Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 81 Dark World

"What's wrong?"

Mo Qian frowned and looked at the single-story stone house that the young man was staring at, and was dissatisfied.

The surrounding flowers seem to have a strange charm, attracting her to the past.

And the young man, like a madman, stared at nothing, and the bloody moon didn't know what to do.

" Let go of me!"

He shook his arm fiercely. If he hadn't known that he was in a weak position, signed a contract, and had some trust in him, he would have been angry.

The girl never noticed that her logic seemed to become pale.

Just like when people encounter any unreasonableness in their sleep, they will not think deeply, but will do it frankly.

Liu Yi lowered his head and looked at the girl with a twisted face. He didn't know whether she was resisting "instinct" or herself.

He casually took out a rune, but it was previously forced and "clear heart", and the palm of his hand was to pat the girl's forehead.

I saw the non-gold non-jade rune like a horn product, which decomposed with a crack and turned into a clear light into the brain of the large loli!

Liu Yi also took out another "breaker" charm, pasted it on his forehead, and scattered the spiritual power condensed in his eyes.

The consumption of the two most valuable runes finally calmed Mo Qian down. Liu Yi quietly raised his arm and wiped away the blood and tears under the corners of his eyes.

"See it clearly?"

He said in a cold voice, but he didn't have a problem with the girl. Such a situation, pointing straight to her heart, was really unexpected.

He is in a bad mood now, and of course he won't look good.

The girl looked at the huge castle, which should have been empty. At this moment, a window opened, but it seemed to show a cage, holding a fierce spirit!

The hanging ghost in a red lady's skirt, the water ghost with a swollen body and leeches crawling around, the black and dry burning ghost, the zombies wrapped in bandages, the resentment that gather from time to time, the nameless ghost with the buttocks and head upside down, human centipede, leg models, flower bud girls, ghouls...

But there are all the dead spirits that Moqian can imagine!

And when she looked around, it was an abandoned cemetery, and countless bones swayed in the wind, like weeds.

Covering his lips, he didn't know whether he was really shocked or pretentious.

Liu Yi no longer looked at the ancient castle, but stretched out his hand to tie a seal!

A green shadow suddenly appeared in the air, which gradually condensed. It was the "retiring" kimos!

Mo Qian's eyes almost stared out. The large evil spirit is too similar to the basic summoning creature of the warlock!

I saw the tall devil jumping to Liu Yi's side and chattering devilish words that she couldn't understand at all.

"Sure enough, it's just a bigger kid."

Don't slander.

Liu Yi shouted something in the same language, and the evil spirit immediately calmed down!

"Are you, a warlock?"

Mo Qian asked Liu Yi in constersance. Obviously, it was impossible to get an answer.

Liu Yi ignored her problem and shook her slightly dizzy head.

A simplest summoning, using magic-assisted gestures, still makes him tired.

The drawbacks of excessive mental exhaustion are beginning to appear.

"Is there any mana potion!"

Liu Yi asked back, and Mo Qian shook her head.

I don't know whether what the girl said is true or not, and Liu Yi glanced at her lightly.

Although no trace of mana was found in the backpack, otherwise it would have been forcibly requisitioned by him.

But it doesn't make sense for a mage not to exchange mana potions.

Although the recovery of the mana potion is mana, it actually has a considerable effect on stimulating mental recovery.

"If not, forget it, but if there is, you'd better take it out, otherwise we won't survive tonight."

Say that lightly, Liu Yi didn't care about Mo Qian's changing expression and went out of the cemetery.

Mo Qian gritted her teeth, chased after him, turned over and took out a gem.

"Take it!"

patted Liu Yi, and Mo Qian pouted and handed it to him dissatisfiedly.

Although I don't know how this man can cast spells earlier than her.

But she thought that what the other party said was reasonable, and she did establish a certain trust after saving her several times before.

However, I always feel uncomfortable being so vaguely threatened by this person and taking advantage of it again and again.

Liu Yi turned around and was not surprised. He took the bright blue gem and pinched it hard. The whole gem turned into a blue light belt and wrapped around his arm!

It's like a clear canal, watering the soul.

Liu Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, and then dim and calmed down.

The girl just wanted to take credit for it.

Twenty feet away, the door of the castle behind him suddenly opened, and a figure ran out.

