Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 58 Under My Door

Gu Lao, the innate strong man in the white-haired robe.

The man hesitated for a moment, thinking that the emperor did not explain how to deal with the other two. Under the burning eyes of the man around him, he had no choice but to arch his hand, which was the order.

Over the years, the emperor's bones have been not good, and his old posture has been exposed. There have been several undercurrents in the court. Even the imperial worshipers, except for a small number of insiders, are also pulling parties and factions.

The innate strong returns to the flow, the hundred veins are smooth and tenacious, and the internal strength is endless.

As soon as Fang took action, he saw the invincible power of the secular world.

Crossing a hundred feet, the sky is like a roc pressing down towards the mound. The old man looked up to the sky and slapped it, hoping to directly overturn the whole low hill!

Liu Yi hesitated a little and saw Lian Yi roaring up with his sword, and immediately pressed his difficult mind.

Since Changpan is not at all for the time being, he is also happy to watch.

He is very annoyed and has no respect for Lian Yu.

Liu Yi has always been like this. Love is love, and hate is hate.

That man is good to Changpan and bad to himself, but he can't be regarded as a good person because of Changpan!

Lian Kui is like a mountain between him and Changpan. If he wants to repair his childhood friendship, he must die!

He glanced at the young governor who was looking at him, spread out his hands and motioned casually.

At this time, it is really difficult to ride a tiger. In fact, if the other party really shoots ten thousand arrows, Chang Pan will definitely die, and he will not be able to fight for his old friend.

Maybe before going down the mountain, Changpan had a certain chance to make him so impulsive. Now, it is bound not.

He has too many things to do and too many things he hasn't done.

Behind him, he has already carried many things that are more important than Changpan, friendship and hatred.

such as system, such as zero, such as hope!

The roar of the sky resounded through the wilderness. Except for Changpan's three feet of land, the low hill was directly crushed into the ground by the violent bombardment of the two.

God knows what skill Lian Wei practiced. He usually looks gentle. Once he dies, he will be like two people before.

Chang Pan looked at the roaring sword light in the sky and burst into tears.

After 20 moves, the sword light disappeared, and Lian Wei's broken body fell to the ground.

With the super first-class cultivation, Shengsheng and innate masters have been shaken to this point. This person's inheritance is not a common rumor in the world.

A lonely pillar of earth more than ten feet high, Chang Pan hurriedly jumped down and knelt down next to Lian.

The man lying on the ground is full of bones, bleeding in his seven orifices, and looks dead.

Chang Pan leaned over and cried, vaguely remembering yesterday's teacher's smile, Chunchun taught him.

He praised him as a rare genius in a thousand years. He is simple, simple, wise and foolish. His nature is very in line with the purpose of this family, and he will definitely shine the fallen door.

At this time, there is only one body left, and there is no praise and smile.

Changpan howled, was picked up again, made acupuncture points, and fell into the dragon-patterned chariot like clouds and fog.

His face was full of tears, and he kept flowing down. Seeing the person who caught him, he stared coldly at the young man who gave orders, as if he wanted to choose someone to eat.

Gu Yun pushed him, and Chang Pan knelt down directly and stiffly in front of the young man.

The man didn't look at him, but stared at Liu Yi, and the poisonous fire spread.

"Little bastard, remember, I call Liu Feng, and the royal title is King of Hun Tian!"

"Dog bastard, although I can't move you now, I can't wait to see you peeled and boned by your father. However, I can kill the people around you one by one, just like what my father did to that bitch! No matter how much meritorious and how favory you are, once you annoy my royal family, the end will be extremely miserable!"

The young man scolded, kicked Chang Pan into the guardrail of the chariot, broke his forehead, and his face was covered with blood.

Liu Yi's face darkened, and his anger was faintly difficult.

"Hahahaha! Little bastard! Laugh, you are laughing! I'd like to see who can save you today! Son of a bitch, you keep laughing! I'd like to see who dares to save you today!"

Liu Feng stared at Liu Yi with an ugly face and laughed nervously.

His laughter stopped abruptly. Just as he made bold words, Liu Yi didn't know when there was an old Confucian student with a long white robe.

The old man held a chessboard in one hand, hung a chess basket on his waist, carried a folding square table, and the other hand carried a blood-filled Changpan.

The old man smiled and did not answer.

Liu Feng's twisted smile was frozen on his face, and his eyes were almost staring out. He was called Gu Yun's innate master, and he retreated repeatedly. He fell off a chariot several feet high like a drunken old man and lost his face!

The foreign beast pulling the cart was restless, Liu Feng's mouth twitched, and 100,000 troops were behind him. There was nothing to worry about!

