Dao Shuai

Chapter 296 Unparalleed

The demon leader was killed, the coalition returned to the wilderness, and everything came and went quickly.

Dongfang Defeat Tian took the opportunity to take over Liangzhou and some areas of Yanzhou. In order to deter the demon clan, Dongfang Defeathen arranged Zhao Hui, Dongfang Wu, Dongfang Wen and other cronies in Liangzhou, and mobilized a large number of masters of Sun Religion and Pluto Hall to hunt down and kill demon masters.

In three years, the demons were forced into the depths of the wilderness, and there were no big demons within thousands of miles.

Liangzhou, Sunset City.

Dongfangwen returned to his room and was exhausted. In order to control Liangzhou for three years, he took less than two hours a day to consolidate the power of the sun religion. Over the years, his cultivation has stagnated. If it hadn't been supported by a large number of treasures, his cultivation might have regressed.

He took off his clothes and went into the bathtub. The room was foggy. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the numbness from his bones.

"Ah...comfortable." He couldn't help moaning.


A beautiful, half-length graceful woman slowly walked from the fog to the bath bucket. The woman stretched out her weak and boneless jade-like hands and gently rubbed them on Dongfang Wen's shoulders.


Dongfang Wen roared comfortably and pulled the woman into the barrel with his backhand. The hot air had already ignited his desire. His heart was too tired and needed a woman to vent to release his inner desire.

"Uh..." The woman's eyes were like autumn water, snuggled in the arms of Oriental literature.


Dongwen's eyes suddenly bulged, staring at the woman in his arms and said, "You...you... are..."

A white velvet claw passed through Dongfangwen's chest, and a heart was penetrated by a sharp claw.

"Before you die, remember the name of the slave family, demon girl." The woman blushed and spit out her little fragrant tongue. She looked so cute and charming, but the wooden barrel was filled with several white fox tails, and Dongfangwen's head was also entangled by a fox tail.


With the strength of the white fox tail, Dongfangwen sank into the bottom of the barrel. In an instant, the barrel became bright red, and the demon girl charmingly washed her milk-like skin with blood.

"It's not good... The second prince was killed!" A guard ran crazily to Zhao Hui's room and shouted.

Zhao Hui disappeared with a bang and appeared again in Dongfangwen's room.

"Is this the case?" Zhao Hui's face was dark, and he turned around and shouted angrily at a group of subordinates.

"Second brother...!" Dongfang Wu looked at a white bone skeleton in the barrel and cried loudly.

Zhao Hui stared at the white bones in the barrel and said coldly, "Let me check it immediately, at all costs."

"Yes!" More than a dozen cave elders in the room were shocked by Zhao Hui's horrible murderous spirit and all retreated one after another.

Zhao Hui looked at the dead Dongfangwen again and turned to the outside of the palace. His hands were imprinted, the divine lines flashed, and a colorful phoenix cut through the sky and flew north.

After finishing everything, Zhao Hui returned to the house and helped the sad Dongfang Wu and comforted him, "Master Wu, we are going to avenge the second master."

"The enemy hasn't found out anything about revenge. I think it's all your responsibility. My father said how powerful you are and asked you to protect your second brother. Now that the second brother is dead, you have to accompany him." Dongfang Wu's eyes turned red, stood up and punched Zhao Hui in the heart.



Zhao Hui was punched out of the palace and spit blood.

"Evil! You bastard!" Suddenly, a sound exploded out of thin air, shaking Dongfang Wu's face to retreat three steps without blood color.

A face of the East formed by a golden flame appeared in the middle of the house.

"Father, the second brother is dead. It must be the remnants of the demon clan. You must avenge the second brother!" Dongfang Wu cried sadly when he saw his father.

The golden flame giant face said, "I know. Let's talk about it when I go."

"Also, everything should be obeyed by Zhao Hui during this period, and don't be reckless." The Eastern defeated sky disappeared into the void with a warning.

Zhao Hui also received a commission from the East at this time.

"Very good, the good show will start soon." Zhao Hui sneered in his heart.

Half a month later, Dongfang defeated the sky and came to the sunset city.

Zhao Hui bowed and said, "Lord, I have investigated the murderer of the second master. He is a white fox demon who is good at change."

"White Fox Demon, have you found her whereabouts?" A purple-haired Oriental defeated sky sat on a chair and looked at Zhao Hui.

"As far as I know, the white fox is now in the jihad valley." Zhao Hui suddenly said in a low voice.

"Jihad Valley?"

"Well, it's the nest of the ancient god king, the holy war ape king, and the other three kings are also there."

A trace of coldness flashed in Dongfang's eyes and said, "It's them. Before the last revenge was avenged, they dared to instruct the demon fox to kill my child and find death!"

"Go on the order and gather all the soldiers in Liangzhou and ask Dillon to bring people here. This time I will completely destroy the Holy War Valley."

Zhao Hui was shocked all over and bowed his head and said, "Yes!"

A month later, the Sun Sect gathered 100,000 elite warriors and led more than 100 elders to the barbarian jihad valley.

Jihad Valley.

Sheng Yazi and the three god kings are now discussing a solution to the great attack of the Eastern defeat.

Shengyazi roared, "I'm afraid that he won't be able to do it if the Oriental boy comes. Humph, if you three want to leave, I won't run away."

Peng Wang Cangwu laughed and said, "Old ape, it's not that we are going to run, but that the East is too strong. If he is just an ordinary warrior in the realm of heaven, the four of us don't have to be afraid of him, but that guy's supreme law of destruction is too domineering now. You don't know these. If you continue to fight hard, you will suffer."

