Tomb robbery

Chapter 104 Desert Storm

Liang Zi didn't give up and had to grab a few to go back and show them for everyone. We didn't climb up for nothing.

We found a cigarette box and was about to squat down to grab it. As soon as I looked up, I was dumbfounded.

Originally, it seemed that there were only dozens of insects and fish on the ground, but now they gathered more and more. When the time was not, it became a large area of yellow warbler warbler. I don't know where these things came from. At this time, the number is still increasing.

These 'worm fish' seem to be marching, and they are not afraid of people and do not stop. Many of them all crawled close to our feet, and the goal is obviously to go to the basin where we rest.

I suddenly felt excited, as if something was wrong. Why did these things look like marching especially as if they were running away?

"What's going on? Will it rain?" Liang Zi looked up at Tiandao.

If this is an ant, I will think the same as him, but these unknown worms and fishes flee so crazily must have an unusual meaning.

I also looked up at the sky and felt that the sky was relatively clear before, but now it was gray. Looking at that, it really meant that it was going to rain.

"Wow, hahaha." Liang Zi laughed loudly and said, "It's so good that I can take a shower. It's hot for me all the way."

I was not as optimistic as him. I looked at the sky and looked into the distance in front of me. At first, there was nothing strange, but my vision was blurred, and gradually a few black spots appeared, and then they gathered bigger and bigger...

"What's going on?" Liang Zi stared at the gradually growing black spot and asked.

I don't know why. After waiting for a few more minutes, I suddenly felt a wind blowing on my face. My heart was not good. Is it a hurricane?

Liang Zi's eyes were sharp. As soon as I thought of this, I heard him shout, "I wiped it. It's broken. It looks like a desert storm!"

I immediately panicked when I heard it. The place where we rested was to avoid the wind. Fortunately, if it was a super storm, it would just bury us all.

Thinking of this, the two of them didn't have time to think much about it. They rolled down along the sand dunes when they came, which made many people laugh for a while.

When it came down to two-thirds, Liang Zi opened his voice and shouted, "No... Te Niang's wind is blowing..."

"Ah ha ha ha." A group of people who watched the bustle didn't believe Liang Zi's words at all. I guess they thought we were bored and played a prank.

Finally returned to the flat ground. Liang Zi and I all raised our voices and shouted, "Run, it's too late if you don't run."

The first thing that came to realize was Zhou Huan's team. When they saw the black face not far away, they looked up at the sky, looked at the direction we came back, and immediately greeted his team to get on the car and evacuate.

Others still don't believe it, but seeing our panicked appearance, it's not impossible to leave for a while.

Liang Zi and I have been shouting for a long time, and we are too lazy to take care of them. After greeting Xu Xin to get on the car, we turned back at the fastest speed with the roaring sound of the Hummer motor.

"What's the matter? Did you meet a ghost?" Xu Xin asked disdainfully when he saw our panic.

"Brother Xu, I'll let you go up when you meet a ghost, and now it's free for you to go up." Liang Zi drove the car and joked at Xu Xin.

He joked every time he was nervous. Xu Xin also knew this. He saw the old man open the window and put his head up. Then he came back to close the window and shouted, "Turn to the left, the faster the better."

I heard it wrong. The hurricane came from behind. Don't you just hit it when you walk to the left for a while?

Xu Xin saw my doubts and continued, "This is a black dragon hurricane. It's quite fast. You must not be able to drive in the desert."

"Is it okay to turn left?" I asked anxiously.

"It depends on whether the car bought by Liang is awesome or not." Xu Xin joked.

As soon as I heard that this was a gamble, but it was better than nothing, I said to Liang Zi, "It's up to you."

Liang Zi laughed and said, "Comrades, don't worry, let's see how my tank breaks through the sand in the wind." After saying that, he hurriedly steered, and the Hummer turned to the left to test.

At this time, I was a little worried about Zhou Huan's safety. I opened the skylight above my head and stood up and looked back. I saw that the cars behind me had been in a mess for a long time, and there were all of them running in any direction.

This is a selective problem. Our car is the first to rush out. If Zhou Huan trusts me, he will definitely keep up. If he can't make the decision, he can only let his fate.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and immediately the strong wind swept the sand and came to the front. Although the doors and windows were closed, I still felt that my breathing began to be short. I guess it should be a psychological effect.

Liang Zi held the steering wheel attentively, and the Hummer moved forward slowly in the bumps, and then looked out of the window. The hurricane, which rolled up dozens of meters of sand, roared and rushed to our car.

"Papa,..." Pieces of sand slapped on the car window, the body began to shake, and the parts came from the 'crunch' sound at the same time.

It's dark outside, and the people in the car are also sweating profusely. I really feel that our chances of success are too slim. Once the car is overturned, if our mortal bodies are exposed, they will disappear in an instant.

"There is no sight!" Liang Zi shouted loudly.

