Dao Shuai

Chapter 100 Four Poles and Eight Waste Firepower~~~

In the underground world, four feet found a treasure and entered the retreat. Lin Sishui and Hua Xinxin also began their respective tasks.

For more than 30 days in a row, Huang Moral has been carrying out a dead and living medicine bath. At the beginning, the secret recipe was four-foot research. Later, Hua Wuxin went directly to fight by herself and added a certain amount of "seven-star sun and moon grass" to the medicine bath, which increased the effect of the medicine bath by more than 100 times.

"Oh... It's so hot! Hua Wuxin, you are revenge!"


In a huge stone pool in the distance, Huang Daode lay in a red magma-like medicinal bath, and he even smelled the smell of roast beef.

Hua Wuxin said, "Don't complain. These herbs are at least ten thousand years old. If you persist for a period of time, you will be the first monster in Kyushu to stand up since ancient times... I can do this for your own good, and your mother will not do this to you."


"The whole body is soaked and run the 'Great Sage's Golden Body Chapter'!" Hua Wuxin pressed the cow's head into the fiery magma bath.

"You...this...is murder!"

"You talk a lot of nonsense. Let's talk about it when you die!"

With that, Hua unintentionally grabbed a handful of "seven-star sun and moon grass" to crush it and sprinkled it into the fiery red "magma bath", and a faint fire bubble suddenly appeared in the bath.

Lin Sishui came to the bath and said inscruplely, "I didn't expect that your heart was really cruel. This cow seemed to be very afraid of you."

"That's not fear, but respect. Although he scolded me, at least his heart is much better than most human beings. I know that I'm good for him, although this is just an experiment."

Hua Wuxin continued, "I have a set of good techniques for refining the body. Do you want to cooperate with the medicinal bath and the heavy pressure here? The effect should be good."

"What kind of skill? Even if it's too complicated, it doesn't have much effect on me." Lin is like a waterway.

Hua had no intention to laugh and said, "It's very simple. With your cultivation and medicinal bath, you can quickly practice to the peak."

"Typ, let's hear?" Lin Sishui sat on a polished bluestone and said with a smile.

"The golden body is purple..." Hua Wuxin also sat down and had nothing to do, so he talked about this iron shirt that had been changed by him.

After a long time, Lin Sishui stared at Hua Wuxin and said, "It sounds good, but if you want to take a medicinal bath, you won't peek, will you?"

"You underestimate someone too much. I want to see it. Is it necessary to steal it?" Hua Wuxin suddenly stood up, and her eyes sparkled with a dark red strange light.

"The pervert...otherwise... you can also take a medicinal bath together!" Lin Sishui trembled all over and said softly.

Hua Wuxin said, "I have used this medicine bath, and it has no effect on me. You can practice alone."

He ran to the Panda Mountains alone. The last time he walked here, he found a lot of problems. Now his mind has been exercised and his soul is condensed. It is not a problem to get out for half an hour at a time.

In fact, Hua's unintentional soul is already a "yin god" in theory, but this kind of "soul" that has not been baptized by thunder and yang is too fragile to travel around the universe at all. If you encounter a little wind and yin wind, it may be blown away.

Therefore, Hua unintentionally stipulated that the soul that has survived a thunder disaster is called the "yin god". After that, he will continue to refine the soul and continue to cross the disaster nine times in a row before he can turn into a pure yang body. From then on, he has abandoned the body and will not die.

Flowers came all the way to the "Panda Mountains". The mountains are only hundreds of miles away. The mountains are winding and majestic, the pines stand on them, the cranes fly, and the waterfalls fall like the Milky Way and roar.

"Last time I found that there was a fluctuation here, try again." The flowers fell in front of the waterfall, filled with water mist, and the square kilometers were shrouded in fog, and they could not see the situation inside at all.


Six blood eyes opened, and an invisible fluctuation came out of the void. Hua carelessly patrolled the surrounding waterfalls, mountain walls, vegetation, monsters...

"No? Last time, the divine thoughts here disappeared inexplicably after a touch. Is it the right time? Hua Wuxin looked at the hazy fog around and thought.


Suddenly, Hua's unintentional spine felt a trace of coldness and rushed straight up. A dragon-shaped undulating, turned around and a domineering leg burst out.


A golden ape about three feet tall grinned and waved his fist at Hua Wuxin.

"It turned out to be an ancient golden ape. You didn't play, but came to raid me. What's the matter?" Hua Wuxin shook her right foot. Although the first foot was only instinctive, the explosive power was 800,900,000 pounds. Unexpectedly, the golden ape didn't seem to care at all.

The last sentence he said was in animal language, but it was slightly different from the external animal language. It was the ancient animal language he learned.

"You... will say what we say?" The golden ape roared in surprise.

"Of course, I'm handsome, unparalleled wisdom, speak a little animal language, pediatrics...!" Hua Wuxin smiled and patted her chest.

The golden ape roared, "I know you, you are human, hahaha, there are really human beings in this world!"

"Oh? Haven't you ever gone out? Hua Wuxin suddenly caught some information.

