Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 63 Afraid of You

The wind blew, and the frost white needles rolled up, as fast as a light arrow. With a "bo", it was nailed three inches in front of him, which was difficult to get close to!

Liu Yi stood at the mouth of the cave and looked at the chaotic storm outside the cave.

From the sky, only a flat wall can be seen. The raised gravel is covered with icicles, and many of them are broken by the wind and flattened the edges and corners.

On the straight mountain wall, there are sporadic caves, most of which are empty, only a few places are lit by fire.

One of them, a teenager stood at the entrance of the cave and looked blankly.

The teenager turned back into the cave. He had never seen him, separated by a hundred feet. In another cave, a young man in blue stretched out, and then jumped his feet and scolded.

It is impossible for the sound to be banned from the ice cave, just like the cold wind outside, it is natural!

The cold cave is as its name. The wind roars outside the cave, and the day and night in the cave is like winter.

The only plant that can survive in the wind layer is a dwarf pine, covered with white needles and leaves, layer by layer, wrapping the root branches, close to the ground, and even many pine needles nailed into stone cracks and tents.

This is the only scenery that people in the cave can't enjoy.

They can only face the blue ice stone ground, the blue ice stone walls, and the blue ice jade bed!

This is simply a cage used to torture people. There is only strong frost left in heaven and earth, and ordinary skills cannot be practiced at all.

And the recipient has to protect his body day and night, otherwise he will freeze to death in an instant.

Although this bed and the ground are not cold, even the slightest drops of water in the air are frozen and no longer foggy.

After all, Liu Yi did not come to be punished. Although this place is used to punish students who made mistakes, it is not that people who do not practice the skills of ice attributes are required to live here.

He did not know the ice attribute skills, and the flawless escort did not teach him, but he left a lot of elixir before leaving, saying that it was arranged by Queyue.

Big psychic pills, small psychic pills, ground rhinoceros elixir, Pigu elixir.

All kinds of elixirs need to be exchanged with points in the system. At this time, garbage is piled up into a hill.

Liu Yi is not unable to roll up smuggled money and hide in a warm place to enjoy.

But he always felt that there were two eyes staring at him, thinking that these ice caves were secretly monitored.

Liu Yi did not know the good intentions of Que Yue, but he was not annoyed by the environment at this time.

Eat when it's time to eat, sleep when it's time to sleep, practice without embellishment, and there is relaxation.

Under abundant conditions, in just three months, the second layer of Leijue has reached its peak!

He rarely sighed on this day, but he had no follow-up skills and didn't know how to continue.

He believes that behind that invisible eye, a woman must also be one of the watchers.

He looked a little helpless and showed it to her.

She said something to him, as if she wanted to rely on him to do something and find someone.

Then, she must not like to see him who tortures him and is decadent.

It's a very simple logic. If you dare to figure out people who are far stronger than you equally, you don't have to say it lightly.

Daily inquiry is zero, daily response is received, and the half plane develops as usual.

Liu Yi had nothing to do. Fortunately, he slept with his head covered, which was not pretending.

After three months of tension, it seems to be elastic, and every day's "rest" is secretly practicing desperately. He must show the speed of practice in line with the "overture" under that eye.

Fortunately, the progress is still satisfactory to him, and the "casual practice" attitude can also hide from most people.

These days, I occasionally think of Changpan, and occasionally think of the past.

Spiritual fatigue can't be recovered with psychic pills.

He knows that he is already extraordinary compared with mortals. At a young age, good cultivation is enough to make many practitioners ashamed.

The spiritual power is far beyond the realm, and sometimes it is released in the field of scanning. The perfect control of mental power has never been hidden from others. This ability is not a secret for real practitioners.

In fact, these are just necessary means to increase "chips", including limited leakage storage space!

What is he? He is a star in the eyes of outsiders! The origin of almost talk must have a performance of almost talk!

If possible, he would like to let Zero directly control his body and open those guys' eyes. What is a god?

Of course, it is to abandon the emotional zero, which is more in line with the standard of "Star King".

Unfortunately, after hearing this proposal, Zero directly mocked it back.

