Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 56 Turning Face

Liu Yi looked at the scene like a Shura ghost in front of him, rubbed his eyes, ignored the endless chatter in Ling's ear, and wanted to cry without tears.

In the plain, the whole ground is covered with scorched earth, and the crimson veins are intertwined, ferocious and disgusting.

In the center, there is a meat mountain about ten feet high, which looks like a pimple, dark red like a devil's tendon.

Huge soft spores rose from the field, some of which were taller than people, beating like a heart.

The light sprinkled outside the sky is light blue, which can reflect the ground and is full of faint blood halo.

The nose moved, and there seemed to be a hot smell of sulfur surging in the air.

Looking up at the northern sky, the huge floating islands slowly flew over, and long flesh and blood tentacles hung down like vines!

"Is this - 'surprise'?"

Liu Yi stared at Zero and inquired in a trembling voice.

"Of course!"

Zero stopped hisxingful speech and looked at Liu Yi in surprise.

Then he suddenly pointed to a corner in the distance.

"Don't be excited. Considering your mentality as a human being, I didn't leave you a little natural scenery."

Liu Yi's extreme eyes, coupled with the spiritual radiation scanning, finally saw a little sluggish green shade at the end of the half plane and the place connecting the nothingness.

He stretched out his finger and pointed to Zero tremblingly, but he couldn't say a word.

Zero seemed to have expected Liu Yi's attitude for a long time, and his more substantial face made a clear expression.

"I know I have made great contributions for you this time. You don't have to be so grateful to me. Although it consumes a little more energy from the system... Now that you have seen it, you don't have to mind so much.

System energy!

These words suddenly crossed his mind, and Liu Yi almost fainted.

He was just furious and made the big rear look like this. He hasn't thought about the reason for letting these ghosts appear!


When he saw that most of the temporary reserve energy had gone, but all his parts had never moved, he almost spewed out blood.

The system has never told him that the energy can still be used like this!

System! Wait!"

Liu Yi thought about it, quickly browsed the system panel and found that the guide column, and the zero permission was still secondary.

Think calmly and glance at the visual discomfort. Zero's behavior may not be self-determined.

Everything in front of us is fundamentally like a huge mother's nest, a mutant flesh and blood factory. The difference is that the mother nest in the plot is attached to the surface of the high-rise building, and this one directly occupies the whole half plane!

Between the system, zero and him, I'm afraid that he is the only one who will oppose this change in the half plane.

This is already the case. His anger faded like a tide, and he didn't need to introduce it. He browsed the new facilities on the half plane.

"Half face: name - to be determined. Stability level - (I), unstable. Transmission channel - Level II spiritual transmission channel, Level II material transmission channel. Note: It can be used for transmission of mental bodies and objects below level III. Coordinates - attached to the current main plane. Area - 81 square kilometers. Facilities - standard lawn, sky garden, mother's nest.

"Sky garden: a special facility with a plane, which plays a role in stabilizing the plane structure, and has been integrated with the original shape of the mother nest. Product 1: DX series first-order variant. Production: 3 pieces/day. Product 2: DX series second-order variant. Production 1/week. Product 3: Parasitic chrys. The output is 20 pieces/day.

"Note: The mother's nest produces variants that require additional standard energy and can be replaced by energy-rich flesh and blood. Current working status: stop.

The first-order variant, the simulated three-dimensional graphics look very much like a humanoid creature with slender limbs, about * feet high, and at first glance it is more agile. Liu Yi even felt that the previous system's description of it as comparable to that of Spartan warriors was simply unarmed. Although it is difficult for these monsters to take up arms, it does not mean that additional equipment cannot be built. Of course, even if reasonable armor equipment is built for it, the first-order variant does not mean that it has the first-order combat power immediately.

According to the system notes, second-order variants have the equivalent of first-order strength!

The second-order variant, in Liu Yi's view, is simply a replica of Chen Zhen's peeling.

