Tomb robbery

Chapter 097 Father's Notes

I saw that this would definitely not work. Liang Zi must not be able to pull the ghost-faced Buddha, so he raised his head and shouted, "Let go quickly, or you will be pulled down."

Liang Zi did not reply. He clenched his teeth and persisted hard. His face was cyan, and he might not be able to hold on at any time.

I looked down at the ghost-faced Buddha again and thought to myself: Forget it, I have experienced so many dangers. Even if I die, that's it!

I couldn't let Liang Zi accompany me to die anyway, so as soon as I gritted my teeth, I loosened the rope, and my body fell in an instant, and I was about to fall on the ghost-faced Buddha.

At the same time, I heard a 'sw' sound, and a bow and arrow suddenly flew down from the top of his head and shot directly on the shoulder of the ghost-faced Buddha. The force was so great that it knocked it to the ground in an instant.

Because of the sudden appearance of this arrow, my body did not hit the ghost-faced Buddha, but fell to the ground fiercely.

Looking up quickly, I saw that the wall was not far from the beam, and the big cake face that had disappeared before suddenly appeared again. At this time, he was standing on the top of the wall, holding a bow and arrow in my direction, ready to launch at any time.

Is it him again? I said to myself: Didn't this guy leave? Why did he turn back? While guessing what was going on, he suddenly heard a howling behind him.

Looking back, I saw the boss with the ghost-faced Buddha's mouth open, with his iron-like hands hitting each other twice, shaking his horrible big body and rushing towards me.

I wanted to run away, but I found that my leg was injured, and I couldn't stand up at all.

Seeing that the ghost-faced Buddha was about to arrive, I looked at its body as tall and hard as a boulder, thinking that even if the big cake face fired a few more, it would be useless.

When I was about to die, I felt a strong wind blowing overhead. I don't know what grabbed my collar, and my whole body was picked up in an instant.

At this time, the ghost-faced Buddha also came to the front, because my body suddenly rose and did not jump. He was so angry that his whole body was constantly hitting the wall.

My body continued to rise and soon reached the height of the wall. At this time, Liang Zi was riding on the wall and looking at me with a very incredible look.

I was still dizzy. I didn't understand what had happened at all. Looking up, I saw that it was a big bird, flashing a pair of big wings. The sharp claws penetrated my clothes and took me to fly up.

I wipe... Isn't this the so-called Dapeng bird? Why did it appear again? I was surprised and forgot to be afraid. I actually looked up at the big bird and shouted, "Hey, buddy, put me down quickly!"

Naturally, the big bird ignored me. The height stopped, but it still didn't mean to let go of me and flew towards the hillside beside me.

I turned my head hard and shouted at the panicked Liangzi, "You go back first. Don't wait for me. I'm sure I'll be fine."

The big bird flew faster and faster. I don't know if Liang Zi heard it clearly. It was too exciting to fly in the air in a sober state. I'm not worried that I would fall down and scream like a psychopath.

flew over this ghost valley, and it turned into a primitive deep forest under me. After flying for more than ten minutes, the big bird began to fall. Finally, a cliff appeared in front of my eyes, and the direction of the big bird suddenly hit the cliff.

I was shocked and looked up and shouted, "Brother Bird or Uncle Bird? Don't think about it. If you hit the cliff, we will die..."

I shouted randomly, and naturally there was no response. When I got closer and closer to the cliff, I found that our direction was not to hit it. There was a huge cave in the middle of the cliff in front of me.

The big bird took me and flew into the cave. It was dark here. I couldn't see what was going on inside, so I felt that the speed slowly decreased, and soon my feet fell to the ground.

A burst of tingling came, and while the big bird let go of me, I fell to the ground and quickly reached out reflexively to grab my ankle. It was estimated that the injury was not heavy.

After the big bird put me down, it actually came to me. The first time I saw this thing at close range, I really seemed to be dreaming.

This bird looks like a huge eagle, but it is indeed too big. If you have to describe it, I think it is about the same size as the big eagle in the Condor Heroes.

It circled around me as if it was checking my injury. Then after finding that I was fine, it ran to the mouth of the cave in a few steps, stirred its wings and flew out again.

"Hey, Uncle Bird, don't go!" I shouted loudly to chase it, but my feet hurt so much that I couldn't move at all.

Watching it fly out like this, I suddenly felt a little panicked. I quickly untied my backpack and found a flashlight. After checking around, I was confused again.

