
Chapter 274 Awakening the Bloodline

A series of figures rose to the sky from above the nine main peaks, and the figures rushed to the highest main peak. There, the figure of the field stood quietly, frowned slightly, looked up at the sky, and thought about the current situation.

In the previous blow, he only selected some intruders who were more sure to kill, and some of them were obscure. Even if he was aware of it, he did not dare to act rashly.

As for the archbishop of the magic religion, the reason why he attacked was entirely because the betrayed son of the war family was empty. If possible, he would never allow the rebellion to survive.

Before attacking the war air, in fact, he had prepared for the archbishop's counterattack, nothing else, because the archbishop was one of those obscure breaths.

Of course, it was not all bad news for him. At least in the previous induction, he felt the breath of Sun Qitian's daughter Sun Rong.

Although it was a little surprised that Sun Rong could live to this day, after thinking about it, Zhan Ye was relieved. With Sun Qitian's talent, his daughter will naturally not be too weak.

What he cared about was the one who was moving forward with Sun Rong, that is, the Dragon Broken Star. In his induction, if the Dragon Broken Star had not been deliberately detected by him, he would not have found the existence of the Dragon Broken Star at all.

This discovery surprised him and had a faint expectation, looking forward to the arrival of the Dragon Breaking Star, so that he could see what kind of evil was born after Taichu.

Don't forget that his surname is Zhan, and a word of war is enough to show the style of their family. They are strong in the battle and die in the battle.

"See your ancestors!"

"I've met my ancestors!"

"See your ancestors!"

One after another, the master of the main peak came here and knelt down on one knee to the battlefield, with a lingering awe in his face.

"Get up!" Zhan Ye said lightly, turned around to look at his descendants, frowned gently, and sighed after a long time.

"You are too weak." Everyone heard Zhanye say this mercilessly, and their faces tightened, not disgrace, and there was only a trace of fear.

"But it's no wonder that you are trapped here and can't go to the outside world to practice. If you can achieve today's achievements, you can barely pass." Looking at the uneasy people, Zhan Ye said, "It's just that next, with your cultivation, I'm afraid it's very reluctant to survive."

"Ancestor!" The leader showed a trace of doubt on his face and looked at Zhan Ye, with a sense of inquiry in his eyes. He didn't understand why Zhan Ye said such a thing.

"Many outsiders have entered here." Zhanye said solemnly, "Of course, don't say much about their purpose. I think you all understand that those who enter here are for the tomb of the emperor."

"What, has the channel been opened?" Some people were surprised to say that the world had been closed for several ancient periods. In these ancient periods, they were isolated from the outside world, and they were not familiar with the outside world at all.

"That's good, and many of the people who came in this time are beyond imagination." Speaking of this, Zhanye looked at the people in front of him, "even a few of them are so powerful that you can't imagine."

paused and seemed to feel that it was not enough to hit everyone. Zhan Ye thought about it and said again, "It is clear that as long as these people raise their fingers, they can make your whole army destroyed."

The gaze on the nine main peaks stared at Zhan Ye, and his mind roared. He was scared by Zhan Ye's words. Some people even blinked their eyes, rubbed them, and took out their ears, doubting whether they had misheard them.

Is it possible that the ancestors were joking? Everyone tried their best to affirm this speculation, so they all looked at the battlefield with expectation, but what they saw was a serious and serious face.

This time, everyone knows that Zhanye is not joking but expounding a fact. Although this fact is cruel, they still have to accept it.

"Ancestor, I don't know who came in this time?" After a long silence, one of them asked, still in a mess in his mind, struggling to digest this shocking news.

"I don't know all of these people, but some of them should be acquaintances." Zhan Ye looked at this person with a touch of appreciation in his eyes. These guys were not bad. They recovered from the shock so quickly and raised this question.

The so-called knowing yourself and your enemy wins a hundred battles, it's better to know who the opponent is than to fight with the other party with a black eye!

"Among them, it should include Taishang, Fazu, Cangtian and others, and there are several other strange breaths, which should be no less than Taishang people." Zhanye said that he has a high fighting spirit and has not had a war for a long time. From the bottom of his heart, he is extremely eager to fight with these people.

In particular, these characters have become legendary characters. It has always been a pity that they were not able to fight with them at the beginning.

"These people are still alive." A master of the main peak was stunned, and the news was really shocking.

Taishang, not to mention who Fazu is, is a world-class strong man who opened up the infinite starry sky. In those years, he opened the world with Daozu and Zulong and others, which opened the prelude to Taichu.

Such a character also entered the tomb of the emperor this time. Just thinking about it, these masters feel strange.

And that Cangtian, who is the second heaven after Qingtian, whose status and strength are second only to Qingtian. Because of this, the genius can settle the four worlds in time when the blue sky falls and maintain the stability of Taichu.

It's just that with the fall of the blue sky and the emergence of the sky, the world is changing little by little, which is the later ancient era.

The reason why it is called Taikoo is that the sky in ancient times was heaven, and the sky and the blue sky were strong in the same era.

Therefore, although Taikoo is different from Taichu, the connection between the two is also extremely close, which is one of the reasons why there were legal practitioners in ancient times.

There are not many records about heaven in the world. It seems that they have been deliberately erased from history, but even if it is just a few words, people know that the power of heaven has already reached an incredible situation.

In the post-Taichu era, Taichu was determined by one's own efforts, and it also created the Taichu era, avoiding a loss of life. If it hadn't been for the mysterious disappearance of the sky later, there would have been no yellow sky.

Now, Zhan Ye actually told them that not only came here, but also the legendary Fazu and Cangtian have come here, which is simply a big event.

