Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 28 Joining

Too weak!

Not bad, these people in front of them have strange shapes, seem to have distinct personalities, and have the demeanor of masters.

In Liu Yi's eyes, except for non-human muscle men, the other three are weak!

The enchanting woman deliberately or unintentionally buttoned her hands upside down and smiled with her fingers.

The slender and white fingers are like the ten fingers of artistic treasures, scattering the cold luster of cold jade.

She stared at Liu Yi, her eyes were extremely unfriendly, ** naked and condescending.

It can be seen that she is very confident in her kung fu, otherwise she would not have put on this unscrupulous posture.

Of course, the kung fu in your hand is not only pure killing tips, such as small nail seams, but also hide many things.

If Xu's clumsy skills are enough to deceive the rough people, how can they hide it from Liu Yi?

He is inexperienced, but his facial features are not keen.

When the woman entered the house, her figure was covered by a giant man. However, the strong smell of powder on the body is extremely pungent, and it is more clearly combined with the strange smell of some medicine!

As for the ordinary man beside her that is always easy to ignore - let alone say.

This kind of guy who deliberately dilutes his sense of existence, some small plans, pretends to be pigs and eat tigers, and can still get along elsewhere. When he meets Liu Yi, he should be gloomy!

Absolute strength forms absolute suppression, and any camouflage will appear pale and powerless at that time.

Maybe an ordinary man doesn't understand that he has been pretending to be a pig for too long. In case he meets a real tiger one day, I'm afraid he will be so sad that he can't even do it.

The most ridiculous is the scar-faced middle-aged. While interrogating the owner of the restaurant in a low voice, he turned around and sneered at Liu Yi, which was boring.

Is this kind of bloody verbal threat that can scare Liu Yi, who is ten years old and tearing up the wolf with his bare hands?

He is not a noble son of a rich family, and I don't know how many killings he has accompanied his growth. If you don't divide people and animals so clearly, I'm afraid that the life of a middle-aged man will not be as good as Liu Yi's child.

Guan Gong plays a big knife in front of him. If Liu Yi is allowed to do it with his own hands, the magic method handed down by the master can put 80 tricks in one hour, without any weight.

Not to say that the scarred man seemed to deliberately hide some of his self-righteous secrets, sometimes hissing and sometimes whispering, which made Liu Yi Guaner, which was really difficult to "listen" openly.

As for the blind old man at the next table, he occasionally glanced at the man's eyes, which is also a little disdainful!

Well, perhaps only the shopkeeper of the "punished" party, with a runny nose and tears, as if he was really scared to the verge of collapse by the man.


The giant man looked at Liu Yi with a smile and suddenly stood up and kicked away the creaking wooden chair under him.

The poor bench was almost scattered by him, but now it is directly separated.

With a "bang", the scattered wood flew around. The man didn't know how to restrain himself and took a chair with so much strength.

The people outside the door seemed to hear the movement inside, and immediately sounded a messy knife.

At the entrance, the beautiful woman's eyes are full of light, and she is ready to fight.

The scar-faced man put the shopkeeper on the ground without looking at him begging for mercy, and stared at Liu Yi and several people at the inner table.

Only the low-key man remained low-key and did not see him make any unnecessary movements, as if he had never heard a strange sound.

The beautiful woman looked back at the low-key man coldly. The man drank by himself and only regarded the murderous eyes as a wine delicacy.

At this time, the giant suddenly turned around and roared.

"Huh?! What are you doing?! Humph! Uninformity!"

After roaring, regardless of the stunned eyes of the two companions, he sat down and looked directly at Liu Yi, who had never changed his face from beginning to end, and his appreciation was overflowing.

Of course, Changpan, who was scared and turned white by him, has been gorgeously ignored.

"This... My friend, I'm looking at you, looking at you, huh~ What's the name of that... A list of talents, right, a list of talents, must come from, come from a place of outstanding people!"

