Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 103 Trivia

Maoshan? Xuanyin corpse refining? Jiuyou reincarnation method?

Before entering the magic, Liu Yi had to complain about these few nouns that appeared very frequently in the plot world.

Now, Liu Yi indifferently stretched out his finger and pointed to the forehead of the female ghost in white!

The female ghost did not resist, and Liu Yi wanted her to hand over the law.

I don't know whether Teng Jinxuan's identity has worked, or whether this female ghost knows how to judge the situation. Without Liu Yi's request, she has completely opened up what she has learned and the memory of the adventure and allows her to browse.

I met a blind Taoist priest by chance, and kindly avoided the disaster of the man falling into the water, and was given a small half of the Xuanyin corpse refining skill. Among them, the Jiuyou reincarnation chapter of pregnant and nourishing the corpse soul is just right for ghost cultivation.

When Liu Yi became a demon, he had completely accepted the inheritance of the full set of ghosts and cast the body of the thunder demon. Of course, he would not give up the book to practice any Jiuyou reincarnation method.

He can practice the book of the underworld or practice the general secret of Lei Gan.

And the demon body contains magnificent thunder energy, waiting to be digested.

The power of Zhigang Zhiyang and killing people and ghosts is at your fingertips!

He can achieve half of the thunder body with a ghost. I'm afraid he is the first soul from ancient times to the present. Kangzhuang Avenue is ahead, and it is meaningless to be greedy and not chewy.

Roughly swept this method and found that the so-called Jiuyou reincarnation method is actually not perfect, and can only be cultivated to the level of half-step real demons at most.

Liu Yi didn't care. After dealing with the rebellion behind him, he waved to the ghost child who stood obediently!

When Mingying came to his side and clicked at his forehead again, this method spread directly.

Ghosts also don't need ghost skills, but after all, it has not been demonic and has obtained the inheritance of the underworld, so alien skills can also be bypassed!

As for the inheritance skills obtained by Liu Yi, it has not been passed down in vain.

The minimum practice conditions for the collection of the ghost treasure book are also the ghost king level and the demon level.

If you don't have the strength, it's useless to read it.

What's more, at this moment, Liu Yi is dedicated to the thunder formula and has no interest in the ghost book, and will not have time to study it in a short time.

He doesn't practice himself, let alone let others practice. Otherwise, if there is a problem, there will be no one to guide him, and the gains will outweigh the losses.

The altar was destroyed, and there were few people left in the Teng family. The plan to collect wishes failed, and Liu Yi was not annoyed.

I swept the mansion coldly, and several servants shrank their heads.

As for the only surviving owner, Teng Ru, she seemed to be really scared and lay beside her mother's body without crying or making trouble!

"Kill them all!"

Liu Yi ordered coldly, and even the ghost baby was stunned, but he smiled ferociously and rushed to those who were at a loss.

Liu Yi walked to Teng Ru in person. The girl who always pestered her brother turned a blind eye to him.

"Why~why is it like this!"

Teng Ru raised her head and stared at Liu Yi in a complicated way, recalling her father's roaring words not long ago.

"Sure enough, aren't you him anymore?"

Teng Ru said, her face full of ashes, closed her eyes in despair and shed tears.

Before closing his eyes, Liu Yi saw heartache, resentment and regret in her eyes, but he could not see the attachment of his relatives.

"I'm not him in the first place!"

Liu Yi said coldly and patted Teng Ru on the head.

At this time, the other ghost child's fast-travelling figure paused, and even the female ghost Xia Ruyan in white quietly glanced at him!

Liu Yi's heart moved and changed his heart to a draw. A pure spirit, the soul belonging to Teng Ru, left the body!

Teng Ru's soul is a little dull, and the energy contained is obviously less than 5 units, which is not stable!

Liu Yi secretly said that it was troublesome, but it consumed a little bit of original spiritual power, injected this spiritual body, and forcibly expanded her soul to the level of five points of spiritual energy, which could be maintained.