Don't forget that Zhanye said that these are only some of the characters he knows, and some of them are unknown to Zhanye, but according to Zhanye's tone, these people are no weaker than those of the superiors.

For a moment, these nine masters had to sigh, whether the world is crazy, and there will be so many legendary characters coming to the tomb of the emperor.

At the same time, they also know that what Zhanye said is true. For these characters who have long been legendary, not to mention them, even if they are strong in the Taichu era, several people dare to say that they are their opponents.

Thinking of Zhanye's words 'one finger can make your whole army destroyed', everyone smiled bitterly and asked how to fight against such a figure.

Yes, warriors make a living by fighting. They break through and become powerful in battle, but they are not looking for death. If they fight with these people, they are not fighting but looking for abuse and death.

"You don't have to be so depressed." It seemed that they had hit everyone enough. Zhan Ye smiled and said, "At least your strength still has room for improvement, and the purpose of their coming here this time is not for you."

"Now, I will awaken the battle bloodline that has been sleeping in your body until now. Once the bloodline awakens, your strength will make a leap forward." Zhanye said, "But even so, you can't be the opponents of these people, so I'm going to give you a task."

"What task?"

"After I wake up your bloodline, I want you to go back and take all the children of the warriors on the main peak away from here. The farther away, the better. Don't get involved in this battle."

There was a trance in his eyes, and Zhan Ye sighed, "My Zhan family's blood is alive now. I don't want these people to die meaninglessly."

"Ancestor!" A master shouted, with a little trembling in his voice.

"Close your eyes, concentrate, and gather together." Even sighed, the time was very short, and the next moment the battlefield suddenly looked at the people.


The nine voices were neat and uniform, and immediately the nine masters sat cross-legged, meditating on their minds, guarding Dantian, selfless and nothing, and their hearts were quiet.

Looking at these nine masters, Zhan Ye has a gratified look in his eyes. Although these people's cultivation is not very strong at present, they are all good seedlings. As long as they have time to grow up and not be a hero, they will definitely be the hero in the future.

Of course, the so-called not very strong is also in the view of Zhan Ye, which of these nine masters is not the strong in the realm of heaven, the strongest has even reached the peak of Tongtian, and the weakest has the cultivation in the middle of Tongtian.

If such cultivation is put in the outside world, it is also a hero who dominates the world and dominates one side. However, at the beginning of the world, there were as many strong people in the realm of heaven.


As soon as the body was shocked, the battlefield suddenly became serious, staring at the nine masters in front of them, and their cultivation exploded. It was not so simple to open the power of their sleeping blood.

In an instant, the wind and clouds changed, the sky rolled with dark clouds, the strong wind roared, and the hunting of clothes in the wild were blowing. This main peak was full of a depressing atmosphere.


The unmoving battlefield roared up to the sky, and the roar went straight up to the sky, spreading in all directions. Circles of sound waves visible to the naked eye formed circles, and soon surrounded the main peak.


The rolling dark clouds are surging in the sky, like the waves of the sea, wave after wave, and countless electric arcs shuttle through the clouds, swimming, winding, with supreme pressure, shocking people.


Lightning as thick as a bucket fell from the clouds, full of destructive atmosphere. At this moment, the nine people sitting cross-legged had a feeling that they were about to be destroyed.

"Do not be distracted!"

It seems that this sign was found, the hair danced wildly, and the demon-like war field suddenly shouted violently. Its sound turned into bursts of thunder, which sounded in the hearts of the nine people.

In shock, the nine people quickly restrained their minds and no longer dared to be distracted at all. They let the pressure that suffocated them came and gritted their teeth bitterly to support them.

The void was silently broken and annihilated under the thick lightning of a bucket, with nine thunders one after another, and the difference between the front and back was less than a moment, and it fell down.


On the main peak, the roar was shocking, and the earth seemed to tremble. The people left on the other nine main peaks ran out of the room one after another and looked at the main peak where they were in the battlefield with a shocked face.

"What's going on? What's going on there?"

"Oh, my God, is that still lightning? It's too horrible!"

"Have you encountered any strong enemy? Who can be so horrible?"

"Oh, my God, what do you see? Unexpectedly, there was a figure walking in the thunder.

Looking at the highest and highest main peak, the children of these warriors were shocked and swallowed secretly. This doomsday-like scene was simply too terrible.

In particular, the great body in the thunder all over the sky walked slowly in the thunder. Although it was only a virtual shadow, it was not why. All the children of the warrior family had an impulse to worship when they looked at this virtual shadow.

tall and powerful, with thunder and lightning all over his body. The pressure brought by just a virtual shadow has shocked countless people, especially this virtual shadow still holds a scepter in his hand.

"Thunder Trial!"

The ancient and magnificent heavenly sound came from the thunder, and this figure looked at the battlefield and others below indifferently, pointing to the scepter in his hand.

The sky and the earth suddenly fell into a brief silence, silent, and the next moment, a white thunder that the earth would tremble for fell from the sky.

Destruction, no, this is destruction, but it comes from the judgment of Thor, the thunder god of heaven and earth. This white lightning is the legendary thunder of judgment with the supreme will of Thor.

White lightning rapidly fell from the sky and turned into a long gun. On the long gun, countless mysterious patterns are constantly combined and arranged. Each combination will double its power.

In a short period of time, these patterns have been reorganized ten times, and the power of this time has frightened countless people.


Many of the people watching on the main peak spit blood. Even if they didn't, they were pale. They quickly turned around and dared not look at the thunder gun.

Just looking at it, the will on it has made these people unbearable and spit blood. This is only outsiders, not to mention the nine major things under the thunder.