The giant arched his hand to Liu Yi, had an ordinary conversation, and deliberately put on an approachable attitude. As he spoke, he hesitated and frowned, obviously trying to search for barren words.

"That, that's brother, right, brother Meng Lang for a while, Meng Lang, just at first sight with the virtuous brother, as old, as old at first sight, suddenly born, what is the birth? The heart of friendship, um, the heart of friendship, please forgive me~Haihan, Haihan!"

A banditman pretended to be a civilised man. He was not good at words and wanted to learn literary dialogue. He was crowned by a monkey, and the two people who were stunned after him were stunned.

It happens that at this moment, several men dressed in coarse cloth and short gossip broke in with a simple knife.

The beautiful woman stopped at the door was extremely tough, as if she kicked them out one by one in order to vent her inexplicable dissatisfaction.

"Get out! Get out of here! When did I ask you to come in? Get out of here!"

Not to mention the small chaos, Liu Yi looked at the strong man who pretended to be gentle, but he did not laugh at him at all.

People treat you with respect, so even if they have to meet each other in the next moment, they should maintain a considerable amount of weapons, let alone when the enemy and I are unknown.

"Brother ~ I don't know where the virtuous brother comes from and where does the desire go?"

The strong man patted his forehead and directly upgraded Liu Yi, a stranger, from a friend to a virtuous brother, and finally asked what he originally wanted to ask.

Liu Yi rolled his eyes and his face was calm.

"Cough, brother, you're welcome. He was originally from the capital and went to Xianshan to practice with strangers since he was a child. In this battle, my teacher told me to go out to travel - and I haven't been home for ten years, so-"

The language is moist, and the answer is ambiguous. In fact, his temporary codification is half true.

Fortunately, the teacher has seen the world, so he has never taught Liu Yi more than one language. The Gyeonggi official dialect with a strong Central Plains accent is also the highlight.

Otherwise, if you speak a full of local language like the elders of Changjia Village, the 18 generations of ancestors will be cleared.

Dongtu Continent, only known as the territory of the Tang Dynasty, uses the same common language, which is said to have been passed down since ancient times.

Of course, due to different regions, there will always be differences in subtleties. Although there are no obstacles for people in the north and the south to communicate, it is not difficult to distinguish between intonation and wording.

Sure enough, with only a few details, the giant suddenly nodded and saw that there was no doubt.

You should know that Liu Yi's words are really hard to believe, such as fairy mountains, travel... Extremely close to the storybook.

It is not Liu Yi's strong muscles and bones. The age of the dance spoon looks like an ordinary weak-crowned teenager, which invisibly saves a lot of trouble.

The conversation between the two did not lower the volume, and several people in the distance listened deliberately and suddenly looked different.

Liu Yi was distracted, quietly glanced at the old man at the table, and then said:

"At the bottom... As early as in Qiyu County, I heard that there was a tragedy in Bzhou Town, but I don't know what's going on.

seemed to unintentionally change the topic. Liu Yi did not show any traces, and his heart was slightly nervous. He asked some words that should not be asked.

Sure enough, as soon as he blurted out, the man opposite did not respond. The old man at the next table suddenly looked at him coldly, and his dark eyes were fierce. If there was substance, it carried the weight of the sea of stars!


The bench under his body twisted, and Liu Yi's whole body was stiff and suddenly trembled.

With just a glance from the old man, he almost wanted to vent the thunder at the bottom of the box and tried his best!

Fortunately, the old man's order was not to embarrass him, and the giant man moved his body with a light "huh" and moved his body. His majestic back was like a river, directly sideways and sandwiched between the two, blocking the old man's terrible eyes!


"Old man, the anger seems to be a little big! In fact, the little brother's doubts also want to know.

The giant man's urn sounded, and it could be seen that he didn't know the weight of this matter at all.

At this time, he intervened, obviously in the intention of helping Liu Yi fight against trouble, and I don't know what Liu Yi deserves to be so valued by him - plot!