Throw it casually, and this crooked soul, which was constantly changing in shape, was directly thrown by him to the female ghost in white!

"Look at her!"

Liu Yi said indifferently that he could feel that it was just a trivial and superfluous move. At present, the only two ghosts under his command had a chance to break through to the demon level, and their connection with him was obviously much closer.

If the story he heard was right when he was distracted, Xia Ruyan should have recognized Teng Ru, although the latter was very young and mostly couldn't remember her at that time.

Even if Xia Ruyan's loyalty is still unknown, the "baby"'s dependence on him indeed became more stable after the fluctuation at that moment!

He will not do something superfluous purely for personal emotions, but if that kind of boring thing is meaningful, he doesn't mind doing more!

The Teng family's mansion was finally destroyed in a thunder, taking this as the end. Liu Yi, who returned on the original road, has collected nearly a hundred fierce ghosts when he arrived at the center of the city.

Liu Yi's control over ordinary ghosts is no longer limited to the previous temporary deterrence.

However, the super-order spiritual body has its own field, which is equivalent to the king's spirit in the novel.

Usually, those who are subdued by the ghost king generally dare not resist.

Earlier, Liu Yi claimed to be the ghost king. After all, he is not a real ghost king. Of course, there will be little ghosts who are not convinced.

Now, with his invisible power, he can throw those people to the ground without deliberately releasing it!

Unfortunately, this kind of semi-forced control is still invalid for spirits with a combat effectiveness of more than 80 points, or special units such as ghosts. Fortunately, it can make most of the kid fight against each other in wartime, and the effect is also good.


A moment ago, the ghost baby called for help urgently, and Liu Yi left in a hurry and only left the crazy to watch the scene.

In fact, there was nothing good about this kind of big fight. Even he was helpless at that time, not to mention crazy?

Sure enough, when Liu Yi returned, somehow, the new harvest had been waging with the old female ghost in red.

The former is better than pure spiritual power, while the latter is better than being a ghost long enough, and he fought for half a catty for a while!

And behind them, they were surrounded by some little ones.

When Liu Yi saw such a scene, he just hummed coldly, and the effect was better than releasing all the fierce power before!

Under the spirit of the ghost king, the two ghosts knelt down at Liu Yi's feet. Even those little guys who shouted for the leader crawled to the ground one by one!

Liu Yi just has a gloomy face and has not yet asked questions. He knows how to observe the madness of words and colors, and has already complained about the imperial court.

The reason for their fight is that even the newly promoted ghost king is speechless.

It turned out that after seeing the female ghost in red, she openly flirted with her and pulled her tongue and said she wanted to taste it.

This statement must not be so frank, and I don't know how many spring and autumn strokes have been used to decorate it. I just didn't say frankly that the female ghost in red was seducing him with the intention to set up a bureau to persecute him as the star of tomorrow.

In a word, Liu Yi, who was well aware of Qiuhao, quickly restored the real content.

He is not really angry. Damn, he can't use human rules to restrain him.

In the end, the dispute was under the high pressure of Liu Yi, and 50 boards were played on each side.

Although the cause is indeed a crazy fault, it is a trivial matter after all. What's more, the value of crazy is much higher than that of the female ghost in red. Liu Yi is not pedantic and naturally will not stand out for the female ghost in red.

That kind of fierce ghost, who only knows resentment, will not know how to be grateful.

Of course, the resentment of the female ghost in red will not dissipate so much. Liu Yi doesn't care at all. What's more, this female ghost does not dare to complain about him, but always linger his resentful eyes.

Because of this, Liu Yi was not in a hurry to pass on the reincarnation method of Jiuyou to the madman.

A small thing is enough to see a lot of things. First of all, compared with female ghosts, they may not be so obedient. Moreover, it is obvious that this ghost still retains its human nature!

If you are not my family, your heart will be different. Now Liu Yi is a devil from head to toe!

