Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 99

The man in sunglasses is very dragging and seems to have eaten Liu Yi. He doesn't care about the hundred-year-old fierce ghosts in the eyes of these local monks.

He said this and didn't expect a response. As the second leader of the city's supernatural branch, he has eliminated too many evil spirits.

Evil spirits have no wisdom, which seems to have become a conclusion.

The supernatural security bureau is not recognized officially and on the surface.

That is to say, unlike the international police, they belong to underground parties wherever they go, will not be supported by government forces, and may even be mistaken for terrorists and cult backbones.

In a word, they are different from Taoist priests who collect money*. Unless there are evil spirits with extremely strong spiritual power, according to Liu Yi's standards, that is, fierce ghosts with more than 100 combat effectiveness, they will not intervene!

As for those big ghosts with a combat effectiveness of more than 100, on the tracker specially developed by the Paranormal Security Bureau, once they do evil and release resentment, they will be displayed, with an effective range of up to 100 miles, and they are not afraid of leaking fish at all.

And for some really horrible ancient existences, there are also clear regulations on the supernatural situation, which should not be provoked. It seems that there is an agreement bound above!

Anyway, the locator in Zhang Long's trouser pocket is beep at this moment.

And his target, Liu Yi, chased him for several hours and finally caught him. In his opinion, this is just a little trouble, not a threat!

Liu Yi winked at Zhang Long and smiled, "These choices are not fair, so I refuse!"

Zhang Long was stunned by his vivid expression and slightly teasing words.

In his mind, he suddenly felt a little cold in his spine.

I don't know when the female ghost in white, who had no sense of existence, had circled behind him according to Liu Yi's requirements!


Zhang Long wanted to say something, but he couldn't open his mouth.

He wanted to pull the trigger, but his fingers were as stiff as ice.

A pair of pale palms have circled from behind and stroked his face!

Liu Yi's image completely disappeared in his eyes. The next moment, his head was smashed by a brick falling from the sky, and then the sky turned around, and the condensed soul was directly pulled out of his body!

Because of the injection of special medicine, Zhang Long's soul is purer than the soul of the monk, and can temporarily retain a complete consciousness!

Liu Yi was not interested in listening to his noise. He directly transported it up and accelerated to swallow it, ignoring the man's resentful eyes!

65, 68, 72, 75, 78...

The soul of a mortal actually made his spiritual power soar from 65 to 90, which is much faster than practice!

And even if you are a Taoist priest, unless you reach more than the third level, the soul is condensed. Otherwise, the soul extracted after death will inevitably be accompanied by negative emotions and resentment at the time of death.

But this man, his soul, is pure and transparent. Just like the monk who condenses his soul, he is not evil!

But his spiritual power is too weak, too weak, only less than 30.

According to Liu Yi's estimation, the soul strength of an ordinary condensed monk is at least 1000.

Not to mention his own soul, if it comes perfectly, he can completely crush all evil spirits under ten thousand years with spiritual power! If the rules of this orientation can really accommodate that kind of power!

Fast devouring can not only improve the speed of devouring the soul, but also extract part of the memory. This is the effect of natural magic!

So far, Liu Yi has learned a total of 11 natural spells.

Flying, restraining, screaming, primary charm, rapid devouring, intermediate charm, reincarnation, primary fantasy, shaping, teleportation, deterrence.

Each has its own uniqueness!

Among them, flying, shaping and teleportation are bound to understand that each ghost's combat effectiveness exceeds 100.

The meaning of restraint is as its name. Scream is a small and medium-scale soul attack. Primary charm and intermediate charm belong to the charm system. Although it is powerful, it can only be understood layer by layer. Fast phagocy, on the one hand, increases the speed of soul devouring, and on the other hand, it can extract part of the soul memory. The primary fantasy world is a powerful super-large-range illusion effect. The fantasy world is a series of natural spells, and the final form is the real fantasy. Of course, that involves rules, and it is impossible to awaken by understanding alone. Deterrence is not a traditional way to release resentment and spiritual power to oppress spiritual bodies that are not as good as themselves, but a deterrent skill that must be described and can be regarded as a mage's interruption casting! As for reincarnament, the most strange thing, involving the transformation between life and death, belongs to the higher possession!

