Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 116 Reluctance

"Save or not?"

Hundreds of miles away, for the fifth-order thunder body, a few flashes will arrive!

Liu Yi hid in the dark and looked at the Taoist priest who seemed to rush towards the giant spirit, and his heart moved slightly.

In the end, he decided to give up. After all, this old man took people directly to his original nest and didn't seem to appreciate it at all.

Instead of spending more time and wasting energy. It's better to stay out of the matter and see if there are any hidden strong people in this orientation and the human world!

Although the spiritual energy fluctuations emitted by those giant spirits are powerful, almost all of them are above the third level, third and fourth levels, and are already quasi-emperor and low-level ghost emperors!

If you can use this level of giant spirit as the pioneer of the road, then behind the gap in the space, the breath that is gathering and makes him feel trembling. What is it?

Superintendent? Commander?

In which world is such an existence?

These are all things worth thinking about!

In such a situation, if you want to attract local masters, it is not cost-effective at all, regardless of the success rate. On the contrary, if those open masters die, most of them hide in the dark, they can't help jumping out!

Liu Yi has just decided to stand by and watch. The old man who rushed to the bull-headed giant has been torn apart by another spider-shaped giant who intercepted him from the side!

The old road's strength is not weak, and it has a second level, and you can compete with the previous Liu Yi for a few rounds!

But in front of these third- and fourth-order spirits, whose breath is nearly twice as strong as ordinary third- and fourth-order strongmen, they can't even stop it!

Liu Yi is not unable to destroy these giant spirits. After all, his combat effectiveness at this time has reached the level of the fifth level, not even at the beginning of the fifth level, but the peak of the fifth level, almost entering the threshold of the sixth level!

It's just that if he destroys all these giant spirits in advance, what will the world send?

Take a hair and move the whole body!

So he has to procrastinate, so he has to procrastinate!

It can be said that unless all the strong people in the human world are dead, or the most powerful existence behind the space gap, will definitely not do it first!

The old Taoist priest led someone to break his Plan A, and he will implement Plan B to the end, even if he faces more danger for this, or even gambling at all!

The golden beam of light rising into the sky indicates that the superpower has a reasonable reason to intervene in the secular war.

As long as you are not a fool, you know that it is some kind of communication!

After a few breaths, four or five similar beams of light came from the eastern sky, but because it was too far away, the naked eye looked a little blurred, like a vertical golden toothpick!

Liu Yi retreated a hundred feet a little, and then a giant spirit happened to pass by him.

At the same time, those scattered Taoist monks have fallen into a pool of blood one by one.

Although they are all elites, and almost half of them have entered the rank, they still can't resist under the endless attack of evil spirits.

Such as far as those evil spirits are not local ghosts at all. Even the worst of them, it will not be much worse than the one Liu Yi met in the old dormitory area of Elite College. They are all very resentful, and their resentment almost reaches the upper limit of their own spiritual shell!

Seeing these, Liu Yi has not given much hope for the forces built far away in the Japanese wheel country. The gap in individual combat power is too far. However, if the whole island can be refined into a formation, it may not be impossible to stop it for a moment.

Those are all later words. A long sword rainbow rushed to the sky, and several big monks and old Taoists who stayed in place were almost dead under the care of a shark spirit!

Liu Yi suddenly caught a glimpse of a group of people dressed in supernatural elite standard equipment sneaking into the H city, but the leader was not "Hilot", the psychopath subordinates at the end!

I didn't expect such "loyalty" as the psychopath. Liu Yi hesitated for a moment, and an idea had passed!

The spread of resentment is extremely fast, after all, it all depends on flying.

It's just that most of them scattered far away in all directions after drilling out of the portal, but not concentrated in one place, which made the team of soldiers lucky all the way and did not hit the evil!

However, those unknown guys, including Hilot, don't know the real situation after all.

Liu Yi's voice just fell, but he saw Hilot's eyes turn over and fall straight. A dark shadow escapes out of his body and flies far away. He is not a psychopath and who is he?

Those elite warriors of the supernatural bureau are still at a loss, and at least three evil spirits have stared at them!

These three evil spirits are all small models. Although none of them has entered the level and released a huge resentment, they have almost reached the upper limit of the spiritual shell. One is enough for the team of spiritual warriors to drink a pot!

There is no doubt that the psychopath listened to Liu Yi's warning and pulled out very early and successfully mixed into the group of evil spirits.

Fortunately, its strength is too weak and muddle-headed. Those alien grievances don't like its power at all, and they even let the fish eyes mix with pearls and wander in mid-air.

