Tomb robbery

Chapter 041 Giant Bugs ask for their lives

Just as the team member came to the center of the ground, I saw that the rotating gossip figure actually stopped and restored the previous calm, but the pattern really existed.

The team member approached and bent down to look down. He didn't seem to know what was going on. After looking at it for a while, he turned his head and shrugged his shoulders at Zhang Zhuang, saying that there was no danger.

We were also very curious, so we all walked to the middle of the room. As soon as we walked out, I saw the team member facing us suddenly sink into the earth, as if they had fallen into a trap, and our lower body sank into the soil.

"Come on, come and save me..." He seemed to be very nervous and shouted in horror.

Everyone ran to the front quickly. Two of Zhang Zhuang's men carried the gun on their back, and then reached out to pull the man who was trapped in, but the man's lower body seemed to be pulled, and neither of them pulled him out.

Just when he was scared to his face, I suddenly felt something strange behind him. I went to check and saw that the gossip figure that had come out before had disappeared. A dirt bag appeared on the ground, and it was still spreading upwards, and in a blink of an eye, it was more than half a person.

At this time, even a fool could see that something was coming out of the soil. Before I could think about it, I took Zhou Huan and retreated a few steps. Zhang Zhuang and his other men also retreated with us, leaving only the team member trapped in the soil to howling alone.

When everyone withdrew halfway, I saw that the dirt bag became higher and higher, and then a dark green monster shook its head and came out.

What is it? I went to see Zhang Zhuang and the old ghost with a frightened face. Who knew that they were as confused as my expression.

When I looked at the thing that came out, I found that it was probably as thick as a bucket, shaking left and right and rising straight, and finally stopped when it could rise to about three meters.

At this time, I looked carefully and found that the thing was not all green, and there were black lines on my body that divided it into several sections. I immediately understood that this was typical of the big pillar I had poked with my flashlight!

Oh my God! Now after seeing it, I found that this is not a special pillar. Obviously, it is a big bug as thick as a bucket, because I saw two rows of very short tentacles growing on it.

At this time, Zhang Zhuang shouted anxiously to the old ghost, "Old ghost, do you know what this is?"

"I can't see it either, but on the surface, it should be like a bug."

"Farm, how can there be a bug that can grow so big? Is it the ancestor of the bug?"

As the two of them were talking, I saw the giant insect's upper body bent forward and opened an oval mouth, which was densely covered with sharp teeth.

The team member who was buried in the earth was completely stunned at this time. He twisted his body and stared at the giant insect without any response, and even the previous screams stopped.

Then he looked at the giant insect, put his mouth on the top of the team member's head, shrank his neck back like a snake, and then heard a crisp sound, which bit off the team member's head and ate it into its mouth.

I wiped Nima, and I watched this tragic scene. When I saw the headless team member's neck, a pillar of blood spewed out.

What the hell. When did the bugs start to eat people? I pulled up Zhou Huan and continued to retreat.

"What the heap, shoot me." Zhang Zhuang immediately shouted at his opponent.

In fact, there was no need for him to give orders. The gunfire and his shouts sounded almost at the same time, and all the dense bullets hit the body of the giant insect, and a stream of green ** spewed out.

After I saw the green liquid sprayed on the headless team member, white smoke immediately rose with the squeaking sound. The power of the giant insect venom was obviously much more powerful than those small insects outside. The headless team member's body began to rot and melt in an instant. In a blink of an eye, his whole body disappeared and finally turned into a pool of green water. .

The living man who was still alive just now died in front of us. In the end, he couldn't even find the body, which was too difficult for me to accept.

Zhang Zhuang's eyes were red at this time, and the other three team members with guns did not dare to approach. They just scolded and shot the giant insect until he finished the bullets in the gun.

After the attack stopped, they quickly went to fill the bullets, but the giant worm fell to the ground with a thump, regardless of the holes in their bodies, twisting the bucket-like worm and rushed towards us.

At this time, everyone retreated to the wall one after another, and ran around the wall without any order. There was a sound of rubbing the land behind them. Obviously, the giant insect followed closely behind.

I didn't have time to look back at all. I pulled Zhou Huan and ran desperately. When I ran around the house for more than half a time, I heard the gunshot behind me sounded again.

I guess someone's bullet was loaded. As I ran, I turned my head to look. I saw a team member falling at the end of the team and shooting fiercely while retreating. Soon the giant insect had chased him close to him, and his upper body suddenly stood up, opened his mouth and shot out a green **, all of which were sprayed On the man.

