Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 113 Trouble!

Although the steel floating fortress seems to be spliced by more than a dozen troop transporters, in fact, after the integration, the internal structure has completely changed. It is no exaggeration to say that it is an air fortress.

This fortress is divided into nine floors, and the lower three floors are the scope of the lieutenants' residence activities. The third floor belongs to the school officer's territory. Of course, if there are family members, they can also stay in the designated area.

As for the upper three floors, the space is relatively small and the fewest people. Those who can stay on it are the generals, the close guards and family members of the generals!

As for non-commissioned officers and soldiers, they are not qualified to enter the floating fortress.

The rules are strict, and there is not only a strict patrol time and a complete system.

There are also clear boundaries, including daily life.

In the upper three floors, except for the general himself and his immediate family members, the guard did not receive instructions and could not leave the area.

In the third floor, even the family members can't leave the area, and only the school officer himself can freely enter and exit the area other than the upper three floors.

The lower third floor is an honor for lieutenants who can move in, so they can't bring their families or leave the scope of activities.

Once you have a family, you can either separate from your family or leave the fortress and live in the ground area. There is no third choice.

General large public facilities, such as mechanical maintenance rooms, large restaurants, etc., are built on the lower three floors to facilitate the free access of officers.

From this, we can know how taboo the high-level officials are about crossing the border!

For non-Generals, the upper three layers are originally a kind of expression of breaking the boat, which is equivalent to the ancient imperial complaint. If you win, you will have to take off the skin.

If it hadn't been for Tom's own being one of the most outstanding officers, he would have been taken care of by Shangfeng.

If ordinary people want to go up to the third floor, Carlot must sneer, because they can't even enter the door and will be degraded!

Tom's words have a certain privilege, and if he really wants to act, he also takes great risks.

Basically, only Carlot cares about risks. Tom and Tilia have never considered those.

Even the current "Tom" is afraid that the risk is not big enough to attract enough attention.

If it can cause a big disaster and directly cause the high-level military trial conference to be held, it will be perfect!

At that time, as long as you suddenly become powerful, it will be a real pot!


It's lively, no matter when and where, people like it.

The upper three floors, the middle three floors and the lower three floors all have facilities such as restaurants.

But for most school officers, they still like to eat in the restaurant on the lower third floor, because it is big and lively enough.

Even some low-level generals, brigadier generals, major generals, and brilliant figures occasionally appear in the restaurant on the lower third floor to join in the fun.

But it's not, it's a more eye-catching thing than the bustle!

For example, now, if Liu Yi wants to make some trouble, he definitely can't fight wildly, because that can't attract real high-level officials at all, and he will be detained by military law.

So when he saw a large group of people talking and laughing outside the restaurant, led by a young brigadier general, he immediately moved his mind!

"Ha! Tom, didn't you go on a mission? Why are you here too!"

Entering from outside the restaurant, the leader greeted Tom and the three enthusiastically.

Of course, looking at his appearance, Tom should only be in his eyes, the son of Lieutenant General Modo, who crushed all the school officials and even mutilated the first person under the major general!

For Lieutenant General Modo, even in the general class, many people don't like him.

So at that time, Old Moduo's flies-like aggrieved expression made many people applaud secretly, which was also one of the reasons why Tom could gain more kindness and attention from generals!

Carol and Tilia did not know that all this, including the heavy hand at that time, was deliberately done by Tom, and he had been stepping on the old Mordor for a long time.

This idea is undoubtedly crazy. If Liu Yi hadn't occupied Tom's body, he would not have thought that the modest young school official had such a deep and bold mind behind him!

It can be said that with this kind of scheming that is different from the appearance of sunshine, if it hadn't been for this bad luck to be born by Liu Yi, in time, the general class would have a place for him!

In Carlot's eyes, Tom is a little too steady. Tom is too weak in Tyria's eyes. In fact, this is just his disguise, a disguise that even young hair has never seen through, called forbearance!

