Dao Shuai

Chapter 95 The Mysterious World

Hua looked at the peak in front of her and was already shocked and overwhelmed. From a distance, this is an ordinary mountain. When he came to the peak, he found that there was another cave in it.

The peak is like a hidden volcano. There are faint fragrance of flowers below. The flowers have unintentional pores to open and close, and the sound of gurgling water is heard in the ears.

"This is a natural cave. It's amazing." Hua looked down unintentionally, and the mind glanced at it. It was like a small world, and it could not detect the depth at all.

The surrounding hole was full of all kinds of green vines. Hua Wuxin showed her purple dragon scale claws with her hands, grabbed her hands into the stone wall and slowly climbed down.


The flower fell gently on the ground, her eyes turned dark red, and the pores of her whole body gently opened and closed to breathe. Her whole body was ten feet. Everything was like the palm of her hand. All of this was the perceptual power of the body itself.

Tick! Tick!

The rock wall is covered with all kinds of vigorous vines, and the light in the cave is very bright, just like a world, making the flowers have the illusion of crossing.

"This is...!" Hua Wuxin saw a purple watermelon carved like an amethyst, and its roots went deep underground.


A cold flame appeared in the palm of his hand. Soon, the purple watermelon was melted by the skin. The flower took out the fire gourd, and the melted purple juice was poured into the gourd by him.

"Qiguo for at least 500 years, haha, but I drink it to help my Taoist body."

"How can there be so many strange fruits here? Maybe you can find the seven-star sun and moon grass. Is this caused by a natural array?" Hua Wuxin picked a lot of fruits along the way, some of which were eaten directly by him, and some were refined into juice and stored in the fire gourd.


Huh? Curious illusion!" Hua Wuxin suddenly heard a frog sound, and the sea god soul shouted softly. He suddenly realized that there was a sound hypnotic monster in the cave?


Suddenly, a green light shines into Hua's heartless eyes.

"Look for death!"


The flower was unintentionally wrapped in an invisible white flame. In an flash, the temperature in the cave suddenly dropped, and the green light hit the ice flame, like a fly falling on the sticky board and motionless.

"What the hell is this?" Hua Wuxin collected the ice flame, and there was a green frog in her hand. What was strange was that it had a pair of crystal clear wings.

While Hua Wuxin looked at it, the frozen little thing's eyes also stared at Hua Wuxin.

"Oh, I'm still alive."



Hua had no intention to go deep into the cave. He began to wonder. Looking up, he could actually see a sun. When he explored with his mind, there was indeed a burning feeling.

"It's strange. I remember that the mouth of the cave is only more than ten meters wide and covered with grass and vines. What's going on?" Hua Wuxin walked more and more and more felt that this place was too mysterious.

How can an impossible sun appear?

Soon he came across a stream. The stream was clear, surrounded by the kind of frogs with wings, but the colors of the wings were mixed, and there were all kinds of colors. There were frogs everywhere, and his head began to numb.




Knowing the sea, the soul villain suddenly shouted angrily, a spiritual storm radiated out, and the sound of frogs all over the sky was extinguished in an instant.

"Wow... The group attack of these flying frogs is too powerful. My soul is condensed, and I don't know how much worse it is. I also feel that my mind is bloated. It's too strange inside. Should I continue to move forward or turn back?" Hua Wuxian's forehead shed bean-sized sweat, and the dark red light stared at the gray area opposite the stream.

"I'm getting more and more timid. Ha ha, I haven't found the seven-star sun and moon grass yet. In addition, whether this is a man-made or a natural treasure house, how can I leave empty-handed as the first person to come in?" Thinking about this, Hua Wuxiun jumped across the stream and walked to the opposite side.

Hua Wuxin also found a problem. In this, his mind was suppressed by the hair range, and the stretching distance was only about 500 meters, almost nine-tenths of it.

There is only about 200 meters of cave road ahead. The further you go, the wider the space will be. At this time, Hua Wuxin seems to come to an underground wilderness.

"This is obviously an underground world. How can this be possible? Is it really caused by the change of heaven and earth?" Hua Wuxin walked down the path, and he also killed a lot of little monsters on the way.

From afar, the endless green world is surrounded by thousands of feet high peaks. In the "six blood eyes", Hua Wuxin can see the clear aura of heaven and earth swimming, which is simply foggy, which is more than a hundred times stronger than above.

And Hua Wuxin saw the distance, and there was also a stone road coming down, which must be another entrance.


Hua Wu's heart beat down, and suddenly a gravity more than ten times heavier than the ground came. He immediately raised his breath. Even so, his legs reached his waist and fell into the soil.

"It's the law of the earth!"

Hua Wuxin climbed out little by little and looked around in horror for fear of any monster raid. Looking at the huge trees around him, he felt a breath from ancient times.


When the divine thoughts entered the trees, he soon saw the dense golden rings, more than 100,000. "This circle of golden rings are at least ten thousand years old. In this way, these trees are all ancient trees that have grown for hundreds of millions of years?"

