Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 14 Brother

The turbid world cleanses the heart of the dust, and the catastrophe refines the mortal feelings. Who talks back together and looks forward to the spirit of life.

The world is unpredictable, and the number of fortunes is more unpredictable than that. Emotions always look pale and powerless in the face of fate.

Who sees clearly and rejects emotions is not fate itself after all.

It's not about making people centrifugal. People's hearts are unpredictable, and it can also be taken for granted.

Once you are flashy, there are always touching moments, or tears are hard to wash away.

Joy and sorrow, so it is normal.

Whenever makes a decision, every life and death.

Occasionally, there is humanity: Brother, you have harmed me, but I am responsible and willing to share the joys and sorrows.

Some people said: Brother, I hurt you, and I have blood. You run for your life quickly.


The relationship between people is clear and complex; the network of relationships behind everyone is more complicated.

When this complexity is intertwined, maybe they will become a mess.

Or on the contrary, the rest is simple and simple--

It's so simple that it's ridiculous.

Those fundamentals, hidden under the surface, are easy to be ignored.

The so-called group is ultimately composed of individual individuals.

Clear the primary and secondary, but that's the same.

When you meet people, you need to talk about fate and get together like objects. Abnormal twists and turns are not demons.

This is the primary and secondary, emotional and divided--

For example, cause and effect, come from place to place.

Where did it come from? Where to go again? The words are at your heart.

The famous saying is generally nothing but boring nonsense, but the nonsense is full of profound and obscure!

I don't understand, but it's full of ghost stories.

In fact, in many cases, the natural confidence, just because of some small omissions, or the play of fate, will immediately become unreasonable, that is, surprised by the title.

For example, brothers and fate, two words that are not compatible with each other, if they are accidentally spliced together, they will be forcibly chimered...

This is not a conflict between feelings and fate, but a hand in the face of conflict.

How can a surprised and unexpected bias be clear and stunned every time? Surprise can also be confused.

There are many people, either smart or gifted, who have already glimpsed the branch of the torrent of fate in the future, and naturally look farther than others.

The prophet is like this, the wise man is like this, the husband is like this, and so is Liu Yi.

Unfortunately, when he sighed, when he was afraid, they all forgot.

Some seemingly simple and perfect predictions that are bound to happen are just a fork in the torrent of fate.

No matter how perfect the prediction is, it is still just a delusion without being washed by the light of the universe.

Is the beggar who smiles at the Buddha? If he is young, he will. Otherwise, it doesn't matter why he laughs.

The expected crisis may not hide the fog.

In the face of the result, the process is meaningless.

Connical for no reason, the calm expression fixed the moment of astonishment. Perhaps it is fate's ruthless mockery of the parties involved.

Is Zhizhu holding? Talented?

In a sense, it is beyond the ordinary, but it never means omnipotence.

Step by step is wrong, step by step is wrong, the source has been wrong, and the path is staggered. From this, we will deduce and move forward, and the result is even more wrong.

That unrelated, is it really nothing?

Maintaining two points is not necessarily a line.

Fate always uses time or distance to make people helpless, but this is not the truth that fate itself wants to tell. On the contrary, why not? Why not? Anyway, it's unintentional.


In the late summer and early autumn of Bingzi, a rare rainstorm that was recorded in history caused almost half of the Tang Dynasty to be flooded.

The blue sky is outside the mountain, but it has never been baptized by the wind and rain.

Maybe even God doesn't bother to spit on such poor mountains and rivers.

Fortunately, the hidden danger of sparse population cannot dispel the hot hearts of the mountain people.

Every day, many people come and go at the foot of the mountain, busy hunters, farmers and farmers.

These are familiar, either neighbors or neighboring village hunters. As for strangers, they are not without, but rare.

Bzhou shan is not a place of interest, but it is extremely dangerous and fierce. With its powerful momentum, Bzhou shan directly refused to enjoy most of the literati. At the same time, there are always those downtrod chivalrous men who believe the rumors of the market and try to go into the mountains to look for treasures, which is called admiring the scenery.

