Tomb robbery

Chapter 028 Driving into the Deep Mountains

As the noise continued, Liang Zi and I were also woken up. We didn't know what had happened, so we ran out to check.

There are no street lights in such a village. I saw all the team members out of their sleeping bags and stood nervously looking around. There was a sound of rustling on the hillside behind the house, as if someone was running, and the sound of footsteps gasping came into their ears.

"What's going on..." Zhou Huan quickly asked a team member.

"We don't know. There seems to be something on the hillside behind. Someone's sleeping bag was overturned just now." A team member answered and stared at the hillside.

With the faint moonlight, I saw the grass shaking on the hillside, and then a group of dark shadows rushed out. I didn't know what I was hit by. The soles of my feet did not stand firmly and fell directly to the ground.

This time, he fell firmly and felt that his eyes were beginning to emerge. Liang Zi quickly came to help him up. At this time, he heard Zhou Huan shout, "Be careful, it's a herd of wild boars."

Then more than a dozen flashlight lights lit up. When I turned off the flashlight, I saw that one after another was full of pig buttocks, and it was estimated that there were at least 20. This group of small wild boars surrounded us brainlessly.

Zhou Huan continued to shout, "Don't be angry, use the climbing stick."

I understand that what she said is not to use guns. If so many people shoot together, it will definitely scare the villagers here, and we will also cause a lot of trouble.

The team members shouted and raised their climbing sticks and began to drive away, for fear of being knocked down by the wild boar that suddenly rushed over. Liang Zi also picked up a wooden stick and shouted there. For a moment, the pig hummed, not to mention how messy it was.

The fresh man urged the old man to stand there for a while, then turned around and ran back to the room. At that time, he ran out with a broken frame with a cigarette in his hand. He casually took out something the size of a can from the box. After lighting it with a cigarette butt, he still went out towards a loud place.

A loud noise almost didn't scare me to sit on the ground. It turned out that his can was actually a made of earth explosives, which was not very powerful, but it was really loud.

I urged the old man to throw several in a row, and I saw several villagers running from afar. Everyone was holding a small basket in their hands. When they arrived, they also took out a can and began to throw them in the direction of the wild boar herd, shouting.

I suddenly felt a feeling of going to the battlefield. I shook it with the sound of explosives. It felt particularly magical. Liangzi didn't care. He went to other people's boxes and found a few explosives and stood up. He shouted loudly, "It's fun, wow ha ha ha, it's so cool."

After a while, the villagers stopped. Zhou Huan took a look at the crowd and found that no one else was injured except that I was hit once. He exhaled and asked the old man, "How could there be wild boars running to the village?"

urged the old man to smile carelessly and said, "Well, it's strange. In the past few years, there were a lot of them."

I thought it's not surprising. Not to mention wild boars, but few pigs in the city have seen it. I went to ask the old man, aren't you afraid?

But he was amused by me and patted me and said, "Groups of wild boars are usually attacking people. They can't steal the banker. They are fierce and gangs."

I didn't quite understand, so I went on to ask him what Gangliuzi was.

The old man told me that swarms of wild boars were everywhere in the past few years, and they did not have much attack ability. Generally, they just harmed bankers everywhere. The so-called Gangliuzi is a wild boar that survives alone. Such wild boars are huge, black and extremely fierce. Even if a tiger meets it, it will give it three points.

Although I think what he said is a little exaggerated, I feel a little horrible when I look at the endless mountains in the distance. I hope I won't meet 'Gangliuzi' when I enter the mountain this time.

Zhou Huan saw that there was nothing wrong, so he urged everyone to pack up and rest quickly. He needed to refresh himself so that he can enter the mountain tomorrow. After saying that, he turned back to the room with the black-faced captain.

I now admire these grave robbers from the bottom of my heart. If I change and am attacked by the wild boar herd once, I dare not sleep outside again.

Liang Zi is nothing. It seems that the experience just now is more fun. He said a few words and pulled me into the house to rest. I was speechless all night...

The next morning, everyone got up and urged the old man to make rice porridge for us for breakfast. After a few simple sips, I ran outside to smoke, looked up in the direction we were going, and faintly saw a small hill in a far and high place. I guess it should be the so-called Lao Ye Mountain. Now we This is a clear sky, but the top of the mountain is cloudy, and it can be seen that the height is indeed great.

After everyone cleaned up their breakfast, they all got into the car and continued to move forward. After that, the road became more and more difficult to walk. The road was ups and downs, and the speed of the car was very slow. No one could be seen on both sides. Except for the trees, they were weeds. As soon as I came to such a place, my heart began to panic.

It is estimated that you can walk for another hour, and there is no road ahead. Unless a tank opens the way, no off-road vehicle can walk.

