
Chapter 287 A Generation of Heroes

The power of the source passed into the body of the human body, but the dragon Poxing himself fell into meditation, revealing a rare trace of solemnity on his face.

Just as soon as he reached immortality, he was keenly aware of the rapid fluctuation of the power of time he controlled.

This kind of fluctuation is rare in ancient times. In an instant, he seemed to have gone through thousands of civilizations. With endless vicissitudes and ancient time and space, his consciousness almost fell into it.

Pictures are like changing lights, constantly flashing in his mind, and strange or familiar faces and breaths are seen and felt by him.

It is a magical and ancient world, full of all kinds of practitioners, and countless magical beasts gallop between the world and soar freely.

Kirin, real dragon, peacock, Kunpeng, glutton, fire phoenix, rosefinch...

It is not only the star beasts and mysterious beasts that appear in this world, but many mysterious beasts that he has never seen in this world, but strangely, he actually knows the names of these mysterious beasts.

There are not only mysterious beasts, but also practitioners. Which of those practitioners is not flying away from the sky and the earth, which can destroy the heavens and the earth with their hands and feet.

Among all the practitioners, there is a name called Hongjun that makes him particularly profound.

This Hongjun is so powerful that heaven and earth are just an ant in front of him. It is no exaggeration to say that if this Hongjun appears in this world, he can destroy the world in a flick.

What kind of power this is and how powerful it is. I can't imagine that there is such a magical and ancient world in this world.

It is ancient. From those fragments, the Dragon Broken Star can judge that the world is definitely much older than the world, and even he guessed that it may be much older than the ruins.

Return to the ruins, everything returns to the ruins, and the return of many practitioners. Dragon Broken Star originally thought that returning to the ruins was already the final world of all practitioners. I never thought that there would be another world that was better than returning to the ruins.

What shocked him most was that a memory he had never expected revived from the depths of his soul and woke up.

Of course, this memory is the previous life of the dragon broken star. His previous life is not a person of this world at all, but from that magical world.

There, he has an earth-shaking cultivation, and countless strong men and even the saints of that world will be in awe of him.

His name is Di Xin, and some people call him King Zhou, a legendary monarch who fights alone with the seven saints and the destruction of the country.

Fighting the seven saints alone on their own, this kind of thing, looking at the world, who can compete with him, not to mention the so-called destruction of the country and the death of the family, is just the strategy of those saints.

If you want to be a god, if you don't believe in those practitioners and the so-called saints who want to help him, maybe history will be rewritten.

At the last moment, it was the saints who helped him stab him in the back, united with Hongjun and the Seven Saints to reverse time and space, and exile him, the real king of Zhou. How could there be a later history?

Exile, yes, it is exile. The Seven Saints did not have the ability to kill him. Hongjun did not know why he was unwilling to kill him. The final result was that King Zhou was exiled.

At that time, King Zhou, who was capable of literature and martial arts, attached importance to agriculture and mulberry, developed the Shang Dynasty to its peak, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, which can be said to be a prosperous era.

It's just a pity that too much is not enough, and Kanglong has regrets. It's not that King Zhou is stubborn. The calculation of the Seven Saints is really too fierce.

Because of the strong national strength and the cultivation of King Zhou himself, King Zhou's own cultivation are unfathomable, and King Zhou, who integrates the world's fortune, has threatened these saints.

In particular, Nuwa, a saint who proves the way by mending the sky, will never allow such a strong man to appear in the human race with boundless merit.

Nuwa mends the sky and is respected by the world. It is said that the human race was created by Nuwa. Perhaps this is a fact. Because of this, it is even more impossible for Nuwa to let King Zhou exist in the world.

The human race is just a mud puppet pinched by her in her spare time.

Long before the war between Gonggong and Zhurong, the demon Nuwa had already calculated this trace of sky. For this tonic achievement, she quietly created the human race.

Sure enough, she successfully ascended the throne with such great merit and became one of the seven saints.

The demon clan, Nuwa is an authentic demon clan. Even the dragon broke the star found that the demon clan in the ruins is not as old as Nuwa.

After that, the Shang Dynasty was dry, and countless innocent people suffered from famine and starved to death. The world was bleak.

For this reason, King Zhou sacrificed to the sky, prayed for rain, and went to the temple of Nuwa, hoping to understand the cause of the matter, for the endless life.

What awaits him is Nuwa's ridicule and disdain. If people are disturbed, the world will be in chaos, and if the world is in chaos, the Shang Dynasty will die. She wants to support a puppet dynasty - Dazhou.

It's just the world. King Zhou can let go. As long as the dawn of the people of the world can live and work in peace and no longer suffer hardships, even if he gives up his seat, it doesn't matter.