So while Carlot and Tyria are still sighing for Tom's good luck and gaining the attention of many generals, he has quietly established a stronger "friendship" with some real people!

For example, the young Brigadier General Huang Qi, whose strength is not worthy of his identity at all, is the real son of the general!

Compared with the unlucky Bejitar, Huangqi's * is thick!

His mother is the "Elun" minister of the logistics department!

His father is the real power of an army*, Huang Tao!

His grandfather is one of the founders of the dun hui!

His grandmother is also a senior, "Bloody Mary"!

This* led to the appearance of Huang Qi, the youngest brigadier. Only this* is worth the former Tom's heart to make friends!

In fact, 90% of Tom's "privileges" were taken care of by Huang Qi!

"Ha, Tom, you look ugly. What's wrong? Who was bullied! Tell me, I'll make the decision for you!"

Huang Qi is not a pure straw bag. In fact, he has good talent in all aspects, and his excellent genes are there.

But it is precisely because of his great expectations that there are so many things to learn and he is too young that people feel that his name as a brigadier general is not true.

The young Huang Qi is a few years younger than Tom.

Maybe there was a lack of playmates when he was a child, so Huang Qi loves lively and good scenes, and he is a regular guest on the next three floors.

Of course, for most of the guys who nodded and bowed to him, Huang Qi only regarded them as pawns, as those people vowed.

Only Tom, who has a deep heart, really has a place in his heart. He is recognized by Huang Qi, the first and only friend!

With strict education and really attracting the attention of high-level officials, Huang Qi can't open too many convenient doors to Tom, which will be criticized. He doesn't care, but Tom will be hated.

So except for his usual intimacy and even secretly working behind his back, no one knows the status of Tom, a small lieutenant colonel, in Huang Qi's mind!

Seeing the young brigadier like stars and moon entering, Tilia and the two are not like Tom with his legs crossed, who hurriedly stood up to salute.

It was not until Huang Qi came to him that Tom stood up lazily and gave him a big hug!

Except for a small number of newly received younger brothers, most of them looked at the two brothers in consternity.

Not to mention how outsiders guessed, even Tilia's eyes were complicated. Tom punched the man fiercely and hung it on his back!

"Oh! Bastard! Your strength has increased again! Can't you eat hormones?"

Huang Qi retreated with a smile and exaggeratedly made a surprised expression.

Then, the bodyguard at the door behind him cast his attention.

Huang Qi had to put away his smiling face and look at Tom seriously.

"What the hell is going on! If you leave your job without permission, even I may be able to keep you!"

Public is public, private is private, this is Huang Qi who has been severely educated since childhood!

Tilia just wanted to rush to defend, but Carlot had signaled her not to say too much.

Even a group of low- and middle-level officers who followed Huang Qi were stunned and silent!

Liu Yi shrugged his shoulders, indicating that it was not his fault.

Huang Qi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw his relaxed expression.


Liu Yi did not hesitate to throw the maintenance report directly to him.

When Tilia saw this, she immediately showed a trace of joy. Carlot smiled bitterly.

That's good, one wave is uneven, and one wave rises again.

Sure enough, Huang Qi first read the report silently, and then took a deep breath.

"It seems that there are some doubts, which is not in line with Begital's cautious style, but if it is Old Moduo~"

"Is it to be trapped, or to be mysterious, or to be framed by someone~

Huang Qi pondered for a while, and when the people behind him heard the two names he said casually, they were immediately as quiet as cicadas.

Some clever people have begun to quietly retreat towards the door, but they are all blocked by the two gate gods!

Huang Qi turned around and stared at those people coldly.

Those speculative guys immediately returned to the team.

"What do you want me to do?"

Huang Qi closed the report, stared at Tom, and asked seriously.

His wording caused another surprise.

Liu Yi didn't know how to be polite at all and laughed:

"I've put up with it twice! This is the third time!"

did not say it clearly, but Huang Qi had understood what he meant.