More than ten feet tall, ordinary people's arms as thick as their waist, buckets and thighs, full of violence, ferociousness and destruction!

These monster tendons are arranged in a spiral way, and the bones are particularly thick and hard. No wonder they are born with super long power.

The agility is not inferior to the first-order variant, and its strength is more than six times that, which has reached the level of physical repair and standard first-order combat power in the foundation period!

Even Liu Yi secretly conjud that if he could put heavy plate armor on these monsters, I'm afraid that he could shake the tanks mechanically in the previous life, and even ordinary knights of the Tang Dynasty could be overturned!

The first-order variant of pseudo-order combat power, and the second-order variant of standard first-order combat power. Judging from the plot data from zero, these variants seem to be called "hunters" and have enough images with their ferocious wolf-like nature.

Regarding the description of strength, after the first cycle, the energy is temporarily gone, and the division method given by the system is more specific and rigorous.

For example, the strength level was originally defined according to the current main plane tradition. In many cases, it is difficult to compare with the heterogeneous plane and can only be speculated.

Nowadays, even the personal attribute panel is displayed in a standard order.

Standard level, system notes, universal.

corresponds to the main plane three-class, second-class, first-class, super first-class, top, internal, external and true five realms. The system directly gives the standard strength judgment of the first to fifth levels.

As for the higher, he knows that the system is still summarized in numbers, ending in the tenth order. It is not clear what to call it on the surface.

It seems that no matter in which plane, the tenth order is a bottleneck and limit. Even on the ordinary low plane, such as the Spartan plot world he has experienced, there is no such limit at all. If a series of gods can have a seventh level, it is time to laugh.

Mass production of order I and pseudo-I, this is the purpose of the zero-sum system.

Energy is quite precious to anyone, even Liu Yi, who knows little about it.

But the flesh and blood that can replace energy is actually cheap.

After Liu Yi asked about the system, there was a lot of chill in his heart.

For example, the system proposes that if the mother's nest can be fed with the body of a fourth-order master, there is no need to worry about energy shortage in a short time.

Fourth-order master, Liu Yi first thought of Lian Wei, who was close at hand.

People-eating - he is disgusted, but he can't resist.

This man is a veritable chivalrous man, happy and enmity.

Unfortunately, Liu Yi did not have the opportunity to raise his glass and drink with him.

Well, don't let him contribute to his career!

With such malicious thoughts, the deliberate viciousness has reduced the disgust in the bottom of my heart.

In a personal half-dimensional plane, even if it is not a spiritual body, you can borrow space rules at will, especially after becoming familiar with these conveniences.

In a flash of thought, he has gone to the floating island, where there are some larger cocoon embryo sacs, which should be a test body that has not yet broken the shell.

Since the system can produce many experimental bodies at one time, the so-called output is mostly the most economical and reasonable way for energy supply. If you don't care about consumption, it is feasible to pull out a large army in a short time.


Thinking of going to 60% or 70% of the temporary reserve energy, Liu Yi began to hesitate and didn't know whether he should go to the dangerous reincarnation battlefield adventure again!

The plane is only one night, and no matter how crazy the body is, it is impossible to break through from the second level to the third level. After a walk in the reincarnation battlefield, not only does the system have extra energy, but it has created such a big change. Even he himself got the third-order, and even enough to compete with the fourth-order spare body.

Step on the soft leather mat, if you don't look closely at the texture, it looks like the best carpet.

Liu Yi walked to the spare body in the center. The body was obviously taller, ten feet tall. Sitting on the top of his head, it was level with Liu Yi's shoulders. It was simply an ancient fierce beast in human skin.

The power level stays at the third level - bone refining! The actual combat power, due to the complete change of the internal structure of the body, the short-term outbreak will not be inferior to the weak super first-class master like Lian. If you fall into a trap and set a trap of **, even ordinary super first-class masters will suffer a big loss!