Generally, ghosts can possess mortals, but there are all kinds of restrictions and all kinds of disappointments. Reincarion is not the case. Before the other party's vitality is exhausted and your own spiritual power is exhausted, it will not reveal any flaws at all!

It must be noted that reincarnation is not a rebirth or reincarnation, but a natural spell. Since it is a spell, there is a possibility of destruction and failure to cast spells, that is to say, theoretically it can be recognized and dispersed, which is inevitable.

When Liu Yi understood these spells, he already knew how to use them. Some of them are very useful, while others are unsatisfactory.

For example, reincarnation, screaming and deterrence are basically not commonly used!

Although Scream is a range damage spell, it is difficult to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. It is simply an indiscriminate attack. Needless to say, reincar reincarncies must play a special role in specific scenes, specific conditions and specific links.

Not to mention deterrence, this is not playing games. It can calculate the time, look at the plug-ins, display casting rules, and let you interrupt casting spells.

In a real battle, this spell is difficult to use and has countless limitations.

For example, if you encounter a target with low spiritual power, you don't need deterrence at all, just go up and crush it to death.

When you meet a target with strong spiritual power, the other party does not cast a spell, and deterrence is useless. You can only wait to die. Even if the target is successfully cast, it will trigger a silent effect. Their spiritual power is stronger than yours. They can still kill you without magic.

So this typical spell in the magical world, put in the ghost world, is purely a trap!

After all, the magic of evil spirits is only incidental, and spiritual power is fundamental.

I don't know if there are 100 of 10,000 ghosts that can understand natural spells. I don't know if 10 of those 100 ghosts will cast natural spells in battle.

Moreover, some natural spells with curing effects, such as flying, cannot be broken!

So when he learned that he understood the deterrence, Liu Yi was depressed at that time, which was not as practical as ordinary attack spells such as spiritual impact.

The importance of spells is not how effective it can play in specific situations, but in practicality!

Special spells are only valid in special situations, and general spells can be used at any time.

Does a mage have more fireballs in his life, or does he interrupt others casting spells more often?

The data explains everything at a glance!

Zhang Long's soul has not been supported in Liu Yi's hands for too long. Less than ten breaths, the traces of this person's existence have disappeared.

90 units of spiritual power, coupled with 65 units of obsession power, Liu Yi's combat effectiveness has exceeded 155.

When he looked at the female ghost in white again--

Sure enough, I still feel a little better than him.

Liu Yi's eyes flashed and he was not discouraged.

He believes that when his total combat strength exceeds 200, he will definitely get a surprise, because that is the lowest standard for prediction!

Enter the magic level! At that time, it will be a demon, not just a wandering ghost, and finally the name will be correct!

He looked at Zhang Long's body greedily, and the corpse was not pulled out with his soul.

I don't know how many evil spirits this man has killed, and his body is full of evil spirit.

Liu Yi opened his mouth and took a breath, and his combat effectiveness soared until 180 square meters!

This kind of strength is incomparable to the power of his body. If you put it in this city, it is also the number one little devil.

Liu Yi waved his hand, and a gust of wind surged. All the valuable things on the man in black were thrown into the river not far away.

The pair of sunglasses is specially used to "open eyes" and change the horizon effect.

The handle*, the degree of threat to him, is equivalent to a low-level spiritual weapon.

There are also boxes similar to GPS locator, unknown **, gel-like soft rope, holy water, and crosses.

These must have special effects and are expensive.

Liu Yi is now a ghost. He can't use these, and there is no reason to leave them to the enemy.

The broken memory of the man in black made him a little scared.

In this world, there is indeed an exorcism organization!

Fortunately, the other party is not unscrupulous!

"The ancient existence..."

Liu Yi muttered, his thoughts passed the order, and the ghosts flew to the sky and went in the direction of the hospital.

This night, there were enough people to die in the city, one more, not much less.

But who would have thought that an unscrupulous new evil spirit would become a war*.

Liu Yi has no awareness of stirring sticks at this moment. He floats over the hospital and releases pressure, covering several miles!

The combat effectiveness is 180 points, which is exactly twice as high as the female ghost in red, which is equivalent to more than 200 years of Taoism!