The sound of gunfire sounded, and a small team of 20 elite awakened warriors, afraid of some misunderstanding, just think that Hilot's "coma" is those evil spirits and attack angrily!

The next moment, Liu Yi could no longer see those people. After all, most of these grievances have more than two special natural spells. God knows where those soldiers were transmitted!

The giant flying sword in the sky has been cut, and Liu Yi quietly retreated ten miles!

The person's temper is particularly hot, and his strength is not weak. I don't expect that there is such a level of sword cultivation in this world!

Four-order sword cultivation!

The dazzling sword light tore the world, and the resentment that rose to the sky and became a piece of resentment was directly torn in half!

More than that, even the sky seems to have been poked in a hole, and the starlight leaked directly from the sky!

The white sword light is also mixed under the boundless starlight, like the Milky Way upside down, and the waterfall is flying and turbulence. Without targeting, it directly covers and locks several giant spirits!

Liu Yi, who was watching from afar, frowned and said, "It's big!"

The fourth level is also a sword practice known for its attack. If a person targets a certain evil spirit alone, he may be able to make a little strange achievements!

If you want to pick out such a scattered attack, it is simply delusional!

Maybe it's been too long to fight with people, show their heads, or for other reasons.

In a word, as Liu Yi expected, the powerful sword light was directly dispersed by the wave-like resentful tide under the roar of the seven-headed giant spirits in unison!

Maybe the person who came is already a super existence that should not appear in this world, the top combat power, maybe even in his sect, few people know such a number one person.

However, he has to face that, after all, he is not a waste that can be grasped casually, but also a waste that breaks the boundary, which is equivalent to the existence of the top combat power in this world!

It's better to be regarded as brain-damaged than to be crazy.

The sword tide was washed away, and one of the particularly eye-catching swords was thrown out far away with a burst of sadness.

I don't know when a middle-aged man stood in the air and stood at the fall of the long sword and catch it!

This middle-aged person in a Tibetan robe has a national character face, which is a little powerful.

His face is not good at this moment, and his right hand holding the sword trembles faintly!

"What a thief! But there is no one in my Central Island!"

The middle-aged person looked up to the sky and roared, regardless of whether the giant spirits could understand it or not. He roared, rubbed himself into a sword light, and rushed away directly!

Liu Yi frowned at the burning posture of jade!

He adheres to the extreme murderous spirit and is the calmest in battle. Of course, he is not eye-catching for this kind of crazy killing.

However, Liu Yi also has to admit that for ordinary people, this kind of playing method can indeed create a stronger aura and form the optimal combat power output effect!

The strength of the two sides is obviously not proportional. After a moment of fighting, the war was a glue!

For a moment, he really let him with one sword, entangled seven giant spirits, and could not advance or retreat.

After three breaths, several super-order breaths in the distance were rapidly approaching. Liu Yi was dumbfounded. He couldn't help complaining about the reaction and tacit understanding of these local strongest people: Could it be that this plane has long had a precedent similar to being invaded?

He can't help but doubt it. After all, it is only the beginning of aggression, and it is not the time for the world to be destroyed.

If you have no experience, how can those local super-order lives be like flies that smell fishy? One comes faster than the other!

This posture, looking at the madness of middle-aged sword cultivation from the beginning, is clearly a containment, waiting for the help that is sure to come, to kill all the dangers in the cradle and not let one go!

"Hahaha! Old deep-fried dough sticks! Can you stand it? If it's okay! Wait for me to press these little ones!"

The second one is an ancient-crowned teenager with a square seal in his hand.

The teenager, dressed in a cloud robe and stepped on all directions, looked like a Fangshi in ancient times!

Jianxiu did not respond to him, but the sword light was even more fierce, and his combat power grew out of thin air, which overwhelmed the seven giant spirits!

This outbreak will not last long, but the teenager shouted: "Good man!"

Drink it, do what he says, turn over and throw the ancient seal!

Liu Yi was drooling beside him, and the golden ancient seal, revealing his breath, was clearly the top magic weapon!

Isn't it a magic weapon, not a rune, a magic weapon, or the best magic weapon with the potential to impact fairy weapons!

The ancient seal, which looked extremely eye-catching, fell freely, but rose horizontally in the wind and soon turned into a square gold cake!


A hundred-foot-square-old gold cake hit the ground, just like an ancient giant falling in the footsteps, and the roaring earth and stone waves spread a burst of gold patterns in all directions!

Anything swept by the golden pattern, regardless of humans, animals, insects, ants, demons and monsters, are all turned into flying ash!

By that gold seal and gold cake? Directly under pressure, it is even more destructive!

