Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 6 Morning Light (!!)

Changban, the heart is always free, and the intention is like a rock.

Such a fable name should not have been owned by a mountain village teenager.

It is often a natural surname, but the name is made by people.

In fact, Changpan was not called Changpan, but Chang Xiaopang.

His parents have suffered all their lives. They only hope to raise their children safely and make them white and fat.

As for the taboo of Chang Pan, a few years ago, his mother led him and knelt at the gate of the college and begged for it all night.

If that thing can be achieved, there is still a faint shadow of Liu Yi's help behind it.

It's not that the master is stingy. He even gave him a name and asked his childish mother to kneel all night.

In his words, he is not a magician who deceives people.

After learning the art of divination for several years, although it is not profound, I also know that the divination should not be opened lightly, revealing the truth of fate and longevity.

Even when he named people, just like the word "Yi" in Liu Yi's name, it's not nonsense.

But he bathed in fasting and asked the sky for help.

Such a profound answer, whether the mountain women and children understand and understand is not within his consideration.

In a word, the doctor's words are the truth in this mu.

In a word, the husband said bluntly afterwards, and this is the only exception.

No matter what, whether the husband is willing or not, whether the rest of the village is willing, what happened that year is very happy.

Perhaps this is also the reason why Chang Pan and Liu Yi have a particularly good relationship, but are vaguely rejected by other children.

A name is not a reason, but it can also be the biggest reason.

Things are gathered by class, and people are divided into groups. What is classified and what is a group?


In the morning, the rooster of the king's lame family in Dongcun shouted at the right time.

Before dawn, there is no white fish in the eastern sky.

The whole mountain village has gradually woken up from the silence with the sound of chickens.

This kind of thing is that ordinary people do it hastily, and it can be avoided in the mountains.

The fire is not popular, and the mountain people are not short of meat. No matter how poor they are, they can take turns twice in a month, but few people have to be blind at night.

Hunting all year round, general mountain households, vision and physique are much better than plain farmers.

Serodic households raised cooking smoke, but unfortunately, it was not dawn, and they could not see the strong smoke ring clearly.

There is a shortage of water and land in the mountains, but there is no shortage of firewood. Generally, people only start a stove once and eat two meals a day. In the morning in the mountains, there are many people who cook.

What's more, nearly a hundred miles to the left, since the arrival of the husband.

In the neighboring village, not only has the stove been paid more times, but two meals a day have also become three meals.


There is no need for a reason. The master must eat three meals a day, and it must be fresh and warm!

This is the rule, the rule of the doctor.

Maybe this rule is unreasonable, or maybe it violates the system handed down by our ancestors.

Unfortunately, this is not the capital full of Confucianism, let alone the military camp in the north of Serbia with strict laws.

This is just an unknown and inconspicuous dilapidation.

For the surrounding mountain people, the master is heaven, God, and almost omnipotent!

His words and deeds are worth emulating, not to say that habits are so important!

Society is always composed of many groups, and most of the individuals who make up groups must adapt to the established unspoken rules.

And some of them have gone beyond the rules themselves, and their words and deeds are often more powerful than the potential rules!

Not everyone must adapt to the established fashion and lead the trend. It may not be another ending!

As for whether the Master has this qualification - his magic does not need to be listed, it is not uncommon!

It's just about water sources--

About seven or eight years ago, there was only one spring born on the shadow of this unknown mountain.

He can use the "science" that others can't understand to divert a clear stream ten miles away to nearby and change the waterway.

Even my home has drilled a well out of water.

This is a miracle! A miracle for the benefit of the mountain people!

Don't underestimate a stream and a well. Generally, there is a shortage of water and wells in the mountains. Wells are just a symbol of custom, and it is rare to draw water.

Only * Master, one dozen is a clear canal.

It is also all kinds of strange things, coupled with his noble identity, which makes others respect and even worship.

Although the teacher teaches everything that doesn't listen to strange and chaotic power all day long, the left nearly a hundred miles of mountain people, who doesn't know that the master of Changjiazhai is a powerful man!

Perhaps, they sent their children to study in the college, not only to the scholar's brilliant reputation~

All things are taken for granted and have their own meaning.

The master's ability to gain such a great reputation is also a credit accumulated bit by bit on weekdays.

Otherwise, those tough hunters may not respect the scholars.

Useless and heartless people are mostly in this list...


Early birds are eaten by insects, and early insects are eaten by birds.

The cool night wind took away yesterday's silence and a new day came.

Facing the morning sun, the light of the sky sprinkled down, bathing the earth with color, as if it were yesterday morning--

This is still an ordinary day.

I can't count how many days there are in such years. Such morning light is the same every day. Maybe it can bring new wonders to outsiders. Liu Yi, who has been looking at it since childhood, doesn't think the sunrise is very beautiful.

Concustomedly, the doctor is better than ordinary people, for a moment at night. This may be a bad hobby or show your uniqueness. Liu Yi, who got up early, couldn't be as casual as a husband.

Fight for water, wash, tidy up your clothes, and wait for the neighbors to bring food.

Liu Yi does not need to practice martial arts in the morning, which is also a rare leisure time in a day. Although the day's plan lies in the morning, it is his knowledge that the master finally became famous. Therefore, even if he guides Liu Yi's kung fu every day, he will not make a big fu.

At this time, I saw the handsome young man in a robe, holding a book and holding a bench, staggering to the front yard, pushing the door of the courtyard, and just sitting on the stool and meditating.

As for what he was chanting, shaking his head, he was a little focused on the books in front of him... The master who hasn't washed and is inconvenient to welcome guests doesn't care, and the adults in the village can't control it.