The female ghost in white was left by his side, and the cannon fodder trio was sent to pull the strong man!

The hospital is indeed a place where evil spirits breed, especially this hospital. There should be a lot of dark scenes behind it. A rough sweep, there are more than 20 ghosts in it!

The population of the ghost world cannot be compared with the world. From Liu Yi's best efforts to attract these subordinates, we can see how rare the evil spirits stranded in the world are!

Especially now, the change of rules is still slow and far from starting to boil. There is no step in the real fantasy.

There are many ghosts in this hospital, and few are strong spiritual. Except for a faceless nurse, there is only one old three ghosts and this team of old friends who bother Liu Yi to take action!

In an hour, this evil hospital was swept away by Liu Yi.

31 fierce ghosts and 27 waste wood.

The strongest among them must be a faceless nurse with 90 combat effectiveness. If it hadn't been for Liu Yi's own hands, she would have refused to give in!

A young couple took the three ghosts of a little girl. Although their spiritual power is not weak, they are very knowledgeable.

What Liu Yi cares most about is the 60-power ghost Lori, which happens to be paired with Gui Zhengtai.

Of course, the 1:3 spiritual resentment ratio doomed her to be only a senior cannon fodder.

The ghost world does not look at the size of the head, but only the strength of the spiritual power. This sentence is fully reflected in this family.

The little girl has a whole 60 points of combat effectiveness, and his parents' combat effectiveness is only more than half of her!

Ghost father has 40 points of combat effectiveness, and ghost mother has only 30 points of combat effectiveness. If it hadn't been for the three of them, with the little girl as the core, they could condense resentment and make the three people's combat strength into one furnace, soaring to the level of 90, Liu Yi would have put ghost father and mother into the death squad.

And unlike wild ghosts, these ghosts are in the hospital and have never lacked resentment and evil spirit, and have basically reached the upper limit of their own strength.

Liu Yi has never been a good man and a believer. At this time, he saw a large group of ghosts shrinking, and nearly ten of his combat effectiveness could not even reach 10. The well-deserved cowardly ill ghosts suddenly became furious!

At this moment, the revenged schoolgirl ghost and the girl in red hanging ghost are flying from afar and have stood in front of these people for a moment.

Liu Yi is fine. He only releases his evil spirit when necessary. After all, he has learned the reason for the trouble from Zhang Long.

But the female ghost in red is mentally retarded, how to understand this,

In addition, the schoolgirl ghost with greatly increased strength can't stop the power for a while, and the momentum leaks out.

The schoolgirl ghost, the female ghost in red, and the faceless nurse, the three ghosts released their magnificent evil spirit, which only scared the guys to tremble.

Liu Yi was not happy to see the situation and passed on the method of collecting momentum to the schoolgirl ghost, which made her learn to keep a low profile.

The schoolgirl ghost lived up to expectations and finally hid the resentment of Liu Yi and the female ghost in white, making a fortune in a muffled voice.

As for the female ghost in red and the faceless nurse, Liu Yi is too lazy to take care of it at all. It is quite difficult to ask the brain-damaged not to do retarded things.

Fortunately, the two of them have not reached the lower limit of capturing the supernatural situation, and their combat effectiveness has not exceeded 100, saving a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Generally, fierce ghosts do evil, and resentment breeds. They only know how to vent, but how to hide. Of course, they are caught by the people of the Paranormal Security Bureau.

Liu Yi was not clear before, but now he knows it. Naturally, he will not be so stupid.

At this time, the fighting power of the schoolgirl has clearly exceeded 100, reaching 120!

Obviously, three evil deeds, each elimination of part of the obsession, will improve the spiritual power. After three times, the spiritual power, which was originally only 20 points, was increased to 40!

It can also be seen that Chang Yu's position and degree of obsession in the heart of the schoolgirl are far deeper than the other two. After all, when he died alone, he provided a full 10 units of spiritual power, half of which! Sure enough, resentment and obsession are very different.

This cruel girl's longing for love is actually far more than hatred.

These thoughts only flashed in Liu Yi's heart, and there was no trace. He has no interest in propositions such as human nature is good and human nature is evil.

What he cares about is that he can finally make sure that he and the ghost baby are really unusual!