"What a domineering treasure!"

Liu Yi was also swept by the golden pattern passed to the periphery, but he is now in the fifth-order body, because the silk has not moved, and even the invisible effect has not been forced out!

Only what he saw, the ruins of H City have been completely flattened by the aftershocks of the earth waves, but the gap in the space is still shining with the color of lava!

"Ha! Mr. Ji, it seems that your mana has improved again. Congratulations!"

This sound came from the ground, and a twisted virtual shadow emerged from the cracks of the golden seal close to the ground, floating in mid-air and turning into a black robe human form!

Liu Yi was surprised that what suddenly appeared was not a creature, but a ghost emperor!

A fourth-order low-level ghost emperor!

Huh? Repair?! Are you going to fight with me at this time?

It can be seen that this bang is not very popular with the ancient crown teenager, but the teenager has not turned his face, and even the magic weapon has not been put away.

The man in black waved his hand and pointed to the fading sword light--

"Hey, let's wait until these extraterritorial demons are driven away. The old deep-fried dough sticks can't stop it!"

After saying that, maybe he was afraid that people would doubt his sincerity, or quite believe in the character of the teenager. The man in black actually screamed and rushed directly to those giant spirits!

A circle of invisible ripples spread from his body. The ripple and the sword light overlap, and the speed of the sword immediately soars! The ripples covered the giant spirits, and the giant spirits, which could not move quickly, immediately seemed to carry a mountain on its back and became slower!


Liu Yi was shocked and thought that this was the talent of the ghost emperor!

"Haha! Old black skin! Thousands of years! You've done a job!"

Call it a ghost as a person, and I don't know whether it's a scold or a praise!

The teenager's words fell, but he also went straight to the battle group. With a wave of his big sleeves, he immediately sprinkled with overwhelming petals!

"Tut~it's really~"

Liu Yichun should appreciate the blockbuster, watch it happily, and have time to analyze the strength of several people!

Soon several people flew close from afar, but the strength of these people was weaker than the first three, only three levels, but they also joined the battle group as soon as they came!

With the spread of the last distant line of fire, it approached this battlefield.

Four fourth-order lives, together with eight third-order strong men, completely crushed the seven giant spirits!

Liu Yi's face suddenly turned cold at this time and looked back at the other side of the ocean!

It is not a Japanese wheel country, but a place ten times or 20 times farther away than a Japanese wheel country!

On the other side of the water blue star, other continents!

Oh, my God, almost at the same time when these people bombarded the seven giant spirits, the other eight parts of the nine continents came from the same evil breath fluctuations at the same time!

There is more than one space crack!

Not to mention Liu Yi, even those guys who were still laughing just now are dumbfounded!

Although Zhongzhou is not outstanding, the hidden power is actually the strongest!

They can block these giant spirits, but the other eight continents may not be able to block them!

While the twelve people were still discussing whether to support other continents, Liu Yi had begun to run away!

He just looked up and happened to see the huge space gap in mid-air, and sporadic cracks suddenly appeared on the edge!

A large amount of hair was sprinkled, and half of the pale woman's forehead had been squeezed out of the gap!

"Fuck! How could it be it! How can it be! How can it be so powerful! At least more than six levels!"

Escape! Except for escape! Liu Yi can't think of anything but to use those "old guys" as a cushion!

Seeing only half of his head, Liu Yi knew that the giant spirit that was about to come out was obviously the one pestering him from the beginning of the real fantasy!

But, how can that one be so powerful?!

There is no need to answer at all. Now find an answer. The source is all in vain!

A few flashes, Liu Yi came to the Yinshan Mountain!

At this time, the Ril Kingdom has completely sunk to the bottom of the sea, and only the shadow mountain is majestic on the sea!

Liu Yi's thunder body drilled towards the bottom of the sea, and disappeared in an instant!

At the same time, the demon body sitting in the pillar of evil spirits suddenly opened its eyes and burst into the momentum of the early fifth level!

"No phase! Xia Ruyan! Hurry up! How far you can go!"

Inexplicably issued such an order, not to mention that Xia Ruyan did not listen to the order, Wuxiang had been rolled by him casually, and after fainting, it was also thrown into the depths of the ocean!

Ghosts have no substance, and it doesn't matter.

But in fact, the surface of the continent is still the most suitable for ghosts to survive, because there are things that make spirits afraid of both heaven and earth.

There is a wind above the nine heavens.

Under the nine lands, there is a vein.

Including the ocean and the depths of the trench, ignoring the water pressure, in fact, there are still many mysterious forbidden areas and ancient existences!

However, Liu Yi can't control so much now!

