Dao Shuai

Chapter 67 Crazy Iron Army Asks for Collection~~~

The setting sun is shining, emitting wisps of golden light.

Hua Wuxin and Li Jian stood on the back of a golden-headed eagle, with endless magnificent mountains and rivers below, and Hua Wuxin quietly looked ahead.

The golden head sculpture is the only cave virtual monster in Nantianmen. It is powerful, with a width of 20 to 30 meters and a back length of more than 10 meters. Its feathers are dark, like a giant sword, with golden head and sharp eyes. It can be called a giant in the air. Even the Phoenix, known as the emperor of birds, is difficult to subdue. This golden head eagle.

"You don't have to worry. We will give him someone on behalf of Nantianmen this time, and I think he will let your friend go." Li Jian came to Hua Wuxin and comforted him.

Hua smiled reluctantly and said, "Hope."

Nantianmen is not close to the Iron-blooded Sect. If you go to land, it will take about 20 days, or under normal circumstances. At this moment, it can be reached in a day or two at the speed of the golden head carving.

The void wind was as fierce as a knife. Li Jian sat up and began to practice. Hua stood there silently, recalling the days with Begonia.

At this moment, he realized that he had fallen in love with Shanghai Tang. This feeling only had it in his first love. Even in the face of Shi Qingjun, he was just moved for most of it.

"If something happens to Haitang, I will definitely not let you go." Hua Xinxin swore secretly.

A night passed in a hurry, and Hua Wuxin took a short rest and set off again.

The blue electric bird was dizzy for a day. When it woke up, it found that its cultivation had improved, so it left Hua Wuxin and merged with Huang Dao in advance.

Hua Wuxin but did not know that after knowing Hua Wuxin's achievements for more than a year, in the name of "beast god", they began to ask for help from the monster that Hua Wuxin had saved.

Huang Daode sat on the top of the mountain with a can of wine, looking at the first day from afar, with a serious face and said to the blue electric bird, "Xiao Lan, since the boss is coming back, we can't watch it, at least do something."

"What can we do? You can also fight a few. I have no other ability but to escape." Xiao Lan kept jumping around on Huang Daode's head.

"You are stupid, do you remember the golden flame king beast saved by the boss a year ago, and the boss you mentioned was widely taught in Nantian County. You can find them. Human beings like to be ungrateful, and we demons should show the world what it means to repay the grace of dripping water." Huang Dao turned his eyes white, took a sip of wine, and said inexplicably.

Xiao Lan was surprised and said, "Morality, you are really smart. I'll go to them."

Huang Daode also stood up and made a chest expansion movement. He was covered with steel-like muscles crackling, and his eyes shot out two fine light. He said, "The boss sometimes looks cold on the outside, but he is actually a kind guy. Go quickly. I'll wait for your good news."

When Xiaolan left, Huang Dao's eyes flashed, and a huge moan jumped down the mountain and rumbled into the depths of the forest.

"Thunderbolt legs!"


Huang Daode's operation is true, and his four hooves are flying, like a gun all over the sky, and all the trees within ten feet of his body have turned into wood chips.

This is what Hua Wuxin taught Huang Daode when she left. I hope he can protect Begonia. This "thunder and lightning leg" has been changed by Hua Wuxin and let Huang Moral be used. Its power is four or ten times more soaring. Even if Hua Wuxin looks at it, she is envious. There is no way. Who can tell others to have more legs.

Huang Moral practiced for a long time, and his whole body was filled with thick earthen Zhenyuan, and his hair was golden. He swallowed at the mountain peaks in the distance, and between the opening and closing of his whole body, the vitality surged wildly.


"Breakthrough! Congenital golden elixir." At this time, Huang Daode seemed to wear an ancient khaki armor, and his horns were dark and broke through the sky.

"Niuyin golden body, the first weight, refining!"


With a cow's roar, Huang Daode's eyes opened, and his muscles, blood and bones vibrated crazily. His four hoofs were shaking, but in three or five minutes, he fell to the ground with a plop.

"Wow..., the boss's skills... are too practiced." Huang Moral felt that his whole body was almost crispy and had no strength.

After a long time, he stood up, frowned, and felt an unprecedented sense of relaxation, which was completely different from the feeling of increased strength. He seemed to feel that his bone flexibility had changed.


Huang Daode suddenly twisted his bull's head. At this time, he could see his back and look up at the sky, but there were nine waves in his heart.

It's against the sky, a 180-degree reversal.

He suddenly had an anti-sky fantasy. According to this effect, one day, he will refine the bones and skin of his whole body, and maybe he can change into a human appearance and stand up.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. He thought to think, "One day, I will stand up like a human. That... Hahaha, phoenixes and demon dragons are all standing aside. I am the first. Throughout the ages, the demon clan is the first, hahaha..."


A huge black tiger suddenly appeared, staring at the stupid cow in front of him and making a threatening roar.

Huang Daode looked at the two-forced and said in human words, "Idiot, I have been out of the animal realm. Go and play at the same time." With that, he stood up, with his hands on his back, and his buttocks twisted and left.

The black tiger looked stunned, and the cow was crazy...

Iron-blooded sect.