The schoolgirl ghost, as the first ghost under his command to break through the upper limit of natural combat power, failed to keep the balance!

40 units of spiritual power, 80 units of resentment, spiritual ratio 1:2, it seems that this is a congenital limitation!

Then, he and the ghost baby must be the same! Especially the ghost baby with such a natural upper limit!

Release the evil spirit belonging to the super evil spirit, 180 units of evil spirits, that kind of aura, even the female ghost in red has to crawl and kneel down!

Female ghosts, ghosts, and schoolgirl ghosts in white have been regarded as special units and treated as special treatment by Liu Yi.

As for the others, they were all sent into cannon fodder and treated equally.

Not long ago, he just killed a guy known as the deputy captain of the division team of the Paranormal Security Bureau. He thought that no one would bother him in a short time until the other party confirmed Zhang Long's death and found out his details.

So he was not in a hurry to shift his position at this time, even if the schoolgirl ghost had already exposed the momentum of belonging to the big ghost, even if he was unscrupulous and exuded pressure at this moment!

This is rationality and confidence!

Without a Spartan declaration, ghosts can't learn to fight!

He only suppressed the momentum and fluttered. A large number of evil spirits fell to the ground like dumplings. His combat effectiveness was less than 30, and he could not even maintain his floating instinct!

There are too many subordinates, and it's not easy to take care of them, and Liu Yi doesn't bother to pay attention to them one by one!

He swept the few ghosts and pointed his hand to the hospital!

"Go! It's time for dinner!"

There is no need to make any plan at all. Under the leadership of the two female ghosts in red and faceless, the ghosts immediately brought up a burst of ghosts crying and howling towards the hospital department!

Liu Yi is too lazy to pay attention to how his subordinates act and do evil.

He only needs to stand in the highest place so that all ghosts can see and recognize him as the ghost king!

"If you live as a hero, you will also die as a ghost hero!"

Liu Yi looked at the large lights that suddenly lit up and quickly went out in the hospital with satisfaction. The screams spread far away, and even he could hear it suspended above 100 meters!

"Cry! Call it! Desperate! Then go to hell!"

Liu Yi wanted to roar like that, but his reason told him that he was an idiot, so he coughed and pressed that thought.

Half an hour later, the strength of the subordinates was slightly improved, and the average combat strength reached 20. Although it has not improved much due to the innate constraints of the sick ghosts, at least it is better than at the beginning.

Unexpectedly, many of those creatures who were tortured by diseases turned into ghosts after their tragic death!

As a result, his cannon fodder army has expanded to the level of 50 people, and currently has two commanders, dressed in red and faceless.

Most ghosts do not hold grudges, that is, they are ready to die. Even if he hold grudges, Liu Yi doesn't care. He doesn't want loyal subordinates, but a sufficient number of cannon fodder!

It is worth being subdued. He will use other means to improve the "loyalty" of the other party, such as ghosts and ghosts.

has greatly increased his strength, and he has not had the patience to slowly attract his subordinates and decided to make a big ticket!

So, according to the description of the red ghost, several haunted houses were scheduled to be postponed.

If you want to expand a large number of cannon fodder legions, it is not feasible to visit thatched huts!

Where is the most ghosts in a city?

School? Hospital?

No! Neither!

This night, sleepless people will see a wonderful scene before sunrise and in the middle of the night!

A blue cyclone like a meteor shower, across the sky, like a fairy falling from the sky!

Under the beautiful supernatural phenomenon, many scattered monks retreated.

A large ghost roared over Qingshan Hospital and rolled towards the Royal Cemetery!


H City Royal Cemetery, which is said to be a royal cemetery, is actually a cemetery. Rich people will not be buried here, and poor people without money will come to squeeze apartments!

In Liu Yi's eyes, poor and rich ghosts are treated equally. This is quite the style of ancient sages.

What he did was praised by the ancestors and had nothing to do with it!

More than 50 ghosts flew directly over the cemetery, scaring many wandering souls who shrank their heads in the cemetery and drilled straight underground.

As for the tombkeeper who is said to have mana, practice Maoshan skills and open his eyes, I don't know which one to hide from!


With an order, the ghosts roared down and began to "dig" people's graves!