"The third time~"

With a mutter, Huang Qi shook his head and laughed as well.

"That's good! Tom, bring your friends!"

"Also, didn't you guys say that you really make friends with me and are willing to throw your head and blood for me? Now it's time to use you. Don't run away. Come with me!"

As soon as Huang Qi's words fell, he left the connoying crowd and turned around and left.

Liu Yi nodded to the two people behind him and strode to follow!


A group of people went straight to the upper three floors, with great momentum.

Most of the tails hanging behind are just holding the mind of watching the bustle.

A few of them were full of righteous indignation and shouting randomly, and their hearts were dripping blood. They were all "coerced" by Huang Qi.

Gathering people to attack the upper three layers is a serious crime. Even if Huang Qi is in front of him, the accomplices behind him will not be better.

In comparison, it offends Lieutenant General Modo, and the adverse impact is much smaller.

The law does not blame the public. I think that even if it is old Moduo, it is impossible to write down the people who are coaxing today one by one. Let alone those who know Huang Qi*, I doubt that Modo can retreat completely in the face of this trouble!

Because he was the leader of Huang Qi, the patrol officer of the Military Law Department failed to stop the crowd, but was injured by the "unbridled" Tom.

successfully entered the upper three-level area, and the team behind it also expanded from dozens to hundreds!

Finally, a person with enough identity stood in front.

Major Generalska!


As the deputy commander of the Military Law Department, he is also Huang Qi's brother-in-law.

When Major Generalska stared at Huang Qi and swept a large group of people behind him, except Liu Yi, everyone turned away, and there was a deep shrinking in their eyes!


Huang Qi boldly said, holding the maintenance report in his hand, as if he wanted to make an excuse to "redress grievances", which was also his and Liu Yi's previous calculation.

Unexpectedly, Ská didn't give face to his brother-in-law at all. As soon as he raised his hand, a strong wind hit him, and the whole report was torn to pieces!

"Shut up! Good things you have done! I can't control you. My father will settle accounts with you later!"

Ska scolded, and this attitude has said everything!

Liu Yi looked at Huang Qi, who was a little wither in front of him, and frowned.

Sure enough, it is not realistic to take advantage of this force to face all the high-level officials!

I think that in this fortress, everything that has happened has been monitored for a long time!

Fortunately, Liu Yi is not the real "Tom" after all.

has gone deep into it, so you don't have to worry about getting nothing!


Ska was surprised, and his sharp eyes turned to Liu Yi.

When everyone is afraid of him, the only calmness becomes prominent!

Unfortunately, he paid special attention to him, and the man smiled with disdain.

Leaving the steel suit, although ska's strength is already a monster among ordinary people, in Liu Yi's eyes, he is not even a fly.

Even if he puts on a suit, it is impossible to threaten him.

What he fears is nothing more than a strategic weapon that matches the air fortress, which may cause containment and interference when he fights with other beings, instead of being afraid of the power of "enrapment"!

"Hmm! Who are you?! Gather the crowd to make trouble, and the military law is in the dungeon. There must be a position for you!"

For Liu Yi's unscrupulous eyes, ska felt a fatal threat, but he did not want to admit that there was fear in his heart, so those inexplicable emotions all turned into disgust.

Tom is a celebrity among school officials. How can Skar not know him? In this case, he is obviously wearing a hat!

If Tom responds to a crowd of trouble, he will immediately be in a different place.

Tilia stepped forward excitedly, as if she wanted to explain, but unfortunately, she was scared by Ska's fierce eyes, which made her heart cold and her mind dull.

Huang Qi has a heart to help, but under the pressure of Ska's momentum, he is unable to speak at all.

On the one hand, she is her brother-in-law, and on the other hand, she is the only friend. Huang Qi is in a dilemma. The education she has received since childhood and her heart clashed fiercely.

In the end, reason overwhelmed the impulse.

Huang Qi pulled Liu Yi's arm and motioned him not to make a sound. Although things changed unexpectedly, Huang Qi believed that with his energy, even if Liu Yi was really caught in the military law office, he could be fished out!

