Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 33 Downhill

How many people are happy and how many are worried?

Tang, vast Yanzhou, tens of millions of elite soldiers, diligently guarding their homes.

Under the order, several legions, without asking the reason, opened the camp and hurriedly rectified, and gathered towards the boundary of Jiuli County.

The world knows that the territory of the Tang Dynasty is vast, but few people know how vast it is.

In fact, Shanyanzhou has an area of 100,000 miles.

The territory of Tang has changed day and night, and the border friction between the eight parties has continued.

I'm afraid that even Emperor Tang himself does not know the exact size of the territory.

Liu Tao, the lord of Yanzhou, is the uncle of today's son. When he was young, he resisted foreign pirates and repeatedly made contributions and expanded his territory. Only when he is old can he take charge of a state and enjoy half of the county food.

There are nine counties in Yanzhou, including Jiuli, Bahuang, Qilun, Liutao, Wuyuan, Shuofang, Fuping, Fuyu and northern Tibet.

Among them, Liutao County was originally called Liudao, but since the land of half of the county became Zhenyue Wang's food town, Liudao County was renamed Liutao.

These are the last sections, which will not be discussed in detail for the time being.

Let's say that the State of Tang summoned the flying eagle vulture, flapping its wings for hundreds of miles.

From Langya on the southernmost border of Fuzhou to the polar region of the northernmost cold state, it is only day and night.

How can ordinary troops have such rampant ability?

The Tang Dynasty is famous all over the world, especially the 18th Battalion of Gyeonggi Province, which belongs to the 18th Iron Guards and guards the imperial city.

This strong army, from generals to companions, is the best at building the foundation, riding a bloody BMW, and travels only 20,000 miles a day.

Ordinary county soldiers and knights are elites. They are good at fighting, but there are no famous beasts riding. Even if they don't sleep day and night, they travel 2,000 miles a day and blow through the sky.

Ma Biao is strong, and Tang Qi, who is registered with Danfan, is brave and good at fighting.

The popularization of military weapons has reached its limit.

At the earliest departure, the boundary of Jiuli Bahuang County was stationed and the seventh guard of Xuanjia was galloping for two consecutive days. At this time, it could enter the hinterland of Jiuli County, which was not far from Zhoushan.

Steel converges into a torrent, destroying Rashey, and Ma Ta joint venture.

Birds and beasts all avoid, usually become goblins and monsters, all hiding far away.

A white giant eagle suddenly swooped, spreading its wings ten feet, crushing the wind!

The crossbow is received as soon as it is ready, and the emblem of the imperial eagle is too bright.

The rumble horse team stopped sharply, and the giant eagle perched in front of the team, standing tall with the people and horses.

It raised its head and threw down a bamboo tube.

Pick up the guard as usual and give it to the master to open it.

Not wanting to let the order see the light, the leading general of the seven guards of Xuanjia immediately looked at the adjutant face to face.

That will is clearly to rebuke and call back!

The white eagle faced thousands of troops and horses without showing tension. He combed his wings and did not wait for a response. He flew away to the sky and was arrogant.

The generals quickly adjusted their mentality, suppressed their doubts, and ordered the class to return to the army!

They didn't know that at the same time, they had only mobilized five Xuanjia cavalry, and the seventeenth guards came out.

Even the Black Armor Warriors have been pulled out to defend at the border of Jiuli County.

That posture is actually a state's strength to trap a county and birds!

The county guard of Jiuli County seemed to have received the news early. He nestled in the county early and gave up his plan to go on patrol.

A sub-class county soldier patrolled the territory, interspersed with a net and began to put a second line of defense in the county.

Silent, several large nets have slowly covered tens of thousands of miles of vast areas!

Counties and counties don't know the reason, and the mountains of Bzhou stand like a curtain.

How many people noticed that the mountain rain is coming, and the wind is not exposed?