DX-1118, compared with the comprehensively strengthened T and G viruses, is first of all lame in terms of mental strength.

Even the DX virus is more like a basic template, and the gain amplitude after strengthening is far less than that of the G virus. Not to the G virus can adjust its own evolution. As long as you are lucky enough, it will naturally be accompanied by several evolutionary forms!

DX virus must add additional slots. If you want to achieve the strength of the protagonist of the plot, I don't know how much luck it will take and how many points it will consume.

In any case, on the basis of broad prospects, people infected with DX virus have no weaknesses at all. The head and heart are not fatal. In particular, Liu Yi's soul condensation practice, with the help of the system, can completely counterbalance the will of the virus, rather than being counter-controlled by the virus simulated personality!

As it devours more strong people, other mutants, or consumes integral optimization genes at the master, in the end, it can even be comparable to immortal gods and demons. Unless someone can directly erase the origin of his soul or annihilate the last cell of the body. When using this body, he was naturally invincible.

These wonderful prospects coiled around the spare shell, and the catheters that deliver nutrients** made Liu Yi see the possibility in advance.

He can feel that the mother nest under the control of the system is trying to improve the body, and also read the original liquid data of the virus to optimize the product.

At this time, Zero looked at him worriedly. This guy didn't seem to be unaware of what he had done.

Liu Yi also ignored it and contacted the system directly to try to ask for the mother nest terminal control rights promised by the other party!

A unique soul fragment was stripped from the will of the mother's nest and attached to his soul origin. Soon, Liu Yi could vaguely feel the attachment of the mother's nest.

Theoretically, having a body is already the most perfect product of the mother's nest and the most outstanding child.

And now, I don't know what the system has done, which makes Liu Yi have the illusion that "the mother's nest is his child".

Even if it is a parent-child, there is no possibility of fighting back. What the system does is even better than this.

Liu Yi and his mother's nest have been linked spiritually. Once one party dies, the other party is bound to suffer considerable losses. Even if the mother's nest gives birth to self-awareness under the supervision of the system, it is impossible to get rid of the two shackles and fight back.

DX viruses are more "smart and cunning" than T and G viruses!

After confirming that the mother's nest would not continue to expand, Liu Yi put down his last worry.

This means that when the half-face is strengthened and expanded, the mother's nest will only occupy this area, and the rest can still develop into a beautiful country as originally imagined!

As for the sky garden, the master has explained that the half-face sky garden naturally conforms to special rules and can extract empty energy, so it has the ability to cultivate all kinds of spiritual grass when the plane is weak.

Now the mother's nest is still young and has to live in the core, and the dove occupies the magpie's nest. If it is strong in the future, it will naturally vacave the treasure land for the host to control.

By the way, isn't there Liu Yi's body that is currently benefiting from the Sky Garden?

The 90% fit of the body, after merging the DX virus, even the hard upper limit has increased by several percentage points. This is something that even the system can't take away, unless it can simulate the same soul as Liu Yi!

After re-examined his kingdom, Liu Yi indifferently withdrew from the half-face.

But before that, he still opened half of his personal reserve energy to zero.

The system and the leader make a decision, and everything may not be as he wishes. However, he had to admit that in addition to his desire for energy, it was indeed more thoughtful than him in the long run.

These two existences even want him to become stronger quickly than himself.

And he can also fully trust them before there is no conflict between the fundamental interests of the two sides.

That kind of bad prediction, even if it does happen, will be a long time later.


Apart from the earth-shaking changes in the half-face, since Lianqi went to the county guard, the whole county town became active!

The man was still talking with his old friends in the study. A team of well-equipped soldiers were originally patrolling the street. At this time, they received carrier pigeons flying out of the governor's mansion, like controlled machines, encircling them towards the huge mansion in the city!

In the governor's mansion, outside the backyard room, on the garden path.

Just now, the housekeeper who took Lian Yu to the study whispered in the ear of the little guy who had led Liu Yi.