More than ten meters away, Ska saw Huang Qi's movements and smiled coldly.

Although the relationship between brother-in-law and Tom is secretive, he is aware of it.

Unlike most of the generals who recognize Tom as a human, ska, who has been in the military law for a long time, instinctively hates that boy and always feels that he is more treacherous than Old Moduo!

So, this time, the instructions from the superior not only conformed to his wishes, but also strengthened his cognition!

Except for Huang Qi, his family did not recognize Tom and felt that the boy was too gloomy.

Although Huang Qi needs friends, he doesn't need that kind of scheming friend!

The above order to Ska is to directly abolish Tom through this incident.

With such an order from the Senate, in the opinion of some colleagues, the kindness of some people to Tom is not important!

In fact, with Tom's position in Huang Qi's heart, if he didn't make trouble, including Ska, he would have already given this lucky boy a false title!

For nothing else, just for An Huangqi's heart.

But he should not, should never, instigate Huang Qi to make trouble! This will affect this child's future election for a veteran!

Seeing that Liu Yi did not mean to answer, Ska immediately smiled gerociously.

"Hey, boy, if you don't talk, is it default? Gathering people to make trouble, that's--

Before Ska's voice fell, Liu Yi was already impatient.

An ant dares to chatter in front of him, making him, as a ghost king, very unhappy.

Originally, I wanted to try to see if Huang Qi could bring a turnaround, but the man said no.

Liu Yi is not Tom, and it is clear that if Tom is here, waiting for him must be endless torture.

Ska's malice is too obvious, ** naked and unconcealed.

Fortunately, he is not Tom, so there is no need to assume or endure.

"Became me to see Modo!"

Liu Yi interrupted Ska coldly, and the military judge's ferocious expression immediately stiffened on his face.

Huang Qi beside him looked sideways in astonishment and looked at "Tom" walking towards ska indifferently, and actually felt a little strange!

Not to mention him, even other officers who were shocked by Ska's momentum were slightly turbulent!

"Tom! What a bastard! You are so bold~"

Ska reacted, "Tom" looked at him, looked at him like a dead man, and finally angered him!

Just as ska roared and suddenly turned into a remnant shadow and rushed to Liu Yi, trying to take down the little lieutenant colonel directly, the next second, when Tilia made an exclamation and appeared in front of everyone, which completely subverted everyone's imagination!

Ska has been strangled by "Tom", hanging in mid-air, kicking his legs in pain!

"Put him down!"

Huang Qi's voice and another majestic roar in the distance sounded at the same time.

Unfortunately, who is Liu Yi, the king of ghosts? He came here for destruction!

He just turned around a little and stared at a large group of cringing crowd, and immediately screamed!

More than a hundred middle- and low-level officers, including several bodyguards of Huangqi, spewed out a green flame in their seven orifices, and all of them screamed and turned into ashes!


The sound of bone fracture sounded. In Liu Yi's hand, Ska's neck was tilted, his legs twitched a few times, and his heart immediately stopped beating.


Huang Qihe came from a distance, and a burly old man with white hair roared at the same time!

Huang Qi is full of fear and despair, and the old man is full of murderous intent!

Carol and Tilia, who survived, have long been stunned, especially the murderous intention of the old man covering them together, which has completely explained the problem.

Carol is particularly chagrined and alert to the mysterious power of the unknown source of "Tom".

Tilia is simply worried about Tom, for fear that he, who has caused a big disaster, will eventually be judged by the organization!

Tom's strength is already very strong, but for Tilia, who is used to high-tech weapons, this level is far from invincible!

"Evil! Go to hell!"

It's just a turn of thought. The old man on the opposite side has rushed to it, and the whole person is wrapped in a bright yellow flame. The sea of flames are overwhelmingly pressed down on several people. Huang Qi, who lost his soul, was pulled in by the mechanical arm stretched out after the metal wall next to him!