The wing dragon king broke the sky and frowned and said, "King Peng is right. There is also a master of Tianshijing who follows the defeat of the East. Zhao Hui inherits everything from Xuanyuan, and the Xuanyuan sword in his hand is very dangerous to us."

Mellon, the king of Tyrannosaurus Rex, also nodded.

"You... let's go, if only you... didn't want to be there." Shengyazi looked at the opposition of the three kings and was very disappointed.

"Hahaha... Old ape, you have really thought about it. If you want to fight, I'm afraid you have trained a hundred years of people..." Cang Wu suddenly laughed.

Shengyazi said, "Of course, my jihadist clan has never escaped. You and my four kings are all heavenly masters. Are you still afraid that he will be defeated by the east?"

" Besides, I could have punched him back then, but now I can."

Suddenly, a white light flew in from outside the valley.

Bai Mang turned into a human shape. He was a little old man less than one meter tall. The four-foot magic doctor said with a worried face, "What are you still doing here? Let's go. Dongfang defeated the sky came with 100,000 warriors."

"Four feet, we are going to fight with him."

Four feet looked at the four god kings and shook your head and said, "You are all crazy. The four of you are very strong, but can you be stronger than the Yingju? At that time, he was so awesome that he was about to occupy half of Kyushu. Anyway, he didn't even have a dead ashes..."

"Bear, run away." The Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly said.

"You... Dead Dragon, is it possible for you to break through without the help of my nine-tailed blood?" Four feet of blowing beard and staring, I kindly came to remind you that as neighbors, if you want to fight, won't my poisonous valley also affect the fish in the pond?

Mellon smiled and said that his mouth was soft, and he was not good at being hard with the four-foot old guy.

Cangwu looked four feet and said, "Old man, you look like you are about to break through. This is a rare time. Why don't you stay and help us? Maybe you will break through in battle."

"Yes, yes, Peng Wang is right. Your silkworm is too perverted, and it is difficult to break through the ordinary method." The broken clouds also nodded and agreed.

Shengyazi said angrily, "Old man, don't stare at me. Last time you cheated me of the secret method of jihad, do you like to help?"

Four feet long and smiled and said, "You four are really afraid of his oriental children. Huh, joking, it will only take a thousand years for me to admire the best people in the world. Well, I will accompany you to fight with his oriental children. With me, I guarantee that you won't die."

Cangwu said, "I knew that the old man would not let us down. Well, since we have decided to fight, we should stand ready and be fully prepared."


Dongfang Yutian may not know that there are four old goblins and an old man who has colluded with him at this moment, but even if he knows it, he will not have any superfluous reaction, because he is full of confidence in his own strength.

The army rushed at a speed of thousands of miles a day, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and all the demons were forced to retreat one after another.

If people are quite happy that the Yingju was destroyed three years ago, then the people in Kyushu are indeed panicked for only one reason. The defeat in the East is too strong.

Everyone confessed that he was the first in the world, and even Teng Tianhu was also suppressed by him.

And at the time of the defeat of the East and the Southern Expedition, there are also individuals on the mainland of Kyushu who are ready to start to test against Hua Wuxin.

Huang Daode came to the outside of the Taoist Palace again after the Dongfang defeated Tiannan Expedition to the Holy War Valley. Unfortunately, he still couldn't see Hua Wuxin. He was anxious, but there was nothing he could do. Even if he broke through the Taoist realm, it would be difficult to change the general trend.

Outside the Taoist palace, Hua Buhua is practicing martial arts seriously under the supervision of the witch.

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of Huang Moral coming down and stopped with a smile and shouted, "Uncle Huang, why haven't you seen your father?"

"Well, something really going to happen this time. Maybe the next one is..."


"Ah...! Sister, don't smoke me." Hua Bului was suddenly whipped and grinned, staring angrily and said.

Huabuwu crossed his waist and raised his head and said, "Kid, if you are disobedient, when your father comes out, I will let you experience 18 hells."

"No...sister." Hua fell to the ground and hugged her sister's leg and prayed.

18 Hell is the product of Comrade Dream White's attainment of Heavenly Master. It is the enjoyment of unprecedented people who hone the will of martial arts or punish those who are disobedient.

Of course, Hua Wuxin once used this thing to scare Hua in retreat, and it is said that the effect is very good.

Huang Moral looked at the sister and brother who were still playing and were speechless for a while. He suddenly had an impulse to cry, "My life is hard. I just want to be an ordinary cow in my next life."

"Uncle Huang!" Hua Bhuang suddenly stopped Huang Tao.

"What's the matter?"

Hua lay down in my sister's ear and muttered something with a wre smile on her face: "I have a plan to save four old guys."

About why Huabue is called the four god kings, or the four god kings were accomplices when Hua had no intention to hone in the wild death with flowers. They thought about all kinds of ancient secrets. After more than a year, Huabuque shivered when she saw the four god kings, but she thought about how to revenge.

Huang Daodao said, "Quickly?"

Hua waved to Huang Morality and said, "Come on, I'll tell you quietly that this is a secret."

After listening to it, Huang Moral was stunned and said, "That's fine. Isn't it too simple?"

Hua Bhu glanced at Huang Dao and said with a smile, "This is called attacking the heart, communicating the fate of heaven. It's magical, even my father can't do it. I created it myself."

"Believe it or not, I'll tell you the method." Hua said carelessly.

Huang Daode thought secretly, "Just say that thousands of years have appeared, is it true?"