At the right time, sword light, a piece of auspicious clouds, either from the deep mountains or from Daze, are converging towards the southeast of the eastern land at an extraordinary speed!



With a long sigh of relief, Liu Yi returned to his body and just wanted to moan.

The yuan god is out of his mind, which is a master of Taoism and martial arts. He has the ability to concentrate after the soul is completed, and even this is the third realm of "condensation" summarized by predecessors.

The soul of ordinary people does not condense. Once they come out of their minds, they will soon disperse, leaving only the muddle-headed origin of reincarnation and wisdom.

Even if Liu Yi's spiritual strength is not good, it is still not enough compared with the real master.

If it is not due to the incomplete rules of the half plane, and as the owner and controller of the plane, if he is out of the main plane, he will die directly.

Out of the body is a wonderful state - remove the body of the body, break away from the bondage, and get great freedom, so that you can understand the existence of God and know the wonderful use.

is the hidden god after the soul is condensed and out of the body.

God is hidden, the soul is condensed, and the combination is earlier. The last step is to rely on great perseverance, great wisdom and great courage to break through the falsehood!

Mindfulness, condensing, out of the body, hiding gods, breaking delusion! This is the way to the immortality of Ningzhen Wujing and Taoism!

Of course, all this is too far away from Liu Yi. He doesn't even know what the real world is, and even the master may not be familiar with it.

Coincidentally, the soul can survive, and Liu Yi can't understand Lao Shizi's divine consciousness out of thin air. The distance, the missing necessary experience, is one hundred and eight thousand miles, which cannot be calculated by reason.

The only advantage he found is that when the soul is out of the body, he retains the seven bodies. In fact, he can make the body practice by itself, and even the effect is more significant, reaching the legendary selfless situation. How can there be no self than the soul flying out of the sky?

In this way, there is no doubt that the speed of practice has increased several times.

The only shortcoming is that the plane spirit transmission channel is only open at the lowest level, only level I.

According to the system prompts, the concept of level I, after digitization, is to allow the transmission of spiritual bodies within a maximum range of 1,000 points.

For example, once his own mental strength exceeds 1,000 points, if it is forcibly transmitted, it may cause the channel to collapse. The result - no need to say more.

Originally, Liu Yi's spiritual strength was 500, several times higher than ordinary people, but it was still far from the boundary.

But yesterday's hard work, I don't know what luck hit, and the body and soul "ephany" at the same time.

Liu Yi didn't know what had happened. He only knew that his personal information had been transferred, and his mental strength had nearly doubled to 900 points.

The basic physical quality has also improved.

Of course, the biggest change is still in spell cultivation!

Silently, he has almost completed the second volume of Lei Han's general formula. The second-layer Leigan general formula includes the true element accommodation and condensation method, which is not just as simple as laying the foundation for practice.

After practicing magic and building the foundation, it is Nayuan, that is, accumulating and purifying true elements.

It was also at this stage that the spell had continuous combat power, instead of a loud shot and then withered.

The eyebrows and the purple mansion know the sea, and the real yuan has increased ten times and purified several times. Liu Yi also blames this on the "epon"——

Even if he understands that even if the practitioners have an "ependomeon", they will be unique and ascend to the level step by step, they will not ascend to the sky step by step and directly leap to achieve great success.

He usually doesn't get too entangled with things that can't be explained for the time being. He only remembers it in his heart, prevaricates it for a certain reason first, and treats it normally.

There are few miracles around others, and they are surprised.

But after all, he encountered too many inexplicable things.

The improvement of strength is reasonable or not. As long as it has a solid foundation, it is a good thing, and there is no problem.

Liu Yi is optimistic and is also taught by the teacher. Don't get into the horns and lose your wisdom.

He looked around happily, and the room was dark.

It's late at night, before dawn, and the moon sets in the west.

No one broke into the inner house, so naturally no one will light the oil lamp.

In the cottage, candles can't be thought of. As the leader, it is not enough to insert a simple torch in the room for lighting.

