
Chapter 373 Good luck

The boundless chaos instantly drowned the shape of the dragon's broken star. In the blink of an eye, there was no starry sky or world, leaving only the endless chaos and the rapidly shrinking body in the chaos.

Not long after, Long Poxing's body had returned to normal. It was not until then that Long Poxing stroked his forehead with his hand and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

Although he neatly put this world into his new world, which seems to be easy and effortless, in fact, he has even used his strength to breastfeed. Otherwise, he could not smash the roads and laws of this world with rotational burial at the last moment and bring this world into his new world in such a rude way.

For good, everything went well. The relieved dragon broken star bathed in endless chaos, and his normal eyes flashed at this moment, and all kinds of illusions of the future kept floating in his eyes.

This is the dragon broken star constantly calculating the future in his mind. Every practitioners know that there may be countless kinds in the future, and what the dragon broken star has to do is to find the one that is most beneficial to him in these countless futures.

Create the future?

It is not that it is not possible to break the current strength of the dragon, but it will consume his strength too much, which is undoubtedly a stupid behavior for him now.

The Dragon Broken Star, who has understood the way of time, can completely reverse time and space when necessary. Although it will be eaten back, with the strength of Pangu's real body, he has suffered very little damage.

His eyes were full of wisdom, and the dragon broken star stood still without saying a word. Combined with the memory of his previous life and the information obtained from the underworld snow rainbow, the dragon broken star showed a bitter smile on the corners of his mouth after a long time.

It's messy, completely messy!

In his deduction, it is indeed incredible that there is the same thing and the same catastrophe in any future, but it is an unchangeable fact.

Return to the ruins will usher in a catastrophe in the future, a catastrophe between the heavens and the worlds and the ruins, and the source of the catastrophe comes from the holy court.

Today's holy court is getting bigger and bigger. It can be said to be a huge thing in the ruins, and almost put the whole ruins under its control.

But don't forget that it's just a return to the ruins. It seems that there are many strong men who have not soared for various reasons in the world where the Dragon Breaking Star is located.

Among the worlds, there must be many geniuses comparable to Tiandao and others, and after so many years of accumulation, that number is simply horrible.

After the bitterness, there is a cold smile. What does the catastrophe mean? It means turmoil, and the more chaotic the dragon breaks the star, the less pressure it will be. How can you make him not like it?

casually glanced at the boundless chaos, and the dragon broke the star smiled, like a fox calculating his prey, and the light in his eyes flashed.

He exhaled gently, and the illusion in his eyes finally disappeared, and the dragon broke the star fell into meditation. This catastrophe was a great opportunity for him, depending on how he grasped it.

The dragon broken star in meditation looks like a different breath. The whole person is like a wise man in the night. The changes of the universe are under control. The elegant and ethereal breath looks so dazzling in this chaos.

At the same time, the vicissitudes of the years quietly permeated, and the chaotic power of the dragon breaking the star quietly forced away. For a moment, there was no chaos within five feet of the dragon breaking the star.

Time passed slowly like running water. This thought was three years later. One day, Long Poxing finally raised his head, and a pair of deep eyes seemed to be as deep as devour chaos.

At this time, the dragon broken star is like an ancient mythical beast waking up from its sleep. The whole person exudes an atmosphere of supreme dignity and glory, as if it were a nobleman who was born to be worshipped by people.

Don't talk about others, but the Dragon Broken Star, who had just noticed this situation, was slightly stunned at this moment. As soon as his eyes turned, the Dragon Broken Star immediately understood what was going on.

Everything is because of Pangu's real body, because of his unreserved use, the sleeping Pangu's glory and bloodline finally began to wake up at this moment, quietly changing his soul and bloodline.

The dragon broke the star at the thought of this and laughed, and his body was majestic, and this noble breath suddenly converged. Now he is not strong enough. If he emits this breath without concealment, I'm afraid it will be his end when he returns to the ruins.

Deep in his heart, Long Po Xing is extremely excited. With the awakening of Pangu's bloodline, a hazy scene sometimes cuts through his mind, which belongs to Pangu's memory.


This word appeared in the mind of the Dragon Broken Star for the first time. Although the Dragon Broken Star is not very clear, it is easy to guess with his mind that it must be a great era or a treasure that it can impress Pangu in the past.

It's just that those are too far away for the Dragon Broken Star, so after taking a deep breath, the Dragon Broken Star suppressed the excitement in his heart, and his eyes returned to calm after a moment.

Finally, he took a look at the boundless chaos, and the corners of the dragon's lips were slightly upturned and whispered.