Tiejun's face was arrogant and scolded angrily, "Old man, why don't you submit? Humph, go and tell the old man that he is just a slave of my iron family. If you don't tell the secret of my grandfather's treasure, don't care about the cruel heart of the master of the family, hey hey... Abandon your cultivation and be demoted to a slave."

For a year, Tiejun, who had been under house arrest by the elders and others, escaped for some unknown and imprisoned the elders.

A gloomy man shrouded in a black robe sneered and said, "Iron Master, let me help you."

"You? Humph." Tie Jun looked at the man in black and laughed.

"Why, if it weren't for me, you would still be a prisoner. Now you are more self-righteous than me. You can try it on me." The mysterious man shrouded in a black robe is not tall, and his voice is also a young man.

Tiejun's face turned pale and said angrily, "Night sleepless, you are presumptuous. Don't think I won't kill you. I really didn't know you poisoned my son."


A flaming palm hit the slate on the ground, and the ground sounded, and a fingerprint hole several meters deep suddenly appeared.

"Tut..., what a big anger. After the cooperation, sleepless waiting for you to kill me." The mysterious man turned out to be sleepless at night. He looked indifferent and didn't seem to pay attention to Tiejun at all.

An extremely red and beautiful poisonous snake rushed out of the black robe and hissed out a letter. The sleepless voice was cold and said, "Remember, no one in your poisonous world has eliminated me. No one can solve it. Prepare now and spread the news that Hua Wuxin didn't come for seven days and killed the woman. ."

"You!" Tie Jun's face turned pale and stared at the enemy in front of him, which gave him a sense of powerlessness, and his heart was more of a fear of this person.

A blood snake disappeared in an instant. No one knew that a huge sect was controlled by a demon.

Night sleepless is like a cold and ruthless snake, and his eyes are completely a pair of snake eyes. At this time, he also broke through the innate realm and has reached the realm of innate golden elixir.

"Hua Wuxin, I am one with the magic snake. For you, I have a three-point gift... I'm looking forward to tasting your unicorn blood... hiss." With that, he opened his mouth and spit, and the snake hissed around him. With a shake, it disappeared.


"Wuling County has arrived!" Li Jian shouted happily. He had traveled a long journey for two days and felt a little tired.

"Do you want to go to the Iron-blooded Sect now?"

Hua said heartlessly, "Let's go. I don't think things will be that simple."

Since Hua Wuxin arrived in the city, she has been discovered by the detective of Tiexuezong.

At the same time, the blue electric bird also entered the wilderness and found the golden flame king beast. Soon, the eight virtual golden flame beasts shouted and flew to Wuling County with more than 100 kinds of monsters.

Liangzhou also doesn't know when the relatives of the "beast god" were arrested by the iron-blooded sect, and the "beast god Taiyi" has gone to this time, and he will die in his life... Anyway, the beast god seems to be dying.

Those who had heard the lecture of the "beast god" were not excited. Tens of thousands of monsters were angry first. Although their wisdom was high, their thinking was simple, especially the monsters that had been rescued by "Hua Wuxin". They had already been noisy and roared. Starting from Nantian County, they gathered the monsters and humans who came to help along the way and waved their military weapons together. Ling County.

All this has spread all over Liangzhou in just one day, and even the wild has an impact, which shows the unintentional influence of flowers.

At this time in Kyushu, all families regarded secret skills as life, that is, the Teng family, who taught the martial arts hall opened by the inner family, and even charged for it.

And Hua has no intention to teach a complete hobby and free of charge. This is the so-called road. The road he wants to take is not a narrow "wu", but a wish that everyone in the world can smash the void "Tongtian Avenue".

With the idea of unintentional flowers, the more masters, the better, so that it will be more lively.

"Mr. Tie, I'm coming and let go of the begonia." Hua Wuxin and Li Jian came outside the Iron-blooded sect and shouted.

"Hahaha... Well, you, the murderer, finally came and asked me to let go of that woman. You immediately abandoned your self-cultivation... and then knelt here for three days." Tiejun came out with a ferocious face and a wild smile. He was followed by three virtual elders, who were equally arrogant.

Li Jian glared at Tiejun and said, "Don't listen to him."

"Tiejun, I advise you to let people go, so as not to provoke public anger and destroy your iron-blooded foundation for hundreds of years."

Hua Wuxin sneered and said, "You think I'm a three-year-old child. Bring Begonia. I want to see you let her go. Also, I'm not the murderer of your son. Your son was poisoned by his guard. What does it have anything to do with me?"

Tiejun said arrogantly, "Don't talk nonsense, abolish the cultivation immediately, otherwise... Hey hey, that girl is white and charming, and my subordinates have asked me several times, hahaha..."

"You scum! If you really want to die, in my opinion, there is no need for the Iron-blooded Sect to exist, hum!" Li Jian couldn't listen to it for a long time, and the other party obviously wanted to die.

In the sky, the golden-headed sculpture is like a fighter, chirping and staring at the other three virtual elders.

"Hua has no heart, are you useless or not?" Tiejun took out a autumn moon knife and coldly signaled that Hua was unintentional.

"Li Jian, don't scare my suzerain. I want to avenge my son, and you have to block it. I will even kill you!"

Li Jian's beard trembled and said coldly, "Madman, kill!"


PS: Update in the middle of the night, it's not easy for beginners, need brothers' **, burn it~~~~