Tomb robbery

Chapter 021 Japanese Businessman

After the monster disappeared, Liang Zi turned around and asked me, "Do you see what it is?"

"Where do I know where to go? There have been more and more strange things recently, which makes people unable to live." The two of us immediately turned around and continued to search in the attic. Liangzi held the mop pole and raised the flashlight. After checking all the corners, it was confirmed that there were no other monsters, and the two went down to the bedroom one after another.

I quickly went to find the cause of the power outage. When I walked to the switch, I found that the switch of the main power supply had fallen off, and I didn't know if it was man-made or for other reasons. I quickly restored the switch to its original position, and then the lights in the bedroom and living room turned on.

With the light, the two of us slightly reduced our tension. Liang Zi sat down on my **, lit a cigarette and smoked twice and said, "I think things are getting weirder and weirder. It must have something to do with our painting. Let's find a place to deal with it as soon as possible!"

"Painting, right, painting..." I thought of this and quickly reached down to touch the pillow, and then found that the painting was still there, so I took a long breath. It seems that this monster is not here to grab the painting.

I also lit a cigarette to relax my tense nerves, and then said to Liangzi, "Ok, I'll listen to you this time. Tomorrow we'll let the old road find a customer. No matter how much money it costs, let's deal with it first. I dare not put this painting by my side, otherwise I have to lead to death."

Although we all want to know the truth of the matter, the problem now is that the painting is too weird. If we really don't deal with it, neither of us slept anymore. We just smoked until dawn. I saw that the street lights outside the window were out and urged Liangzi to call the old road quickly.

It is estimated that Lao Lu should not have woken up at this time. Liang Zi chatted with him briefly and hung up the phone and told me to wait for the news of Lao Lu.

The two of us sat and chatted for a while and looked at the watch. It was almost eight o'clock. In order to prevent any accidents, I stuck the picture firmly to the chest of the beam with tape. After wrapping many circles, I felt that I couldn't pull it out.

Then he went downstairs to take a taxi to Liubao's restaurant. It seemed that Liubao had just got up and saw him receiving newspapers at the door. He was also surprised to see us, and then smiled and asked, "What's the matter? You two won't come to eat so early!"

"Let's pull it down. Now everything tastes boring. You almost won't see us two brothers." Liang Zi said exaggeratedly.

I don't know what's going on, so I simply told him what happened last night. Liubao also looked incredible. The three of them went into Liubao's bedroom and sat down. Liubao asked the kitchen to make some breakfast. I had no appetite to eat. After drinking some porridge, I sat there in a daze.

Then I watched the TV boredly and waited for the news of the old road. It was not until noon that the old road ran over in a hurry. When he entered the door, he shouted excitedly, "It's done. I called according to the business card, and the other party began not like to talk to me. Later, as soon as he heard that I was an ashtray seller, he immediately changed his attitude. I told him that there was a baby to take action, so I made an appointment for two in the afternoon. Click to inspect the goods."

When I saw that there were still a few hours left, I asked Liang Zi to make up for his sleep. Liang Zi felt uneasy to lie down because the painting was tied to his stomach. He leaned on the head of the bed and began to rip off. I also felt very tired and slept on Liubao's **.

It was already past one o'clock in the afternoon when I was woken up by the old road. When I got up, I saw Liangzi and Liubao wrapping a few kitchen knives with newspapers, so I asked them what they were doing?

"Prepare, guys, you have drawn so many strange things for this, you must be prepared this time." Liang Zi said without looking back.

According to the past, I will definitely say that they are messing around again, but now it seems that it is not a bad thing to prepare some weapons. After the four people chose a kitchen knife to hide on the back waist, they went downstairs and took a car and drove according to the address said by the old road.

I think it's a little funny in the car. If the driver knows that each of us has a kitchen knife hidden in the back, he has to open the door and abandon the car and run away!

The taxi drove for more than half an hour. When I got to the place, I saw that it turned out to be a three-story villa. I thought that the boss was really rich, and I didn't know what his identity was. Maybe he could really sell it for a big price this time.

Several people got off the old road and knocked on the door. It was a young man in his twenties who opened the door. After asking our intention, he took us into the living room on the first floor and said, "Please wait a moment," and the young man went upstairs.

We sat on the solid wood chair in the living room and looked around. I felt that the decoration style of this villa was very unique. Although it was not a Western style, it was different from most rich people in our area. It was not very luxurious, but it was old-fashioned from the inside out.

When several people were whispering, they heard the sound of footsteps going downstairs. I looked up and saw the young man and a man about 60 or 70 years old coming down the stairs steadily. The man was not tall and had an arrogant face, which made people feel like the leader of some organ at a glance. .

I thought that this must be the one who bought the old road 'ash tank'. At this time, I saw the old road hurriedly get up and smile, "Oh, Mr. Tuo, I haven't seen you for many days!"