"Jin Xuan! Brother Jin Xuan! Help!"

But Miss Ma's messy clothes don't know what she is avoiding. Sometimes she turns around in panic and staggers towards the two!

Liu Yi turned around and looked at the old love of the original owner of his body indifferently. There was no emotional fluctuation at all. He flicked with two fingers, and there was a black card between his fingers!

To death!




A black light flashed by, and the card was cut out and nailed straight to Ma Yuan's forehead, an inch deep.

The tragic cry sounded and finally turned into some terrible howling. Ma Yuan, who should have been directly killed by physical attack, was twisted, triggering the effect of magic cards!


A large black flame ignited, and the twisted Ma Yuan turned into a ferocious ghost face. The snake danced wildly, but unfortunately it could not extinguish the black flame at all.

Liu Yi was surprised that the effect of the magic card was surprisingly good. He thought that the dozen were just low-level goods with a set of 200 points. More than a dozen cards, the effect of a single card can be imagined, so it was not taken away at the beginning.

After that, although the girl was reluctant to share three of him, he still thought it was a low-level girl and didn't care. Only then did I know that I obviously misunderstood the value of this set of magic cards.

Before Liu Yi could ask, Mo Qian first looked at the young man in surprise and tried his best to grab her, but there was always a little difference, and the girl was not afraid. This is the demeanor of a loner.

"Do you know she is fake?"

Mo Qian asked this out of curiosity.

According to the principle, the effect of clear heart and broken charm should be similar, but the names are different. She has used them before.

Within six hours, she was immune to the primary and intermediate mind and hallucinogenic magic effects, but she did not find anything wrong with Ma Yuan.

Liu Yi was dumb and silent for a moment. He saw the whole grimace, together with several bony hands around him, turned into ashes.

"Do you think she might run out?"

Such a rhetorical question, Mo Qian suddenly said that any abnormality at this time is worth pondering.

Liu Yi was ashamed when he saw the girl's expression.

In fact, in addition to this reason, the bigger reason is that even if this is really Ma Yuan, it is also a burden in his eyes.

Is it a burden of accidental injury? This situation is never considered by Liu Yi.

He is more malicious to figure out that it is a matter of life and death. He is often more selfish than others think!

"Okay, let's go."

said indifferently. A small episode made Liu Yi realize that the resentment was stronger, and he seemed to have mastered some kind of split skills and learned to use tricks.

The two stepped out of the cemetery and walked to the wilderness.

Anyone's behavior in such a scene is a normal choice, who is willing to take it in such a ghost place.

But I saw a huge ancient castle, like a big mouth and an open door, and a figure staggered out.

It was a white female figure with long hair covering most of her body, covering most of her body, and her hanging head and face could not be seen clearly.

The long dry hair, the withered figure, and the faintly hazy rune locks around are all impervious.

The wind gradually changed, from the initial whistling to some kind of whistling, and the moonlight blood was thicker, as if the moon was crying.

A swaying clump of bone hands, lying down weak or tremblingly.

An open window in the castle slowly closed.

The ghosts who were standing at the window turned around and walked in.

Ji Jie's laughter echoed in the four fields, like some kind of prohibition. As the two left the cemetery, they were broken!


Stepping out of the cemetery, Liu Yi suddenly felt loose. The seal that had imprisoned him and thought it would take at least a few hours to be untied was weakened again.

Moqian was overjoyed, and the magnificent elemental energy appeared out of thin air and rushed towards her thin body.

Liu Yi looked back and saw an abandoned cemetery, empty in the center, and there was no castle.

The rune that is immune to spiritual illusion magic eventually has a level limit, and it may not be able to break all karma.

He felt that he seemed to have done something he shouldn't have done, causing a distortion of the rules in advance!

Thinking of facing the world in the mirror and the real world before, he chose the ladder representing vitality without hesitation.

But at that time, he clearly had a certain impulse and just wanted to walk towards this mirror!

There is nothing to say about the choices he has made, and he does not regret it. Even if his life and death are reversed, he knows that the resentment force him to this world.

Liu Yi smiled, as if he was happy to restore some of Mo Qian's strength.

In fact, his eyes at this moment are extremely calm and cruel, and he treats others and himself!