As the only disciple of the husband, it is even rumored that there is some kind of hidden blood relationship between the two. Liu Yi is young and is still vaguely rejected by children of the same age. But in the eyes of adults, he still has some prestige--

Second generation of Confucianism - If there is this statement and it can really interpret something, Liu Yi is indeed strongly crowned with such a title.

He is so small that he naturally sees everything clearly, but he doesn't think it's bad, so he doesn't care much.

As usual, he half squinted and waited for most of the late breakfast.

Today's morning sun is particularly warm. Somehow, his head is a little bit, like a chicken pecking rice, and gradually subconsciously immersed himself in a remnant dream that has not yet completely faded in his mind...


"Brother Yi~Brother Yi~!"

Far away, Chang Fatty's shouting voice came from the north.

Liu Yi, half lying on the bench, leaning against the edge of the door, with a crystal at the corners of his mouth and a silly smile on his face, suddenly woke up in shock.

"Oh! Don't be afraid, girl! Xiaosheng is here!"

A vertical, "bang" sound, immersed in some kind of illusion, the reaction was obviously too fierce, Liu Yi, suddenly hit the eaves!


With several pieces of rubble flying up, the soil and dust scattered. Liu Yi fell to the ground, covered his forehead and shouted for pain.

He blinked fiercely and saw that it was not a suffering fairy, but a sloppy Chang Xiaopang.

Seeing the other party's stunned look, his heart was half ashamed and half annoyed. Liu Yi couldn't help but grit his teeth and pointed to his nose and scolded angrily.

"Oh! You fat man, die, shouting early in the morning!"

Maybe he was angry that Chang Pan disturbed his dream. For a moment, Liu Yi actually forgot the rules of the husband and shouted.

It was not until a few coughs came from the inner room that he completely woke up and broke out in a cold sweat behind his back.

No matter why the aunt of the Cang family delivered the meal very late today, knowing that the master had got up, Liu Yi got up from the ground.

At least twice as fast as Chang Xiaopang's speed, he rushed out with an arrow.

He didn't wait for the fat man to react. He was like a monkey, and his arms were comfortable picking peaches. He stretched out his arm and pulled it.

The action was unrestrained and unrestrained, which looked pleasing to the eyes and praised the antelope for hanging horns.

Xiao is Chang Pan, which is not what it used to be, but Liu Yi, after years of hard practice, finally fell into the claws as usual.

Liu Yi did not explain. He picked up Chang Pan, who had not yet fallen into the air, and left without looking back.

With a "squeak", in the backyard, the paper window of the study was propped up at the right time.

The Master stared at the two teenagers with a smile and said no to himself.


"Sir, I don't know about this disease~"

This is a dark and dry side hall, and some occasional sunlight can faintly illuminate some dark red decorations.

But somehow, even those exquisite carvings and decorations seem to exude a certain gloomy smell.

In the hall, which is about ten feet away, except for the east entrance, there is a figure standing on the blurred steps, covering the Thai semi-bright light.

The remnants occasionally reflected by the streamer are all like monsters protruding their minions from the cracks in the ground.

The figure standing at the entrance, holding some expectations.

But he seemed so contradictory that he suddenly hesitated and did not dare to exceed the rules.

Except for the darker and more depressed, there is no echo in the hall.

After a moment...

"Sir, I come here sincerely~"

With strong expectations and faint majesty.

The human figure that calls itself "I" has a determination.

The long breath suddenly came out of nothingness, and the invisible airflow stirred the ink flow. There was no place to come from and I didn't know the way back.

"You just listen to him. What are you doing again~

"He can protect you for 20 or 30 years--"

"On that day, since you refused me, you cut off the back road~"

"What's more, I can feel it coming soon! It's about to appear!"

"I don't need you anymore~ I don't need you anymore~ Hey hey... Hey hey..."

"Don't worry~Don't worry~It's not missing~The sky has not appeared~"

The hoarse and empty voice, as if two pieces of glass were rubbing, and it was like the whisper of Xiong's mother-in-law in the middle of the night, which was particularly harsh and went straight into my heart.

It came from nowhere, echoed in this dark hall, and finally returned to nothing without any transparency.


The person at the entrance was obviously a little excited. He subconsciously leaned forward and stretched out his hand!

However, the next moment, he seemed to touch something terrible, suddenly screamed and shrank his arms, staggered back, and almost fell down.

He pressed his left wrist tightly with his right hand, bowed his body, and kept gasping and trembling, but did not dare to shout and roar.

"Hey hey~hahaha! Jie Jie Jie!"

"It hurts! It hurts! You will soon forget this feeling ~ despair! Fear! But why are you desperate? Why are you afraid?"

"Come on~ Come on~ Don't hesitate~ Don't hesitate~"

"Since you're here~ Why... Do you still want to hesitate?"

"Come here~come here~"

The terrible sound spread from all directions, echoing in the whole not very spacious hall, and somehow seemed to be imprisoned...

The unconscious singing seems to have dissipated even the only reason left at first.

At the entrance, the human figure turned around in panic, staggered outside, and looked back in a hurry at the end.

His face was covered by shadows, and he couldn't see what his expression was at the moment.

But there was some fear on his body, but he was magnified thousands of times in this dark hall!

With the sound of a heavy stone lock, a silky light from the east was completely swallowed up by the empty darkness...


"How many years~ How many years~"

"I forgot~I've forgotten~"

"It's coming! I can feel it coming!"

"It's not missing~The sky has not appeared~"

"Sky machine? Tianji!"

(PS: Thank you for your unremitting red vote support every day. Well, I know that there must be many other friends who support silently. I am very grateful and honored.)