"Yes, I remember that I was with those companions..." As soon as the golden ape opened, he wanted to raid Hua Wuxin. It could be seen that he guarded Hua Wuxin's leg and his arms were numb, and he began to want to retreat, but he didn't expect that this human could speak beastly.

Hua asked tentatively, "Can you take me to your house?"



The giant ape leaped, and Hua Wuxin was the same. The speed was faster. The giant ape roared and accelerated again. Hua Wuxin smiled. The wind blew under his feet, and the speed soared three times. In an in an moment, he threw the giant ape behind. No matter how hard he tried, he could only work ten meters away from Hua Wuxin.


A thousand-foot silver waterfall fell, splashing water, and the deafening sound of water can be heard for miles.

"Oh...!" The golden ape raised its head and roared.


Soon dozens of golden, silver and gray giant apes appeared, and the largest one was six or seven feet tall, and its breath was comparable to that of a cave martial arts.

"A magical monster?" Hua Wuxin felt a little bad. Along the way, it was not that he had never met an ancient monster with a strength comparable to the virtual world, but in his feeling, this golden ape king, if he used his magic power, could definitely fight with four feet.

"Little Eight, is this... human?" An old silver ape roared at the golden ape.

"Hm, I'm a human! If it's a fake replacement!" Hua Wuxin frowned and smiled.

The giant ape leader wondered, "Where did you come from? There is a 3,000-mile law area ahead. How can you come in?"

Huh? Law area?" Hua Wuxin thought, "Is it possible that this place used to be more stressful and can isolate the world? Over time, they are also used to it, just like boiling frogs in warm water... They mistakenly think that they can't escape?"

"Don't you feel tens of millions of times the pressure?" The giant ape leader also felt that Hua Wuxin seemed to have some secrets. Although this human being was strange, he was not strong enough to come in unless he was a wise emperor.

Hua Wuxin touched his nose and smiled, "To be honest, the pressure in the law area you said is only ten times. If you want to go out, it's very simple."

"No, it's impossible. I've lived here for more than 10,000 years. How can I not find out that you are lying to me?" The leader of the giant ape shook his head like a mountain with an incredible face.

Hua Wuxin said, "Let me tell you a story. Its name is 'Water Boiled Frog'..."

"Woo-woo... Hahaha, our family has been imprisoned by Dihong for hundreds of millions of years, but we have lost the fighting spirit of our distant ancestors..." The giant ape ancestor was very fast and went away alone. After experimenting in person, he really confirmed Hua Wuxin's words.

A self-woven lie has imprisoned the family for hundreds of millions of years. It's sad and lamentable!

"Do you know that one of the most powerful bloodlines in the world, the bloodline of the Thai emperor, is the proud son of heaven in the world. However, over the past tens of millions of years, close relatives have married and the bloodline has deteriorated. Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer children with magical power in the clan. If it weren't for you, our family would have been extinct in less than ten thousand years." The giant ape leader shook and actually shrank seven or eight times, about the size of a normal human, with tears on his face, which were tears of excitement.

Hua listened silently to the old patriarch's words. He could imagine that the fear of waiting for death could make anyone lose confidence and the idea of life.

"Thai Emperor? Is it an ancient human?" Hua asked unintentionally.

The giant ape leader finally smiled and said, "Human, if you don't mind, please come to our clan. I'll tell you slowly."

"Now the outside demons don't even know the three emperors and five emperors in ancient times? What is only Emperor Yu?" This is a valley. After listening to Hua, the leader of the golden ape inadduced the outside world and asked doubtfully.

Hua Wuxin finally knew that he had discovered a big secret that shocked the world, a civilization that was forgotten by the world, and an ancient story.

"The three emperors and five emperors are too far away, and they are also spread by word of mouth in our clan, probably because our family has the blood of the Thai emperor, so we know more."

"In ancient times, the three emperors, there were the creation of the Thai emperor, the creation of the people, the creation of the Fenghuang, the creation of the Fenghuang, the five emperors, the emperors, the emperor Xiong, the Hong, the emperor's, the emperor Yan, the emperor, all of which are known by the ancient human and demons, and this small world is the mausoleum of the first generation of the Dihong clan." The giant ape leader seemed to be jingling and telling an ancient story to Hua Wuxin.

Hua Wuxin was surprised and said, "This is actually the mausoleum world of the ancient emperors. It's so shocking. Now the most powerful warriors should be about the same as you. The ancients are so powerful that I'm afraid that Kyushu would not exist at that time."

"Kyushu? I have never heard of it. It should have appeared after the death of the emperors. Our family recorded that in ancient times, the world was divided into four poles and eight wildernesses, and the five emperors guarded the world.

Flowers inadvely keep swallowing saliva, all of which is too shocking. Although most of them are a little different from the earth, the basic route is the same.

"The sky is going to change!" After Hua was shocked, she seemed to feel the chaos of the future world.

The era of emperors is coming.


Muxi found an opportunity, three chapters at a time, please collect it~~~~ sweat~~~