Except for this demon body that must sit in the core of Yinshan, even most of his consciousness runs away with the thunder body, and there is no reason for important subordinates to stay and die!


Just when Xia Ruyan was stunned, Liu Yi was also stunned!

He is a ghost emperor. When did he care about the life and death of his men? So emotional...

He can't allow him to think carefully, including Xia Ruyan, who wants to stop talking, and Liu Yi is not ready to explain anything!

He sealed a spiritual idea in a piece of ink crystal, which is all about the reincarnation space, Liu Yi, and Teng Jinxuan!

Wave her hand into Xia Ruyan's body to ensure that she could not open the reading before she died or returned.

Although the master does not stipulate that he cannot reveal the origin of the plot characters, in accordance with the principle of safety first, Liu Yi is still not ready to try the law.

If he returns to the half-face, it doesn't matter. At that time, even if the master wants to find fault, he can't pursue it!

"Is this?!"

Xia Ruyan was stunned again. Liu Yi breathed directly at her, and a strong wind directly swept away the low-level ghost fairy!

"If you want to know everything, don't resist. After sunrise, it will be known. Now, run, don't die."

In the strong wind, Liu Yi's will was integrated, and Xia Ruyan's expression flashed, and he really gave up the struggle!


The sky is finally dawn.

All night, there was enough momentum to crush him from all directions.

Liu Yi sits on the top of a lonely peak on the sea, and his momentum is stable in the middle of the fifth stage. If it had been earlier, this strength would have been invincible. As for now, no matter which will of the nine parties comes, he can be destroyed by waving his hand!

The evil pillar has disappeared when the first ray of sunlight has been cast!

Of course, it does not mean that the pillar of evil spirit has been extinguished, but that this area of the original Rilun Island country has been completely refined into one by Liu Yi and connected to the earth!

This method is simply taboo and forbidden!

100,000 ghosts, 2,000 elites, more than ten ghosts and generals, and hundreds of millions of creatures were all used as sacrifices by him and consumed in the formation!

The earth swallows the sun array, and the method of killing people!

Whether it is the counterattack of the creatures of heaven and earth or the hatred of the earth, they are all shouldered!

It can be said that Liu Yi, this demon body, has been integrated with this Yinshan Mountain and the vein under Yinshan Mountain!

In order to gain the strength of hard resistance to the sixth and seventh levels in the fifth level, he resolutely abandoned this demon body split, as well as the small part of the consciousness contained in it and belonged to "Liu Yi"!

This kind of abandonment is irreversible!

I don't know whether it is the consciousness of the ghost emperor or Liu Yi's original choice.

When deciding to abandon part of consciousness, Liu Yi actually chose to abandon the little sensibility!

Sensibility does not mean sentimentality, but an awareness of emotions.

Liu Yi sat on the top of the mountain with sadness in his eyes, reflecting a group of beating numbers!


Fortunately, this body is also a ghost. Even if the consciousness carrier is completely composed of sensibility, it is suppressed.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that this body may not choose to sacrifice itself, but it can also experience and understand many things that he previously puzzled!

The assumption is pale, as he also hypothesized, if those extraterritorial demons beyond the sixth order have never found him!

After the time comes, the two splits return together. With the help of the system, it may not be impossible to merge!

This assumption is not rational, and when the countdown jumped to 01:01:01, the huge-haired female ghost floating out of the sea at the end of his vision also let him know that the entanglement was more than just a real fantasy!


Liu Yi smiled. He knew that with this split, even if he had the power of the earth, he could not stop it for a whole hour!

He smiled because he knew that the time left for this female ghost was probably not enough to find another split he hid in the depths of the core!

He smiled because he finally didn't have to think about it. If they return together, the two completely separated consciousness, if they can't merge, what should they do!

He laughed, also because he finally knew why he had "knowed" that he had taken the wrong path when he chose to enter a different world or evacuate!

Because this female ghost has become stronger, far more than the seventh level, at least the peak of the eighth and eighth levels!

It turns out that these giant spirits can also devour the resentment of creatures, and even do better and work faster than him, the half-baked ghost emperor!

It's pleasant to know the answer and don't need to choose, so Liu Yi stood up without hesitation and rushed to the female ghost!

The calm sea set off thousands of waves.

I don't know how long the whale was thrown directly into the air and exploded into blood foam.

Just when the female ghost waved her long hair and wrapped it around his spiritual shell!

The invisible evil column actually spewed out of Liu Yi's open blood basin and staggered the female ghost!

After that, as a prehistoric giant crocodile, Liu Yi bit directly at the female ghost...