Lightly sweeping the city withered trees, Liu Yi did not give new instructions to those wandering ghosts.

With the good and bad ghosts, as well as the big ghosts in red, crazy, baby and Xia Ruyan, they all floated towards the elite college.

As an advance team, the schoolgirl Cheng Jiayao had been sent back to the nest to investigate for a long time. It was probably more than half an hour ago.

It's been so long and hasn't been reported. I'm afraid something has happened and I'm stuck in it.

There is obviously something wrong with that school.

In fact, it is Cheng Jiayao's nest. This poor woman is not as familiar with the dark side of the school. I'm afraid it's better to be an autistic ghost.

As for the autistic ghost, I don't know where to go.

There are too many subordinates. How can Liu Yi pay special attention to the movement of such a kid?

Five or six big ghosts and little ghosts who gathered and gathered under their command are qualified to take over one side! And the hundred-year-old ghost who can be alone can't count both hands. Think about what kind of talents there are!

Unfortunately, at that time, he did not have the ability to completely control those big ghosts. Once he released the air, he immediately became a "warlord" and did not listen to them.

Fortunately, he had already expected this and made a special "mark" for those big ghosts. As long as it was within a hundred miles, none of them could escape the palm of his hand!

He has now become a formal ghost king. Although it is impossible to stand like the little ghosts and wait for them to worship, it is much easier to subdue them.

Just wait for leisure, free, and clean up all of them. It depends on who dares to make trouble!

You didn't see the female ghost in red. She was sent to the cannon fodder team last night and was not convinced. Now I have just been treated unfairly, and it's not the same as a fart behind!

The world of ghosts, with strict levels, speaks by strength! The ghost king is the ghost king!


When I came back to this school, it was already the third day, but the campus was filled with thick fog!

Some of the living people fell at the school gate, and their bodies were in a mess, which was obviously affected by the ghost tide.

The source of the evil riot was in the center of the city, at 7 o'clock in the morning. It spread more than ten miles away, just about an hour.

So this school was affected, and it should be the right time to go to school.

Liu Yi judged the situation a little and plunged into the fog area with the ghosts!

To talk about this city, a lot of damn it has died, and the total number of survivors is less than one-tenth of the previous population. The streets are full of wandering ghosts, but near this school, it is a little quiet and strange!

Especially the more than 100 people behind Liu Yi, who were screaming at first, with great momentum.

After approaching this school, they all became quiet and quiet as cicadas.

Especially as soon as you enter this campus full of ghost fog, if it is not suppressed by the aura of the ghost king, I'm afraid these little ghosts will break up and run away directly!

Not to mention those ghosts, even the fierce ghosts in red, and even the crazy ghosts who have just become ghosts are shivering!

There is no doubt that the advance team must have been destroyed, but it is not clear how Cheng Jiayao's life and death will be.

Liu Yi did not release the power of thunder to the sun at present, but only relied on the momentum of the demon-level ghost king to forcibly disperse the fog within 50 meters!

This school is not big, but it can't be said to be small.

Although boarding services are not provided, some old low houses that used to be dormitories have been completely preserved, circled behind the playground, facing the teaching area, and I don't know why.

Of course, every school has stories and legends, and there is no shortage of naughty and rebellious students, especially at the age of excessive hormone secretion.

Even if the school explicitly prohibits students from entering that area, it even uses the iron fence to do simple treatment.

Every year, there are still many new students who like to drill into it. And some of the horrible rumors circulating in the early years also came from their mouths.

But those students who say that they see dirty things are lively, so not many people believe it.

In recent years, rumors about ghost schoolgirls and playground perverts have become more and more intense, with rigid eyesight, and hurting many strangers.

However, some timid, cautious and suspicious people also regard the old dormitory area that "looks" without danger as a forbidden place.

After all, the fear of the school is not fake. Every school should comment on the style. Unless the headmaster is an idiot, why does he have to do these suspicious arrangements?