"Sick people will waste their soul power for something superficial."


Liu Yi thought so and gradually sank into hibernation.


The huge crystal screen is about ten feet long and wide. In front of the screen is a pine bamboo bench covered with bright and soft fur cushions.

In front of the bench, there are coffee tables, which are orderly.

There is a stack of fairy fruits on the coffee table, all of which are green and mouth-watering.

This is a space completely immersed in the dark, which is said to be space, just because the soft white light of the screen can't shine at the end of darkness.

It can be faintly distinguished that in this place like a small hall, the four walls are endless, and there is no dome above it.

I don't know if this place really belongs to a mysterious independent space, or if the secret room space is too large and wide to see the boundary.

A secret room with a radius of more than ten miles? Let's talk about it honestly.

On the bench in front of the screen, there is a person lying horizontally in the center of the first row, which is exquisite and dare not be seen. It is the moon.

After separating several rows, five middle-aged people were sitting upright, all of whom were embroidered with cloud patterns.

They stared carefully at the picture on the screen, and then stared at them as if they were analyzing something.

The picture is divided into three pieces, about two-thirds of which monitor Liu Yi's every move, and occasionally close-up zooms. The subtle changes in the expression on his face and even the pores are clearly visible.

The other third is divided in half, among which is a blue-robed prince, who is leisurely.

The subordinate is Changpan, who came with Liu Yi, and practiced with his head covered.

These two people are not as well treated as Liu Yi, and only occasionally the elders glance at them.

"Three months, what do you think?"

The beautiful voice of Queyue came from the front. At this time, she was dressed in purple gorgeous clothes, elegant and amazing, but there was no bloody chill.

Few people know that the Queyue behind people is not as crazy as in front of people.

Wise, calm, graceful, and strategic.

If you can see such a month, there are less than ten people in the whole Shenzong. At least eight of these ten people dare not face her directly, including five contemporary elders present.

Four direct descendants and one outer door!

Queyue's words are like a holy edict in the ears of these people.

The four direct elders stopped talking and finally looked at the youngest one.

The man is not very handsome, his facial features are soft, but his eyes are full of perseverance and sharp.

This person seems to be the same kind of person as the most outstanding flawless of the three generations of disciples, but unfortunately, the flawless person is as perfect as his name. And this person is not like his name, which often makes people feel soft and can be bullied.


"The teacher asked, if it is about this son's talent, the disciple can only say that he can give it at most."

The top talent is good even among the direct disciples, but unfortunately for the most outstanding ones, it is really nothing!

Rotten wood, down, down, middle, up, up, up, vulgar, earth-moving, earth-shaking, divine punishment.

The ancestors of Shenzong have divided the talents of practitioners in the world into ten levels.

For example, 30,000 years ago, the entry condition for disciples of Shenzong was superior qualifications.

And now, the disciples of the outer door get started, and the next product is immediately.

Regardless of qualifications, Taoism can be achieved. It is about the kind of talents who are deeply blessed and unique.

In fact, in the Taoist world, there has long been a set of recognized standards for selecting disciples.

The luck thing is the heaviest and elusive for Xiuzhen.

The monks don't talk about the roots and bones. The judgment of this talent depends more on the mental understanding.

Of course, the top grade and above must be excellent in all aspects.

The qualification of divine punishment has not been recorded in ancient times.

The Shenzong has a history and the most outstanding suzerain, who now suppresses the ancestral hall, is nothing but a shocking asset.

The reason why Queyue is rampant is that it is moved by its qualifications, and it has been a number of people since ancient times!

Look at Lin Qi, or the person who answered, the bloody king, are all top-quality.

This qualification is actually enough to be proud, but if people know that the elegant and flawless qualification is vulgar.

The two former second-generation chiefs who once died under Lynch's palm are equally vulgar.

This top product is really nothing compared with the rare origin of ancient times!

The bloody Zhenjun thought about it, shook his head, and said again:

"Even if it has been passed down in ancient times, Xingjun only relies on his blessings to become a path, and his qualifications cannot be counted. But no one has really seen Xingjun, and the teacher won't believe that Xuanming can protect life and death. So the disciple secretly thought that the real star king's qualifications were at least vulgar--

"And in March, this son has been more deceitful, obviously practicing harshly, but pretending to be scattered. This kind of heart is not like a big-hearted person!"