What really made King Zhou angry was that Nuwa smiled in front of him, looked disdainful, and said a faint word.

"The human race, a group of ants, are just the dolls of Bensheng!"

When she said this, Nuwa's expression was conceited and arrogant, like a god above all sentient beings. All the human races were just a tool and a trivial ant in her eyes.

This sentence completely detonated King Zhou's anger, and King Zhou's angry anger suddenly broke out and he could no longer stand it.

The people in the world are all his people, and the whole world is a big family, and these people are his family.

My family is said to be an ant that is not worth mentioning, especially the person in front of him, who is a saint respected by all people and is respected as the ancestor of the human race.

King Zhou rushed to the sky angrily, earth-shaking, and furious. In anger, he started to fight with Nuwa in the Tai Temple. The battle was directly fought from the Tai Temple until 33 days away, and finally reached chaos.

If Hongjun hadn't stopped it in the end, Nuwa would have been killed by King Zhou with his bare hands in that battle.

King Zhou, who returned to the Tai Temple, had a gloomy face. He wanted to destroy the Tai Temple, but he took into account the faith of the people, so he had to swallow his anger.

Not long after that, a disturbance that swept the Shang Dynasty broke out, and this was the famous battle of gods in later generations.

Ask the world, who knows the suffering of King Zhou and the princes, but they have experienced the difficulties of the people!

It's not that King Zhou can't calm down the chaos of the world, but he can't bear to see the scene of life suffering, and can't bear to see countless human races being played with applause by Nuwa.

Bi Gan is loyal and loyal!

This may be the most painful thing for King Zhou. In the whole world, only one person can experience the suffering of King Zhou.

I have to say that this is a kind of sadness.

"King, I would like to suffer for you!"

In a word, he expressed the voice of Bi Gan. Since then, Bi Gan has suffered from heartache day and night.

King Zhou couldn't bear it, so he cut his heart!

Who knows that that heart was absorbed by King Zhou, and since then, this pain of heart has been tormenting King Zhou day and night.

To death? That's just a double reed play between King Zhou and Bi Gan!

If not, how can Bigan survive after becoming a god and become a nail stuck there by King Zhou?

This nail has been waiting for the return of King Zhou for countless years, in order to return to the world one day and a distorted history.

Daji, the beloved of King Zhou, is willing to bear thousands of generations of scolding and be rejected for the sake of King Zhou.

Rumor has it that Daji was martyred for King Zhou. In fact, Daji was forced to die alive by seven saints such as Nuwa!

She is not dead, which is not enough for civilians to be angry. If she is not dead, the later King of Zhou may be made public.

She has to die and must die. Only when she dies and her soul is destroyed can the seven saints feel at ease.

So Daji died, sad and touching. Even if he died, Daji died with a curse.

It can be known that in fact, Daji's heart has already died. Death is just a relief for her. She died with a smile and seemed to be able to stay with King Zhou in another world.

Daji died, but he did not die. He accompanied King Zhou for the rest of his life. How could King Zhou let Daji die like this?

At the last moment, King Zhou fought back and fell. The yuan god was three points, one was me, one was a good body, and the other was evil thoughts.

This skill was created by him based on the three corpses of Sanqing. The difference is that his yuan god can be three points, and after the testimony, he can be three points into one, surpassing the saints.

It's just that this skill has not been perfect. If time permits, King Zhou will never perform it at this time, and the danger is beyond words.

Daji saved and survived to live in today's world!

Long Poxing saw her in the fairyland. In the Merlin, the woman who always smiled at him was called Qingxue.

King Zhou fell and fell under this imperfect skill.

After he saved Daji and settled him down, he could no longer suppress the good body and evil thoughts in his body.

The three-point yuan god, only I didn't betray, and the good body and evil thoughts joined hands to fight against King Zhou and me.

As a result, King Zhou fell and his soul was broken. After I blew myself up, I tried my last bit of strength to let King Zhou's broken soul shuttle through the ancient and modern future, and forcibly incorporate King Zhou's mark into his own body, so as not to be found by good and evil thoughts.

All kinds of past scenes flashed in the mind of the dragon broken star, and the dragon broken star looked gloomy, as if it could drip water.

To this day, at the moment when he reached the realm of immortality, layers of fog were lifted, and he finally knew who his previous life was and the truth about the fall of his previous life.

A cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the dragon broke the star looked cold and cold. A anger hidden in the depths of his soul burned his soul, but it was suppressed by him.

Weak, too weak. With his current strength, if he doesn't say that he will return to that world, he can't compete with good bodies and evil thoughts alone.

ps: Everyone has their own opinions about King Zhou, so don't take it too seriously.