Only by facing the greater the crisis can we truly torture the soul instead of blindly avoiding it. If you want to seek greater benefits, it won't work. Even if he did not dodge for ten days according to the plot, it was not his intention.

"How many levels?"

Liu Yi glanced at Mo Qian indifferently with a slight smile.

The girl no longer pretended to be cute and looked back coldly: "Second-order!"

First-order trainee, second-order primary, third-order intermediate, fourth-order advanced, fifth-order master.

The primary mage can cause damage, which is at least ten times stronger than the expected apprentice.

Liu Yi nodded and did not say anything.

"That's good."

With a snap of his fingers, the follower-like Chimos suddenly emitted a strong resentment, and even the air began to be restless.

The servant was ordered to emit a momentum equivalent to the second-order momentum, and the girl really restrained her cold attitude and became enthusiastic.

Liu Yi shrugged his shoulders and smiled, "It seems that it's time for you to protect me."

The girl looked at Chimos with his teeth and claws, and her envy flashed away.

"Of course, this is the contract we have agreed on for a long time."

Liu Yi smiled, nodded with satisfaction, and strode forward.

In his sea of knowledge, the magnificent spiritual power is turning into a wisp of blades, constantly impacting the weak seal.

Behind the seal, a strange-shaped knife trembled and groaned, ready to come out of the sheath!

"Second-order? What a disappointment."

Liu Yi was worried about his hanging right hand, and the light flowed between his five fingers, and even the air would be torn.

The spiritual energy condensed to the extreme does not show any trace of fluctuation at all.

Mo Qian on the other side meditated silently, enhancing her ability to control the elements, and never saw the thrilling scene that made her!

Spiritual power is omnipotent, but scanning, detection and casting spells are inseparable.

However, unless it is a spiritual body, spiritual power cannot completely replace mana.

Spiritual shock can form a lethal effect. If it is performed with the same amount of mana, it will cause much more damage.

For fourth-order senior mages, generally speaking, the total amount of mental power will not exceed 1,500 points, and the mana is calculated in at least 10,000 units.

is that even if Mo Qian, as a special senior mage, can directly attract elements and cast spells with spiritual power, he will still increase the magic energy of the body as much as possible in reincarnation.

The practitioners leave the body, unless they reach the eighth level, and it is impossible to fight only by spiritual power!

Even if you are a spiritual teacher, you can rely more on mental power rather than pure spiritual power.

In the eyes of the casters, the powers who only rely on spiritual power to fight are simply like the barbarians of the Stone Age in the eyes of modern special forces.

No one can defeat a mage or monk with the same spiritual scale with pure spiritual power.

Liu Yi walked, not like Mo Qian at all, trying to practice.

He is like a pure warrior, living on a pet recovered by chance, and does not make futile efforts...

Mo Qian's heart touched something, frowned and glanced at Liu Yi, and found that there was no trace of energy flow on the young man's body. He couldn't help laughing at the sense of danger.

She admitted that Liu Yi's spiritual strength, the previous fluctuations were incredibly condensed.

And as a pure warrior, this level of spiritual scale is unnecessary.

After seeing Chimos, she thought she had found a reason.

It really surprised her, but that's all.

When the girl turned around, Liu Yi curled her lips and looked up at the darker blood moon in the sky!


"If the world is divided into two sides, one is sunny and the other is dark. Do you think we are walking in a dark world?"

For two hours, in addition to the desolation, it was still desolate, and there was no grass.

Liu Yi couldn't help frowning and asking, Mo Qian paused and shook his head.

"Do you know that this plane is undergoing some kind of drastic change?"

The girl seemed to be a little surprised, as if it should be an extremely secret clue.

It has long been clearly stated by the system that Liu Yi suddenly felt that there was a deep estrangement between him and the girl, and the reserve information was not equal!

"Don't you know?"

Liu Yi looked at the girl like an idiot, and Mo Qian blushed and satirically:

"I saw you so poor that I thought you were a newcomer."

New lone walker? Is it a novice among the lone walkers, or is it a newcomer to become a lone walker directly?

The word

makes Liu Yi very interested and is ready to ask the system after returning.

Although he has only experienced one reincarnation, with the help of the system, his understanding of the reincarnation system is to some extent more thorough than that of seniors. Moreover, due to the specialness of the main material plane, he is much stronger than the general reincarnation at the level of ontological power. In other words, if he is really selected as a reincarnation, he must be a freak.

