Dao Shuai

Chapter 32 Eight Sound

The desert of death is like a ruthless flame, constantly baking all the creatures that break into its territory.

Heaven and earth are not benevolent and regard everything as a dog!

In less than a moment, a ten-long sand python body turned into a pair of white bones. A cold wind blew and rolled up the dust all over the sky. The sand python bones completely disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Magic Dragon Road?" Third Sister Hua's long eyelashes were covered with sweat and looked solemn.

The fallen leaves of Dongmen laughed at themselves and said, "It's really worthy of challenging Xiao Wu. It seems that we are old, hahaha."

Hua was ruthless and expressionless, like a stone man, and said, "You all go back to help others. He will give it to me."

"How can this be...!" Third Sister Hua looked at the eldest brother incredulously and roared.

"Second, take them back..."

"Let me do it..." Hua is usually taciturn and easy to ignore. For many years, he has been wandering out half of the time every year.

Hua said namelessly and took off his coat, revealing his bronze skin. His muscles were slightly bulging and looked full of explosive power. Without waiting for everyone to think, his legs were bent and roaring. The whole person was like a missile. In an instant, the void shook, and a vacuum zone of hundreds of meters appeared.


The smoke flew up, and the two shadows retreated at the same time. Prince Ji frowned and looked up to the sky and laughed: "Hahaha... Very good, the people of the Hua family always like to surprise me. It's very powerful inner strength. Is it the boxing of Teng Tianhu, the battlefield overlord of Yangzhou?"

Third Sister Hua opened her mouth and looked at the second brother, as if she was looking at a stranger. In her impression, the second brother did not like to talk since she was a child, even a little unsociable, and she was not as diligent as others. She could often see him sleeping at noon at home.

However, now it seems that Hua's nameless cultivation seems to be very strong, no, very strong.

Hua's nameless eyes are twink, and he said, "Brother, go back..."

Weng! Roar!

Suddenly, a sound wave resounded through the sky, and the sound suddenly rose and low, like mountains and flowing water, and like the ballads of the ancient ancestors, full of the magic of love, which makes people feel soft, out of control, and even sink, and never recover...


At the same time, an unknown kind of mythical beast's roar came, and the nameless chest was as big as a ball. The true spirit condensed a dragon's head, and the roar was like a bullet, instantly breaking Prince Ji's magic sound.

"This...?" Hua Wuqing's face broke out in a cold sweat. Just now, with a sound in front of her eyes, she actually had a dream and became an ancient ape...

Dongmen Luoye and the third sister Hua also came to their senses and looked at each other. This kind of sound wave function was definitely the first time they had met except for the monsters. They never dreamed that the sound attack was so strange, invisible and unpreventable.

"I actually broke my song of Ghost Valley..." Prince Ji was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this man would also attack with sound waves.

Hua Wuming was also surprised and said, "You have your magic dragon road, and I have my dragon strength. Who will die? I won't know until I try."

"Well, I was sorry that I didn't fight with Hua Wutian. It's good to have you..." Ji Tai shot at her fingertips and made a crisp jade sound.


Before the sound arrived, the man had already flown backwards.

Prince Ji raised one foot high and said coldly, "With the strength of my seven changes in nirvana, I really shouldn't waste time. I don't know how long you can last?"

"Neven changes, how is this possible?" Third Sister Hua has already recovered from her human body and looks dull. After more than ten years, he has broken through from five changes to seven changes. No wonder he has been challenging Xiao Wu...

Bang bang!

Two rays of light constantly flashed in the void. The speed of the two has exceeded the speed of sound, constantly colliding in the void, transforming into a dragon without a name, winding eighty-one bodies, constantly resolving the enemy's attacks in the battle.

A quarter of an hour later, Hua fell down namelessly, and a layer of earthy armor appeared on his body. His hands were already blurred by flesh and blood. He looked at Prince Ji floating in the void and said, "Are you imitating my boxing?"

"It's not imitation, it's copying..." Prince Ji's words made everyone shudder again and copied the unique learning. Is this also thegong fu of "Magic Dragon Road"?


Prince Ji roared arrogantly, and the method he used was exactly the "dragon Yin" that Hua used namelessly just now. "How did I learn?"

"It's very similar!" Hua Wuming suddenly raised his hands and shouted, "The palm of the dragon!"

"Is this...?" Prince Ji was stunned and clearly felt a trace of oppression from the soul. In an instant, what came to his mind was that the dragon power specially restrained the blood power of my Ji family.

The earthy yellow palm rose from the ground, like a dormant dragon getting angry, and the heavenly court shook. For a moment, the sky was thundering, lightning and thundering, and the black wind rolled up the sand and dust roaring.


Sum, Prince Ji was shrouded in the domineering palm. He raised his head and roared, and a wisp of magic sound once again permeated the world.

"Be careful!" Hua shouted ruthlessly and was taught a lesson last time. This time, everyone was ready for prevention.

Eight parts of the consonant!

This time, it is no longer a virtual shadow. Behind Prince Ji, thousands of gods and demons and immortals appeared. They were in different shapes, like real, and their expressions were extremely pious. They recited their own scriptures in their mouths. In an hour, the death desert seemed to be incarnated as a holy place, and the thoughts of hundreds of millions of believers came overwhelming.