His look is indifferent and depressive, and he is not a loyal and upright housekeeper at all.

Even the previous submissive little boy has clear light in his eyes. Obviously, he is quite popular in martial arts, and at least he has built a foundation.

A successful little boy who has built a foundation?

Chang Pan's call came from the wing in the distance. The housekeeper waved his hand, and the servant responded and went.

I looked to the east indifferently and didn't know who arched his hand.

The long-brolled butler pulled out a picture scroll from his arms and unfolded it.

There are few ink marks on it, and a few simple curves outline a vivid teenager figure.

The teenager is tall and handsome. He stood confidently, grabbed the knife and pointed to the sky, and broke the paper proudly!

This teenager is actually seven or eight like Liu Yi!


"Ai, how long has it been since you came? I'm going to order my servants to set up a banquet, and I'm sure to have a good drink with you today."

The bright study, with ink treasures hanging around, are all famous.

Behind the square desk, a young bearded man played with medieval jade and stared at Lian Yu with an excited face.

Lian Yu sat in the guest seat, but sometimes stood up and walked, looking not calm.

"You guys know how to speak human words. However, today's banquet is not to greet me, but to celebrate my apprentice's entry!"

Ruling his hands, compared with the young man with a purple jade and amorous attitude, Lian Kui is really like an old farmer waiting for a bumper harvest. No matter how you dress or posture, none of them is comparable.

It's strange that the two are very close to each other.

"Hey, you, although you have withered, hundreds of millions of people can't find a person to inherit, and a lot of pressure is on you."

"To put it bluntly, but it is one of the 300 side doors that once disappeared. Not to mention that in this world, even if you were full of veins in those years, it was not as clean as the Taoist world, and what about compared with the Wuzong faction in the mortal world?

"Fortunately, you have found an apprentice this time, and you can rest. If not, you will have to suffer all your life, and you will be lonely and young!"

"In my opinion, if you don't practice your kung fu, the inheritance of the sect will be broken. Those who harm the country and the people are all bandits such as you.

The elegant young man said something out of tune. If this statement is heard by people from other sects, it will immediately end up drawing knives.

The master is like a father, and the clan is like a family. This man relies on a high official and a noble title and wants you to cover your own house. How can you bear it!

Lian Wei shook his head and smiled bitterly. It seemed that he had a lot to do with this person.

"Bak, you have become a senior official, and you still don't control it like this. Beware of misfortune coming out of your mouth."

"You are not a practitioner. How can you know about practice? The teacher's kindness is as heavy as Mount Tai, and the continuation of the teacher's vein is comparable to the inheritance of blood."

"If the sect is broken in my hands, what else can I mention to pass on the succession?"

Shake his head and agree with what the young people said.

"Don't say these dejected words. We have never quarreled about this matter in the past. You and I are like brothers, and my father is your father. This happy event should be celebrated. When my apprenticeship is successful, it will be easy and free to be a real man.

Lian Yu was annoyed and laughed again.

Listening to what he said, it seems that the clan is not simple. But since he is a member of the hermit sect, how can he have such exquisite internal strength?

The young man smelled this, but he was silent.

"Aqi, you're here. I'll definitely set this wine for you."

He said such a sentence that was completely nonsense to listen to Lian Wei. Xiangqing was famous in the world, and he was even more famous before his debut. How could he be a fool?

He sank down and listened carefully.

"You asked me before what has happened recently under the governance of the mountain world."

"Of course I know, and I won't reply to you. Now, I just want to ask you one thing--

"In your eyes, is it important to be a brother or an apprentice!"

The young man put away his frivolous attitude, straightened up and asked seriously.

Lian's eyes were sharp and rude, and he looked back coldly.

"My temper, you know."

"You and I are brothers, but if you want something, just take your life. Why don't you have it!"

"But if you want to touch my apprentice, break the inheritance of my sect and destroy my lifelong hope!"

"Don't blame Lian for turning against people!"