"power, psychic power? I don't know if your soul tastes as wonderful as that man.

Tom said gloomly, and a dark shadow suddenly emerged from him and rushed to the sea of fire.

Tom's body fell softly and has lost his life.

The method of epiphysation consumes the vitality of the host. In less than two hours, Tom's vitality has lost more than half of it.

When Liu Yi left this body, he did not leave him any vitality.

Compared with ordinary evil spirits, Liu Yi's demon body is obviously very different. As long as he is willing, even ordinary people can see it!

Obviously, Liu Yi is now willing to let people watch!

It's just a pull, the huge sea of fire split in half, hit the metal walls on both sides, and a large number of high-strength alloys began to corrode and dissolve!

The figure hung in mid-air and did not fall. It was another breakthrough, jumping and tearing. The strength was not at the same level at all. The stunned old man directly became a bloody rain.

A condensed soul just appeared and was swallowed directly by Liu Yi!

He flashed slightly and appeared in front of Tilia and looked at them coldly.

"Tilia, Carlot! Would you like to follow me?"

Liu Yi tried to recruit. If possible, he did need some mortal subordinates with flesh and blood to do something for him that is inconvenient for the spiritual body to come forward.

Unfortunate, it backfired, even if he used his illusion to make himself look exactly like Tom in the eyes of the two.

This man and woman all retreated vigilantly, even Tilia, who fell in love with "Tom"!

Sure enough, love can't break the racial divide, at least in most cases!

"No! You are not Tom! Please don't become like him!"

Tilia roared and scolded Liu Yi angrily.

She looked at Tom's fallen body again and looked crazy. If it hadn't been for Carlotra, she would have rushed over it!

"Daw! Tom? No, I don't care whether you are Tom or not, we can never be with the devil!"

In comparison, Carlot is much more rational.

Demon? The devil? In a word, even if it is really a friend who grew up together and suddenly does such a thing, it is impossible for the soldiers who have received brainwashing education since childhood!

Liu Yi was a little helpless, but he was not disappointed.

It is much more difficult to lure defenders who degrade themselves to justice than to reap the submission of ordinary people.

"Whatever you want!"

He waved his hand indifferently and didn't care what would happen to them in the future. If it hadn't been for the woman's infatuation with Tom and the intention of using it, Liu Yi would not have been too lazy to talk to mortals.

Summer insects can't speak ice. They are not despised, but at different levels and ways of thinking, and they can't communicate at all. This is not a question of who is right and who is wrong, but an essential barrier.

Liu Yi incarnated as thunder and rushed straight to the top!

A large amount of thunder and lightning permeated from his body along the way. In just a dozen breaths, all the soldiers in S City stopped working and looked at the aerial steel fortress surrounded by blue-purple arcs!

A single aircraft flew out of the rear of the fortress, but Tyria was desperately protected and escaped by Carlot.

As for Carlot, he was directly killed by the sixth emergency exit mechanical guard!

The fortress has been in chaos for a long time.

The lower six layers are filled with thick gray-black cold fog, and there is a blue-purple arc shining at the edge.

Liu Yi somehow released nine grievances from his body and was raging inside the fortress.

As for himself, he has come to the highest place of the fortress to face the so-called two founders and four elders!

These six people are the legendary natural powers, the two founders, Yi and Miao, and the old monsters that have lived for hundreds of years, super-level existence!

Of course, the feeling of these two people to Liu Yi is just breaking through the boundaries of mortals and reaching the initial standard of the first level! To this extent, if he joins hands to sneak up from behind when he fights with a strong man at his level, even he will suffer a lot of losses.

To put it bluntly, Liu Yi can only be regarded as the first-order peak at most.

But if you face it directly--

Liu Yi didn't give several people a chance to talk nonsense at all. The whole demon body split in half and turned into two identical him!

The one on the left, with a gloomy body, is a pure ghost body!

One on the right, thunder gathers in his eyes, full of endless majesty!