The result was even more tragic. The man didn't even shout, and his body immediately began to melt, and finally turned into a pool of green **.

At this time, the giant insect temporarily gave up its pursuit of us. I saw it lying on the ground and began to suck the green water formed by the body, as if it was a wonderful delicacy, which looked very disgusting.

Two people died in such a short time, and finally they couldn't even find the body. Then I went to see the huge bug that was 'dining'. I was almost about to collapse. I went out of control and grabbed Zhang Zhuang's collar and shouted, "Is the thing you are looking for more important than human life? Why don't you die?"

Zhang Zhuang obviously didn't expect me to do such a thing. After being stunned for a moment, he seemed to suddenly remember something, and then pushed me away and pulled Zhou Huan into his arms and raised his pistol against her temple.

Zhang Zhuang shouted to me with a ferocious smile, "You die first. Aren't you physically resistant? Then go and kill the bug, or I'll shoot her."

After saying that, Zhang Zhuang pulled out a sharp knife from his waist and was still in front of me, and the gun in his hand pointed at Zhou Huan's temple twice.

I picked up the knife on the ground and wanted to stab myself to death first. It was not our people who died just now. I was so full that I couldn't run away. Why did I provoke this bastard?

But it was too late to say anything at this time. I turned around and went to see the giant insect. By this time, it had sucked all the green liquid and began to shake its body and crawl towards us again.

I don't know if I can resist the attack of this giant worm, but now Zhou Huan is in Zhang Zhuang's hands and may be killed at any time. Even if Zhang Zhuang doesn't kill us, if he runs like this, he will be killed by the giant worm in the end. Anyway, he can't avoid it. It's better to fight.

Thinking of this, I raised my knife and took two steps in the direction of the giant insect. I heard Zhou Huan behind me shouting hurriedly, "Qiu Ye, you can't do stupid things. Don't go there."

I turned my head and saw that Zhou Huan was being strangled by Zhang Zhuang and struggling desperately, so I shouted to her, "Don't move. Don't worry, it's okay. I'll kill the bug, and we can go out."

"No, you can't resist at all. I won't allow you..."

I didn't pay attention to Zhou Huan any more. I turned around and was ready to attack the giant insect. As soon as I walked a few steps forward, I heard the dense gunshots behind me.

I was shocked, turned around and found that there were about 20 people in the room, all of whom were shooting at the giant insect with guns.

I took a closer look and saw that the flower shirt was also in it. I was pointing and yelling at my hands. I guess it was an order for them to hit hard.

Although I don't know where these people came from, it is obvious that I don't have to work hard now. I quickly bent down and ran back and found that Zhou Huan had got rid of Zhang Zhuang's control and bit his lips and stared at me.

I came to her and asked, "Well, are you all right?"

Zhou Huan said to me angrily, "You are really sick. You know you have to die and have to do it. Let me tell you, if you die, none of the rest of us will live."

I was relieved to see that he was fine. I didn't care about what she said later. When I turned around and looked back, I saw that the giant insect had been beaten and retreated. My body could no longer see its original appearance. The whole insect body had been beaten into a screen, and the green ** flowed all over the ground.

After all, with so many people's super fire attack, no matter how powerful the giant insect is, it can't resist it. Finally, it struggled for a while and lay on the ground and stopped. After everyone shot at the motionless insect body for a round, they found that it was completely dead, and the gunfire stopped.

I saw these people loaded with bombs and vigilant vigilance. The flower shirt went to Zhang Zhuang and asked, "Brother Zhuang is everything okay? Is he injured? What is that?"

"I'm fine. Why did you come in? What's going on outside?"

"Don't worry, I'll leave some people to watch them. There won't be any problems."

Zhang Zhuang nodded, then looked around the room and asked the flower shirt, "How did you get in? Where is the door?"

"Ah, door..." The flower shirt was obviously asked, and also looked around the room. Finally, it frowned inexplicably and said, "It's really strange. When we came in, we found the green monster and didn't think much about it to attack, but this door Where have you been?"

I also felt very strange when I heard him say this. Looking around, I really didn't find the shadow of the door. Is it possible that this group of people really came out of the ground?

At this time, I heard the old ghost shout at the crowd: "Everyone look carefully. I think the door must be covered by some blindfold. Since you can come in, you must go out."

After hearing the order, everyone immediately dispersed and began to search around the wall of the house. Zhou Huan and I also walked to a wall and touched the black stone wall with our hands to see if there would be anything like that.

At this time, I saw the old ghost also coming over. Instead of checking the wall, he walked to a lit sunflower lamp and looked at it carefully.