Liu Yi got up and didn't hold the lamp. He was smart and clear-sighted, and the day and night passed, and this talent was faintly strengthened.

walked away, pushed open the window, and let the starlight shine.

Liu Yi looked at the silent cottage, as if he could still feel the excited practice of the mountain thieves in the daytime.

He suddenly felt a little sludge and didn't know whether he should pass on other negative kung fu together.

Yesterday, Lao Li and his others changed their unique skills one by one--

Of course, Liu Yi looks down on those third-rate methods, which is like the first-class and second-class combat skills he took out casually. The woman Cheng did not hesitate to let go of her grudges and let the internal skills that cherish her life spread abroad.

It is always realistic to be a mountain thief. If you have milk, you are a mother. Absolute interests will definitely make people crazy.

It's good to be willing to exchange. In fact, no one has ever had a more direct idea.

It's a pity that Chen Zhen, the leader, supported him, and Liu Yi showed fierce methods. Who dares to act rashly?

However, I'm afraid that those who have exchanged advanced skills can't guess. What they get is not a life-saving skill at the bottom of the box, but a life-threatening charm.

Liu Yi is puzzled and has no regret for what he has done. Don't say that those mountain thieves are not good at all. In order to achieve their goals, even if they are more innocent, so what?

But his heart is finally blocked by a thorn, which is actually a ruler with a scale for measurement. It appeared together when he got the memory of his previous life after the awakening of the heavenly system.

He suddenly felt the need to think about what to do next.

"It's useless to regret guilt. Don't feel wrong if you do it. Be tolerant and can't lose courage. When it's time to move forward bravely, you should have the determination to break through the south wall and not look back. Right or wrong, who will judge me when I kill the enemy's chieftain?

The man's face is still echoing in his mind, and Liu Yi's heart is closer to the devil. Originally, the idea was not very clear.

His hesitation is even more heartfelt.

He doesn't mind what's around, but he cares that he is different from the decisive behavior!

He gave it to Lao Li yesterday - different!

That's exquisite enough, difficult to practice, and not much harm. That's the real second-rate combat skill!

Liu Yi believes that he is not a good person, and even once stubbornly believes that interests, human nature and so on can be abandoned.

Unexpectedly, after coming to the cottage for the first time and learning a lot.

I gradually feel that I can't understand myself!

The middle-aged scarred ugly man left him with a bad first impression.

Only a few days later, the "middle-aged man" called Lao Li rarely won a trace of recognition from him, which was simply ridiculous!

The face is disgusting and kind, and it's thankless. Is it none of his business?

There are young sons in the family, and the wife who refuses to abandon them. The bandits in front of the people and the kind father behind the people should not be excuses to win sympathy!

With the benefit of talent, Liu Yi can always feel the intentions of others, or good thoughts, or evil thoughts, or greed, or hatred.

He is more qualified and unpredictable than others.

It is true that only Lao Li showed pure gratitude and satisfaction when he received the gift, rather than more greed or anything else.

It is true that some sanctimonous guy did disapse him. Maybe under such circumstances, goodwill is easier to be captured and accepted.

Chen Zhen, a giant, is very good to him. From the beginning to yesterday, his talent peeping at ideas is a kind of appreciation.

After all, that's just a hazy perception, not the legendary mind reading. It will take time to take it seriously!

Yesterday, when he handed over several ordinary skills to Chen Zhen with a calm face, when he was ecstatic.

Little by little, pure utilitarian and obscure greedy ideas were keenly captured by Liu Yi!

Evil thoughts are not terrible, utilitarian and greedy. In fact, everyone has this mentality, which is normal.

The terrible thing is that it is so deep and condensed! This is simply thinking about it!

He is generous and bold, and his appearance is magnificent. Even Liu Yi was almost hidden by him, trying to make friends sincerely.

There is no doubt that after that, Liu Yi has added some "benefits" to him - a unique quick method!

