, Zhou Huan looked at me and said, "That's probably the case. Later, an older generation of members of our organization found this place. Gao Cheng guessed that this should be the mausoleum built for the fox girl before she died, so our task this time is to open the fox girl's coffin and put it in it. Take the noodles back.

After listening to her story, I expressed absolute disbelief. This kind of trick of fooling children is simply too old-fashioned. I asked disdainfully, "Then let's just open the fox girl's coffin and get something. What kind of explosives are we putting here now?"

"According to the data record and our internal in-depth research, we can roughly confirm that although the fox girl's body is dead, her soul is still pure in her body. Whenever the fifteenth moon is at the brightest, she will open the coffin to absorb the essence of the moonlight. When a certain time comes, she can be resurrected. We now The small sarcophagus facing should be a guard for the fox girl to be buried. It is expected that they may have turned into zongzi, ang, that is, zombies, so we can only use this method. After saying that, Zhou Huan urged me to speed up.

Although I think what she said is getting more and more outrageous, it is inevitable to feel chill in the face of so many sarcophagus. It seems that it is more reliable to blow up. Anything in this damn place is possible, so we will stop talking and concentrate on placing explosives.

After meeting and installing with others, the black-faced captain connected a relatively long * and lit it after pulling it far away from the coffin. With the white smoke, our group quickly ran to the center of the cave. As soon as I came to the left-behind old professor, a Loud sound.

We all covered our ears and looked at the sound of the explosion. The amount of explosives seemed to be well controlled. The coffins were detonated one by one. Every time the coffin was blown, the flame that exploded would ignite the sunflower-like thing behind the coffin. I was surprised to find that those sunflowers were actually a special oil. Deng, I don't know who studied this trick. It's simply perfect.

At this time, an unexpected accident happened again. When the sarcophagus exploded to more than half in order, the explosion stopped, and the next coffin did not respond. I saw that it was broken, and the unsounding coffin happened to arrive at the place where I placed the explosives before. Is it possible that I have one * not been inserted?

As soon as I thought about it, I found that the brightness of the light in the cave had increased a lot. It seemed that this was the time when the moon completely covered the hole. Then I heard the black-faced captain shout "No..." and ran quickly towards the unexploded sarcophagus.

Halfway through, I heard the sound of turning over boxes in the area at the same time. Then I saw the coffin cover open one after another and fell to the ground, and a group of humanoid monsters all jumped out.

Those monsters are all not tall and have no hair. They are all covered with dark green dry skin, bowing their waists and hanging their hands. At this time, they saw their nails begin to grow rapidly, and then a layer of green hair began to appear on their bodies. Then they raised their heads and opened their mouths to reveal the tip of their mouths. The teeth shouted at the sky and rushed towards us swinging left and right.

My mother! There are 20 or 30 zongzi left. Even if Mr. Xu Xin is here, he may not be sure of a complete victory. This time, the bullet is almost hit, which is much more difficult to deal with than the giant snake. Do you still have to raise daggers to ride them one by one? I don't think that Zongzi can be ridden.

The black-faced captain ran back as he shot, and knocked a zongzi to the ground with every shot, but after all, they had become zombies. The bullets could not be killed at all. He got up and continued to rush towards us with his teeth. Everyone retreated while shooting. When all the bullets were all fired, they were fired. Now not a single zongzi has been killed, but it has slightly slowed down their number of degrees.

I thought it was a very thorough explanation this time. We still have a few people with the old, weak and the disabled. They are a group of invulnerable evil spirits. It seems that they have no choice but to continue to run, but the number of Zongzi is very fast. Immediately, several of them have come behind everyone. The black-faced captain holds a gun as a stick. With it, he was so strong that he flew out a zongzi that had just jumped up and wanted to attack.

After rolling on the ground, the zongzi stood up again and roared and continued to rush towards us. He saw the injured team member running the slowest while protecting the old professor. After seeing the zongzi catch up, he pushed the old professor forward hard. Then two zongzi bumped into him and overturned him in an instant. The other Zongzi directly gave up their pursuit of us and rushed to him. I heard a heartbreaking scream. Before everyone could save them, the team members had been completely torn to pieces.

Seeing this scene, I felt that I was really going to collapse. Although these people have nothing to do with me, I watched them die one by one by my own eyes. I was about to reach my limit mentally, and I don't know how long I can hold on not to drive myself crazy.

Everyone stopped in place and watched the group of zongzi scrambled to eat the bodies of their team members, but there was nothing they could do. I felt that other people began to give up the attack like me. It seems that it won't be long before we will become a pile of minced meat as the supper for these ghosts.

Zhou Huan suddenly seemed to have an idea and turned around and shouted to us, "Hua, who still has explosives there? Use explosives." As soon as I thought about it, I had forgotten about the explosives. Everyone began to look for backpacks, but when the backpacks were empty, he found that there were only two left. The black-faced captain picked up one and lit it and threw it into the zongzi group. With the sound of the explosion, several dumplings were immediately blown up.

But the explosion range of this explosive was very limited. Except for a few that were smashed, everything else was safe and sound. A new wave of attacks began again. I was also really anxious. I picked up an explosive and ignited it and rushed towards the Zongzi group. I cursed and threw it into them. I turned around and ran a few steps. Ringing, I looked down with a squeak, and the ignited fuse was hung on my cufflinks.

I had a dead heart at that time. How could I recite it to this extent? It was really a bad god to scold myself, but at this time, it was too late to complain. Those zongzi immediately chased after me. I stopped and turned around and looked at this group of evil spirits who wanted to see this completely. It's time for me to die. Even a fairy can't save my life.