Xu Xin also looked particularly nervous and shouted, "If you speed up again, this is just the limelight. When the real hurricane comes, we will definitely not be able to stand it."

"I wipe..." Liang Zi cursed and increased the accelerator. The car almost moved forward like a jump, and I was about to vomit.

This is Liangzi. He was very calm when he was in danger. He bowed forward and clenched the steering wheel with both hands. The sweat on his cheeks kept dripping, and he did not dare to wipe it with his hands.

I have been stunned. I can't even say a word of encouragement, so I hope I can pass early. If it goes on like this, the car will not be overturned and I will be turned upside down.

After moving forward for a period of time, I obviously felt that the head of the car was high and the tail was low, which seemed to be an uphill road. I secretly prayed that I would never encounter a big sand dune.

"Hold on..." With Liang Zi's exclamation, the car was almost raised to a 60-degree angle, and the roaring motor sound mixed with the smell of gasoline burning, which seemed to be about to reach the limit.

"Put..." Hummer finally failed to insist on climbing this high slope and turned off the engine tiredly.

Liangzi continuously twisted the key door, but there was no response, but as long as the handbrake and foot brake were used together, because the car body was heavy, it could not stop at all, and slowly began to slide down.

I've finished thinking about it. It seems that the three of us are going to go to the sky this time. The hurricane is so fierce that I don't know where it will go. Anyway, it doesn't matter. It's inevitable to die wherever we go.

When I was a little desperate, the Hummer under me slowly stopped. The three of them were overjoyed and heard Xu Xin shout, "Don't move, or the car will slide down. I guess if we are lucky, this is already on the edge of a hurricane and maybe we can hide."

I saw that there was still a glimmer of hope, so I hurriedly tightened my body and didn't dare to move around. I closed my eyes and stopped looking at it. I kept praying to God that we would avoid this disaster.

Gradually, I felt that the shaking of the car was smaller, and the sound of patting the car window before also decreased. I slowly opened my eyes and looked out of the window, and the hanging heart finally fell down.

"It worked, wow ha ha." Liang Zi laughed excitedly.

I looked at the gradually clear desert outside the window, and there was a pleasure of rebirth. I reached out and patted Liang Zi fiercely and smiled, "Young man, you are promising!"

"Damn, who am I? It's all trivial." Liang Zi said proudly.

Xu Xin also smiled for the first time and gently patted Liangzi on the shoulder and said, "Well, I have decided to take you as an apprentice."

"Uh... can you find a wife as a Taoist priest?" Liang Zi joked.

Xu Xin did not answer. He stared at him and began to push the door, but he pushed the car door several times in a row. The lock was opened, but the door did not move.

I bowed and got up and looked aside, and immediately realized why I shook and didn't move just now. Half of our car body had been buried by the sand.

I feel scared when I think about it. If the hurricane lasts for more than ten minutes, it is estimated that the three of us will be buried in the desert forever...

Opening the skylight, three people climbed out one after another. Our car was indeed parked on a high sand dune. At this time, it had climbed very high. If Hummer turned off a few minutes later, it was estimated that it would reach the top of the sand slope.

Looking around, the landscape has changed dramatically, sighing that the hurricane in the desert is really good. Human beings are extremely small in the face of this crazy natural phenomenon.

I didn't care about anything else. I ran a few steps down the slope to see if there were any other vehicles nearby. I don't know if the road Zhou Huan took survived like us.

But I went around several times. Not to mention the car, I didn't even see a similar sandbag. Did they choose another direction?

"Hey, don't be silly there. Come and help dig the car." Liang Zi shouted behind him.

Although I was unwilling, there was no other way for a while. There was no means of transportation in the desert, which was almost equivalent to declaring death, so I turned around and walked back and dug a car with Liang Zi and Xu Xin.

A few small shovels were pulled out of the car, and the three began to clean up the surrounding sand. Fortunately, the sand layer was not too deep, and the sand was soft and easy to shovel. It took about 20 minutes to finally reveal the chariot.

Liang Zi got into the car and tried to catch fire. I stood under the car and still looked around, always fantasizing about which direction could jump out and shout at us excitedly.

I thought the team was too troublesome, but now it seems that it is a very happy thing to have more people to accompany in this endless desert.


The car finally started, and Liang Zi showed his head and shouted excitedly, "Look, our tank is a dick. Comrades, get in the car!"

After getting on the bus, I asked Xu Xin how to get there. He thought for a moment and said, "There are high-level officials in other teams, and they will definitely try their best to protect the master. Let's go back the same way first and pay more attention to the sandbags passing by."

Liangzi reversed the car and turned the front of the car after reaching the slope. He felt that the original road was going back. I couldn't take my eyes off the window all the way, but I didn't see a sandbag that looked like a car.

After opening for a while, I saw a basin-shaped landform from afar and said to Liangzi, "Look there, is it a place where we rest?"