This cave is obviously formed naturally, without any traces of artificial chiseling, but I never thought that there would be obvious traces of life here.

Some old pots and pans, some dry wood scattered on the ground, and a small bed made of wood with quilts that can no longer be seen in color.

What's the situation? I can't believe my eyes. Although the things in it are old, they seem to be more orderly. Is there anyone living in this cave?

While thinking about this, I suddenly heard the whirling wind at the mouth of the cave. I quickly turned around and saw the big bird flying back again. To my surprise, the strange man with a big cake face rode on the bird.

The big bird fell to the ground smoothly, and the strange man jumped down with a graceful jump. He actually came to me and squatted down and looked at me carefully.

At this time, I was still sitting on the ground, and I was immediately moved back by him. I asked nervously, "Big brother, who are you?"

I have seen this guy many times, but it is the first time that he is so close and so clear. Although he is human-shaped, his skin is full of large bags or scars, and he can't see the original human skin, which looks extremely scary.

I really can't unite this guy with human beings. It seems that this big bird must have been raised by him. This guy has saved my life several times, but this time I can't figure out what he is doing to get me in this cave?

Seeing that he didn't answer, I continued to ask, "Who the hell are you? Where is this place?"

I was already ready that he would still not answer, but I didn't expect that this time there was an extremely hoarse voice saying, "Your name is Qiu Ye?"

"Uh, yes, yes, my name is Qiu Ye." I'll be back soon.

"What's your father's name?" The strange man suddenly raised his voice and asked.

I didn't expect him to ask about my father. I have been an orphan since I was a child. Except for people in the orphanage, I have never seen a family member. When asked like this, I don't know how to answer.

I had to say hesitantly, "My father... I haven't seen him, and I don't know who it is." After thinking about it, I asked again, "Do you know my father?"


A burst of extremely stiff laughter shocked me with goosebumps. Then I saw the strange man walk forward a few more steps, stretched out his skeleton-like dry hand, pinched my chin and looked at it carefully for a while, and said, "Well... It's really just like Brother Sihai."

Brother Sihai? Who is this? I was completely stunned by his words and didn't know what to say for a moment.

After the weirdo laughed enough, he got up and walked around me to the depths of the cave. The time was not long. He came back with an old notebook with a red cover in his hand.

I didn't know what he was going to do, so I sat on the ground and watched stupidly. This time, the strange man came to me and sat underground and handed me the notebook in his hand.

"Take it and see, all the truth is here." He said slowly.

The truth? I don't know what he said, but since there are notes for me to read, there must be an absolute reason, so I stopped thinking about it and reached out to take over the red-skinned note.

After opening, I found that this was a long time ago. The paper has turned yellow and I don't know how many years it has been stored.

The first page suddenly wrote three large characters with a pencil, Qiu Sihai...

After seeing these three words, I immediately felt all over, thinking of the strange man's question to me just now, and said to myself: Is it possible that this person named Qiu Sihai will be my father? And this note was written by my father?

How can this be? How can my father know this strange man with a big cake face, and how can he have my father's notes? What's more strange is how he is in the cave on the cliff next to the ghost valley.

I didn't dare to turn over the notes in my hands. I looked up and stared at the strange man helplessly, but there was no expression on his face, and I couldn't see what was going on.

Seeing that I didn't continue to look through it, he sighed, "You guessed right. This is indeed your father Qiu Sihai's note."

Oh, my God... I just feel like I'm going to collapse. For so many years, I have wanted to know my background, but I never dreamed that I would be in such an environment where such a strange person would reveal the truth.

"What...what did you say? This is my father's, so who are you? Why are my father's notes in your hands? I asked several questions excitedly.

"Hehehehe..." This guy laughed a few times and said, "Don't be suspicious. All this is true. Your father's name is Qiu Sihai, a tomb robber, and I'm his partner. He entrusted me to protect you before he dies, so... Now it's time to let you know the truth."

"What? My father is dead?" I didn't believe it at all. I was furious and wanted to stand up, but there was a burst of heartache on my feet immediately, so I had no choice but to sit back.

The weirdo sighed when he saw my excitement and said, "You must calm down. If you have any questions, I will tell you after reading it. Now it's time for you to know the truth."

I looked at his face carefully and found that there was still no expression, but there seemed to be a little sadness in his eyes, and he looked weak and a little wet.

I don't think much anymore. I'm going to finish reading the notes first. I can naturally judge whether it's true or false, so I opened the yellow notes with trembling hands...