If it is really like the school's explanation, the dangerous building is dangerous, and it will be demolished directly!

Cheng Jiayao used to be a student of this school, and she was never a good baby, otherwise she would not have killed anyone.

So Cheng Jiayao has also been to the old dormitory and mentioned it with Liu Yi, and I don't think it's special.

At that time, although Liu Yi suspected that the school had a stronger "spirit" hidden behind him, he did not have the strength to explore, so he suppressed his idea and purely recognized the saying of a schoolgirl ghost.

This ghost fog is very strange. Even if Liu Yi is the deterrent of the ghost king, it is difficult to reach 100 meters away.

So he gathered all the people by his side and directly led the ghosts to float towards the old dormitory!

It may not be the destination, but it is the most suspicious place.

Instead of having no head and brain, it's better to hit the heart and hit the yellow dragon!

What's more, the schoolgirl Cheng Jiayao has been tricked and must be rescued in time.

Although she is not a special unit with great potential, she may not even be as crazy, but after all, she is useful, and she is smart enough!

Now Liu Yi knows that even if he can't become a demon, there is a difference between strong and wild ghosts. Cheng Jiayao can also be a great help!

Her wisdom has been doomed to extraordinary value!

"Old boss, the things inside seem to be quite powerful!"

Floating around Liu Yi, he said in a trembling voice.

If he hadn't known the importance, he would have huddled in Liu Yi's arms directly like a ghost baby.

Although he has great potential, how can he withstand this invisible depression?

In addition to the ghost children who are specially taken care of by Liu Yi, only Xia Ruyan can still keep calm!

"Ruyan, you have been a ghost for a long time. To this extent, what stage has the other party probably reached?"

Liu Yi ignored the madness and asked the female ghost in white.

Even if he has the confidence, with the second-order self-insurance means, there is no reason to capp the ship in the sewer. It is worth thinking about being able to know yourself and your enemy.

"Like smoke..."

beside him, his wild thoughts turned sharply and his face was full of bad smiles. His emphasis on the title was obviously greater than the meaning of the sentence itself.

The female ghost in white ignored him, thought for a moment, and replied faintly, "It won't exceed the demon level, and most of them haven't even reached half of the demon level. However, the resentment is very strong and has condensed into a thick fog of substance! At this level, although it can't threaten you at the demon level. But even if I'm not careful, I may be loaded here.

As soon as the pros take action, they will know if there is any.

Xia Ruyan's understanding of ghosts is really not comparable to Liu Yi's half-heartedness, almost breaking the reality behind the scenes.

Although Liu Yi is stronger, he also feels that the guy he has to face is definitely not as good as himself.

It is impossible to be like Xia Ruyan. By speculating, you can guess seven or eight.

"So, is there anything special about dealing with this kind of resentment?"

Liu Yi continued to ask that the value of Xia Ruyan in his eyes was finally separated from the number, at least half of the staff.

This time, Xia Ruyan didn't even think about it and answered directly.

"There's nothing to pay attention to, just crush it!"

The female ghost in white said, staring at her wild lower body.

A romantic ghost suddenly felt that his spiritual shell twitched, subconsciously clamped his legs and laughed dryly.

"Xia~Sister Xia~Sister Xia~I didn't mean to offend you~It's not that~"

said in a wild muffled voice, but I don't know how many times I have cursed this vicious female ghost.

I don't want Liu Yi to interface at this time, and said solemnly:

"Crazy, if you want to practice success, you'd better forget the root of right and wrong. Be a ghost, where are those messy physiological needs? Well, when you learn to shape, just remove it."

Discussing the enemy, and somehow the topic suddenly turned to his own life.

Liu Yi at this moment can't joke. He is telling the truth, and his serious expression makes it clear that this is not a joke.

I was so angry that I couldn't cry and didn't dare to answer. He slandered that "I was shot while lying down", but he felt that Liu Yi's brain was sick, and the symbol of male dignity became the root of right and wrong in his eyes.