One is in the later stage of the first order, and the other even bursts out the momentum of the second order!

It is divided into two parts, and his strength rises instead of falling!

The two figures rushed directly, and the four elders were killed by the thunder split.

Yi and Miao roared angrily and resisted desperately. Unfortunately, the rank gap was there. Miao, who was good at controlling water with two or three fingers, was directly suppressed by the thunder.

The two parts are separated, and in a blink of an eye, they also follow in the footsteps!

These natural powers, whose souls are pure, contain more pure energy than those awakening warriors who have been successfully transformed by psionic agents!

Liu Yi was even reluctant to leave nine grievances, and the six more penetrating spiritual qualities of the original soul were all swallowed into his stomach.

The two major incarnations have been united, belonging to the part of the underworld, and their momentum is rising steadily!

It rose to the early stage of the second order, which was equivalent to the power of thunder contained in the demon body before it stopped! So far, Liu Yi has officially entered the ranks of senior ghost kings!

The split is his second card.

Compared with the forced fusion of the two forces, the differentiated thunder body and the magic body, although the destructive power of a single burst is far less than the move of dying together.

But the benefits that can be generated are even greater, because this method will not hurt 800 while hurting a thousand enemies!

Perhaps the only inappropriate thing is that the thunder demon's body is ultimately a whole. After differentiation, although it can form a thunder body and a demon body respectively in a short period of time, it fundamentally removes the constraints between the two forces of the underworld and thunder, so as to improve combat effectiveness!

Unfortunately, this way will not last long after all!

With Liu Yi's current control of the body of the thunder demon, within about a quarter of an hour and 300 breaths, the split must be refused!

Even so, the first performance immediately had a wonderful effect. A force that could have effectively restrained him will be easily destroyed.

To destroy all the high-level officials, Liu Yi did not have the intention to seize control of this steel base.

After all, he lacks ghosts with complete wisdom. It's not easy for him to control this base alone.

What's more, ghosts have no entity. What do you want to do with this large air base specially created for creatures?

As long as there is a refining method, a cloud and a bamboo branch can have the same effect as this base.

The lightning color wandering outside the air fortress is getting stronger and stronger, and fools know that there is something wrong with the headquarters.

A large number of soldiers began to evacuate, and at this moment, the air fortress seemed to explode at any time.

Due to the lack of high-level command, the usual orderly troops seem chaotic at this time.

Unlike the troops that are retreating towards the outskirts of the city, the Hornets with air flight ability, together with a large number of helicopter gunships, all began to approach and surround the fortress, trying to turn the tide.

There is nothing we can do. The real high-level officials are concentrated in the steel fortress and have to be saved.

Of course, no one knows that those high-ranking commanders have been destroyed.

At the same time, nine grievances wantonly create killing, absorb resentment, and increase their power leaps and bounds.

And Liu Yi came to the location of the core arsenal of the fortress and shot a blue light in his right eye, directly injecting several seemingly special translucent nuclear crystal bombs with darkness into the pupil space!

With the rise of rank, he has allowed two spaces opened up in the demon body to store physical objects!

This kind of extremely special thing that can even bring him some threat can't be wasted!

went to the data room again and copied some important technologies. These things are of little value to him, but with the help of the system, he may not be able to get more benefits.

Feel the power of thunder that permeates outside the fortress and begins to become unstable, including the core of the kinetic energy inside the fortress, and the star sparks have begun to flash.

Liu Yi's eyes moved, and a black light that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye immediately hid into his left eye. The next moment, the turbulent yin gathered into a black wind and closed towards him!

Liu Yi flashed, and the figure appeared thousands of feet away, flashing and came to the edge of the city.

A black evil tail extends into Liu Yi's body like a python.

The next second, those people didn't even have time to pay attention to the uninvited guest, and the whole steel fortress suddenly revealed a dazzling light!


The sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the earth shook. Like a large equivalent nuclear explosion, a circle of tangible energy waves spread around it.