"To sum up..."

The blood did not go on, but the resolute eyes revealed a lot of firmness. This humanitarian name is cool and indecisive, so outsiders always feel that they are fierce and inside, which is really a paper tiger.

Only those who really know him well can understand how to hide a patient heart this man under his indecisive appearance.

He never makes a decision easily. Once he is frankly convinced, he must be convinced!

It's like he dared to pick Mingzong alone in those years, but now he is willing to speak frankly and say that this son is hypocritical.

Que Yue listened and did not answer, but was silent.

Although bloodshot is the only outer disciple she contains, and her mental talent is good, but this time, it really touched her reverse scale.

She had long concluded that Liu Yi must be a little involved with "he". Even if it was not Xingjun, it was by no means useless.

As soon as such a Fang came into the world, it attracted the fall of Xuanyuanzong to a great power, and only to see if the teenager with a little opportunity would be a mortal?

Que Yue vaguely knew what this disciple was thinking. It was because she knew that she was even more unhappy, so she was silent.

I felt the anger of Que Yue, so I didn't dare to say anything more. This anger was only felt in Queyue after he broke into the Mingzong, beheaded its three true realms, and changed his name.

He dares to be crazy about it, and he dares to bear the burden of it, but he dares not face her anger.

Not afraid, but unwilling.


At this time, another direct elder clearly thought about Que Yue and couldn't help interrupting.

"What the bloody Taoist brother said was fair, but he finally ignored this extraordinary place."

"Second-order cultivation can condense the spiritual field that ordinary people do not have. If you go further, I'm afraid it won't be directly into the soul. Such qualifications..."

"What's more, in the previous hall, we clearly did not notice the spatial fluctuations, and the knife did not recognize the Lord, and where did it come from?"

"Even if this son makes Xingjun go down to the earth, after all, he is young and has no memory of his previous life. He has lost some Xingjun's demeanor. It's not surprising."

"I'm afraid that if I will be sent directly to the cold cave when I enter the sect, I'm afraid it's not as good as this child."

The elder smiled and had been paying attention to the mood swings of Queyue.

The girl in purple heard some disrespectful words, as if to say bluntly that her previous actions were inappropriate, but she was not angry but happy.

She has decided that the teenager is the key to seeing him again, and there is no room for his hope to be broken.

The boldest elder felt the joy of Que Yue and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The others were a little annoyed that they were robbed first.

It is said that Que Yue rarely disguises her emotions in front of her own people. In fact, she is so cultivated and talented. How can she disguise herself?

Just like bloody suspicion, the real superiors, if it is not for formal oppression and heavy burdens, there is no point in happiness and anger.

Joy is joy, and anger is anger. If you are angry, others will tremble and accommodate. If you are happy, you need others to share and pat the horse. This is the unrestrained superior, who suppresses everything with his strength and lives freely.

Changkongzi pondered for a moment, and finally stepped on his bloody face fiercely without regard to brotherhood.

"Most importantly, Xuanyuanzong can't be aimless, especially the fall of Taiyi Zhenren can't be faked. It is in full view of the public, and soon there will be the news of the birth of Xingjun!"

"Someone doubts, three people were caught. Isn't this the most talented teenager, is it the danny or the fat man who holds Hongchen and refuses to enter Xuanmen?

"Brother, the doubter, is nothing more than this son's heart. How can he expect it to be true? Let's look at his disguise in March. Today's long sigh, how can you know that he didn't do it for me to wait? If this teenager had known our behavior, would he have known that the vivid camouflage itself was not another deception?

This is a little mysterious. It is worthy of being a real master, and his thinking is faster than others.

Blood was supposed to be selfish, but at this time, there was nothing to say.

Que Yue said frankly that he was good.

makes it even more difficult for him to refute.