"Old man! Who are you! Dare to take care of my own business! Could it be that you bullied me!"

Secular emperors will be deeply involved in cause and effect, and ordinary practitioners can't avoid it at all, so it is rare for high-level monks to assassinate mortal emperors.

The powerful worship in the imperial city is one thing, and the vague fear of cause and effect is another. There is always a reason for relative stability. These are no longer secrets. Liu Feng naturally knows, so he is not afraid of the trouble of the haunted old man.

In other words, the dynasty has not clashed with the monastic world for nearly a hundred years. Those people in the mountains and forests are like immortals in the eyes of ordinary people. Which of the nobles should really pay attention to it? They are only regarded as the first in the world.

The old man stroked his long beard, which seemed to be embarrassed, and there was quite a breeze.

"100,000 days of idle clouds and wild cranes, 300 years of red dust. Little doll, don't be too conceited and arrogant. You said that this world is the world of your Liu family, but you don't know that there is a sky outside. Today, I don't come here to make a grudge. I'm going to take these two children away. Do you have any opinion?

Opinions? Of course, there are opinions!

Liu Feng looked around and saw that there was no one available. With the intention, ten thousand arrows are fired, and I'm afraid of hurting the master. Although the emperor has a golden mouth, it is a matter of life or death. But if you really want to take the death back, it should have belonged to him, but I'm afraid it will be thinner. Zong Xuanzhen's cronies told him that if he could catch it, he would live.

He is not responsible for this matter, and others are responsible for it. Liu Feng is just used to competing for success and favor. At the right time, he was a guest at the uncle's house of the Yanzhou nationality. It happened that he would not give up the great achievements that he could get to the old man who was about to enter the earth, even though his uncle was good to him.

Flying Eagle returned to the court to beg for orders and immediately issued a military order. Liu Feng, a young man, doesn't know how to write the word failure at all!

Hate gritted his teeth, and Liu Feng stamped his feet angrily. With a bang, the four wheels of the steel armored chariot fell directly into the ground, and the monster pulling the car was frightened and began to run around. As a result, he knelt to the ground, and the chariot was motionless, as if it weighed 100,000 pounds.

The momentum overflowed, and Liu Feng, who was originally extraordinary, was more heroic. This man has no brain, and his martial arts are really strong. Insufficient, he is already comparable to the innate marrow washing master, and is actually one of the most outstanding geniuses in the whole royal family.

"Old man! Don't force me!"

He pulled out his sword and pointed straight to Cheng Yaojin halfway.

Gu Yun, who fell off the chariot, has regained control of his body and jumped back to his original place with a blush.

Seeing this, he immediately exclaimed and tried to press the angry master, which annoyed the master in front of him.

This man can control him in an instant. He has long been extraordinary and can't afford to provoke him at all.

Liu Feng was angry and couldn't hear the advice. He slapped Gu Yun, who made him lose face, and flew out. Poor innate master, I didn't expect the master to be so vicious. The close internal cultivation was not comparable to physical cultivation, and he fainted in mid-air.

Liu Feng was not relieved. He sneered at the old man and secretly said that he was expected by his husband.

He only inserted the sword in front of him, pulled out the horn from his waist and blew it up!

The sound of the desolate horn spread far away, and the riders looked at each other. This is not a marching order!

With the sound, the old man with a smile suddenly cooled his face, and several breaths that he was afraid of rose in the far distance.

Especially one of them, clearly got rid of Fan and stood at the same height as him!

Three casting tricks, one mind!

After the first three of the four people, the sky flashed.

These people are like an intercepted movie clip. Each frame jumps once, which is a step forward.

It's just two or three breaths, and the four people have appeared a hundred feet away from Liu Yi, also ignoring thousands of troops.

Liu Feng on the chariot was overjoyed and arched his hand to the first person as a salute.

The court is not without monks. The monks are monks and monks are monks, which cannot be generalized.

Generally, Fangshi is a stranger, and the princes and nobles respectfully call him Mr. Usually, they can still meet and ask for opportunities.

The monks are among the offerings, but unlike the warriors who are resident in the palace, the dragon can't see the end.

The man with a long white face was not the housekeeper in the previous county guard's mansion.

When Junyan saw Liu Feng beside him, he immediately lost his color.

The man did not look at the old master, and his facial features suddenly squirmed and changed his face.

It turns out that he is no longer the old housekeeper and the royal spy himself, and I don't know when he was transferred.

Liu Feng stared and was overjoyed. It turned out that he recognized this person and was lucky to see him when he was a child.

