Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 11 Free

"Brother Yi, Brother Yi, let's go to the back mountain!"

It's before noon, after class.

The naughty boy, big and small, jumped out of the school with joy. Only the oldest and oldest fat man stayed at the end and sent an invitation to Liu Yi.

In recent years, Liu Yi has grown in size, but at the age of the dance spoon, he is not ambitious enough to learn, and he already looks like a teenager.

Since the past, I don't know what the master has figured out. Except for washing Liu Yi with a medicinal bath every night, he has avoided a lot of hard work during the day.

Maybe it is the age of physical development. In the past three years, although the body is no longer as harsh as in the past, the results of Liu Yi's practice have been more significant!

Of course, this "significant" is only compared with his slow progress in practice in the past. In the eyes of the doctor, it must not pass.

Compared with other children in the village, including Chang Pan, who is a companion, Liu Yi is naturally unique.

He doesn't know that the usual seemingly simple practice conditions, the master's perverted and harsh training methods, especially the medicinal bath late at night.

All these things, even compared with the core disciples of the major sects in the world, the royal descendants are also better!

Even, this is the "treatment" that can only be "enjoyed" by the core disciples of a demon sect, and the secret door inheritance method!

The Master really paid a lot of effort into him.

In the early years, I encountered the elixir fairy wine, but half of it was consumed in the seemingly simple wooden barrel.

If he spends money over the years, I'm afraid that if he calculates secular money, he will ruin his wealth!

In this way, it can be imagined how high the husband expected of him and how heavy he was.

It can also be imagined that under such conditions, Liu Yi has been successful in building a foundation so far, and his talent...

It's really amazing.



Leaning against the door frame, Liu Yi looked at Changpan, who was half shorter than himself, and couldn't help laughing.

It is said that martial arts practice can be beautiful. Unexpectedly, Changpan, which has also begun to develop in the past two years, not only does not have a slim trend, but even has a correction spirit towards horizontal development.

The two answered one-on-one and were familiar with each other. It was more of a habit, and then they hooked up and left hand in hand.

The Master cleaned up in the main hall of the college and couldn't help but look up.

He has been broken and clearly understands what he wants, but he has a good health year.


Perhaps, for a martial artist of his age, Xu's view of "knowing fate" is ridiculous.

But there are some things that only the Master himself knows.

And now every time he looks at Liu Yi, he is not too demanding. Most of the old people pay attention to his children and grandchildren...

Hunting strange mountain songs, the Master wandered leisurely in the college alone.

The idle wind outside the window, occasionally slips in, rushing by, rolling up a page of open books, and then swarming out of the side door, leaving a roar-

The rustling sound, accompanied by sighs and joy, gradually disappeared.



Deep behind the mountain, dozens of miles away from the village, bamboo forest, wild bear cave.

only heard a crisp and low scolding, and then a large blue thunderbolt cut through the quiet sky and roared in front of the dark deep hole.


The familiar roar came from the cave. The aftershocks alone made the earth and rocks fly outside the cave and the yellow sand raged.

Dozens of feet away, a column-shaped platform suddenly stood in the bamboo forest. On the stone pillar, Liu Yi stood with his hands on his back, and Changpan took back his finger and was jubilant.


What a big bear's paw, shot directly from the dark cave, crushing the ground in front of it, and the nearby bamboo is even more crumbling.

The giant bear's paw, which is more than ten times the size of an adult's head, makes people shrink their hands and necks, not to mention its five feet long, dark and endeared claws, which are really chilly.

After a while, the giant bear just poked out more than half of its head from the hole and peeped around!

Oh, my God, that yawning bloody mouth can swallow half of an adult's body alive! What a giant!

"Oh! Bear Black! If you don't come to play at your door, how dare you come out! Have the courage to be majestic!"

With a scolding, the black bear, which drilled half of its body from the hole, actually cracked the corners of his mouth, showing a suspicious expression and looked up at the sound!

It didn't matter, and it was another muffled thunder that greeted him, and his head fell down!

With a "boom", the blue thunder is shining, the blue smoke rises, and there is a faint smell of burnt.

In the eyes of serious monks, this thunder method is estimated to be an entry, not even a small Chengdu. But the monsters that have just been enlightened in the mountains have not become demons. How can they stand such a righteous law!


With a wailing, the black bear was directly blown back. When the bright light flashed, a bear's black face became darker!


The roar was forcibly contained halfway, and then there was a loud laugh all over the sky.

Outside the wild bear cave, I saw the fat man standing on the stone pillar of the bamboo forest, jumping his feet and scolding, doing his best to provoke.

Unfortunately, even if he took the bear black ancestor to 108 generations**, he didn't see the black bear talk to it for half a sound.

Obviously, the poor little black bear has remembered which evil guest came to the door.

"Hahaha! Brother Yi, this guy is timid, but after playing a few times, there is no need to play. Let's go!"

Another burst of burst of laughter, as if the laughing man has stood proudly at the peak, the world is invincible, bowing his head and looking around, lonely...

Xiong Hei heard the sound and only stayed calm for a while before he secretly hugged his head and poked out half of his head at the mouth of his own hole like a thief.