These people come and go without a trace, few all year round, hiding, and will not have any intersection with the local mountain people.

So when a Tibetan man came to the Buzhou mountain world with a bow on his back, a knife and a hemp black shirt, even the so-called magical master didn't pay attention...


"Brother Yi~ Alas~Brother Yi!"


In the back mountain forest, Chang Pan sighed and patted the Qingxi Lake again and again, splashing, crystal and colorful.

He felt sorry for himself. Although he noticed that Liu Yi was a little abnormal today, he only felt that the other party was depressed and did not know how to comfort him. He could only complain about the pity for the same disease.

"Brother Yi~ Alas~ You said, even if you don't agree, you don't have to shout so loudly~ Do you know~ I saw the husband laugh today! Laughed! It's horrible, that ferocious smile - the Master must have heard it. It's over, it's over, it's dead, this time I'm dead!"

Liu Yi stood by the water and looked at Chang Pan, who was squatting beside him. Unexpectedly, the boy also noticed the husband's heartfelt smile.

It's just that there is a kind of relief, but how can he get it in his mouth?

Liu Yi doesn't talk to each other. The two of them are used to have such a relationship. They fight, laugh and scold, complain and complain, just like their own brothers.

He also did not observe Chang Pan, who seemed to have something more on his body today. He just smiled and soon hid it.

Liu Yi tried to relax himself, tried to integrate into the quiet environment around him, or gossiped with Chang Pan.

Why does God not satisfy such a simple wish? He can always grasp his mentality very well. Recently, he has been very uneasy.


"Qiankun Pot, Zhanyun Sword, Tianji Atlas, Wuluo Hua Gai~"

After lunch, Liu Yi ran to the back mountain with Changpan to play.

The Master, who stayed alone in the college, closed the door early.

At this time, the sun is high, but the mountain wind outside is cool, and there is a clear smell of the beach.

He did not normally enjoy the cool under the big green jujube tree in the front yard, but hid in the inner room and packed his things.

"It's ready~ Finally ready! Haha, good, good, ready, ready.

The intermittent voice occasionally revealed zero words, which sounded like the husband was ready to run away. It was really a strange thing.

The afternoon sun covered the yard and sprinkled golden soup. Two sparrows jumped around alone and pecked in the yard. This afternoon is like an uncolored sketch. Although it is beautiful, * it becomes more and more gray.


Next to the college, there are three tile houses and an alley.

It is also a single courtyard surrounded by a mud wall and tile roof and fence.

In this "luxury" and eye-catching mud tile room, which is different from the usual warm and unknown scene, is quietly staged.

The simple hall is close to the four walls of the family. A few animal skins are hung, and they look tattered.

The sister-in-law of the Cang family is hurriedly holding the little girl for lunch and moving into the inner room.

It's hard to believe that Cangkali, who is recognized as the best hunter in the village, has fallen to this point, with a bright facade.

In the middle, on both sides of the dilapidated square table, two equally great men did not seem to pay attention to the gaze of Cang's sister-in-law when she left and silently confronted each other.

The left hand is wearing a black linen jacket, and his eyes are bright. **'S arms are swollen, which seems to be very strong. The oily skin is shiny, just like wearing a layer of strong horny armor. The man looked directly at the opposite side, and his eyes were full of expectation and admiration.

The other one is more burly and broad-backed than the man in black. It looks like it can kill nine cows with one punch. Hao Ran is the first hero and Cang Capricorn in Changjia Village.

Different from his silent and cold arrogance in the past, today, his eyes are sharper than the eagle, but his eyes are a little loose.

Bar squeak, Cang Capricorn is like an old man, smoking dry smoke without a mouthful, and gradually filled the thick fog that did not smell bad in the shabby room.

"Brother, if you summon your little brother with secret skills, you are ready to go out of the mountain. Now such a fat sheep is beside you, what else is there to worry about!"

After all, the strange man couldn't calm down, and his beard trembled and urged with a little excitement.