Many soldiers who were retreating before they could react were hit into the air and fell to the ground and died.

What's more, some closer people are directly like those helicopters and aircraft surrounding the fortress, silently burning into ashes!

Even Liu Yi, who is more than ten miles away, has lost his body and feels that his physical energy fluctuates slightly!

It was just an explosion, and the whole army was almost destroyed, including more than 90% of the soldiers, with countless casualties!

Although Liu Yi also paid equivalent to one-tenth of the thunder reserves for this, that part has not been digested.

It's profitable to be able to remove one of the big enemies around you.

The nuclear magnetic storm took about half an hour to stabilize at sunset.

Liu Yi looked at the huge black pit in the center of S, nodded indifferently, and disappeared in place!

The result of the third day, the vanguard force of the supernatural situation, complete annihilation, the mysterious organization "ling�" and complete annihilation!


"What's going on?!"

Returning to the nest, Liu Yi stared at several local ghosts gathered outside the ghost nest with a bad face and asked Xia Ruyan coldly.

This female ghost, because of her high intelligence, has been appointed as the first general manager by Liu Yi to manage everything in H City.

Compared with her ability and kindness, some of the unpleasant things between her and her are less important.

"They want to go to the surrounding cities for development. I asked the people below to press it, but it seems that they are not willing to accept such an arrangement!"

Xia Ruyan said coldly, and still felt unhappy about Liu Yi's earlier proposal to reject her. Or are you simply unhappy with these trouble-

To put it better, they are all princes under the command of Liu Yi, the ghost king.

In fact, it's just some ghost-level ghosts who can't enter the core circle at all, and they really take themselves seriously.

"Oh? Do you think the territory is too small?

Liu Yi thought about it and found that it was indeed necessary to expand his power. Of course, this should not be raised by those peripheral ghosts who have no status in his eyes.

So, with a cold face, he fell in front of a few ghosts and their direct subordinates.

With Liu Yi's approach, those big ghosts who were still full of detractive faces shivered like chickens!

"Do you want a territory?"

Liu Yi asked gently, but no one dared to answer him.

"Very good, I'll satisfy you!"

As soon as the words fell, these big ghosts didn't have time to be happy. Suddenly, they felt dark. Several big ghosts, including those subordinates they brought, all entered Liu Yi's stomach!

swallowing thousands of ghosts, Liu Yi didn't even hit a hiccup.

Only then is he in the mood to turn around and look at those direct friends who can't handle any small things well!


Liu Yi scolded. In the distance, including Xia Ruyan, several people in power did not look good, and most of them were scared by Liu Yi.

The demon king has become stronger and more arbitrary and cruel!

"Hmm! This is the only real king here! They love to make trouble, and Mofei will let them mess around like this!?"

Liu Yi scolded coldly. None of those little ghosts dared to reply for fear of being eaten by his master.

Xia Ruyan seemed to want to speak, but she was afraid of being self-defeating and could only keep silent.

Liu Yi didn't care about everyone's mind and pointed to Mingying!

"Baby! I share one-third of your military strength. Before sunrise, I want to see a unified dynasty. Those who don't want to submit will be destroyed!"

"Crazy, I don't care what you think, since you have reached the half-step ghost king level, then I will divide one-third of your troops! Go to the southeast, float across the ocean, the country of the sun wheel! From now on, you can develop where you are!"

"I don't care whether you are king or turn all the creatures in that country into slaves. Within three days, I don't want to see enemies coming from that direction, including another continent farther away from the ocean!"

"Cheng Jiayao, you take the four ghost generals under your command, and all the remaining ghosts go to S City! In the same three days, I don't want any enemy to break through the northwest line!"

A series of appointments scattered almost all the troops in his hands, and Liu Yi ignored Xia Ruyan's changeable look.

Several special units were all stunned, but immediately ordered to retreat.

Liu Yi's majesty is getting heavier and heavier, and these subordinates dare not disobey at all, including nominally and Liu Yi's babies belonging to the same clan!