Another person said, "Have you ever found that this teenager is always stunned for a moment every day, like a divine wandering, or as if he is communicating with a certain existence--"

This man's observation is more subtle. At this time, he doesn't care about anything else. He just wants to depict the mysterious description of this teenager and win the joy of Que Yue.

Sure enough, he even began to think about what he said.

It's other very direct elders, full of admiration, but in fact, I don't know how to think about it.

If you are in a daze, you can also be called a divine tour and communicate with inexplicable existence. This person can really talk nonsense.

But this boy is also in a daze every day and doesn't know how to get tired.

Que Yue's slightly narrowed eyes suddenly shot out two fine light, and there was a trace of surprise on her face, which was immediately hidden.

The giant screen gradually faded, and a gust of fragrant wind stroked up, and the purple electricity had disappeared in this space.

"Hing Yunzi's words are very good, and Changkongzi's words are also good. You can hold my cloud card and go to the merit hall in exchange for merit.

The fluorescence did not dissipate, and then the two replied that their faces were full of joy, while the other two shook their heads regretfully, but their faces were full of blood and depressed.

Xing Yunzi patted him on the shoulder as a sign of comfort.

Merit is a task that must be completed by all second and third generations of disciples, except for contemporary leaders.

Although there is no limit for the first generation of elders, their merits are really precious.

Only by that time can the accumulated merits be independently exchanged for the magic elixir and the treasure hall. Even some disciples who have a good relationship with the elders would have paid several times the merit to enjoy this treatment in advance. The premise is that these disciples had enough merit points.

In fact, elders rarely take tasks, taking more time and less rewards. They have a rated merit reward every year, such as secular salary. For some partisan elders, the higher rewards are another part of the reward. For example, these people, such as those who are close to the leader, such as...


When Liu Yi woke up, the first thing he saw was sitting by the couch and staring at his girl in purple.

This girl often shows her sad and gorgeous side. At this time, she wears a purple robe, which is more graceful and delicate and lovely.

How dare Liu Yi dare not love this man? He was shocked and then called Zero, and then slowly got up.

Zero naturally has been protecting his origin. He is afraid that in the face of such a high-level person, an oversight will disappear, and then he will remind him again.

The guide's lazy answer made him hate it, but the teenager finally had to smile.

Que Yue stared at him with a smile. After waiting for the teenager to sit up, he moved his body closer, making Liu Yi difficult to move.

"Little guy, are you afraid of me?"

The slightly ambiguous posture is not ambiguous at all. In fact, Liu Yi can feel that there is a clear barrier between himself and her.

Obviously, this person is very clean and self-centered. If he really has some thoughts, the end will inevitably be miserable.

Liu Yi is not a obsessive saint, so he thought about it and said without hesitation, "I'm afraid!"

Que Yue giggled, and then straightened up and no longer embarrassed him.

"Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid that I am too old? Like an old witch?"

People who practice do not talk about years. In fact, in terms of physical function, the moon is definitely more perfect than a young girl in the world. Time did not seem to leave too many traces on her, adding a lot of charm.

The practitioners are not eternally young, just like those elders, who already look like middle-aged people.

This can only show that either Que Yue has taken the elixir against the sky, or her bloodline as a human is not pure, or she got it very early and broke into the real world without a weak crown.

No matter what, from her appearance, heart, and perhaps occasionally the word "demon", she can never be said to be old.

This is a seductive beauty.

Liu Yi judged that his eyes were pure and there was no ** at all.


In this way, he had not even paid special attention to the age, posture, or appearance of Queyue before.

He is not sexually indifferent. He really knows how to priorit and can restrain his desire.

Que Yue listened, didn't care, and restrained her smile.

"Then what are you afraid of?"

Exhale like an orchid, soft whisper.

Liu Yi got up, first straightened his robe, and then left the bed far away.

Que Yue directly occupied Nestle, which is not polite.

With the smiling expression of the girl in purple, Liu Yi said seriously.

"I'm afraid of you just because I don't understand you. The root cause is still because you are too strong. If you want to hurt me, I can't even escape for the time being.

Liu Yi said bluntly that the girl only listened to the first half of his sentence and lost her mind and did not listen to the truth at all.