By the way, is it that the boss himself...

Thinking about it, I can't help but be crazy, and my strange eyes have glanced at the place I shouldn't have glanced at!

When Liu Yi saw this, he suddenly had a black face.

He abandoned unnecessary emotions, and he was not really an idiot!

Silently, stimulate the spiritual power, and lift the madness!

"Ah~ah~Big brother~ Boss~What are you going to do~No~I know I'm wrong~I know I'm wrong~Don't break my life!"

Liu Yi's face turned darker, and he directly mobilized his mind, threw the madness out and scolded him!

"I also think about your lifeblood, vulgarity! Let's find the way for me!"

The wild and strong spirit disappeared into the thick fog with a scream. More than 50 meters away, behind the dispersed thick fog, the shadow of the old dormitory area could be seen!

"Aren't you afraid that he will have an accident?"

Xia Ruyan asked with a smile, and soon reacted and put away her smile.

In addition to her pale face and less expression, this female ghost is still a little charming.

Liu Yi was indifferent and took everyone through the playground.

"If you can't hold on for such a long time, it proves that he is just a waste. Since it is waste, not to mention cultivating value, even living in this world is a waste!"

The pure demon theory proves that Liu Yi is becoming more and more like a demon and has more potential for the villain BOOS.

Xia Ruyan's bright expression gradually faded.

Liu Yi knew nothing about it and didn't touch it. He thought it didn't matter.


A large metal wire mesh, I don't know when it was wrapped with dense vines.

Purple vines are enchanting and strange, with thick palm-sized leaves with sharp teeth on the edges.

Even those leaf surfaces that are also purple have a layer of transparent cuticle.

From the feeling alone, Liu Yi can conclude that the hardness of the horny is even more refined steel!

The most surprising thing is that those vines with fist-sized fruits turned out to be baby heads.

The eyes and mouth are all sewn up and swinging in the wind. Both ears seemed to be connected, and there were bursts of silver bell-like sounds. Extremely weak, like a drowning person calling for help, making people can't help tremble all over.

"Fantasy? No! However, this kind of thing should not grow directly on the material plane. Everyone knows that this is not a normal plant.

Liu Yi doesn't feel afraid. He is a ghost or the king of ghosts. No matter how horrible the picture is, can't he create it?

Go forward, stretch out your hand and hold up a fruit.

However, he saw that the stitched eyelids and mouth cracked together and expanded into three mouth organs and suddenly bit Liu Yi's palm!


There is no doubt that this fruit monster, which is false or not, directly broke its teeth.

The sticky black ** dripped down, and there were bursts of pain with an echo effect in the shrugging ears, just like many dolls shouting pain!

The Mingying baby in Liu Yi's arms giggled. Unexpectedly, he turned around and stared at those strange fruits, with endless green light in his eyes!

"Natural spells? No! It's talent! Interesting!"

Liu Yi did not stop the ghost baby. The vines and hundreds of mysterious fruits full of the iron fence all opened their eyes and mouths. These organs were all disguised, just like the one that had been pinched by him in his hand, popped out one, two large and three small mouth organs, and roared silently!

Under the green in Ming Ying's eyes, these fruits actually screamed like frightened pigeons.

The ghosts who stopped ten meters away and dared not approach for a while all rolled on the ground with their heads in their arms!

The scream did not last long, like the snow under the scorching sun. The fruits were all dissolved in the green light, and finally turned into dark green haze and spontaneously penetrated into the ghost's body

Liu Yi casually intercepted a green haze, felt the real evil power, nodded indifferently, and then let go of the dark green glow that seemed to have life and kept struggling in his hands.

The haze melted into the ghost baby with others.

This is a high-quality force, as Liu Yi judged.

The powerful baby seems to be a little tired, and seems to be sleepy after eating, and gets back into Liu Yi's arms!

As for those vines, after all the fruits melted and were swallowed up by the underworld baby!

Together with those extremely sharp leaves, they wither quickly!