Return to the ruins, I'm coming!

With a flash, the dragon broken star disappeared in place, and no one could capture his figure. At this time, he had already demonstrated the way of stealing the sky!

Stealing the way of heaven is a magic power that he has fully deduced in the past three years. It is a magic power that combines the origin of heaven and the power of time.

If you want to hide the road and law of returning to the ruins, Long Poxing must use the power of time to escape into the long river of time and constantly shuttle through the ancient and modern future, so that the law of the road of returning to the ruins has no time to be sensed.

And the origin of Tiandao is derived from the road, which is similar to the road. Through the shuttle between the ancient, modern and the future, the dragon broken star wants to integrate itself with the origin of heaven and deceive the induction of the road and law.

Time, the law of deception, the origin of the way of heaven to deceive the road, this is the magic power created by the dragon breaking the star - the way to steal the sky.

Maybe for a moment or tens of millions of years, the dragon broken star that escapes into the long river of time suddenly wrapped itself in the source of heaven, like a dolphin swimming in the long river of time.

The dragon broken star shuttled through the long river of time completely released his control of his body and soul. Sometimes he became white-haired and old. The next moment he became a high-spirited young man, and then turned into a newborn baby...

All kinds of strange things happened to the Dragon Broken Star. Gradually, the Dragon Broken Star opened its heart and put itself in an ethereal state, following the origin of heaven without thinking about it.

Sure enough, when he completely let go, he felt a mysterious force pulling him. With instinctive sensing, Long Poxing felt that he had crossed layers of crystal walls and kept soaring and rising...

In this process, the new world in the body of the dragon broke the star is like a milk swallow returning to its nest, constantly absorbing this mysterious power without causing a rebound of this power.

absorb, digest, absorb...

It is so circular and continuous. I don't know how long it took for Long Poxing to feel the origin of heaven outside the body, and there is a sign of dispersing.

At this time, the Dragon Broken Star suddenly woke up from the state of ethereal state and knew that the origin of Tiandao dissipated because he wanted to return to the embrace of the road. The light flashed in his eyes. Then at the last moment when the origin of Tiandao was about to disappear, the Dragon Broken Star left here.

Almost at the moment when the dragon broke the star left, the road seemed to feel something. When it was getting more and more turbulent, the dragon broke the star wiped with one hand, and the power of time quietly launched.

Still at a fixed time!

Seizing this moment, which was so short that it was almost negligible, the dragon broke the star finally jumped out of the road and appeared in the ruins without causing the road back.

As far as you can see, the dragon broken star can see the vast mountains at a glance, and the towering giant trees stand up, like the Optimus Prime in the world of Xuanhuang.

With a casual breath, abundant vitality rolls in, and the high quality can only be compared with the Xuanhuang world, which is more than a few times higher than the aura of the heavens and worlds.

The strong fragrance came to my nose. It was not until this time that Long Poxing noticed that a big tree only two meters high in front of him was actually full of fruits. Each fruit was so bright red and bright, emitting a seductive fragrance.

What makes the dragon's broken star speechless most is that these fruits are actually human figures, as pure as newborn babies, and each fruit is curled up, as if they were sleeping.

Ghen fruit? A big question mark appeared in Long Poxing's mind, and then shook his head to deny the speculation.

It's not that he hasn't seen the ginseng fruit in Zhenyuanzi. He has not only seen it but also eaten it, so he can never admit his mistake about the ginseng fruit.

A curious look appeared on his face, and the dragon broke the star slowly walked to the big tree and observed the fruits closely.

I don't know if you don't know. At a glance, the saliva of the dragon broken star almost didn't stay!

Although this thing is not a ginseng fruit, it is more than a little advanced than ginseng fruit.

Ginseng fruit is not at the same level as this thing, and there is no comparison at all.

This thing is the undead fruit that the Dragon Broken Star has heard in the world of Xuanhuang, or some people call it the most holy fruit!

The effect of the immortal fruit that can become a legend in the world of Xuanhuang and make saints salivate, the most holy fruit among the holy population is simply unimaginable.

This is the magical fruit that even saints have to fight for.

In the introduction, a great saint in the West, only a few saints and Long Poxing know how he testified.

At the beginning, he was just an ordinary fairy who was hunted down and almost died. He ate an undead fruit when he was on the verge of death, which proved that he was sanctified.

Life and Death, flesh and white bones, compared with immortal fruit, are nothing!

People who really understand know that this so-called immortality refers to immortality, which is the best example.