Cang Capricorn shook his head, stared deeply at the inner room separated by the hanging curtain, and then turned to the ancient iron tire bow hanging on the wall of the living room and the tiger skin substrate. His hesitant eyes gradually became firm.

"18 years ago, you and my brothers went down the mountain. At that time, the master told us not to be too involved with the court. Unfortunately, the second brother couldn't help Ronghua, went to the frontier to join the army, and pulled you closer to the pool of stagnant water and couldn't get out.

Cang Capri's tone was quiet, holding a cigarette pole, gently tapping on the wooden table and pouring out some soot.

"Now, even I have to take this wrong road, and the next day, what face can I go to see my teacher!"

Cang Capri is obviously depressed. Although this was his voluntary decision, even if he doesn't talk about his dying instructions, it's just a lesson from Cangshan--

He is disheartened, of course.

In this case, a dead-hearted master is not what people want to see.

"Brother! What else is there to say? The second brother is not good at doing things. Of course, he will be dismissed and exiled. The court is still very fair to us and martial artists. Look at the little brother now, the left captain of the fish and dragon division, isn't it all up to your majesty's appreciation! Even in Gyeonggi, my younger brother is a person who can be rampant!"

The man looked pale and swept the broken wall contemptuously, and then continued:

"Don't say that what we are waiting for this time is a chivalrous thing. If you kill that kind of scum, you will be killed. It's most appropriate to use it as a reputation. Even if he has no evil deeds and has violated the law of the court, it is time to go to prison! Moreover, for the sake of the eldest brother's wealth in the future, even if he uses some means, it doesn't matter.

"At that time, with my guarantee, I will get this credit again. Don't say that the thousand-year-old Zhishen, the younger brother can take a half-official position, Guangzong Yaozu!"

The man patted his chest loudly. Although he was dressed in simple clothes, his body burst out with a long-standing momentum of thumb.

Even when he asked himself that he was very familiar with him, he couldn't help but look sideways when he heard the words. These three brothers...

The big man couldn't stand the other party's burning eyes and couldn't help lowering his head and slowing down his voice.

"Brother, aside, now you and I can't delay this matter, little niece, can't delay it~"

When people talk, the man no longer looks astighty, but in one sentence.

Sure enough, Cang Capricorn's face changed dramatically when he heard the words--

"That said~

"Alas, I save it!"

"However, over the years, he has received a lot of favors. Moreover, his reputation is so big that he can be caught, even if it is combined with the strength of you and me - it is easy to defeat him, killing him and imprisoning him, it is difficult, difficult and difficult!"

Cang Capricorn is intermittent, and his voice is a little trembling, which is difficult to distinguish and fear.

The man waved his hand, shouted in a low voice, and directly interrupted the words of the warehouse.

"There's still something to say!"

Thanks to him, he lowered his voice and showed an unprecedented momentum. He is worthy of being an official figure.

"Hey, don't worry, brother. Since I know how to pay attention to that person, it's a good thing. How can I not arrange Zhou?

The man's face is as black as carbon, and he is black from head to toe. I don't know if he is used to it, or if he intends to do this today.

At this moment, his eyes flashed, and his breath was like a bear. At that moment, he was astray and vipers.

Cang Capricorn suddenly raised his head, and his eyes were different!

"You called for other helpers!"

The black-faced man was shocked and shook his head in a hurry.

"Big brother, don't misunderstand. Those are not colleagues in the department, but decent colleagues in the world. Their character is absolutely reliable! Brother, don't worry, how can the younger brother not know how to praise you and share your credit? The thousand-year-old ginseng, the younger brother vowed to ask for it from the palace. Big brother, don't worry, big brother, this credit is more than enough~"

Cang Capri's eyes flashed, his clenched right fist loosened, and then sighed.

"Then it's up to you."

The smoke gradually dissipated, and the soot was blown down by a breeze and brushed to the ground.

The iron bow hanging on the wall has already polished its edges and corners.

A pot of steel arrows, leaning against the corner, cold arrays, like on the string!


Whose cry echoes in this murderous room...