The change stopped in an instant, and the other three moved almost at the same time, even the calm and low-key man.

Registance, not to mention Liu Yi, even the giant clearly sensed the horror of the old man.

waved his hand and signaled the three subordinates not to act rashly.

The giant never looked back, as if he turned his back to the old man as if he were conceited. When Liu Yi glanced at him, he clearly saw a lot of fine sweat oozing from his forehead!

The gap... Too big!

Liu Yi and several people were facing great enemies, and only two groups of people were still a little tense. At this time, there was an unfathomable old man, and the situation immediately changed.

The old man couldn't help but pat the strong teenager who was buried in his head and shook his head.

"Little guy, there are some things, listen less, remember less, and talk less! The baby has a good foundation. Don't miss your future. That man is also quite righteous and has a good personality. But this world can't tolerate these..."

The old man's tone was quiet, and Liu Yi and others only felt a dark shadow in front of them. When they realized it, there were no old men and solid teenagers in the tea shop.

Liu Yi's eyes were like electricity, and he glanced at the pile of pig arch-like steamed bread residue at the next table. A few clusters of green silk faded leisurely and slowly fell in front of my eyes.


Lies do not represent heinous, nor every ridiculous excuse will cause laughter.

Even if you tell the truth, how many people believe it?

This belief or disbelief often has little to do with the content of the words itself, but lies in the speaker, the situation when speaking, and the listener's attitude towards them.

Liu Yi said that he was a person from the capital, and that was a person from the capital. Liu Yi said that he was a Taoist boy in the mountain, and that was a Taoist boy in the mountain. Liu Yi said that he wanted to go back to Beijing, so he just wanted to go back to Beijing.

As for many of them, like his skills, he also tries to cross thousands of miles? Who cares!

The strong man didn't care and enthusiastically invited him to drink together.

The other three bandits don't care, because there is no intersection between the two sides.

Until the strong man proposed and intended to let Liu Yi join the gang, without mentioning the stunned three, even Chang Pan was stunned.

This... What and what?

Liu Yi's two costumes were brought from the previous small county.

The material is not bad, and the texture of milky silk is white. Although his so-called mountain fairy child status is too far away, it is more or less like a rich family stealing a prince.

Isn't there a hole in the mind that the man invited such a prince to become a bandit?

So, when Liu Yi promised--

The rest of the people are even more stunned.


Liu Yi's skills are not something that anyone can see through.

Even if the martial artist builds the foundation at the lowest level, the gap between the top grade and the other four grades cannot be calculated by reason.

In addition to the giant's faint awareness of the terrible energy hidden behind Liu Yi's long body, in the eyes of other people, Liu Yi's skills are not much better than Chang Pan.

As for spell cultivation, it is not some mountain thieves who can figure out or even believe, even those who are talented.

Mountain thieves, sounding powerful and extraordinary, robbing houses, across the green forest. In fact, the mountain thieves in this world are not easy to get along with.

The Tang Dynasty is at the peak of spring and autumn, and all parties are full of military equipment, and there has never been a variety of chivalrous men in the world.

If it hadn't been for the vast territory, and there were still such strange areas in the mountains, I'm afraid that if it weren't for the thief-chiefs and water bandits who survived in the cracks, they could only drill into the old forest.

A mountain thief can't go in the fire all day long without a few brushes.

It seems that Liu Yi and the two of them joined this wave and are full of calculations. A few basic martial artists support the scene and put them in the rivers and lakes, that is, they will not enter the stream.

Actually, it's not much worse. Don't look at these thieves, strong soldiers and horses at first glance, and hundreds of people roar with the wind.

It's wrong that there are strange giants sitting in the town. Usually, some second-rate people can easily wipe out the cottages.

It is also a giant with a strong man comparable to the ordinary second-rate middle class. This group of thieves known as "green tigers" can rise up in a three acres of land.