Liu Yi believes that it will definitely bring additional surprises to Chen Zhen! At the same time, the small pimples in his heart were smoothed to some extent.

That's exactly the reason why he had doubts!

Is greed, jealousy, utilitarianism and evil thoughts the foundation of human nature?

After all, there are too few mountain thieves who know how to be grateful. If there are more, but awe, but secretly happy, but excited.

Why does Lao Li want to be different?

However, these trivial things, how others are, what their thoughts and attitudes are, have a lot to do with himself!

This is just a plan, a conspiracy that can be expected to end.

He just wants to use what is available, and then hide in the dark and try to revenge!

"Unfortunately, I can't be full of evil after all--"

Liu Yifeng said to himself, but his heart was a little relaxed, not only to improve his cultivation!

He didn't think about it. If the bad guy is just doing evil, is it a bad guy or a madman?

Persistent on good and evil are all fools.

The ancient strong can be ruthless and strong.

Liu Yi, after all, he is still a teenager!


I was speechless all night, standing at the window, thinking silently, and it was dawn.

He was determined all night and couldn't make up his mind whether he should leave a way for other mountain thieves except Lao Li.

The early riser saw him standing in front of the window of the small building and greeted him warmly.

Liu Yi responded one by one, with a smile on his face, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

At this time, there was a noise outside the door, and someone asked questions.

Liu Yi answered, and the person outside went inside. It turned out to be a little fat man who left angrily yesterday.

Looking at Liu Yi, who had not slept all night but showed his spirit, Chang Pan whispered and looked depressed.

"Brother Yi, I want to go down the mountain!"

Liu Yi raised his eyebrows and looked at Chang Pan, who was full of stubbornness. After thinking about it, he nodded with a smile.



Chang Pan rode on a horse and went down the mountain, but his face was full of frustration.

also began to practice the second level of the Thunder General Outline. Although his cultivation is far less profound than Liu Yi, he has not been able to break through the foundation period of magic. After all, he has achieved success in building the foundation.

lei ting general outline, each layer corresponds to a large realm, such as a layer of practice small success, but only the first glimpse of the doorway, and when the practice is successful, the foundation is built successfully. The great success of practice is the middle stage of foundation construction, and the completion of practice is the later stage.

The second layer does not break through the realm as soon as you get started and start to take the yuan. Only when practice has made achievements can we break through the foundation and step into the realm of Nayuan. Even if Liu Yi has now completed the practice of the second turn of thunder, at best, it is only in the middle of Nayuan.

This is true. Once you succeed in building the foundation and entering the threshold of spell practice, you will ascend to the sky in one step.

For example, Changpan did not know how to ride a horse or fight against beasts, but now, it is okay to ride on a gentle war horse and run.

Even if the magic practice builds the foundation, after success, the basic physical quality will be slightly increased. And the ability of balance and coordination has been considerably improved.

Chang Pan is not enthusiastic about this transformation. His heart is different from Liu Yi. He is more driven by hatred and is not eager to pursue it.

He is unhappy now, because this "downhill" is very similar to his imagination.

In his intention, he was going to go down the mountain and leave the smoky thief's nest.

I don't know if Liu Yi understood, but at this time, he transferred a small team of 20 mountain thieves to lead him down the mountain to purchase.

Master Zhu is still locked in the stockade. The Zhu family has sent someone to send a message. The gold and silver obtained cannot be piled up like that. It should be spent.

Of course, Chang Pan can kill all the mountain thieves and run away by himself.

If Liu Yi changes and goes against his heart, this thing may not be able to be done.

As for Changpan——

He endured the praise of the mountain thieves beside him, was weak, and sighed in his heart.


At the foot of Qinghu Mountain, there is a Wangjia Town.

Wangjia Town is originally a Wangjia Village, relying on mountains to eat mountains.