After everyone got out of the car, Zhou Huan began to distribute equipment. Liang Zi picked up a large bag and slowly packed a bag of food. There were more than a dozen bags of compressed biscuits alone. I had the experience of my last adventure, so I picked a long rope and a few small flashlight, thinking that in case I fell into some hole again, it would be too scary.

At this time, other people have almost sorted it out. Their backpacks are very long. I guess there should be guns or something in it.

We are now located on a relatively flat hillside. We urged the old man to say that there are many insects and snakes in the mountain, so that we all tied up our trouser legs. As soon as we heard the snake, I got goose bumps all over, and found out the thin rope and beams to tie the leg of our trousers tightly. Although it felt very uncomfortable, it made me feel at ease. Less.

The old man was urged to lead the way in front of him, and the group began to follow him down the slope. When they reached the bottom of the slope, they found a river reflected in front of everyone.

The river is not very high, and the deepest place is estimated to be more than one meter. It seems that this 'river and mountain village' really lives up to its name. This place is really towering mountains. The river is clear to the bottom, and it is simply a beautiful mess to see the fish swimming around.

I washed my face through the river. It was really refreshing and pleasant. If it hadn't been for the purpose of robbing the tomb this time, the truth would have been stripped down for a while.

In the past, the water level of this river should have been very wide, but now there is only water in the middle section. We walk up along the beach, which is formed by sand and gravel accumulated over the years, and it is also smooth to walk on it, so it does not seem particularly difficult.

We urged the old man to walk while looking at the scenery. Liang Zi sang brainlessly: "The river flows eastward, and there are no stars in the sky..."

I scolded with contemptuous eyes: "It's really terrible to be uneducated. The singing is so unsuitable. You should sing now. The river is flowing, the water is flowing, and the river is flowing..."

The two were in a good mood and then began to laugh. When I looked forward, I vaguely saw Zhou Huan covering her mouth and shaking her body slightly, and seemed to be smiling secretly. Through the beautiful scenery, I felt special emotion. If she was not a tomb robber, we were not coming to steal the tomb. The two could travel in hand in such a place. It's a romantic trip.

As time passed, the temperature slowly began to rise, and we were all wearing storm jackets and carrying equipment. Before long, I began to sweat, and I was not in the mood to see the scenery again. Any wonderful pictures disappeared, so I lowered my head and followed all the way. Except for the river, which is a dense forest, After a long time, my eyes were all green.

There was only a gasp beside me except for the sound of footsteps. Even people like Liangzi stopped talking. My physical strength was very low, and I especially wanted to rest for a while, but looking at the old man and Zhou Huan, the old woman didn't say anything and could only grit her teeth and continue to move on.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and now I can deeply understand why women have a special idea of wearing bras in summer. It's really uncomfortable for people to sweat and thick clothes on their bodies.

"Oh, damn, this place is good..." Liang Zi suddenly shouted, and then ran forward.

I looked up and saw that perhaps due to the trend of the mountains, the river in front of me formed a small natural lake. It is estimated that the lake should be relatively deep and an excellent place to swim.

After I ran close to Liang Zi, Liang Zi began to take off his clothes, but before he finished taking off his coat, he was pulled by the black-faced captain and heard Zhou Huan say, "What are you going to do? Don't mess around."

"Sister-in-law, it's so hot that we've been walking for a long time. Let's take a break. Look at how hot you are." Liang Zi said as he wanted to break free from his black face.

Zhou Huan also looked up at the sky. In fact, I can feel that she is also tired and hot. In such weather, there is a river in front of her, which is really uncomfortable.

Looking at the team members, although they were expressionless, they had already been soaked in sweat, so I came forward and said to Zhou Huan, "Well, why don't you take a break? You don't care about us and your brothers. Let's see how hot they are."

Zhou Huan looked at me and turned to look at the team members. Finally, he nodded helplessly and shouted to everyone, "Just rest here and continue after lunch."

After hearing this, Liang Zi jumped high and shook off his black-faced hand and began to take off his clothes. When there was a briefs left, he straightened up his buttocks and plunged into the water.

I was a small face in front of a woman. I was a little embarrassed to see Zhou Huan beside me. Zhou Huan also understood things and knew that he was a woman. He looked at me and turned around and found a shady tree and sat down to rest.

I immediately had a good time and shouted at the team members behind me, "Brothers, let's go..."

After saying that, he took off his clothes and jumped in. It was very hot outside, but the water was extremely cool. It felt so cool.

Look at the team members on the shore, no matter how determined they are, but after all, they are mortal bodies. After finding that the black face and Zhou Huan were not stopped, they also began to take off their clothes. For a moment, more than a dozen people jumped into the water like dumplings.