This man is called Qu Yifeng, and his Taoist name is Yi Fengzi. He is a famous monk. More than a hundred years ago, he was encircled by the previous emperor and became a name in the imperial court.

Although there are many masters and hermits in the world, the extraordinary and refined are limited after all.

The Guigumen are famous for their erugru, and the old man just looked at the appearance of the people and immediately recognized them.

"Yi Fengzi! It's you! Are you going to be the enemy of my Ghost Valley?"

waved his hand and patted Chang Pan's control of acupuncture point, and the little fat man immediately ran to Lian Wei's body in the distance, and the old man ignored it.

He protected Liu Yi behind him and looked at Qu Yifeng coldly, which was quite serious.

"Yi Fengzi, this doll was asked by my brother. Some people in the court want to play tricks to deceive the heavens and the earth. I'm not a saint, and I don't care about it. I have my own way to clean up in the future. If you want to hit the doll with a trick, the old man will not allow it.

Although they are at a disadvantage, the old man has not given up.

Qu Yifeng reacted unexpectedly and immediately started to rob people as Liu Feng expected.

He smiled bitterly, motioned the four disciples behind him to retreat, and then looked at Liu Yi.

"Baby, I'm here for the court to take you. Let me ask you, would you like to join me from Penglai!"

Penglai in the East Sea?!

Unlike Liu Feng, who was at a loss, the old man playing chess was stunned.

"Nonsense! Qu Yifeng didn't get the scattered cultivation of Jiuqu Zhenchuan. How did he have anything to do with Xuanyuanzong? Bullshit! Nonsense!"

He jumped his feet and scolded, and Liu Yi watched it interestingly.

This change was unexpected. He relied on him. After all, he was calm, but there was no violent emotional fluctuation. He just found it was fun.

If all this is the proper arrangement of heaven, the trajectory of fate. Then he believes that the heavenly system must not be in this trajectory.

With such a vague understanding, he seemed to grasp something, something about the plot, about himself, and about reincarnation.

However, he hasn't gained anything yet. The old chess player hugged him and flew up to the sky.

"Qi Yifeng, I don't listen to you. Whether you represent Xuanyuanzong or the court of the Tang Dynasty, it has nothing to do with my Ghost Valley. I won't make noise with you today. If you want someone, just go to my ghost valley in the future!"


The thunderous roar fell from the sky, and the old man exclaimed and was smashed by a cloud.

Only a few men and women stood on the cloud, and the ancestors seemed to read more poems and books than the old Confucian students.

It's just a man and a woman behind him, all with green shirts and skirts, and they are free.

"Yi Daozi, have you forgotten the lesson of the upheaval in Ghost Valley 1,500 years ago? The spiritual things in the world, the virtuous live there, and the disciples I like in Dongting Wonderland can't tolerate outsiders to touch their fingers!"

The momentum of the first was overwhelming. Although his cultivation was not necessarily higher than that of the two people present, this man actually led the seven extraordinary masters of the whole sect and overwhelmed the audience.

To say that Dongting Wonderland is barely a big faction in the Taoist world, not to mention comparable to Xuanyuanzong, it is much worse than the ghost valley that has suffered many disasters.

Among other things, only the remnants of the Ghost Valley took action and immediately swept the whole door of the cave.

Yi Daozi landed with Liu Yi and stared at the Dongting Gate with an unswerving face.

Before he could speak, there was another burst of laughter in the sky.

"Hahahaha! Dongting Wonderland? Ghost Valley? Interesting! Interesting!"

"Brother Yi Fengzi, since you came to our door ten years ago, I haven't told you that you have been traveling in the world for ten years. It's really aggrieved. Brother, thank you again."

"Tingtang! Yidao! Could it be that you really want to rob people with my Xuanyuanzong!"

A stronger momentum came from the distance, and the light of the scorching sun was covered.

Liu Yi's eyes lit up, and he found that he had suddenly become a popular snack for everyone. He couldn't help thinking and began to call zero.

Outsiders are not as idle as him, not to mention the dumbfounded thousands of troops and horses, Liu Feng, known as the king of Huntian. Even the proud master of Dongting couldn't help pulling down his face after hearing such an arrogant declaration!

"Ji Mo..."

Liu Yi vaguely heard the bitter muttering of the old man around him, and Zero finally had a response in his mind.

"Zero? Help me see which one is stronger.

He can understand it. Unless he hides in the half plane immediately, he will inevitably be robbed today. Listening to the previous dialogue, it is not necessarily all bad things. Obviously, there are opportunities.

Even if you are a teacher, of course you have to find a powerful teacher.