Hua Wuming found that the blood in her body was uncontrollable, and her body seemed to explode. She opened her mouth and spewed blood all over the sky. At the same time, the golden "dragon palms" also slapped Prince Ji in the center, just like shooting a fly.

Blood flowed down the strong fingers, and the nameless eyebrows stood up, and the true air gushed out like a tide. He shouted anxiously, "Brother, come on quickly... I won't hold on for a long time..."

Prince Ji is like an evil dragon, struggling and howling in the hands of God. At this time, he is no longer the former purple dragon, but a magic dragon, covered with a ferocious face, spitting flesh and blood, and a pair of dark steel-like wings appeared behind him. If you look carefully, the pair of meat wings are like a pair of black Big hands, but these hands are six fingers, and there is a meat membrane between the fingers.

Hua Wuqing, Dongmen Luoye and Hua Sanjie were also shocked by the "eight-part sound" and blood swelling, and the seven holes bled. However, at this time, they could no longer take care of these. As long as they can kill him, everything will be peaceful.

"The wood falls boundlessly!"

"In turn into wood!"

With a loud shout, green shining branches appeared all over the sky. Under a command, the flower was ruthless like a huge tree in the sky, leading the branches all over the sky and piercing through the powerful palms of the void. Prince Ji turned into a magic dragon and looked up to the sky and roared sadly. At this moment, his chest was ruthlessly passed through by the flower again, leaving a bucket-sized blood hole.

The fallen leaf sword of the east gate swept across, and a huge head flew high. With a splash, the empty and powerful palm completely crushed Prince Ji's body.

Blood flowers bloom more than the brilliance of the scorching sun.

Third Sister Hua jumped up angrily and smashed Prince Ji's ferocious head with one punch, and blood splashed all over her, making her look like a demon queen.

For the universe, human life is a momentary. The brilliance of that moment has already surpassed everything. The hatred of life and death is no longer meaningful.

Hua ruthless, Hua Wuming, Dongmen Luoye and Hua Sanjie looked at each other and laughed and fell to the ground. This battle was too difficult. At this time, I'm afraid that an ordinary martial artist in the secret land of Qizong can kill the four of them.

Hua knelt on the ground, coughing with a big mouth, and her face like a piece of white paper, but it can be seen that many visceral fragments have been spit out. At this time, Hua Wuqing came to their senses. Their five internal organs are broken, their meridians are damaged, and they are in pain, not to mention Hua Wuming, which is mainly dealt with by the "Eight-part Sound".

"Second brother! Second brother! Don't scare the third sister..." When Sister Hua saw that her second brother fell down, she could not feel any heartbeat. She was heartbroken and screamed and crawled to Hua Wuming's side.

Hua Wuqing and the fallen leaves of the East Gate stood up with difficulty, looked at each other and looked lonely. For them, this was already a good result. If they do it again, maybe nine times out of nine times they will be destroyed.

"Ah! Second brother..." Sister Hua's eyes were cracked, and she picked up the nameless flower, and she couldn't feel a trace of heartbeat and warmth.

Everything is still like yesterday, and the days of youth are always so beautiful.

She still remembers that the eldest brother has shouldered the task of inheriting the family since he was a child and has always studied very hard. Everyone aims to catch up with the eldest brother. There is only one miscellaneous boy. Every time he sees them practicing martial arts, he smiles stupidly and sleeps in the sun with disdain...

Maybe Hua's nameless mother was not from a good background, and her father was too busy to give him too much care, but he was extremely lonely. Because he loved to sleep, he was kept away by the family sisters, including Third Sister Hua...

The more Sister Hua thought about it, the more sad she became. After a while, she fainted and was sad. However, at this time, she was already so angry that she was afraid that she would hurt her mind.

Hua Wuqing and Dongmen Luoye walked to the two and checked for a while. Hua Sanjie was fine, but Hua Wuye didn't know life or death, because Hua Wuqing and Dongmen Luoye were both wooden warriors, and the breath of life and death was quite **. Finally, the two of them came to a conclusion: Hua Wuming may be out of a brain death dormancy state, such as If the situation is good, there is still a chance to wake up. If you are unlucky, you may leave the world at any time...

Half an hour later, the real gas power of the two has recovered a lot, and they are about to leave with Hua Wuming and Hua Sanjie. As soon as they walked 100 meters, a cold voice came from Jiuyou: Don't you think it's too easy to leave like this?

There are no ghosts in the world, and only people are behind them...

They didn't know that in half an hour of their rest, Prince Ji completed an advance that should have attracted worldwide attention: the eight changes of nirvana.

Although the world is big, there are countless warriors and monsters. There are only eight or nine people and demons who have reached the eight changes. There is only one who has reached the nine changes, that is, the legendary Zixia Fairy, the first master in the world.

"Nievna changes!" Hua Wuqing and the fallen leaves of Dongmen suddenly turned around and shouted at the same time.

After learning the secret method of the immortal golden body, he may be reincarnated, but he will never come back to life. There is only one answer... Prince Ji broke through to the eight changes of nirvana.