Since the green tiger thief went up the mountain, the small households in the surrounding villages and towns have caused a lot of disasters, but Wangjia Village has become more and more prosperous and gradually has the scale of the town.

said that the town is essentially private and has no official record.

Naturally, the position of mayor of Wangjia Town was promoted by the contemporary village head of Wangjia Village.

And the so-called village head of Wangjia Village has actually been forced into the Black Tiger Village for a long time, and he is a veteran.

Of course, due to the failure of kung fu, the guy called Wang Fushou is a little leader.

In the past, thanks to Lao Li Baoju, he gave money and returned to the village to develop his career for the cottage.

Well, in less than ten years, Wangjia Village has become Wangjia Town, and he really has some management talent.

There are restaurants, inns, brothels and gambling places in the town, which are mixed with fish and dragons, which are responsible for inquiring about the news at the foot of the mountain.

Some mountain thieves have spare money, and there are also places to spend their time.

In the past, Qinghuzhai purchased goods and went to Yuluo Town 20 miles away.

Now, a few miles down the mountain, you can pull a cart of chickens, ducks, pigs and cattle back, which is really convenient.

is also due to the weak binding power of the Zhoushanjie regime. If it had been changed to another place, the nest of birds and feathers would have been destroyed by the government.

Wangjia Town has most of its acquaintances, including villagers from Wangjia Village and villagers who moved from nearby villages. Of course, there are also some cooli and small workers who have wandered here. Due to the proximity to Qinghu Mountain, except for a few unwitting tourists, most of the five rough and three strange faces mostly come to the name of "Qinghu Village".

They either want to use force, but they are not real warriors. They can't get along the road and are ready to join; there are also some people who have special intentions and are sent by other forces to spy; there are not many people in the world who occasionally pass by.

The town is not big, and the beginning and end can be seen at a glance. The gravel road is paved, about Mori.

There is an avenue that travels from north to south, and there are shops, restaurants, and paths leading to the farmhouse behind.

A brothel at the head of the town, with colorful flags and fragrant pink balls.

A gambling house at the end of the town, two big men, **, stood majestic. They have cyan tiger heads on their chests, which is the facade of the green tiger thief.

One head and one end, one ** one bet, not to mention the grade, obviously intending to take out all your money.

The town where bandits usually do * is arranged like this, sweeping the floor gently.

Don't say, in this way, it is quite popular with the people at the bottom.

Wangjia Town is not big and a little lively. Although it is not profitable and filial piety, it is barely self-sufficient and does not need stockade subsidies.

In fact, green tiger thieves go down the mountain to buy and sell, and even gamble and prostitute, all want to give money.

How much oil and water can foreign tourists squeeze out? Half of them are poor men who are desperate and ready to join bandits.

If it weren't for relying on the tiger thieves to promote consumption, how could Wangjia Town prosper in the remote land?

The rabbit has to eat two bites when it is hungry. In the nest, it will be kept for the winter.

Changpan walked on the road and saw an earthen house with tiles on both sides. There was no lacquer decoration, and it was not more gorgeous than the log house on the mountain.

From time to time, pedestrians on the roadside handed over their fearful eyes, and the people were arrogant, and Chang Pan was even more sad at the bottom of his heart.

He didn't feel that there was any glory in the public's attention. He was regarded as a thief, and his heart was finally quite grudged.

The hurriedly ordered the guys to purchase separately, leaving only two people to wait by their side, so they got off the horse and walked to the only inn by the roadside.

The second child saw a wine and took the horse away.

Chang Pan entered and found a seat alone. Without greeting the two, he ordered a few dishes and turned his head out of the window.

The two are also interesting to see the situation. They were ordered by Liu Yi to be responsible for watching their six heads, and they can't expect to be more popular.

Sitting at the next table, the two called the second child to eat, and then clamored and groaned, only treating the other guests in the store as deaf.

(PS: Thank you for the reward of the book friend Evil 3666, thank the book friend Feixuan 500 for the reward.)