This plot looks old-fashioned in Liu Yi's eyes. It happened to himself and has the previous experience of reincarnation of the world. His vision is detached, but it feels strange.

Zero took advantage of his horizon for a moment and immediately exclaimed.

"I'm going to die! You bastard, idiot. I just got into trouble with the evil star a few days ago. How can I be directly surrounded today!"

"Level 6, Level 6, Level 6, Level 5, Level 7..."

The weakest seventh level is still the seventh level, almost sweeping the sixth level on the spot.

But this is the weakest word, after all, it is tempting, there is a constant quarrel in the sky, and there is little silence on the ground.

Liu Yizheng whispered to Zero.

It seems that the guide has been really busy recently and has no intention of paying attention to what happened around him. At this time, he quickly browsed the system records to figure out the beginning and end.

"Good thing!"

Zero said so.

"Ask these people what they are willing to offer. If there are divine items, you can do it."

Isn't it? What is this called?

Liu Yi complained.

Yi Dao, who happened to have nothing to do at the right time, began to talk with Liu Yi. Seeing that his side was weak, he tried to take the human path.

"Doll, you can also see that those so-called tall people, one by one, are the same as the ruffians in the market, where are the materials of monies."

I don't care whether Liu Yi can understand or not, Yi Dao just slanders.

"Little doll, listen clearly, I am really an old friend of your previous life. Poor you were at least a hero in those years. Unfortunately, you were smashed by the demon head of the Dongting Demon Sect, and was killed by the curse of the Xuanyuan Demon Sect. You entered reincarnation and lost your heart. In this life, I will lead you back to the mountain gate. After a while, you just need to..."

Liu Yi was stunned to listen to Lao Er blowing his beard and staring at the editor. Although he was young, he was not brain-damaged.

Before he answered, two groups of people and horses in the sky shouted and almost started fighting, and a smile suddenly came from behind Liu Yi.

"Cluck, it's so funny! These people always say that the divine sect is a demon and does not practice the realm. Now that something happens, you don't have to talk with your fists, and there is no way to be full of virtue.

The girl's crisp voice sounded behind her, and Liu Yi's hair stood upright. She never thought that anyone could invade so close that she would not be found by him.

You should know that he is open to the spiritual field, and even seniors like Yidao can't approach him silently.

The old man Yidao, who had racked his brains and choreographed himself, was also stunned to look at the girl.

"What's the panic?"

Zero sounded and calmed down.

"This girl is not a rejuvenated evil strong man, but with a spiritual treasure that hides her breath. With me, as long as you don't meet a strong man above the ninth level, you can always save your life outside the reincarnation battlefield.

Zero is also a high divine life, once extraordinary and unsanctified existence, with weak strength and a strong vision.

At this time, Liu Yi calmed down, looked carefully, and pressed the shock.

She is a particularly cute girl, about * years old, with a fat face, like a baby, and white porcelain jade.

The other is a tall young man with a handsome face and soft eyes.

Both of them are carrying long swords and soap robes, with a refreshing temperament.

"Sister, you don't know. The so-called practice is generally just an attempt to escape. This is selfishness. If even the fundamental purpose is selfish, how can it be called morality?"

There is nothing wrong with the young man's words, but they scolded all the monks.

Liu Yi couldn't help frowning and sarcastically.

"Morality? What is morality?

"The way of the world as virtue? Or take the way of saints as virtue? If you always take limited as the way, what you get is virtue. How high is that? The word transcending originally refers to transcending the world and taking off the saint. There are many extraordinary people in the world who can remove the shackles of the Holy Way, which is the right result. Since the transformation is different at different levels, and the front and back are different, how can it be self-interested?

"The purpose is not important to the result, because the purpose is only an idea, and the result really happens."

"And privately with the public, it is relative. They are all some kind of boundaries defined by people and consciousness. The big circle is trapped in the middle circle, the middle circle is small circle, the big circle is the public, the middle circle is the public, and the small circle is also the public?

After saying this, even Liu Yi himself was stunned and thought about it carefully.

The second half refutes the wide range of privateness with the public limit, but it is not surprising to argue.

is about the understanding of detachment, which is obviously beyond the level he should have at the moment.

In his mind, Liu Yi was really enlightened by the praise and comforting jokes.

Two people on the other side are looking at each other.

With a big palm, you will smile if you get something. Xiao's face was blank, and his eyes were full of worship.

Only Yi Dao, who was ignored, stared at the teenager, with a stunned face, as if he were looking at some monster.

A sullen thunder different from a quarrel suddenly sounded in the sky, and the clouds became thicker.

"Huh? Wulanzong is also here?"

The gentle young man looked deeply at Liu Yi and said so.