"Then what should I do?"

Xia Ruyan asked in a low voice, and Liu Yi's sudden appointment made her feel unprepared.

Originally, she was the first ghost of real power under Liu Yi, but now she has nothing to do.


Liu Yi glanced at her coldly, pondered for a moment, and said lightly:

"Within three days, I will break through the ghost king level, and I promise to tell you everything you doubt. Otherwise, don't appear in front of me again. Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel."

ruthless words leave a glimmer of life.

Xia Ruyan smiled bitterly and just felt desperate. Unexpectedly, a little light suddenly flew out of Liu Yi's hand and fell into her eyes and went straight into her mind.

"This is ~"

After Xia Ruyan was shocked, she browsed the divine thoughts from Liu Yi!

The materialized mind shows that the invisible spiritual fluctuations are not enough to bear at all, which belongs to Liu Yi's perception when he was promoted to the ghost king!


Xia Ruyan stared at Liu Yi with a complicated face. She thought that Liu Yi was just going to find an excuse to drive her away, but unexpectedly, she really taught her this kind of thing that should not be taught lightly!

Fool can see that Liu Yi really wants her to break through in a short time. What's more, Xia Ruyan is not a fool, so she thinks more!

"Have you encountered any difficulties?"

Xia Ruyan asked, the meaning of her words was not only concerned, but also seemed that she had some cards that had never been exposed.

Liu Yi did not deny it, nodded and said indifferently:

"So, if you think you are not qualified to know the truth, leave by yourself!"

Xia Ruyan's wandering eyes seemed to become firm because of this speech.

"Oh, don't worry, it won't take three days, two days, two days at most. At that time, I hope you can really tell me everything I want to know!"


Liu Yi promised that the promise of evil spirits was worthless, and so was the ghost king.

Xia Ruyan didn't think so, and her face was serious.

The dialogue between the two did not attract too much attention, including Liu Yi's feeling of promotion to the ghost king, which was all passed on to Xia Ruyan and did not attract coveted.

The madness has been driven to the other side of the sea by Liu Yi and is destined to be a local emperor. Moreover, he himself is not enthusiastic about practicing. If it hadn't been for Liu Yi's coercion, even if he passed on the method of ghost cultivation to provide him with a pure soul, he was afraid that he would not be able to break through to half a demon in a short time.

Cheng Jiayao didn't even have a chance to be promoted to the Ghost King, so she left for a long time and began to select her subordinates. Half of the four direct ghost generals became her personal protectors, which should also be. After all, she is the weakest link in the whole Northwest Ghost Group.

Ghost baby~

"Baby! What are you still doing there? Hurry up!"

Liu Yi narrowed his eyes and scolded!

Just now, he had passed on another spiritual thought and ordered the baby to hand over the soul mark of some ghosts to the madman.

Who knows that after doing those things, it did not leave, but hid aside!

Mingying looked indifferently at the direction of Xia Ruyan's departure, and then, in Liu Yi's harsh eyes, he roared, led a group of ghost troops, and began to sweep the surrounding forces and integrate the ghost road of H City!

To advance to the second level, Liu Yi no longer needs a nominal subordinate, even a nominal subordinate who is absolutely obeyed!

(PS: A few days ago, the editor came to me and said that the book was too popular. He suggested that I open a new book, and the website also required it. I can't help it. Although I'm a little unwilling, it's true that my popularity is low. And business writing, that's it. I don't have the right to decide. I'm really helpless.

I can only apologize to all readers. In the next few chapters, the protagonist will explode and then enter the end of the story. Let's do it.

In addition, this failure has also taught me a lot of lessons. Sure enough, current novels should not write what they want to write, but what readers want to write. I was wrong before. I was too arrogant.

I hope you can contact me on QQ and give me some reasonable advice to lay the groundwork for me to open a new outline.

Believe me, in the future, I will definitely promise to write something that everyone likes to read, not just my personal preference. Above.)