Unfortunate, boom-

It's a big fire to welcome it!


The giant black bear was furious and rushed out of the cave like crazy. Unfortunately, he could only see it from afar. An obscene fat man lay on another person's back and proudly made all kinds of provocative gestures towards him, which was particularly bad.

The bamboo forest, accompanied by the angry roar of the black bear, the century-old bamboo fell piece by piece, and many bamboo leaves fell in colorful rain.


"Hey, Brother Yi, you see, I can be a 'master'!"

Clear stream, shade.

Changpan set up a wooden fork, put on a bonfire, and diligently fought for Liu Yi.

In the past few years, since Liu Yi successfully built the foundation, Changpan Leifa practice has also made small success, and the two do not know how many mountain monsters have been harmed.

Of course, in most cases, Liu Yi is protecting the law, and Chang Pan alone offers treasures.

The little fat man naturally understands the truth, but every time he flirts with those wild people, he can't help but be complacent and happy.

Liu Yi sat next to him, carrying a bamboo stick, wearing a few fish on it, and barbecued leisurely.

"Oh - master?"

"It's also..."

If you deal with a sentence randomly and don't care about the complacent Chang Pan, the other is obviously trapped in some kind of meaning**.

As early as a year ago, he had completed the first layer of Lei Gang's general formula of Jiuxiao Zifu and reached its peak. Even the mysterious "internal qi" cultivated over the years has been constantly converging from Dantian towards Zifu, which can be regarded as a threshold for practice.

Compared with a better external environment, it took him seven or eight years to lay the foundation, and the gap cannot be calculated by reason.

Of course, due to Changpan's slow progress of practice, he has not been able to obtain the second level of the general formula of Lei Cang in Jiuxiao Zifu, and he can't go further.

As for the fascinating ninth highest level, according to Changpan's description and silk book records, he turned into thunder across the world. I'm afraid he has no hope in this life.

This thing is so tight that he can't practice it without Changpan.

This is the reason why the so-called spiritual thing chooses the owner.

It's a pity that in Liu Yi's opinion, the spirit of the silk book must be blind. He has a big piece of practice and jade next to him, but this thief recognized the stupid fat man.

You should know that Changpan's practice is more difficult than his. He almost risked his life and didn't even sleep at night. Bisheng is still spinning in the middle reaches of the first floor. I don't know how much water has to spend to reach his level a year ago.

This qualification ~ tut, I'm afraid it's about to catch up with him in the eyes of the doctor.

Chang Pan practiced magic without hiding it from the doctor at all. Originally, according to Liu Yi's plan, someone had to jump out as a baffle in some unexpected situations.

Thinking about it, the master will definitely not be greedy for children's things, let alone choose the owner of spiritual things, which the master knows better.

According to Chang Fatty's heart, he is usually very flamboyant. If he accidentally reveals some means, he can also have an explanation to others and push it to the master.

Finally, no matter what happened to the lions, tigers and beasts a few years ago, without sacrificing silk books, it will not be over.

Those monsters who are almost demons are not as retarded and cunning as Xionghei. How can they have a grudge against people for no reason?

Liu Yi does not feel that it is inappropriate to be generous to others. People in the magic path are all like this.

As for now, he is practicing on his own--

He never said it, and the Master didn't ask, as if there was no such section.

He privately think that there should be no big problem.

Fortunately, the formula is strange. If it is not deliberately displayed, it is extremely difficult for others to figure it out.

Well, most of the doctors have never seen through it, nearly a hundred miles on the left, and no one has this ability.


The sun is in full bloom, and the universe is bright and magnificent.

After eating, the hunters went in groups to the surrounding old forest to catch animals.

Even healthy women go to work in the field or pick some wild fruit bacteria nearby.

If you want to say it's special, it's just a leisurely cool doctor in the college.

Perhaps, it is rare to hunt, but every time you start, there must be a lot of canncerers.

There is no doubt that Cangka is the most famous hunter in Changjia Village. And Cang's sister-in-law is the only servant who doesn't go to the ground. Although she is secretly criticized by many people, Taiban is jealous of the long-tongued woman.

As usual, even if you don't go hunting, the door of the Cangjia courtyard is always open, and you can't help visiting the neighbors.

Today, just by looking at his door closed, he knew that he refused to see guests.

Although the men in the village always want to get close to Cang Capricorn and learn to do both. And the daughter of the Cang family is also really cute, and I don't know how many "little kids" have come up with ideas.

But Cangli's majesty is not as good as that of the Master, at least he is one of the few people in the village. As long as he does this every time, there will be no one who doesn't open his eyes and nagging.

After the closed doors and windows, it seems to be silent.

The scorching sunlight sprinkled on the earthy yellow courtyard wall, shining mottled.


"Brother Capricorn~ Is there really no other way? Over the years, after all, we have~"

"Okay, don't say it, I understand, but--

"Brother Capricorn~ I still remember..."

"All the way! I have my own opinion. Let me think about it again~"

Whose persuasion is so helpless.

Whose decision is full of sadness.

Powerless helplessness.

Contradictory and sad.