Many times, in the eyes of real seniors, Liu Yi may not be like a senior. The system warns that he often points directly to the essence, and the behavior pattern depends on himself to change.

In Liu Yi's eyes, those so-called real seniors are, to some extent, just ants that can be killed casually, weak and pitiful.

For example, having a space backpack in front of you seems to be very powerful, and also shows more and more recalcitent large Loli. Not to mention that she only recovers to the strength of the second level, even if she has the third and fourth levels, she will die with one knife!

The plane he is in is much stronger than the current contact with these reincarnations! Disciple of Shenzong, which direct descendant, is not a hundred battles!

"Maybe, I just haven't met the master yet."

Liu Yi thought about it and was too lazy to say anything. He was more concerned about the current situation.

This seems to have confirmed the fault of time and space, and this plot makes him at a loss.

The supernatural plot, doesn't it just need to avoid the pursuit of resentment on the material plane?

This world under the blood moon is not like the main material plane, at least it is not the original material plane! I'm afraid that many inherent common sense will fail.

Dominating tasks.

Escape, hold on or break the array. This order can be used to describe the difficulty of the task.

From the bus to the hospital to the mansion, whether he also followed the clues step by step, or was forced, or lured into the castle!

Light and darkness, in and out, if it is not an illusion, then he is approaching the source little by little.

He can be sure that this is no longer the plane in the original variation, but a world that has never been touched.

The change of the plane is imperceptible, and a flick of a finger will not make the whole world desolate!

Teng Jinxuan, who thought he was a cream boy, is actually a scientific freak and a twisted pervert of human nature.

What does the video "Ma Yang" gave him explain the reason for being haunted by ghosts?

The one who pestered him now and saw the resentment in the video, but it doesn't look like it at all!

Assuming that the original reasoning is correct, the distortion of the rules is due to the transformation of science fiction to magic.

Obviously, it is still a stable heterogeneous space and will not be attached to the original science fiction plane.


What the Teng couple concealed was whether Teng Jingxuan's experiment caused them to encounter supernatural events recently, or did the house itself have something unspeakable*.

Now that it is clear that the space node has been banned there, Liu Yi thinks about it and prefers the latter.

There is a mansion with * and an ancient castle that obviously has a story.

Hospitals can't all be supernatural places.

Teng Jingxuan's experiment may also deal with something!

The resentment of the pure technology plane will not be so powerful until the distorted rules are mastered.

If it is a point-to-point fit...

"The supernatural plane is actually the result of imperfect plane evolution."

"Why does a good and stable plane evolve? The imperfect evolution is due to the hasty and lack of preparation at the beginning of evolution, just like practitioners who are eager to break through the realm, which often end miserably!"

"Dominating the release task, the source of the change!"

"Is this really just a unilateral evolution?"

Liu Yi thought and suddenly found that he might rely too much on the assertion of the system.

Before entering the plot, the

system gives only a possible speculation, not absolute.

How vast the world of reincarnation is. Any attempt to figure it out is futile!

"No matter where the source is, don't look at the formation process of distorted rules."

"If this resentment is the last one created by Teng Jinxuan, but some changes have taken place in the process, which is regarded as a collateral of the distortion of the rules for the time being."

"The change of image may be regarded as integration, so think about it~"

"It's really the most unreasonable supernatural!"

Liu Yi kept telling Chimos that his inference was more appropriate than talking to himself, and it was not necessarily the devil who hoped to live for tens of thousands of years. Occasionally, he flashed and made some suggestions.

Unfortunately, the devil was drooling as he walked, and his eyes looked godless.

Liu Yi was not annoyed and smiled at Mo Qian and said, "Assuming that all this is not an illusion, then, is it feasible for me to name the dark side of the world?"

"Dark side?"

It's inexplicable.

"Whatever you want, don't disturb my practice."

Liu Yi spread out his hands and couldn't help it.

"I don't want to disturb you, but it seems that someone in front wants to disturb you!"

Under the scarlet moonlight, some scenes finally appeared in the wilderness, which were some huge stones that protruding.

On a recent rock, there is a humanoid creature looking far away.

In the outline of the moon, the two people held bows and arrows, pointing to the two from afar.

Mo Qian is creepy, and Liu Yi is relieved.