Mr. Tuo also replied with a smile on his face, "I'm also very happy to see Mr. Lu Tuo again, but I don't know what treasure Mr. Lu is here this time. I can't wait!"

Hearing the dialogue between the two, I guess Lao Lu did not show what he was going to sell this time. After a few words of greeting, Lao Lu introduced us to us in turn with the so-called Mr. Tuo. Mr. Tuo politely nodded to our people. When he saw me, he was slightly stunned and followed He came over and held my hand and smiled, "I've heard Mr. Lu mention Brother Qiu a long time ago. Today, I saw a talent, hahaha..."

I thought that I must have boasted about something with others, and then greeted them with a smile, "Mr. Tuo, you are too polite. Please don't be surprised."

In fact, I am very annoyed by this hypocritical politeness, but I have to compliment myself when I encounter such a situation.

Mr. Tuo looked at me deeply for a while and said, "Mr. Lu just said that there was a treasure to take action, but I don't know what it is. Can I take it out and let Tuo appreciate it?"

After hearing this, I put a color on Liang Zi, and then saw Liang Zi and began to take off his clothes. Mr. Tuo asked me strangely, and I also nodded to him awkwardly and smiled, "Mr. Tuo, don't blame us, this thing is too expensive to make sure that we are foolproof, that's why this is the scene."

In fact, I feel ashamed. I don't know how much this painting can be worth. If people say that it is an ordinary picture after reading it, it should really find a mouse hole to get in.

Liang Zi quickly took off his bare arm and stretched out his hand to pull the tape a few times. Because it was too tight, he didn't pull it off. Then he smiled awkwardly and said, "Inside, Mr. Tuo, do you have any scissors in your house? Borrow them to use."

Mr. Tuo just smiled and said nothing, and then nodded to the young man beside him. After a while, the young man turned around and walked in with a pair of scissors and handed them over to Liang Zi. I was worried when I saw Liang Zi's clumsy appearance and quickly took over the scissors to take down the painting.

In the 'hist' sound of Liangzi being pulled by tape, I squared the picture scroll to the tea machine in front of everyone, and then reached out to Mr. Tuo and made a gesture of invitation.

Mr. Tuo stepped forward and sat on the chair, and then slowly opened the picture. When the painting could be opened for one third, I felt that his eyes were stunned. As the scroll continued to appear, his whole body began to tremble.

I don't think so. Does this old man want to win? Just as he was about to come forward to inquire, he saw Mr. Tuo immediately put the open picture scroll on the new volume, and then said to us with a frightened expression, "Friends, please follow me to the second floor for details."

As soon as Liang Zi heard that he wanted to change places, he immediately grabbed the painting and held it in his chest. Mr. Tuo wanted to speak but stopped talking. Then his whole body trembled and led the way in front of him. Our group followed him to the second floor.

On the second floor, we entered a very large study room. I saw all kinds of ancient paintings, ancient swords, and some indescribable things around. It seemed that Mr. Tuo was definitely a top antique collector, but I didn't know why our paintings made him so nervous.

Although this house looks like a study, it also has a negotiation area similar to a conference table. As soon as we came in, we found a place to sit down and heard Mr. Tuo say, "Please wait a moment. After saying that, he turned around and went out of the door, 'Dorkling...' He ran to the third floor.

At this time, Liang Zi hugged the painting tightly and said to me, "Damn it, this old man won't call someone, will he? Shall we withdraw first?"

I also think it's a little strange. It's false to say that we are not nervous. We have all encountered * in the sky. The so-called may not work, but looking at Mr. Tuo's appearance, it is different from that group of outlaws, so I said to Liangzi, "Don't worry, wait, we are not all with guys. "

Liang Zi reached out and touched his waist before he calmed down a lot. We waited for about five or six minutes and saw Mr. Tuo and a middle-aged woman helping a white-haired old man come in.

The white-haired old man is not tall, and he is estimated to be more than 80 years old, but his eyes are sharp with a pair of presbyopic glasses.

After seeing the painting in Liang Zi's arms, the white-haired old man immediately pushed away Mr. Tuo and the middle-aged woman who helped him. He stepped forward and reached out to grab the painting in Liang Zi's hand. Liang Zi quickly held the painting and dodged aside and said angrily, "Oh, why did I grab it? I tell you, I turned against you in a mess. ."

At this time, I saw that the white-haired old man looked particularly nervous, and then turned around and muttered a few words to Mr. Tuo that we couldn't understand. I immediately felt tight, and Chinese people with no foreign language experience could also hear it. This was obviously Japanese.

Then Mr. Tuo waved his hand like a white-haired old man to calm him down, and then said to us with a smile, "Don't panic. This is my boss, Mr. Yamamoto, a businessman from Japan to China. He is very interested in these paintings. Please let them watch the treasure paintings."