"My mind has also been seriously affected." Hua Wuxin's mind closely detected a distance of about 100 meters at this time.


He tried to stand up and slowly lifted his legs weighing hundreds of pounds. He tried his best to control himself. As time increased, Hua Wuxin slowly adapted to this place.


He jumped once, probably only Zhang Xu, but he took on thousands of pounds, but there was no trace of footprints on the ground.

"Hahaha, three days of tight has more than tripled the strength of my Hongmeng Taoist body, and the internal organs have been the best exercise, at least in the natural territory, no one can match it." At this time, Hua Wuxin's whole body was covered with earthy yellow Zhenyuan.

For three days, he has not stopped practicing boxing, especially in the earth system, constantly refining his Taoist body under heavy pressure. Compared with the increase of strength, the strengthening of internal organs is the most important.

"It's time to see if there is a seven-star sun and moon grass here. If it really doesn't work, leave first and come back to explore later." After Hua unintentionally adapted, she began to run at the fastest speed, so that she could also exercise all the way.


A huge Tyrannosaurus Rex five or six meters tall came out. He stared at the flower of less than two meters unintentionally, and his eyes showed the naked light of killing.

"Oh, there is really a Tyrannosaurus Rex. This big man is not easy to clean up." Hua hung on a tree, slightly higher than the Tyrannosaurus Rex, looking down at the ancient Tyrannosaurus Rex.


"It's coming!"

The Tyrannosaurus Rex in the distance is like a hill, blooming with this cyan light all over its body. When it runs, the earth is shaking. Even if this guy has no realm, he will be bitten and the martial artist will also be injured.

"Dominating legs!"



Hua had no intention to be hit by Tyrannosaurus Rex, and Tyrannosaurus Rex was also kicked down by him, and his mouth was bleeding.

"Although this guy can't practice, he is moist all year round and has more strength than me, but it may be better for me to stay longer."

His adaptation can only exert half of his combat effectiveness, and all kinds of constraints are still too great. This is the result of his cultivation of inner fists. If he is an ordinary martial artist, he is afraid of coming here, at least he has to get used to it for a month. During this period, it is best to protect himself not to be eaten by ancient beasts.


Hua's heartless eyes flashed a dark red cold light, her whole body was covered with a pair of earthy yellow armor, and her right hand slowly formed a Taiji ball.

"Move flowers and trees!"

Tyrannosaurus Rex also turned over and looked at the change of Hua's unintentional appearance, as if he wanted to give up this hard bone.


Hua Wuxin suddenly came under Tyrannosaurus Rex, dragged the Taiji ball with his right hand and slapped Tyrannosaurus Rex on the chest.



The huge Tyrannosaurus Rex fell to the ground, and his vitality has been completely shattered. Except for a small palm print, no wounds could be seen on his chest.


Hua Wuxin sat next to Tyrannosaurus Rex's head. These few outbreaks were more difficult than his one hour of war. At this time, he can fully believe that here, an ordinary innate master will be suppressed to the combat effectiveness of ordinary hunters.

Only warriors above Qizong can live a better life here.

"Eat some dragon meat first, and then go to find herbs." Hua Wuxin made up her mind, took out a knife from her arms and began to dissect the huge Tyrannosaurus Rex.


He has a cold flame in his left hand and a black flame in his right hand. He quickly roasted the most essential dragon meat. First, he ate his heart and liver, and then the best meat and longan were all eaten by Hua Wuren.

He ate quickly, and he ate it for exactly two hours. The essence of the big man was almost eaten up by him at one time, and all the energy turned into energy absorbed by the body.


He squirmed his skeletal muscles and internal organs to accelerate the absorption of that energy. After eating Tyrannosaurus Rex meat, he clearly felt the explosive power from his whole body. Although it was not a long-term power, this feeling made him obsessed.

"I never dreamed that I now eat dragon meat and drink homemade fruit wine, hahaha."

He walked along one side of the mountain wall. A bright moon had appeared above his head, and a mountain appeared in front of him. When he walked in, he saw all kinds of herbs all over the mountains for tens of millions of years.

"This... If this is connected with the outside world, these herbs alone can create a large number of innate warriors. Is this really a primitive space sealed?" At this time, Hua Wuxin has become more and more distrustful that this is natural, and all this seems to be led by some rules.

"If it is really found by the world, it will not only be a blessing, but may lead the whole Kyushu to fall into a huge treasure-grabbing melee. The two tribes of shemales may have differences or even become extinct from now on." After a few breaths, Hua Wuxin thought of the possibilities found here in the future.

The best situation is that everyone takes care of it and shares it collectively, but is this possible? There are more martial artists than in the sect, not to mention super strong people like four-foot fairy children. If they knew, they would not have easily stopped.

"Well, I'll find the seven-star sun and moon grass first and then wake up my mother. As long as I don't say it, someone will find out and I don't know how many years later."