Dao Shuai

Chapter 206 A Thousand and One

Yu Hong and others were trapped by the array. He took the lead and broke the blue light curtain with an axe, but he didn't expect that what was waiting for them was a bigger sea to come.


The overwhelming power directly repelled the warriors who resisted the array, most of which turned into a piece of blood and floated in the blue array world.

Then, the crowd began to hiss in horror, "My real gas can't be moved!"


The worst thing finally happened. Almost all the warriors felt that their true qi was about to solidify. Soon, some people lost their resistance, and their physical strength could not resist hundreds of millions of tons of pressure and were crushed into pieces.

A group of virtual warriors have opened the field one after another to resist the pressure from all directions. Before the field of virtual martial arts with a bad foundation has been opened, the true spirit has frozen, and then they watch themselves being submerged by the endless sea.

"It's over, it's over!"

"Who will save me!"

"I don't want to die, don't die... uh..."

After half a day, the power of the array finally calmed down, but after Yu Hong and others checked the number of people, their faces instantly turned pale.

"There are less than a thousand people left!"


Yu Hong was black in front of his eyes and almost fell down. This was the team led by him, 200,000 elites in Kyushu, who were killed in front of his eyes.

"Ah! Come to me, what's the hell to kill them!" Yu Hong's eyes were red, and he already knew more or less who did it.

"Open the sky axe, break it!"

Yu Hong's field exploded and turned into a shining hundred-foot axe. He glared at the formation and waved it crazily.


Zhuge Xiaohei felt uncomfortable when he saw Yu Hong go crazy. Among the 2 to 3 million people who died, they were generally the warrior army of Yu Huangmen, and the rest were elites from various sects in Kyushu, and a scattered repair.

"Brother Yu, don't stop their treachery." Zhuge Xiaohei knew that since the other party dared to eat so many of them in one breath, his strength was beyond imagination.

Yu Hong did not hesitate to let out the power of the world in his body through the flames of anger.


Outside the array.

sixty or seventy wizards are lined up like stars, each holding a white shining stone in their hands.

The leading wizard looked at Yu Hong like a mad dog biting, and a chill flashed in his eyes. He said coldly, "I keep stimulating them for a moment and know that I have exhausted my strength."


No matter how smart Zhuge Xiaohei is, he will not expect that the people who came to practice martial arts are just sixty or 70 virtual realms, and there are only seven or eight virtual martial arts, but they are all practicing both Dharma and Taoism. Using thousands of years of jade and arrays, they killed them in one fell swoop, an already abnormal army.

Although Yuhong has the strongest strength on the landing ground, he doesn't know the array. Even if his strength is twice as strong, after the formation decomposition, he is just tickled by the outside world.

The best way to crack at this time is for someone from the outside world to kill any of them.

Hua Wuxin and Hua Wutian are ready to cultivate for a few days. After the Yuanshen toured and found that there were a lot of resentments in Qingzhou. Shen Nian was shocked after looking at it, he immediately told the fifth brother, and the two rushed to Qingzhou as quickly as possible.

Hua Wuxin's speed continued to improve all the way. When he reached a thousand times the speed of sound, he thought that the fifth brother would not be able to keep up with him. Unexpectedly, Hua Wutian actually followed.

The faster the speed, the higher the requirements for the body. Hua Wuxin's current body has surpassed the mortal body. It is not too much to say that it is a fairy body, but how can the fifth brother's body be so powerful?

Hua Wutian said, "This is the secret of the ninth change. You have your way to strengthen, and the fifth brother naturally has it. Although it is not as good as your body, it is almost the same."

Hua Wutian is known as the uncrowned king. Since he ran away from home, he has been thinking about creating a fairy art. With the help of his own fairy art, he has indeed created a powerful physical skill "six prison magic skills" over the years.

After he reached the nine changes of Qizong, he was just a small achievement. If he practiced to a great success, he could be completely immortal like the God of War, and even broken the void.


The two brothers were silent along the way. They played the same streamer movie. Although it was fast, if they looked carefully, they would find that they seemed to shuttle through a colorful corridor.

This is the goal of the streamer movie. When the speed reaches a certain level, it can be close to the space-time corridor, but it cannot be entered, otherwise the body will be destroyed. If there is no yuan god, ordinary warriors will definitely die.

When they flash in the space-time corridor, they can use it and appear in a place thousands of miles away. The speed is as fast as teleportation. In fact, this has come into contact with a trace of the mystery of time and space.

"Lead, Yu Hong is no longer able to do it. The rest of the people seem to be ready to counterattack together." A big wizard reported.

The water dragonfly leader said, "Let's start. Although this is a good opportunity to kill them, if someone disturbs it, it will be a failure."

"Five yin ~ water, melt everything!"

70 and 80 wizards shouted in unison, and a trace of cold jade in their hands kept pouring into the array space.

Win Qinglong suddenly said, "The temperature is falling!"

"Hmm?" Zhuge Xiaohei is unparalleled in wisdom, and he also knows a lot about the formation of troops on land. Originally, everything is the same, and with his peace of mind, he has learned a lot of mysteries.

"They finally couldn't help it. Everyone obeyed the order and attacked a place with me for a while." Zhuge Xiaohei has already designed the most stupid method. He doesn't believe it. Can't a thousand Qizong elites, together with him and Ying Qinglong, break this ghost formation?

It's not difficult to concentrate the power of a thousand people on one point. Fortunately, he knew about arrays and quickly came up with a way.


A black cold air flowed into the formation like a dragon, and the great wizard thought that one palm was also put on. This time, even if it can't be completely annihilated, it is also a blow to human beings.


Everyone was also waiting in array, lined up like a pyramid. Before they started, there was a martial artist behind them spitting blood.

"No, it's too late if you don't do it."



Zhuge Xiaohei and Ying Qinglong broke out their strongest sword moves at the same time. The endless sea was drawn a huge crack. Just as the crack was about to close again, successive attacks continued to increase the crack.

"Morning Sword Light!"


The wizards were casting spells in an attempt to annihilate these human strongmen. At this time, a sharp sword light pierced the array, and the closest wizard's body cracked and turned into a pool of blood.


The rest of the aquarium wizards seemed to speed up the casting of spells immediately. Originally, they underestimated human beings, but now they finally feel a little worried.

"Turtle Yuanshen, gather!" The aquarium that didn't win the Qinglong sword light extinction quickly condensed the yuan god. It turned out that when he couldn't escape, the yuan god fled.


Then countless attacks were bombarded on the array, which was soon decomposed by the array and introduced into the bodies of 60 or 70 wizards.

Puff! The wizards were hit hard and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

"Do they know the weakness of the formation?"

According to reason, their attack will be absorbed by the seawater, unless someone sees some dead holes in the array.

"Five Yin Qi!"

The great leader Shuijiao wizard flew furiously, and the different chills of the five were injected into the array by him.


"Come again!" More than a thousand attacks gathered together, and there was no breaking of the boundary expected by Zhuge Xiaohei.

Just as the attack was about to be interrupted, Yu Hong, who was tired from beating aside, cut an axe at a point.

The huge force condensed into a light and scratched this damn cold hell with a tear.

"Morning, Zhongzheng, Sunset!" Winning Qinglong showed his unique skills, and the three swords were combined, and his whole body followed like a sword light.

The great wizard Shuijiao snorted coldly, with five fingers, and the five cold air turned into a dragon and blocked the broken array of the crowd in the blink of an eye.



Win Qinglong flew backwards, spit out a long mouth of blood, and was shocked, "There is a master on it."

Like Ying Qinglong, Shui Jiao shook his body and left two nosebleeds, "Is this human kendo!"